Lóránt Hatvani
University of Szeged
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Featured researches published by Lóránt Hatvani.
Phytopathology | 2007
Lóránt Hatvani; Zsuzsanna Antal; László Manczinger; András Szekeres; Irina S. Druzhinina; Christian P. Kubicek; A. Nagy; Erzsébet Nagy; Cs. Vágvölgyi; László Kredics
ABSTRACT Producers of champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) are facing recent incidents of green mold epidemics in Hungary. We examined 66 Trichoderma strains isolated from Agaricus compost and Pleurotus substrate samples from three Hungarian mushroom producing companies by a polymerase chain reaction-based diagnostic test for T. aggressivum, sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) and ITS2 and (selectively) of the fourth and fifth intron of translation elongation factor 1alpha (tef1alpha), and restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA. Seven Trichoderma species were identified: T. aggressivum f. europaeum (17 isolates), T. harzianum (three isolates), T. longibrachiatum (four isolates), T. ghanense (one isolate), T. asperellum (four isolates), T. atroviride (nine isolates), and a still undescribed phylogenetic species, Trichoderma sp. DAOM 175924 (28 isolates). T. aggressivum f. europaeum was exclusively derived from A. bisporus compost, whereas Trichoderma sp. DAOM 175924 exclusively occurred in the substrate for Pleurotus cultivation. Sequences of the latter strains were co-specific with those for Trichoderma pathogens of P. ostreatus in Korea. The widespread occurrence of this new species raises questions as to why infections by it have just only recently been observed. Our data document that (i) green mold disease by T. aggressivum f. europaeum has geographically expanded to Central Europe; (ii) the green mold disease of P. ostreatus in Hungary is due to the same Trichoderma species as in Korea and the worldwide distribution of the new species indicates the possibility of spreading epidemics; and (iii) on mushroom farms, the two species are specialized on their different substrates.
Microbiology | 2008
Irina S. Druzhinina; László Kredics; Lóránt Hatvani; Zsuzsanna Antal; Temesgen Belayneh; Christian P. Kubicek
The common soil fungus Trichoderma (teleomorph Hypocrea, Ascomycota) shows increasing medical importance as an opportunistic human pathogen, particularly in immunocompromised and immunosuppressed patients. Regardless of the disease type and the therapy used, the prognosis for Trichoderma infection is usually poor. Trichoderma longibrachiatum has been identified as the causal agent in the majority of reported Trichoderma mycoses. As T. longibrachiatum is very common in environmental samples from all over the world, the relationship between its clinical and wild strains remains unclear. Here we performed a multilocus (ITS1 and 2, tef1, cal1 and chit18-5) phylogenetic analysis of all available clinical isolates (15) and 36 wild-type strains of the fungus including several cultures of its putative teleomorph Hypocrea orientalis. The concordance of gene genealogies recognized T. longibrachiatum and H. orientalis to be different phylogenetic species, which are reproductively isolated from each other. The majority of clinical strains (12) were attributed to T. longibrachiatum but three isolates belonged to H. orientalis, which broadens the phylogenetic span of human opportunists in the genus. Despite their genetic isolation, T. longibrachiatum and H. orientalis were shown to be cosmopolitan sympatric species with no bias towards certain geographical locations. The analysis of haplotype association, incongruence of tree topologies and the split decomposition method supported the conclusion that H. orientalis is sexually recombining whereas strict clonality prevails in T. longibrachiatum. This is a rare case of occurrence of sexual reproduction in opportunistic pathogenic fungi. The discovery of the different reproduction strategies in these two closely related species is medically relevant because it is likely that they would also differ in virulence and/or drug resistance. Genetic identity of environmental and clinical isolates of T. longibrachiatum and H. orientalis suggests the danger of nosocomial infections by Hypocrea/Trichoderma and highlights the need for ecological studies of spore dispersal as source of invasive human mycoses.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2007
John Bissett; Doustmorad Zafari; Lóránt Hatvani; László Manczinger; Sheri Woo; Matteo Lorito; László Kredics; Christian P. Kubicek; Irina S. Druzhinina
ABSTRACT The worldwide commercial production of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus is currently threatened by massive attacks of green mold disease. Using an integrated approach to species recognition comprising analyses of morphological and physiological characters and application of the genealogical concordance of multiple phylogenetic markers (internal transcribed spacer 1 [ITS1] and ITS2 sequences; partial sequences of tef1 and chi18-5), we determined that the causal agents of this disease were two genetically closely related, but phenotypically strongly different, species of Trichoderma, which have been recently described as Trichoderma pleurotum and Trichoderma pleuroticola. They belong to the Harzianum clade of Hypocrea/Trichoderma which also includes Trichoderma aggressivum, the causative agent of green mold disease of Agaricus. Both species have been found on cultivated Pleurotus and its substratum in Europe, Iran, and South Korea, but T. pleuroticola has also been isolated from soil and wood in Canada, the United States, Europe, Iran, and New Zealand. T. pleuroticola displays pachybasium-like morphological characteristics typical of its neighbors in the Harzianum clade, whereas T. pleurotum is characterized by a gliocladium-like conidiophore morphology which is uncharacteristic of the Harzianum clade. Phenotype MicroArrays revealed the generally impaired growth of T. pleurotum on numerous carbon sources readily assimilated by T. pleuroticola and T. aggressivum. In contrast, the Phenotype MicroArray profile of T. pleuroticola is very similar to that of T. aggressivum, which is suggestive of a close genetic relationship. In vitro confrontation reactions with Agaricus bisporus revealed that the antagonistic potential of the two new species against this mushroom is perhaps equal to T. aggressivum. The P. ostreatus confrontation assays showed that T. pleuroticola has the highest affinity to overgrow mushroom mycelium among the green mold species. We conclude that the evolutionary pathway of T. pleuroticola could be in parallel to other saprotrophic and mycoparasitic species from the Harzianum clade and that this species poses the highest infection risk for mushroom farms, whereas T. pleurotum could be specialized for an ecological niche connected to components of Pleurotus substrata in cultivation. A DNA BarCode for identification of these species based on ITS1 and ITS2 sequences has been provided and integrated in the main database for Hypocrea/Trichoderma (www.ISTH.info ).
Fems Microbiology Letters | 2009
László Kredics; Sándor Kocsubé; László Nagy; László Manczinger; Enikő Sajben; Adrienn Nagy; Csaba Vágvölgyi; Christian P. Kubicek; Irina S. Druzhinina; Lóránt Hatvani
Green mold of Pleurotus ostreatus, caused by Trichoderma species, has recently resulted in crop losses worldwide. Therefore, there is an emerging need for rapid means of diagnosing the causal agents. A PCR assay was developed for rapid detection of Trichoderma pleurotum and Trichoderma pleuroticola, the two pathogens causing green mold of P. ostreatus. Three oligonucleotide primers were designed for identifying these species in a multiplex PCR assay based on DNA sequences within the fourth and fifth introns in the translation elongation factor 1alpha gene. The primers detected the presence of T. pleurotum and/or T. pleuroticola directly in the growing substrates of oyster mushrooms, without the need for isolating the pathogens. The assay was used to assess the presence of the two species in natural environments in which P. ostreatus can be found in Hungary, and demonstrated that T. pleuroticola was present in the growing substrates and on the surface of the basidiomes of wild oyster mushrooms. Other Trichoderma species detected in these substrates and habitats were Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Trichoderma atroviride. Trichoderma pleurotum was not found in any of the samples from the forested areas tested in this study.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2009
Marianna Mikus; Lóránt Hatvani; Torsten Neuhof; Ralf Dieckmann; Torsten Schwecke; Irina S. Druzhinina; Hans von Döhren; Christian P. Kubicek
ABSTRACT Hydrophobins are small extracellular proteins, unique to and ubiquitous in filamentous fungi, which mediate interactions between the fungus and environment. The mycoparasitic fungus Hypocrea atroviridis has recently been shown to possess 10 different class II hydrophobin genes, which is a much higher number than that of any other ascomycete investigated so far. In order to learn the potential advantage of this hydrophobin multiplicity for the fungus, we have investigated their expression patterns under different physiological conditions (e.g., vegetative growth), various conditions inducing sporulation (light, carbon starvation, and mechanical injury-induced stress), and confrontation with potential hosts for mycoparasitism. The results show that the 10 hydrophobins display different patterns of response to these conditions: one hydrophobin (encoded by hfb-2b) is constitutively induced under all conditions, whereas other hydrophobins were formed only under conditions of carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-1c and hfb-6c) or light plus carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-2c, hfb-6a, and hfb-6b). The hydrophobins encoded by hfb-1b and hfb-5a were primarily formed during vegetative growth and under mechanical injury-provoked stress. hfb-22a was not expressed under any conditions and is likely a pseudogene. None of the 10 genes showed a specific expression pattern during mycoparasitic interaction. Most, but not all, of the expression patterns under the three different conditions of sporulation were dependent on one or both of the two blue-light regulator proteins BLR1 and BLR2, as shown by the use of respective loss-of-function mutants. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry of mycelial solvent extracts provided sets of molecular ions corresponding to HFB-1b, HFB-2a, HFB-2b, and HFB-5a in their oxidized and processed forms. These in silico-deduced sequences of the hydrophobins indicate cleavages at known signal peptide sites as well as additional N- and C-terminal processing. Mass peaks observed during confrontation with plant-pathogenic fungi indicate further proteolytic attack on the hydrophobins. Our study illustrates both divergent and redundant functions of the 10 hydrophobins of H. atroviridis.
Biotechnology and Biology of Trichoderma | 2014
László Kredics; Lóránt Hatvani; Shahram Naeimi; Péter Körmöczi; László Manczinger; Csaba Vágvölgyi; Irina S. Druzhinina
Abstract This chapter attempts to summarize the recently available and rapidly increasing amount of information in the literature about the occurrence and biodiversity of Trichoderma species in different ecological habitats. Members of the genus are common in soil and rhizosphere of plants in natural and agricultural fields and forests and on decaying wood. They are also occurring in the air, settled dust and different water-related habitats including marine environments and drinking water. Furthermore, certain species are known as endophytes of plants, colonizers of mushroom-related natural and artificial substrata and facultative pathogens of humans, demonstrating a high adaptability to various ecological niches.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2012
Lóránt Hatvani; Petra Sabolić; Sándor Kocsubé; László Kredics; Dorina Czifra; Csaba Vágvölgyi; Joško Kaliterna; Dario Ivić; Edyta Đermić; Ivan Kosalec
Abstract Green mould disease, caused by Trichoderma species, is a severe problem for mushroom growers worldwide, including Croatia. Trichoderma strains were isolated from green mould-affected Agaricus bisporus (button or common mushroom) compost and Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) substrate samples collected from Croatian mushroom farms. The causal agents of green mould disease in the oyster mushroom were T. pleurotum and T. pleuroticola, similar to other countries. At the same time, the pathogen of A. bisporus was exclusively the species T. harzianum, which is different from earlier findings and indicates that the range of mushroom pathogens is widening. The temperature profiles of the isolates and their hosts overlapped, thus no range was found that would allow optimal growth of the mushrooms without mould contamination. Ferulic acid and certain phenolic compounds, such as thymol showed remarkable fungistatic effect on the Trichoderma isolates, but inhibited the host mushrooms as well. However, commercial fungicides prochloraz and carbendazim were effective agents for pest management. This is the first report on green mould disease of cultivated mushrooms in Croatia Bolest zelene plijesni uzrokovane vrstama roda Trichoderma velik je problem pri uzgoju gljiva u cijelom svijetu, uključujući i Hrvatsku. Vrste Trichoderma izolirane su iz komposta onečišćenog zelenom plijesni pri uzgoju šampinjona (Agaricus bisporus), kao i iz uzoraka supstrata uzgoja bukovača (Pleurotus ostreatus), s farma gljiva u Hrvatskoj. Pri infekciji bukovača izolirani su i identificirani uzročnici vrsta Trichodermapleurotum i T. pleuroticola, što odgovara nalazima u drugim zemljama, dok je iz uzgoja šampinjona izolirana samo vrsta T. harzianum. Navedeni su podaci različiti od prijašnjih nalaza i upućuju na to da se širi broj infektivnih uzročnika pri uzgoju gljiva. Temperaturni profil izolata i njihovih domaćina preklapao se, a komercijalni fungicidi prokloraz i karbendazim nađeni su kao potencijalno dobri kandidati za učinkovito suzbijanje ovih infekcija. Ferulična kiselina i neke fenolne tvari kao što je timol pokazuju značajan fungistatski učinak na izolate vrsta roda Trichoderma, ali su također inhibitorni i za domaćine - gljive. Ovo je prvo izvješće o bolesti izazvanoj zelenom plijesni pri uzgoju gljiva šampinjona i bukovača u Hrvatskoj.
Journal of Medical Microbiology | 2013
Etelka Molnár-Gábor; Ilona Dóczi; Lóránt Hatvani; Csaba Vágvölgyi; László Kredics
We present a case of isolated sinusitis sphenoidalis caused by Trichoderma longibrachiatum, an emerging causal agent of fungal infections with an often fatal outcome. A Trichoderma strain was isolated from secretion obtained from the sinus sphenoidalis of a rhinosinusitis patient and identified by sequence analysis of two loci as Trichoderma longibrachiatum from the Longibrachiatum Clade of the genus Trichoderma. T. longibrachiatum can trigger a fatal pathomechanism in immunodeficient patients, but only rarely causes disease in healthy people. The case presented is unique because the patient was not immunocompromised.
Acta Biologica Hungarica | 2008
László Kredics; Kata Terecskei; Zsuzsanna Antal; András Szekeres; Lóránt Hatvani; László Manczinger; Cs. Vágvölgyi
Eleven cold-tolerant Trichoderma isolates were screened for the production of proteolytic activities at 10 degrees C. Based on the activity profiles determined with paranitroanilide substrates at 5 degrees C, strain T221 identified as Trichoderma atroviride was selected for further investigations. The culture broth of the strain grown at 10 degrees C in casein-containing culture medium was concentrated by lyophilization and subjected to gel filtration, which was followed by chromatofocusing of the fraction showing the highest activity on N-benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-paranitroanilide. The purified enzyme had a molecular weight of 24 kDa, an isoelectric point of 7.3 and a pH optimum of 6.2. The temperature optimum of 25 degrees C and the low thermal stability suggested that it is a true cold-adapted enzyme. Substrate specificity data indicate that the enzyme is a proteinase with a preference for Arg or Lys at the P1 position. The effect of proteinase inhibitors suggests that the enzyme has a binding pocket similar to the one present in trypsin.
Biotechnology and Biology of Trichoderma | 2014
Lóránt Hatvani; Csaba Vágvölgyi; László Kredics; Irina S. Druzhinina
Abstract Various Trichoderma and Hypocrea species have remarkable importance in industry, agriculture as well as clinical practice. The precise identification of isolates at the species level is crucial in all fields of Trichoderma research. Barcoding is a powerful tool for the identification of eukaryotic species, including fungi. In this chapter, TrichOKEY, a DNA barcode-based online programme developed for the identification of Trichoderma/Hypocrea species is presented and its practical applications are discussed.