
Featured researches published by Liziane Marçal.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2015

Organically Modified Saponites: SAXS Study of Swelling and Application in Caffeine Removal

Liziane Marçal; Emerson H. de Faria; Eduardo J. Nassar; Raquel Trujillano; Nuria Martín; Miguel A. Vicente; V. Rives; Antonio Gil; S.A. Korili; Katia J. Ciuffi

This study aimed to assess the capacity of saponite modified with n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and/or 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTS) to adsorb and remove caffeine from aqueous solutions. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) revealed increased basal spacing in the modified saponites. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) confirmed the PXRD results; it also showed how the different clay layers were stacked and provided information on the swelling of natural saponite and of the saponites functionalized with CTAB and/or APTS. Thermal analyses, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, element chemical analysis, and textural analyses confirmed functionalization of the natural saponite. The maximum adsorption capacity at equilibrium was 80.54 mg/g, indicating that the saponite modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane constitutes an efficient and suitable caffeine adsorbent.

Polymer Chemistry | 2013

Tri-ureasil gel as a multifunctional organic–inorganic hybrid matrix

Eduardo F. Molina; Liziane Marçal; Hudson W.P. Carvalho; Eduardo J. Nassar; Katia J. Ciuffi

We report on a novel transparent, flexible, rubbery, and insoluble tri-ureasil organic–inorganic hybrid material with multifunctional characteristics and potential application in drug delivery, water purification, and photochromic materials. We obtained the tri-ureasil gels by the one-pot sol–gel route using 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane and glyceryl poly(oxypropylene)triamine of molecular weight 5000 g mol−1 (Jeffamine® T5000). This approach generated a silica backbone covalently connected with poly(oxyalkylene) chains PPO(OCH–CH3CH2)n through urea bridges. We characterized the obtained materials by DSC, swelling tests, XRD, 29Si NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The results attested that the tri-ureasil hybrids are potentially applicable as photochromic devices, drug delivery systems, and adsorbents of pollutants from contaminated waters.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2012

Takovite–Aluminosilicate–Cr Materials Prepared by Adsorption of Cr3+ from Industrial Effluents As Catalysts for Hydrocarbon Oxidation Reactions

Katia J. Ciuffi; Emerson H. de Faria; Liziane Marçal; Lucas A. Rocha; Paulo S. Calefi; Eduardo J. Nassar; Iuri Muniz Pepe; Zênis N. da Rocha; Miguel A. Vicente; Raquel Trujillano; Antonio Gil; S.A. Korili

The catalytic efficiency of takovite-aluminosilicate-chromium catalysts obtained by adsorption of Cr(3+) ions from aqueous solutions by a takovite-aluminosilicate nanocomposite adsorbent is reported. The adsorbent was synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The catalytic activity of the final Cr-catalysts depended on the amount of adsorbed chromium. (Z)-cyclooctene conversion up to 90% with total selectivity for the epoxide was achieved when the oxidation was carried out with hydrogen peroxide, at room temperature. After five consecutive runs, the catalysts maintained high activity, although after the sixth reuse, the epoxide yields strongly decreased to 35%. The catalysts were also efficient for cyclohexane oxidation, reaching up to 18% conversion, with cyclohexanone/cyclohexanol selectivity close to 1.2. On the whole, their use as catalysts gives a very interesting application for the solids obtained by adsorption of a contaminant cation such as Cr(3+).

Química Nova | 2008

Thermoanalysis of soybean oil extracted by two methods

Maria S. A. de Lima; Lucas A. Rocha; Eduardo F. Molina; Bruno L. Caetano; Liziane Marçal; Cesar Mello; Katia J. Ciuffi; Paulo S. Calefi; Eduardo J. Nassar

The thermal stability of vegetable oils is an important factor that affects their quality. In this study, we investigated the thermal stability of oil and lecithin extracted from soybeans by two distinct processes: mechanical extraction (pressing) and physical extraction (solvent). Thermal analysis was used to obtain information about different methodologies of extraction. The physically extracted products proved more stable than those extracted mechanically. Raman and UV-Vis techniques were applied to underpin the discussion of process differences.

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2015

Hybrid Materials Based on Bentonite Functionalized with Amine Groups via the Hydrolytic Sol-Gel Method

Thales J. Gilberto; Liziane Marçal; Jhonatan M. Silva; Lucas A. Rocha; Katia J. Ciuffi; Emerson H. de Faria; Eduardo J. Nassar

Bentonite is a natural clay that presents characteristics such as good capacity to exchange cations, large specific surface area, large porosity, and possibility to undergo intercalation and/or functionalization. This work reports on bentonite functionalization with organomodified alkoxides. Functionalization afforded hybrid materials displaying desirable properties for adsorption of chromium trivalent ions. Infrared absorption spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, thermal analysis, specific surface area analysis, and adsorption experiments with methylene blue helped to characterize the materials and evaluate their cationic exchange capability. These techniques evidenced functionalization of the Brazilian bentonite. Kinetic and equilibrium experiments on the adsorption of chromium trivalent ions aided determination of the equilibrium time of kinetic adsorption isotherms and revealed whether the functionalized matrices adsorbed chromium trivalent ions. Chromium displayed S1 type adsorption isotherms, which confirmed that adsorption capacity originated from cooperative forces between the adsorbate and the hybrid adsorbents.



Mariana Fernandes de Carvalho Lopes; Vivian Karina Bianchini; Omar J. de Lima; Emerson H. de Faria; Carlos do Amaral Razzino; Liziane Marçal

Purpose: The objective of this work will be to identify the nutritional and alimentary impact during the treatment of patients with head and neck neoplasm. Methods: The present study will be carried out in patients of the Hospital do Cancer de Franca-SP, with the authorization of the coordinator responsible for the hospital and later the Research Ethics Committee - CEPE of Santa Casa de Franca. The research will be developed through a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients presenting with head and neck neoplasm, male and female, over 18 years of age, from June 2017 to May 2018 at Hospital do Cancer de Franca. Firstly, medical records of all patients with head and neck cancer who are undergoing antineoplastic treatment will be evaluated, covering the methods of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgeries. The analysis will be performed to collect information on anthropometric, biochemical, clinical and dietary data of certain patients. The variables to be analyzed will receive descriptive statistical treatment through tables and frequency graphs and for variables of a quantitative nature, the calculation of descriptive parameters such as arithmetic mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of variation will complete the descriptive process. Results: The worlds cancer incidence rate exceeds 14 million people per year, and by 2030 it is estimated that more than 21 million new cases in the world. The present work is in the final phase of data collection and the next step will be the treatment and discussion of the data.Purpose: To design, construct and validate a system with efficiency of electric and thermal energy generation through refrigerated photovoltaic panels (hybrids). The focus of this work will be to optimize the energy efficiency of the photovoltaic panel and consequently to obtain the thermal energy generation with the energy dissipated by the system. Methods: Through a literature review from renowned authors, books and scientific articles, as well as a research applied through the design, construction and validation of a prototype, the experimental data of the panels are being collected through appropriate instruments, as well as validation of the modeling through data analysis and comparison between the techniques of capturing solar energy and cooling of the panels that best corresponds to the efficiency of the project. Results: The photovoltaic panel loses efficiency when its temperature increases. Although we have advanced well in the project, until the writing of this summary we were still testing the refrigeration system that provides better efficiency. Conclusion: From the study and experiences that have been and will still be, it was expected that the refrigerated panel would provide a greater generation of electrical energy in relation to the non-refrigerated and consequently already heat the water, thus obtaining a better use of energy.Purpose: The Community Group of Mental Health is characterized by an intervention modality with the purpose of promoting mental health, the dynamics of this group construction develops in a welcoming environment through the interaction between person and daily life thus promoting personal and collective growth. Method: Therefore, in the context of this research, it is emphasized the relevance of the use of this modality of group intervention for the promotion of mental health in the psychologist’s academic development, taking into account the statistic’s increase of psychological vulnerability in the university environment. The researchs main goal is to collect and analyze productions in the area of community groups on mental health and the psychologists training in the period from 2012 to 2017, The researchs main goal is to collect and analyze productions in the area of community groups on mental health and the psychologists training in the period from 2012 to 2017, aiming to characterize the focus of these productions and their contributions in psychology training. Results: The methodology used was a descriptive-qualitative research, through the integrative review of the scientific productions in the area during the period from 2012 to 2017 in PUBmed, BVsalud, Scielo and CAPES electronic scientific journals, using as descriptors mental health in university students and community mental health groups. The analysis was created integrating the results of the productions on Community Mental Health Groups with surveys about the psychological suffering in the graduations context. Among the works found three are in English and five in Spanish. Conclusion: The scientific productions in the search made addressed themes related to psychological vulnerability in the university environment as well as on Community Groups on Mental Health.Objective: This research deals with the new extra-judicial usucapion procedure, introduced in the legal system by the New Civil Procedure Code (Law 13.015/15). In his art. 1,071, the New Civil Code added art. 216-A in the Law n.6.015/73 (Public Registers), and established, in its paragraphs, a list of legal requirements for acquisition of property (real state) by extrajudicial misappropriation. Methods: The research aims at the interpretation of the norms that make up the legal institute of extrajudicial usucapion; analyzes interrelated norms of equal or different hierarchies in the legal system, starting with the Federal Constitution; analyzes the infraconstitutional legislation and normative acts that regulate the extra-judicial usucapion; analyzes technical reports from notary public registries and court decisions, in order to understand the operational aspects of the legal institute researched. Results: The results are partial, with positive and negative aspects and some controversial points, since its application is still in the phase of adaptation by the notaries. There have been practical doubts, however, in view of this, on 14/12/2017, the National Council of Justice – CNJ – brought to public attention a document, which established several guidelines for the procedure of extrajudicial misappropriation in notary public registries and public real estate registries. Conclusion: The extrajudicial misappropriation procedure allowed the recognition by extrajudicial way of all the usucapion modalities foreseen in the Brazilian law, provided that all the legal requirements are met. Thus, the present study aimed to study the new procedure, which brought speed and quick resolution of the demands, but did not exclude the discretion of the judiciary, since the procedure is optional, so it will be up to the interested party to choose. Keywords: unfairness; procedure; usucapion extrajudicial. Acknowledgments: CAPES, CNPqPurpose: the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro efficacy of three differents decontaminating treatments on oral bacterial biofilms developed on the surface of pacifiers made with silicone or latex. Methods: on the surfaces of 96 pacifiers made of silicone and latex of two comercial brands, biofilms were developed from the following reference strains (ATCC): Streptococcus mutans (25175) and Lactobacillus casei (11578). The pacifiers were then divided into 4 groups (N=12) according to the treatments: control group (without treatment), boiling water (1 minute), microwave (7 minutes), and chlorhexidine digluconate solution at 0.12 % (spray 6 times, 0.6 mL). The data were submitted to one-way ANOVA for repeated measures. The significance level established was of 5%. Results: at the moment, the data are under statistical treatment and will be available for presentation at the event. Conclusions: the conclusions will be formulated from the results of the statistical analysis.Purpose: Total Quality Management (TQM) is based on the application of 7 principles of quality to cover all aspects of an organization and ensure the total quality of the product offered to the customer. This article had as objective to analyze the implementation of the seven principles of TQM in civil construction. Methods: A descriptive and explanatory case study was conducted. We interviewed the Quality Manager with the objective of understanding the techniques and actions of quality management in projects of a large construction company located in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. Results: It was possible to highlight the importance of the involvement of each collaborator of the organization, the need for top management support and the influence that TQM exerts on decision making and the product delivered to the final customer. Conclusion: We conclude that the scope of quality management is associated to several aspects of an organization, and a good management and the degree of satisfactory involvement of its employees is necessary. The use of TQM provides total quality assurance and a positive outlook for continuous improvement, which benefits the maintenance of the companys competitiveness in the market.Purpose: Although the standardization of disinfection processes by national and international organizations, there is a contamination of dialysis machines caused by fungus, especially in the biofilm growth (microorganisms held together by exopolymeric substance and adhered to a surface), has increased patients risk of acquiring infection. In addition, concentration of nutrients in the ambient, salinity, pH and oxygenation modulate the biofilm formation. The anti-biofilm activity of peracetic acid, a disinfectant recently introduced for the disinfection of hemodialysis machines, against Fusarium biofilms was evaluated under two oxygenation conditions. The concentrations tested were 0.1% and 0.2%, with 30 minutes and 10 minutes exposure duration, respectively. Methods: The biofilms were formed in microaerophilic and aerophilic conditions in 96-well microplates at 30 ° C for 72 hours, determining their cell viability by the tetrazolium salt reduction assay (XTT). Results: The results showed that 0.2% peracetic acid during 10 minutes effectively reduced the metabolic activity of Fusarium biofilms (p<0.05). Comparative analysis between aerophilia and microaerophilia showed higher efficiency for the microaerophilic condition (p <0.001). Conclusion: The 0.2% peracetic acid with a 10 min-exposure time showed to be a potent agent for disinfection of the dialysis machines infected with Fusarium biofilms. Disinfection efficiency can contribute to a better quality of life for patients who require renal replacement therapy, as well as reduce the costs of the public health system, reducing hospitalization for infection.Introduction: Neglected tropical diseases, a diverse group of diseases that prevail in tropical and subtropical conditions in 149 countries. Schistosomiasis is the third most devastating tropical disease in the world, being a major source of morbidity and mortality for developing countries. The treatment and control of schistosomiasis virtually relies on a single drug, praziquantel. The pressing need to develop new antischistosomal compounds has been emphasized, particularly in view of blanket application of praziquantel within the frame of preventive chemotherapy, a strategy that might select for drug-resistant parasites. Purpose: Here, we report the in vitro effect of crude extract and fractions of Baccharis dracunculifolia green propolis on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms . Methods: Green propolis was subjected to exhaustive maceration with ethanol. The obtained ethanol solution was filtered, concentrated and then submitted to liquid/liquid partition using different solvents. The obtained fractions, as well as the crude ethanolic extract, were analyzed by HPLC/DAD and evaluated in schistosomicidal assays Results: The crude ethanolic extract of Baccharis dracunculifolia green propolis (at a concentration of 200 μg/mL) showed substancial results, killing 93.75% of the Schistosoma mansoni worms. Dichloromethane and hexane fractions showed the greatest schistosomicidal effect (93.75% and 87.5%, respectively) while ethyl acetate and butanol fractions did not show schistosomicidal activity at the same concentration evaluated. Conclusion: Based on chemical and biological evaluation, the two main fractions of green propolis were selected for further study of isolation and identification of compounds with schistosomicidal activity.Purpose: Stenoma catenifer (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae), avocado seed moth, is considered a key pest in avocado because of the direct damages caused to the fruits by the entrance of the larvae and the construction of galleries. Thus, the objective was to determine a methodology of laboratory rearing to obtain insects for research on it behavior, biology, ecology and mainly control. Methods: The beginning of the laboratory establishment was with insects collected in organic crop of avocado located in Franca, SP (20 ° 32’19’’S 47 ° 24’03’’W). The insects were taken to the Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology of Unifran and the material was screened to obtain the S. catenifer larvae. Results: The fruits containing larvae were packed in transparent plastic containers until the pupae were formed (36cm length, 25.5cm width and 12.5 height). The pupae were transferred to other transparent plastic containers (11cm length, 11cm width and 7.5cm height) containing a layer of vermiculite to fix the pupae. In the adult phase, couples were placed in mate and oviposition cages (14cm length, 14cm width and 22cm height), containing a fruit to stimulate oviposition (fixed in support) and two sponges under pet bottle caps to offer the diet (water and honey at 10%). The top of the cage was closed with voil fabric to promote aeration. Conclusion : The methodology used is suitable for mass rearing of avocado seed moth S. catenifer .Purpose : The increase in water intake has been studied as a method to decrease urine specific gravity in order to prevent urolithiasis, interstitial cystitis and feline urethral obstruction. This stud aims to understand if the type of drinking fountain will reflect in the increase of water intake and how this will influence the urine specific gravity and possible prevention of the diseases mentioned above. Methods: This study proposes to compare the amount of water ingested and which type of waterfall is preferred by felines through camera recording. Thirty healthy cats with a body weight of 3 to 6 kg (score 5 to 6) and range from 2 to 5 years. Results: To date, 22 animals have been evaluated, where partial results have shown that the feline normally has a preference for its usual source and new sources interfere in a negative way in its ingestion, in addition, it was observed that places where there is more than one animal, dominant feline is the one that ingests greater amount of water and prevents other felines from ingesting it, generating fear in the others. Conclusions: Thus, the implementation of new sources tends to be a disadvantage among felines and the dominance factor between them also interferes in these results.Purpose: The parasitoid Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), used in the control of the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is applied in about 3.5 million hectares in Brazil. Currently, 4 to 8 plastic containers are released manually, corresponding to about 6 thousand parasitoids per hectare. In this way, workers walk between the lines of culture to make the release. The objective of this work was to verify the longevity of adults in plastic and biodegradable packaging, trying to provide a packaging that is environmentally adequate, has rapid degradation in the field and allows the release of parasitoids using drone. Methods: As soon as the insects emerged, two pairs were individualized per pack, observing 10 repetitions for each package. The evaluations were carried out every 4 hours until the death of the insects that were kept under controlled conditions (temperature of 25 ± 1 °C and photoperiod of 12h of light/12h of dark) and remained without food. Results: The longevity of adults was influenced by the packages. The males showed longevity of 36.4 hours in the plastic packages and 25.5 hours in the biodegradable ones. The females showed longevity of 37.4 hours in the plastic packages and 27.0 hours in the biodegradable ones. Conclusion : The plastic packages provided greater longevity of the adults of the C. flavipes parasitoid. However, parasitoids can be released in the field using the biodegradable packages in drones if the release occurs soon after the emergence of adults.Objective: Once the three rhetorical fundamental pillars are stablished as ethos , pathos , and logos , the aim of this paper was to unveil the Aristotelian passions, based on the pathos sphere, in a musical-rhetorical corpus – i.e. the image-sound bond in a cinematographic piece. The corpus is composed by the sixth episode of the 2014 Argentinean movie, Wild Tales . Entitled Till Death do us Apart , the episode deflagrates the perfect bond between image and sound and how this relationship is powerful concerning the persuasion matter. Methods: In order to achieve this conclusion, we performed a rhetorical analysis based on both: Musical – Arakawa (1995), Bennett (1990), and Copland (1974) – and Rhetorical – Aristotle (2000), Meyer (2007), Reboul (2004), Ferreira (2010), Abreu (2001), and Fiorin (2014) – theories. The objective was to consider how the image-sound bond could evoke and project the Aristotelian passions from the plot to the audience, turning this process into persuasion. Results: The preliminary results showed us that the image-sound bond, in a cinematographic sphere, can be used as a bridge to awaken emotions, intended by the plot, in the audience, turning the movie meanings more tangible. Moreover, this bond can also create new nuances, bringing new meanings to the piece. Through our rhetorical analysis it was possible to deflagrate the power of Music concerning Rhetoric and persuasion in a cinematographic piece.

Pharmaceutical Biology | 2017

In vitro schistosomicidal activity of the lignan (−)-6,6′-dinitrohinokinin (DNHK) loaded into poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles against Schistosoma mansoni

Thaís C. Lima; Rodrigo Lucarini; Priscilla P. Luz; Emerson H. de Faria; Liziane Marçal; Lizandra Guidi Magalhães; Fernanda Rafacho Badoco; Viviane Rodrigues Esperandim; Eduardo F. Molina; Rosangela da Silva de Laurentz; Regiane G. Lima; Wilson Roberto Cunha; Jairo Kenupp Bastos; Márcio Luis Andrade e Silva

Abstract Context: (−)-6,6′-Dinitrohinokinin (DNHK) display remarkable antiparasitic activity and was, therefore, incorporated into a nanoparticle formulation. Objective: Incorporation of DNHK in poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles aiming to improve its biological activities. Materials and methods: Synthesis, characterization and incorporation of DNHK into glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles by nanoprecipitation method. The nanoparticles were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, field emission electron microscopic scanning mansoni (FESEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). For the in vitro test with Schistosoma mansoni, the DNHK-loaded PLGA was diluted into the medium, and added at concentrations 10–200 µM to the culture medium containing one adult worm pair. The parasites were kept for 120 h and monitored every 24 h to evaluate their general condition, including: pairing, alterations in motor activity and mortality. Results: The loaded PLGA nanoparticles gave an encapsulation efficiency of 42.2% and showed spherical characteristics in monodisperse polymeric matrix. The adult worm pairs were separated after 120 h of incubation for concentrations higher than 50 µM of DNHK-loaded PLGA. The groups incubated with 150 and 200 µM of DNHK-loaded PLGA for 24 and 120 h killed 100% of adult worms, afforded LC50 values of 137.0 ± 2.12 µM and 79.01 ± 1.90 µM, respectively, which was similar to the effect displayed by 10 µM of praziquantel. Discussion and conclusions: The incorporation of DNHK-loaded showed schistosomicidal activity and allowed its sustained release. The loaded PLGA system can be administered intravenously, as well as it may be internalized by endocytosis by the target organisms.

International Scholarly Research Notices | 2012

Influence of the Percentage of TiO2 Doped into SiO2 Matrix on Photocatalysis

L. M. L. da Silva; F. da C. Silva; A. L. de Carvalho; Liziane Marçal; Michelle Saltarelli; E. H. De Faria; Lucas A. Rocha; P. S. Calefi; Katia J. Ciuffi; Eduardo J. Nassar

The sol-gel process was employed in the preparation of titania-doped spherical nanosilica for application in photocatalysis. To this end, the silica matrix was doped with 1 and 10% titania, and the catalytic activity of the resulting solids in the degradation of rhodamine was tested. The synthesized materials were thermally treated at 120, 400, and 800°C. Differential thermal analysis did not evidence the titania-phase transition from anatase to rutile. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the formation of monodisperse spherical nanoparticles with sizes varying between 400 and 500 nm. The UV-Vis absorption spectra showed that the silica doped with 10% titania promoted 86% rhodamine degradation within 90 minutes, as compared to 40% in the case of the silica containing 1% titania. The silica matrix was demonstrated to affect the titania-phase transformation.

Catalysis Today | 2012

Green and selective oxidation reactions catalyzed by kaolinite covalently grafted with Fe(III) pyridine-carboxylate complexes

Emerson H. de Faria; Gustavo P. Ricci; Liziane Marçal; Eduardo J. Nassar; Miguel A. Vicente; Raquel Trujillano; Antonio Gil; S.A. Korili; Katia J. Ciuffi; Paulo S. Calefi

Catalysis Today | 2014

Versatile heterogeneous dipicolinate complexes grafted into kaolinite: Catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons and degradation of dyes

Francielle R. Araújo; Joel G. Baptista; Liziane Marçal; Katia J. Ciuffi; Eduardo J. Nassar; Paulo S. Calefi; Miguel A. Vicente; Raquel Trujillano; V. Rives; Antonio Gil; S.A. Korili; Emerson H. de Faria

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