Liziani Iturriet Avila
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2013
Liziani Iturriet Avila; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Geani Farias Machado Fernandes; Joel Rolim Mancia; Juliana Teixeira da Silveira
Nursing construction image is permeated by historical socioeconomic and cultural aspects. This theme aims to understand the perception of nurses regarding the visibility of nursing staffs daily work. This qualitative research is exploratory, with 30 nurses at a university hospital in southern Brazil. The data was collected from July to October 2012, through semi-structured interviews and submitted for a discursive textual analysis. The results show that nursing visibility is related to a professional historical trajectory, to an absence of recognition of the scientific aspect of Nursing, to erroneous placement in the media, to improper behavior towards the staff and also to work overload. Thus, the demystification of nursings image includes greater media visibility, conducting personnel marketing, appropriate behavior in front of health staff and professional demonstrations of autonomy, challenges that must be overcome by nursing.
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2013
Liziani Iturriet Avila; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Geani Farias Machado Fernandes; Joel Rolim Mancia; Juliana Teixeira da Silveira
Nursing construction image is permeated by historical socioeconomic and cultural aspects. This theme aims to understand the perception of nurses regarding the visibility of nursing staffs daily work. This qualitative research is exploratory, with 30 nurses at a university hospital in southern Brazil. The data was collected from July to October 2012, through semi-structured interviews and submitted for a discursive textual analysis. The results show that nursing visibility is related to a professional historical trajectory, to an absence of recognition of the scientific aspect of Nursing, to erroneous placement in the media, to improper behavior towards the staff and also to work overload. Thus, the demystification of nursings image includes greater media visibility, conducting personnel marketing, appropriate behavior in front of health staff and professional demonstrations of autonomy, challenges that must be overcome by nursing.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2018
Liziani Iturriet Avila; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Paula Pereira de Figueiredo; Joel Rolim Mancia; Naiane Glaciele da Costa Gonçalves; Jamila Geri Tomaschewski Barlem
Objective: to reflect on how the moral construction of the undergraduate nursing student can promote the humanization of care. Method: this is a theoretical reflection based on two different frameworks: Piaget and Kohlberg. Results: the following are mentioned as possible consequences of this reflection: the recognition of the moral dimension of care; the need to consider the culture of the subjects involved in care; overcoming technicality in nursing, also considering the ethical dimension of care and, finally, the provision of instruments to teachers in order to enable them to address human morality as an exercise of citizenship at all academic times. Conclusion: we believe that academic nursing education dedicated to the moral construction can help to prepare nurses who are capable of humanized care
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2013
Liziani Iturriet Avila; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Geani Farias Machado Fernandes; Joel Rolim Mancia; Juliana Teixeira da Silveira
Nursing construction image is permeated by historical socioeconomic and cultural aspects. This theme aims to understand the perception of nurses regarding the visibility of nursing staffs daily work. This qualitative research is exploratory, with 30 nurses at a university hospital in southern Brazil. The data was collected from July to October 2012, through semi-structured interviews and submitted for a discursive textual analysis. The results show that nursing visibility is related to a professional historical trajectory, to an absence of recognition of the scientific aspect of Nursing, to erroneous placement in the media, to improper behavior towards the staff and also to work overload. Thus, the demystification of nursings image includes greater media visibility, conducting personnel marketing, appropriate behavior in front of health staff and professional demonstrations of autonomy, challenges that must be overcome by nursing.
Enfermagem em Foco | 2013
Liziani Iturriet Avila; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Juliana Teixeira da Silveira; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Lisiane Van Ommeren; Geani Farias Machado Fernandes
Resumo: Objetivou-se conhecer as percepcoes de universitarios acerca da visibilidade da enfermagem. Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo exploratoria, atraves da tecnica de entrevista com dezenove universitarios dos Cursos de Enfermagem, Medicina, Educacao Fisica e Psicologia de uma Universidade Federal do sul do pais. Os dados foram submetidos a Analise Textual Discursiva. Buscar as percepcoes junto aos universitarios de diferentes cursos proporcionou evidenciar visoes distintas sobre a enfermagem e sua visibilidade, oportunizando uma reflexao acerca do fazer desses profissionais. Descritores: Enfermagem, Universitarios, Historia da enfermagem Nursing visibility under the view of undergraduate students Abstract: We aimed to find out the perceptions of undergraduate students regarding the visibility of the nursing course. A qualitative and exploratory approach was applied, through the technique of interviews with nineteen undergraduate students of the courses of Nursing, Medicine, Physical Education and Psychology in a Federal University in southern Brazil. Data were submitted to analysis under the discursive textual analysis. Seeking perceptions among undergraduate students of different courses led us to distinguished views concerning the nursing course and its visibility, providing us with meaningful considerations towards the practices of these professionals. Descriptors: Nursing, Undergradute Students, History of nursing Visibilidad de la enfermeria sob la perspectiva de los academicos Resumen: Se ha objetivado conocer las percepciones de los estudiantes acerca de la visibilidad de la enfermeria. Se ha utilizado un enfoque cualitativo exploratorio, a traves de la tecnica de encuesta con diecinueve academicos de los cursos de Enfermeria, Medicina, Educacion Fisica y Psicologia de la Universidad Federal del sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron sometidos a analisis textual discursivo. Buscar las percepciones entre los estudiantes de distintos cursos ha proporcionado destacar distintos puntos de vista acerca de la enfermeria y su visibilidad, dando la oportunidad de una reflexion sobre del hacer de estos profesionales. Descriptores: Enfermeria, Historia de la Enfermeria
Enferm. foco (Brasília) | 2012
Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Cíntia Regina Funck; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Liziani Iturriet Avila; Wilson Danilo Lunardi Filho; Danielle Adriane Silveira Vidal
Avances en Enfermería | 2017
Tania Cristina Schafer Vasques; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Liziani Iturriet Avila; Graziele de Lima Dalmolin; Karen Knopp de Carvalho; Aline Campelo Pintanel
Avances en Enfermería | 2017
Tania Cristina Schafer Vasques; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Liziani Iturriet Avila; Graziele de Lima Dalmolin; Karen Knopp de Carvalho; Aline Campelo Pintanel
Avances en Enfermería | 2017
Tania Cristina Schafer Vasques; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Liziani Iturriet Avila; Graziele de Lima Dalmolin; Karen Knopp de Carvalho; Aline Campelo Pintanel
Enferm. foco (Brasília) | 2016
Nara Beatriz Silveira; Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Liziani Iturriet Avila; Naiane Glaciele da Costa Gonçalves; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Cleci de Fátima Enderle