Louis DeBiasio
Miami University
Random Structures and Algorithms | 2011
Phong Châu; Louis DeBiasio; Hal A. Kierstead
In 1962 Posa conjectured that every graph G on n vertices with minimum degree \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{align*}\delta(G)\ge \frac{2}{3}n\end{align*} \end{document} **image** contains the square of a hamiltonian cycle. In 1996 Fan and Kierstead proved the path version of Posas Conjecture. They also proved that it would suffice to show that G contains the square of a cycle of length greater than \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{align*}\frac{2}{3}n\end{align*} \end{document} **image** . Still in 1996, Komlos, Sarkozy, and Szemeredi proved Posas Conjecture, using the Regularity and Blow-up Lemmas, for graphs of order n ≥ n0, where n0 is a very large constant. Here we show without using these lemmas that n0:= 2 × 108 is sufficient. We are motivated by the recent work of Levitt, Sarkozy and Szemeredi, but our methods are based on techniques that were available in the 90s.
Journal of Graph Theory | 2014
Andrzej Czygrinow; Louis DeBiasio; Brendan Nagle
Let denote the hypergraph consisting of two triples on four points. For an integer n, let denote the smallest integer d so that every 3-uniform hypergraph G of order n with minimum pair-degree contains vertex-disjoint copies of . Kuhn and Osthus (J Combin Theory, Ser B 96(6) (2006), 767–821) proved that holds for large integers n. Here, we prove the exact counterpart, that for all sufficiently large integers n divisible by 4, A main ingredient in our proof is the recent “absorption technique” of Rodl, Rucinski, and Szemeredi (J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 116(3) (2009), 613–636).
Journal of Combinatorial Theory | 2017
Louis DeBiasio; Luke L. Nelsen
Lehel conjectured that in every
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing | 2015
Andrzej Czygrinow; Louis DeBiasio; Hal A. Kierstead; Theodore Molla
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | 2011
Andrzej Czygrinow; Louis DeBiasio
-coloring of the edges of
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | 2010
Andrzej Czygrinow; Louis DeBiasio; Hal A. Kierstead
Discrete Mathematics | 2014
Louis DeBiasio; Michael Ferrara; Timothy Morris
, there is a vertex disjoint red and blue cycle which span
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics | 2013
Louis DeBiasio; Theodore Molla
Discrete Mathematics | 2018
Carl Bürger; Louis DeBiasio; Hannah Guggiari; Max Pitz
. Łuczak, Rodl, and Szemeredi proved Lehels conjecture for large
European Journal of Combinatorics | 2014
Louis DeBiasio; Tao Jiang