Lluís Miret-Pastor
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Archive | 2013
Ángel Peiró-Signes; Lluís Miret-Pastor; María-del-Val Segarra-Oña; Blanca de-Miguel-Molina
This chapter exploits a data set of 6118 Spanish firms from 2008 SABI Database (Economic Register) to analyse if there is any relation between economic indicators and the use of the ISO 14001 eco-management tool. Using quantitative analysis techniques applied to the Spanish food industry we try to make a contribution, on one side, in understanding the role of proactive environmental management tools and incremental organizational eco-innovation in creating value in the Spanish food sector by means of an analysis of the effects of the ISO 14001, and on the other side, identifying the aspects that determine whether a food company minimises its environmental impact as a result of its innovative activity, and evolves from being innovative to eco-innovative. Results show significant differences in most of the analysed variables among studied groups.
ITEE | 2011
Marival Segarra-Oña; Ángel Peiró-Signes; Lluís Miret-Pastor; Jose Albors-Garrigos
This research is an attempt to explore how an incremental organizational eco innovation (the ISO 14001 environmental standard certification system) affects economic performance of firms belonging to one of the most important GPD generator in developed countries: food industry. The analysis is based on a sample of 6118 Spanish firms. We have used quantitative analysis techniques to correlate economic indicators with the implementation of the ISO 14001. Food industry operates in an economy and a society context increasingly concerned with wide and diverse environmental issues. In the case of the food industry this has been augmented by the food security standards. In this context, many companies decide to go beyond the formal legal requirements and take a proactive stance on environmental issues. The study results show how environmental focused companies are able to create a competitive advantage by the earlier implementation of an eco-management tool.
Public Understanding of Science | 2018
Rodrigo Martínez-Novo; Emmánuel Lizcano; Paloma Herrera-Racionero; Lluís Miret-Pastor
Recent European policy highlights the need to promote local fishery and aquaculture by means of innovation and joint participation in fishery management as one of the keys to achieve the sustainability of our seas. However, the implicit assumptions held by the actors in the two main groups involved – innovators (scientists, businessmen and administration managers) and local fishermen – can complicate, perhaps even render impossible, mutual understanding and co-operation. A qualitative analysis of interviews with members of both groups in the Valencian Community (Spain) reveals those latent assumptions and their impact on the respective practices. The analysis shows that the innovation narrative in which one group is based and the inventions narrative used by the other one are rooted in two dramatically different, or even antagonistic, collective worldviews. Any environmental policy that implies these groups should take into account these strong discords.
Lluís Miret-Pastor; Carmen Muñoz Zamora; Paloma Herrera-Racionero; Rodrigo Martínez Novo
En Espana el sector turistico ha desempenado un rol importante, desde la crisis financiera e inmobiliaria de 2008 es uno de los sectores que ha mostrado mejor comportamiento, es por ello que se ha de incidir en mejorar la competitividad turistica de las provincias espanolas y aprovechar asi la contribucion del turismo. Hemos seleccionado para este analisis las provincias del Mediterraneo por ser las que mayor cuota turistica acumulan respecto al conjunto nacional, y por sus caracteristicas comunes en el ambito turistico. La manera de analizar y posteriormente sugerir propuestas para mejorar la competitividad de los destinos turisticos del Mediterraneo, analizar a continuacion las valores de los indicadores que representan la competitividad de los destinos, para luego valorar mediante un panel de expertos la importancia de los factores en cada destino, y finalmente, sugerir actuaciones para aumentar la competitividad. ABSTRACT In Spain tourism sector has had a relevant role since financial and real state crisis in 2008, tourism is one of the few sectors that has helped to economic recovery and it is improving it performance year a year, so tourism competitiveness in the Spanish provinces must be enhanced taking advantage of the tourism good behavior. We have selected the Mediterranean area provinces because of their mayor acummulated tourism share above national, and because of their similar characteristics. The way of improving competitiveness, then to analyze the provinces which have worst performance on the indicators that form the factors, next to asses the factor importance through and expert panel, and finally to recommend actions for improving competitivenessNumerosos estudios han demostrado que las redes sociales influyen en las intenciones de los viajeros de visitar un destino. Sin embargo, la literatura ha prestado poca atencion a la relacion entre el comportamiento de busqueda de informacion y el desarrollo de la fidelidad a los destinos. En este sentido, este estudio analiza este fenomeno, considerando como los turistas no solo comparten su tiempo entre varias fuentes de informacion, sino que estas estan tambien influyendo en el tiempo que los turistas estan compartiendo entre varios destinos, no solo repitiendo la visita a un unico destino, sino tambien haciendose mas fieles a multiples destinos al mismo tiempo (fidelidad horizontal). Sin embargo, este tema no se ha destacado adecuadamente en el contexto turistico. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es doble: 1) comprender mejor el comportamiento del turista con respecto al uso de las redes sociales, considerando las diferencias por nacionalidades, genero y edad; y 2) explorar la relacion entre el uso de las diferentes fuentes de informacion de los turistas (tradicionales y digitales) y su influencia en la posterior fidelidad (tanto a un solo destino como en la fidelidad horizontal), y considerando tanto la fidelidad conductual como la actitudinal. Estos resultados son utiles para tomar decisiones sobre estrategias de comunicacion digital y la gestion de los programas de fidelizacion por parte de los destinos turisticos. Palabras clave : Fidelidad Horizontal, Marketing Relacional, Fuentes de Informacion, Redes Sociales, Imagen ABSTRACT The visit to a tourist destination is influenced by the tourists use of social media. However, the literature has not focused its efforts on trying to understand the relationship between the use of social media and destinations loyalty. This study analyzes this phenomenon, considering how tourists not only share their time between several sources of information, but these are also influencing the time that the tourists are sharing between several destinations, not only repeating the visit to a single destination, but also becoming more loyal to multiple destinations at the same time (horizontal loyalty). However, this topic has not been adequately highlighted in the tourism context. This study tries to analyze the differences in the use of social media by nationalities, gender, age and income; and to shed light on their relationship with loyalty. These results are useful for making decisions about digital communication strategies and the management of loyalty programs by tourist destinations. Keywords : Horizontal Loyalty, Relationship Marketing, Information Sources, Social Media, ImageActualmente, los destinos de sol y playa afrontan la necesidad de renovacion y, en el Partido de Necochea, Argentina, se elaboro el Plan Estrategico de Turismo Sustentable de Necochea para responder a esta necesidad. La implementacion requiere analizar y evaluar de modo pragmatico y programatico las intervenciones territoriales para alcanzar las estrategias definidas de reposicionamiento. El articulo propone identificar las unidades de gestion del espacio, los modelos de intervencion para un escenario estrategico que contribuya a la gestion sustentable y reorientacion turistica y proporcionar bases para la reestructuracion territorial como eje transversal de politica publica ambiental y turistica. Para ello, respecto de la unidades se delimita el espacio turistico en funcion de las particularidades fisico-espaciales, los recursos turisticos y oportunidades recreativas y las disfuncionalidades o problematicas detectadas. Luego, se definen los contenidos concretos de los tipos de intervencion propuestos que reorienten la renovacion. Y por ultimo, se enuncian las bases para las actuaciones de reestructuracion territorial en funcion de un escenario estrategico. La renovacion ambiental de Necochea debe basarse en estrategias conducentes a la cualificacion del espacio turistico, la diferenciacion basada en la naturaleza, la potenciacion del entorno urbano y la inclusion de lo ambiental en la gestion turistica.
Archive | 2012
María-del-Val Segarra-Oña; Ángel Peiró-Signes; Lluís Miret-Pastor; María de-Miguel-Molina
Despite the ongoing threat faced by rural railway lines, Vall de Nuria (Spain) has been able to use the rack railway to develop a tourism model that combines cultural experiences, religious, sports and environmental management clearly oriented towards sustainability environment, mainly due to that the rack wheel railway has remained as the only means of mechanical transport to access the valley allowing a sustainable tourism growth. In this chapter, a detailed description of the sustainable tourism model at Vall de Nuria, which has adopted self-regulatory practices in environmental issues outside the regulatory requirements enabling you to improve its competitive position as environmentally friendly tourist destination, adding value to their products and improving its image as well as of the close relationship with the railroad system of rack railway.
Marine Policy | 2015
Paloma Herrera-Racionero; Emmánuel Lizcano-Fernández; Lluís Miret-Pastor
Marine Policy | 2014
Lluís Miret-Pastor; Ángel Peiró-Signes; María-del-Val Segarra-Oña; Paloma Herrera-Racionero
Revista de Estudios Regionales | 2011
Lluís Miret-Pastor; María del Val Segarra-Oña; Ángel Peiró-Signes
Marine Policy | 2017
Rodrigo Martínez-Novo; Emmánuel Lizcano; Paloma Herrera-Racionero; Lluís Miret-Pastor
Archive | 2015
Lluís Miret-Pastor; Ángel Peiró-Signes; María-del-Val Segarra-Oña; José Mondéjar-Jiménez