
Circulation Research | 2003

A Breaker of Advanced Glycation End Products Attenuates Diabetes-Induced Myocardial Structural Changes

Riccardo Candido; Josephine M. Forbes; Merlin C. Thomas; Vicki Thallas; Rachael G. Dean; Wendy C. Burns; Christos Tikellis; Rebecca H. Ritchie; Stephen M. Twigg; Mark E. Cooper; Louise M. Burrell

&NA; The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on extracellular matrix components leads to accelerated increases in collagen cross linking that contributes to myocardial stiffness in diabetes. This study determined the effect of the crosslink breaker, ALT‐711 on diabetes‐induced cardiac disease. Streptozotocin diabetes was induced in Sprague‐Dawley rats for 32 weeks. Treatment with ALT‐711 (10 mg/kg) was initiated at week 16. Diabetic hearts were characterized by increased left ventricular (LV) mass and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) expression, decreased LV collagen solubility, and increased collagen III gene and protein expression. Diabetic hearts had significant increases in AGEs and increased expression of the AGE receptors, RAGE and AGE‐R3, in association with increases in gene and protein expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). ALT‐711 treatment restored LV collagen solubility and cardiac BNP in association with reduced cardiac AGE levels and abrogated the increase in RAGE, AGE‐R3, CTGF, and collagen III expression. The present study suggests that AGEs play a central role in many of the alterations observed in the diabetic heart and that cleavage of preformed AGE crosslinks with ALT‐711 leads to attenuation of diabetes‐associated cardiac abnormalities in rats. This provides a potential new therapeutic approach for cardiovascular disease in human diabetes. (Circ Res. 2003;92:785–792.)

Circulation | 1998

Salt Induces Myocardial and Renal Fibrosis in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats

Henry C. M. Yu; Louise M. Burrell; M. Jane Black; Leonard L. Wu; Rodney J. Dilley; Mark E. Cooper; Colin I. Johnston

BACKGROUND The detrimental effects of high dietary salt intake may not only involve effects on blood pressure and organ hypertrophy but also lead to tissue fibrosis independently of these factors. METHODS AND RESULTS The effect of a normal (1%) or high (8%) sodium chloride diet on myocardial and renal fibrosis was assessed by quantitative histomorphometry in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs). The effect of salt on transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) gene expression was assessed by Northern blot hybridization. A high-salt diet from 8 to 16 weeks of age resulted in increased blood pressure and left ventricular and renal hypertrophy in both WKYs and SHRs. Marked interstitial fibrosis was demonstrated in the left ventricle (LV), glomeruli, and renal tubules and in intramyocardial arteries and arterioles but not in the right ventricle. The collagen volume fraction increased significantly after high-salt diet in the LV, intramyocardial arteries and arterioles, glomeruli, and peritubular areas in both WKYs and SHRs. In the kidneys, glomerular and peritubular type IV collagen was also increased. There was overexpression of TGF-beta1 mRNA in the LV and kidneys in both rat strains after a high-salt diet (all P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS High dietary salt led to widespread fibrosis and increased TGF-beta1 in the heart and kidney in normotensive and hypertensive rats. These results suggest a specific effect of dietary salt on fibrosis, possibly via TGF-beta1-dependent pathways, and further suggest that excessive salt intake may be an important direct pathogenic factor for cardiovascular disease.

Hypertension | 2003

Characterization of renal angiotensin - converting enzyme 2 in diabetic nephropathy

Christos Tikellis; Colin I. Johnston; Josephine M. Forbes; Wendy C. Burns; Louise M. Burrell; John Risvanis; Mark E. Cooper

Abstract—ACE2, initially cloned from a human heart, is a recently described homologue of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) but contains only a single enzymatic site that catalyzes the cleavage of angiotensin I to angiotensin 1–9 [Ang(1–9)] and is not inhibited by classic ACE inhibitors. It also converts angiotensin II to Ang(1–7). Although the role of ACE2 in the regulation of the renin-angiotensin system is not known, the renin-angiotensin system has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications and in particular in diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the possible involvement of this new enzyme in the kidney from diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats to compare and contrast it to ACE. ACE2 and ACE gene and protein expression were measured in the kidney after 24 weeks of streptozocin diabetes. ACE2 and ACE mRNA levels were decreased in diabetic renal tubules by ≈50% and were not influenced by ACE inhibitor treatment with ramipril. By immunostaining, both ACE2 and ACE protein were localized predominantly to renal tubules. In the diabetic kidney, there was reduced ACE2 protein expression that was prevented by ACE inhibitor therapy. The identification of ACE2 in the kidney, its modulation in diabetes, and the recent description that this enzyme plays a biological role in the generation and degradation of various angiotensin peptides provides a rationale to further explore the role of this enzyme in various pathophysiological states including diabetic complications.

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism | 2004

ACE2, a new regulator of the renin–angiotensin system

Louise M. Burrell; Colin I. Johnston; Christos Tikellis; Mark E. Cooper

Abstract Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a zinc metalloproteinase and a key regulator of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS). ACE2 is a newly described enzyme identified in rodents and humans with a more restricted distribution than ACE, and is found mainly in heart and kidney. ACE2 cleaves a single residue from angiotensin I (Ang I) to generate Ang 1–9, and degrades Ang II, the main effector of the RAS, to the vasodilator Ang 1–7. The importance of ACE2 in normal physiology and pathophysiological states is largely unknown. ACE2 might act in a counter-regulatory manner to ACE, modulating the balance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators within the heart and kidney, and playing a significant role in regulating cardiovascular and renal function.

Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry | 2005

Connective Tissue Growth Factor and Cardiac Fibrosis after Myocardial Infarction

Rachael G. Dean; Leanne C. Balding; Riccardo Candido; Wendy C. Burns; Zemin Cao; Stephen M. Twigg; Louise M. Burrell

The temporal and spatial expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) was assessed in the left ventricle of a myocardial infarction (MI) model of injury with and without angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition. Coronary artery ligated rats were killed 1, 3, 7, 28, and 180 days after MI. TGF-β1, CTGF, and procollagen α1(I) mRNA were localized by in situ hybridization, and TGF-β1 and CTGF protein levels by immunohistochemistry. Collagen protein was measured using picrosirius red staining. In a separate group, rats were treated for 6 months with an ACE inhibitor. There were temporal and regional differences in the expression of TGF-β1, CTGF, and collagen after MI. Procollagen α1(I) mRNA expression increased in the border zone and scar peaking 1 week after MI, whereas collagen protein increased in all areas of the heart over the 180 days. Expression of TGF-β1 mRNA and protein showed major increases in the border zone and scar peaking 1 week after MI. The major increases in CTGF mRNA and protein occurred in the viable myocardium at 180 days after MI. Long-term ACE inhibition reduced left ventricular mass and decreased fibrosis in the viable myocardium, but had no effect on cardiac TGF-β1 or CTGF. TGF-β1 is involved in the initial, acute phase of inflammation and repair after MI, whereas CTGF is involved in the ongoing fibrosis of the heart. The antifibrotic benefits of captopril are not mediated through a reduction in CTGF.

Gut | 2005

Chronic liver injury in rats and humans upregulates the novel enzyme angiotensin converting enzyme 2

Georgina Paizis; Christos Tikellis; Mark E. Cooper; Josefa M. Schembri; Rebecca A. Lew; A I Smith; Tim Shaw; Fiona J. Warner; A Zuilli; Louise M. Burrell; Peter W Angus

Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 2 is a recently identified homologue of ACE that may counterregulate the actions of angiotensin (Ang) II by facilitating its breakdown to Ang 1–7. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis but the role of ACE2 in liver disease is not known. Aims: This study examined the effects of liver injury on ACE2 expression and activity in experimental hepatic fibrosis and human cirrhosis, and the effects of Ang 1–7 on vascular tone in cirrhotic rat aorta. Methods: In sham operated and bile duct ligated (BDL) rats, quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was used to assess hepatic ACE2 mRNA, and western blotting and immunohistochemistry to quantify and localise ACE2 protein. ACE2 activity was quantified by quenched fluorescent substrate assay. Similar studies were performed in normal human liver and in hepatitis C cirrhosis. Results: ACE2 mRNA was detectable at low levels in rat liver and increased following BDL (363-fold; p<0.01). ACE2 protein increased after BDL (23.5-fold; p<0.05) as did ACE2 activity (fourfold; p<0.05). In human cirrhotic liver, gene (>30-fold), protein expression (97-fold), and activity of ACE2 (2.4 fold) were increased compared with controls (all p<0.01). In healthy livers, ACE2 was confined to endothelial cells, occasional bile ducts, and perivenular hepatocytes but in both BDL and human cirrhosis there was widespread parenchymal expression of ACE2 protein. Exposure of cultured human hepatocytes to hypoxia led to increased ACE2 expression. In preconstricted rat aorta, Ang 1–7 alone did not affect vascular tone but it significantly enhanced acetylcholine mediated vasodilatation in cirrhotic vessels. Conclusions: ACE2 expression is significantly increased in liver injury in both humans and rat, possibly in response to increasing hepatocellular hypoxia, and may modulate RAS activity in cirrhosis.

Cardiovascular Research | 1999

Passive ventricular constraint amends the course of heart failure: a study in an ovine model of dilated cardiomyopathy

John Power; Jai Raman; A Dornom; Stephen Farish; Louise M. Burrell; Andrew M. Tonkin; Brian F. Buxton; Clif Alferness

OBJECTIVE Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is associated with a progressive deterioration in cardiac function. We hypothesised that some of the deleterious effects of DCM could be reduced by mechanically limiting the degree of cardiac dilatation. METHODS A Transonic 20A cardiac output (CO) flow-probe was implanted in the pulmonary artery of 12 adult (52 +/- 4 kg) sheep. Early heart failure was created by rapid right ventricular (RV) pacing for 21 days at a rate which resulted in an initial 10% decrease in CO (to a maximum of 190 bpm). A custom polyester jacket (Acorn Cardiovascular, St Paul, MN) was then placed, via a partial lower sternotomy, on the ventricular epicardium of all sheep. Animals were randomised either to jacket retention (wrap) or removal (sham). Pacing was recommenced at a higher rate (that initiated a further 10% decrease in CO) for 28 days. Haemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters were determined at baseline, implant and at termination. RESULTS At termination, the left ventricular fractional shortening was significantly higher (p = 0.03), the degree of mitral valve regurgitation lower (scaled 0-3) (p = 0.03) and the left ventricular long axis area smaller (p = 0.02) in the wrap animals compared with sham. CONCLUSIONS In this model of heart failure, ventricular constraint with a polyester jacket diminished the deterioration in cardiac function associated with progressive dilated cardiomyopathy. These results suggest that maintainance of a more normal cardiac size and shape may be beneficial in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.

Journal of Hepatology | 2007

Upregulation of hepatic angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and angiotensin-(1–7) levels in experimental biliary fibrosis

Chandana B. Herath; Fiona J. Warner; John S Lubel; Rachael G. Dean; Zhiyuan Jia; Rebecca A. Lew; A. Ian Smith; Louise M. Burrell; Peter W Angus

Background/Aims Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), its product, angiotensin-(1–7) and its receptor, Mas, may moderate the adverse effects of angiotensin II in liver disease. We examined the expression of these novel components of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) and the production and vasoactive effects of angiotensin-(1–7) in the bile duct ligated (BDL) rat. Methods BDL or sham-operated rats were sacrificed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Tissue and blood were collected for gene expression, enzyme activity and peptide measurements. In situ perfused livers were used to assess angiotensin peptide production and their effects on portal resistance. Results Hepatic ACE2 gene and activity (P <0.0005), plasma angiotensin-(1–7) (P <0.0005) and Mas receptor expression (P <0.01) were increased following BDL compared to shams. Perfusion experiments confirmed that BDL livers produced increased angiotensin-(1–7) (P <0.05) from angiotensin II and this was augmented (P <0.01) by ACE inhibition. Whilst angiotensin II increased vasoconstriction in cirrhotic livers, angiotensin-(1–7) had no effect on portal resistance. Conclusions RAS activation in chronic liver injury is associated with upregulation of ACE2, Mas and hepatic conversion of angiotensin II to angiotensin-(1–7) leading to increased circulating angiotensin-(1–7). These results support the presence of an ACE2-angiotensin-(1–7)-Mas axis in liver injury which may counteract the effects of angiotensin II.

European Journal of Echocardiography | 2012

Global longitudinal strain is a strong independent predictor of all-cause mortality in patients with aortic stenosis

L. Kearney; K. Lu; M. Ord; Sheila K. Patel; K. Profitis; George Matalanis; Louise M. Burrell; P. Srivastava

AIMS To assess the capacity of global longitudinal strain (GLS) in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) to (i) detect the subclinical left ventricular (LV) dysfunction [LV ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥50% patients]; (ii) predict all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) (all patients), and (iii) provide incremental prognostic information over current risk markers. METHODS AND RESULTS Patients with AS (n = 146) and age-matched controls (n = 12) underwent baseline echocardiography to assess AS severity, conventional LV parameters and GLS via speckle tracking echocardiography. Baseline demographics, symptom severity class and comorbidities were recorded. Outcomes were identified via hospital record review and subject/physician interview. The mean age was 75 ± 11, 62% were male. The baseline aortic valve (AV) area was 1.0 ± 0.4 cm(2) and LVEF was 59 ± 11%. In patients with a normal LVEF (n = 122), the baseline GLS was controls -21 ± 2%, mild AS -18 ± 3%, moderate AS -17 ± 3% and severe AS -15 ± 3% (P< 0.001). GLS correlated with the LV mass index, LVEF, AS severity, and symptom class (P< 0.05). During a median follow-up of 2.1 (inter-quartile range: 1.8-2.4) years, there were 20 deaths and 101 MACE. Unadjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for GLS (per %) were all-cause mortality (HR: 1.42, P< 0.001) and MACE (HR: 1.09, P< 0.001). After adjustment for clinical and echocardiographic variables, GLS remained a strong independent predictor of all-cause mortality (HR: 1.38, P< 0.001). CONCLUSIONS GLS detects subclinical dysfunction and has incremental prognostic value over traditional risk markers including haemodynamic severity, symptom class, and LVEF in patients with AS. Incorporation of GLS into risk models may improve the identification of the optimal timing for AV replacement.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 2008

Liver disease and the renin-angiotensin system: Recent discoveries and clinical implications

John S Lubel; Chandana B. Herath; Louise M. Burrell; Peter W Angus

The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is a key regulator of vascular resistance, sodium and water homeostasis and the response to tissue injury. Historically, angiotensin II (Ang II) was thought to be the primary effector peptide of this system. Ang II is produced predominantly by the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) on angiotensin I (Ang I). Ang II acts mainly through the angiotensin II type‐1 receptor (AT1) and, together with ACE, these components represent the ‘classical’ axis of the RAS. Drug therapies targeting the RAS by inhibiting Ang II formation (ACE inhibitors) or binding to its receptor (angiotensin receptor blockers) are now in widespread clinical use and have been shown to reduce tissue injury and fibrosis in cardiac and renal disease independently of their effects on blood pressure. In 2000, two groups using different methodologies identified a homolog of ACE, called ACE2, which cleaves Ang II to form the biologically active heptapeptide, Ang‐(1–7). Conceptually, ACE2, Ang‐(1–7), and its putative receptor, the mas receptor represent an ‘alternative’ axis of the RAS capable of opposing the often deleterious actions of Ang II. Interestingly, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers increase Ang‐(1–7) production and it has been proposed that some of the beneficial effects of these drugs are mediated through upregulation of Ang‐(1–7) rather than inhibition of Ang II production or receptor binding. The present review focuses on the novel components and pathways of the RAS with particular reference to their potential contribution towards the pathophysiology of liver disease.

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