Lorenzo Tiacci
University of Perugia
Featured researches published by Lorenzo Tiacci.
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | 2012
Lorenzo Tiacci
Abstract In this paper an event and object oriented simulator for assembly lines is presented. The tool, developed in Java, is capable to simulate mixed model assembly lines, with stochastic task times, parallel stations, fixed scheduling sequences, and buffers within workstations. The simulator is a flexible supporting tool in finding solution of the mixed model assembly line balancing problem (and the optimal sequencing and buffer allocation problems associated to it). It is capable to immediately calculate the throughput of a complex line, by simply receiving as inputs three arrays representing: the task times durations, the line configuration (number of workcentres, of buffers within them, of parallel workstations in each workcentre, of tasks assigned to each workcentre), and the sequence of models entering the line. Its fastness and flexibility allow its utilization in those algorithms and procedures where the evaluation of a fitness function (which includes the throughput as performance indicator) has to be performed several times. It allows overcoming the limit of using others measures of throughput, presented in literature, that are poorly correlated to its real value when the complexity of the line increases. The simulator is an expandable tool; in its current version provides the possibility to simulate both straight and U-shaped lines, and to generate both random and fixed sequences of models entering the line.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 2013
Stefano Saetta; Lorenzo Tiacci; Luca Cagnazzo
The paper presents one of the most interesting collaborative networked organisations in Italy, namely Gruppo Poligrafico Tiberino (GPT), the first organisation that adopts the governance model with the Virtual Development Office (VDO) structure. The VDO is an innovative model that introduces products/services innovation through collaboration between companies, with a particular focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In effect, the existing forms of collaboration are evolving towards the direction of extending the classical collaboration fields of supply chains including phases like product and service development. However, when collaboration is established exclusively among SMEs, the introduction of new products/services becomes much more difficult. This is due to the lack of the actions of a leader firm, that is, a big company that is able to innovate. The VDO model is introduced to overcome this limit, and to stimulate innovation in collaborative networks of SMEs. GPT network is constituted by 21 companies belonging to the paper converting, packaging and logistics sectors. The nature of the collaboration is based on a long-term strategy vision, giving to the network more competitive advantages, with respect to the classical collaborative alliances in Italy, such as industrial districts, cooperatives, consortiums or temporary associations. Started from a national research project, currently it is a very fast growing up reality; the significant results achieved and the strong interests coming from Institutions, Ministries and Universities make GPT a real success both under the industrial and the academic perspectives.
J. of Design Research | 2006
Francesco Bianconi; Stefano Saetta; Lorenzo Tiacci
While relational simulation games have been widely used for learning activities in areas such as business, management and communication, their development in the engineering field is still very limited. In this paper a web-based simulation game was designed in order to fill this existing gap in the development of relational simulation games related to engineering aspects and in particular to the design process of complex systems. An evaluation of a first web trial competition, carried out by questionnaires, shows a satisfactory achievement of the proposed learning tool objectives.
International Journal of Production Research | 2012
Stefano Saetta; Leonardo Paolini; Lorenzo Tiacci; Tayfur Altiok
Over the last decade, supply chain coordination has attracted much attention in the context of industrial logistics systems, because of the role played in production support logistics. There is a growing interest in the analysis and measurement of performances, because performance analysis allows us to build supporting decision tools for the design, planning and management of the supply chain. This paper presents an analytical approach for performance analysis based on a decomposition principle. The approach is applied to a serial supply chain that consists of two levels of suppliers, a production plant and a distribution centre, and operates as a pull system. This configuration is typical for bulk materials such as grain. The method allows us to approximately calculate performance indicators (such as customer satisfaction and inventory levels) taking into account all the interactions between the different echelons of the supply chain. The accuracy of the approximations is confirmed by the results obtained via a simulation model. Numerical analysis allows us to outline interesting and non-intuitive behaviour of the performance indicators for different stages of the supply chain.
working conference on virtual enterprises | 2010
Andrea Cardoni; Stefano Saetta; Lorenzo Tiacci
The considerable benefits brought up by strategic alliances and diverse types of long term Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNOs) are nowadays widely recognized. There is an increasing demand in the industrial world for concretely implement new forms of collaborations. For example, demand often comes from pre-existent form of clusters or local productive arrangements, that want to evolve to more efficient forms of collaboration, or from small and medium enterprises that are facing a crisis, and look at collaboration with other enterprises as almost the last chance to survive. In general, variety of motivations in collaborating implies variety of missions of potential collaborations, that in turn requires the choice of an appropriate form of Collaborative Network aligned to the mission statement. This paper addresses the problem to define a methodology for analyzing potential pool of partners and for identifing the mission, the form, the governance structure and the value drivers of long term strategic alliance that would bring highest benefits to the partners. Three different forms of CNOs are considered: the Virtual organizations Breeding Environment (VBE), the Virtual Development Office (VDO) and the T-Holding.
working conference on virtual enterprises | 2011
Lorenzo Tiacci; Andrea Cardoni
Innovative forms of collaborations between companies have been proposed and modelled in literature in recent years. There is an increasing demand in the industrial world for concretely implement this new forms of collaborations. For example, demand often comes from pre-existent form of clusters or consortiums, which want to evolve to more efficient forms of collaboration. On the basis of a methodology whose guidelines have been proposed in a previous work by authors [1], the paper illustrates the steps and the tools utilized to analyze potential pool of partners in order to identify the type of long term Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNOs) alliance that would bring highest benefits to the partners. Three different forms of innovative CNOs are considered: the Virtual organizations Breeding Environment (VBE), the Virtual Development Office (VDO) and the T-Holding. The application of the proposed methodology is described in the case of a traditional industrial cluster of the metal-mechanic industry in Italy.
working conference on virtual enterprises | 2013
Andrea Cardoni; Lorenzo Tiacci
Moving from the key features of knowledge economy and taking into consideration the new paradigms emerged in economic and managerial studies, in many countries several institutions have promoted the formation of strategic alliances to stimulate the reindustrialization and promote the national and regional development. The Italian government has recently defined a new legal framework (law n. 122/2010) to implement collaborative strategic networks through the “enterprises’ network agreement”. The latest data about the implementation of the new form of collaborative networks show a rapid spread of the agreement and represent an important result to read in the light of economic, managerial and industrial literature. In the paper the main characteristics of the agreement are described and discussed, and an analysis based on historical data, since two years from its introduction, is presented. The aim is to evaluate how this kind of tool can have an impact on the reindustrialization of the Country and the emergence of second generation VBE on this process.
Industrial Management and Data Systems | 2016
Chiara Paltriccia; Lorenzo Tiacci
Purpose n n n n nThe purpose of this paper is to present a new outsourcing model for materials management related to the operating theatre of hospitals. Two distinguishing features characterize the model: the long-term collaborative network established among the supplying companies (the “Network factor”), and the implementation of the RFID technology along the supply chain (the “RFID factor”). The network factor allows sharing transportation costs, while the RFID factor allows implementing a continuous review policy, instead of the periodic review policy normally utilized in hospitals. In the paper the effect of these two factors on the minimization of total materials management costs is investigated. n n n n nDesign/methodology/approach n n n n nAn analytical model, validated through a simulation study, is proposed to calculate total management costs of materials, depending on the presence of the network and the RFID factors. Throughout the model it is possible to perform a scenario analysis and individuate the inventory management policy that allows minimizing total costs. The procedure has been applied to a real case study of a long-term collaborative network of supplying companies in the healthcare sector that operates in Central Italy. n n n n nFindings n n n n nThe optimal inventory management policy strongly depends on the mutual distances of supplying companies and the hospital. Both of the two factors have an impact on the reduction of total annual costs. The analysis of the scenario shows that a positive interaction effect exists between the two factors, so that higher savings are obtained when both factors are present. n n n n nOriginality/value n n n n nThe outsourcing model presented in the paper is new, and the managerial insights that can be drawn from the application of the model to the healthcare sector can be extended to many other industries.
working conference on virtual enterprises | 2012
Lorenzo Tiacci; Andrea Cardoni
In the paper a genetic algorithm approach to form potential Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNOs) is presented. When analyzing a set of companies that are potential partners of a CNO, it is possible to collect specific data from each company through which evaluate, once aggregated, for which Strategic Objective (SO) the potential aggregation is most suited. At this purpose a metric, consisting in a set of performance parameters related to different SO types, has been created. Given a large number of companies, through a genetic algorithm approach is then possible to set a specific objective function related to a particular SO (eg. maximize potential creation of new Business Opportunities), and to find the cluster (or clusters) of companies that maximizes the objective function.
working conference on virtual enterprises | 2014
Antonio Ricciardi; Andrea Cardoni; Lorenzo Tiacci
In the growing body of business network literature the need of phenomenological perspective is increasingly perceived. In this paper the results of an empiric research on the Enterprise Network Agreement (ENA) is reported. ENA is an important form of collaboration among companies, born in Italy, whose diffusion is rapidly growing, because it is considered by policy-makers a promising mean for the entrepreneurial development and the re-industrialization of the Country. Based on a survey addressed to a significant sample of ENAs formalized in central Italy regions, the paper draws a phenomenological framework on the strategic context of network formation and its organizational features on one side, and the performances obtained on the other side. This empiric evidences may represent a first attempt to build a solid base for the development of a credible scientific literature on business networking. From a theoretical point of view, this study firstly provides interesting insights to the living discussion in the managerial literature about “engineered” and “emergent” networks. Secondly, a specific focus is devoted to analyze those types of network in which ICT sector is involved and that are distributed in at least at two provinces, that is the kind of networks which is candidate to became what in the literature can be included in ‘second generation Virtual Breeding Environment’. In particular, the study aims to understand the characteristics of these different collaboration forms, and of how these characteristics influence their performances. At the same time, the research can serve as a useful indication for policy-makers to address supporting actions towards the most promising network collaborations.