Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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Featured researches published by Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2015
Ana Margarida da Veiga-Simão; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison; Rejane Flor Machado
This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.Com este estudo, que se situa na articulacao de areas das ciencias humanas, quer-se verificar se autores de resumos evidenciam em seus textos conhecer as caracteristicas desse genero discursivo e se mostram competencia autorregulada ao faze-lo. Primeiramente, foram analisados 24 resumos, realizados por candidatos ao mestrado de uma instituicao de ensino federal. Para isso, construiu-se um instrumento de analise e de ponderacoes quantitativas, procurando melhor expressar os resultados. Dos 24 resumos analisados, cinco foram considerados compativeis com uma producao escrita, por expressarem semanticamente propriedades de leitura e de organizacao discursiva; 13 nao apresentaram as propriedades esperadas; outros seis apresentaram problemas graves, como copia do trabalho original. As analises foram alicercadas pelo construto da autorregulacao da aprendizagem e por teorias linguisticas discursivas.This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos | 2014
Mayra Prates Albuquerque; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison; Gilceane Caetano Porto
Tem como objetivo apresentar a pesquisa acerca das aprendizagens realizadas por uma academica do curso de licenciatura em Pedagogia, descritas em um memorial reflexivo, enquanto bolsista do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciacao a Docencia (Pibid). Para analise do memorial de formacao escrito pela bolsista ao longo de sua atuacao no programa, utilizou-se a tecnica de analise de conteudo, da qual emergiram duas diferentes categorias: a) contribuicoes do Pibid na formacao academica; b) efeitos do Pibid na aprendizagem dos alunos atendidos pelo programa na escola de atuacao. Conclui-se que a bolsista realizou atividades estrategicas que potencializou sua aprendizagem, como tambem estimulou a aprendizagem dos alunos da escola envolvidos no programa.
Pro-Posições | 2016
Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
We sought in this article to examine whether monitorship, understood as a way of teaching, enhance collaborative and self-regulated learning of college students. The study was based on observation of the monitorship work conducted in an Institution of Higher Education, during one semester, semi-structured interviews with monitors and teachers and of a questionnaire answered by college students participating of the monitorship. The data were subjected to content analysis. The results of this analysis showed that the work done was productive for self-regulated learning of monitors and college students since most of the students learned to use different learning strategies. Monitorship thus tends to be a successful tool at the higher education level as it promotes active, interactive, mediated and self-regulated learning.
Revista de Gestão e Avaliação Educacional | 2017
Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
This paper aims to understand the self-regulation of the learning process, which is defined as a process where the subjects set targets that are interconnect with their expectations, develop strategies to achieve those targets, so create conditions to reach the effective learning. The evaluation articulated to the learning self-regulation obtains a new meaning where the subjects acquire, on their own and with the aid of the other subject, knowledge that will allow them to review the developed pathway, besides giving them possibilities of developing the self-knowledge and the knowledge of the other human beings that surround them. Key-words: evaluation, self-regulation, learning.
Psychology of Language and Communication | 2017
Anabela Malpique; Ana Margarida V. Veiga Simão; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
Abstract We investigated cross-cultural differences in ninth-grade students’ reported use of self-regulated strategies for writing. We assessed 12 self-regulated strategies for writing tapping environmental, behavioural, and personal self-regulated processes. Seven hundred and thirty-two Portuguese and Brazilian students in transition to high school (Mage = 14.3; 372 male and 306 female) from mainstream urban schools reported on their use of the strategies. Statistical analyses included a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with 12 dependent variables (self-regulated strategies for writing) and 2 between-subjects variables (country and gender). There were significant main effects for country with medium effect sizes and statistically significant small effect sizes for gender main effects. All-male and all-female comparisons indicated significant differences and medium effect sizes within gender groups. The majority of the differences tapped personal self-regulated strategies. Taken together, these findings suggest that initiating and controlling writing may be a contextualised bounded process.
Movimento | 2016
Luciana Toaldo Gentilini Avila; Ana Margarida Veiga Simão; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
Compreender as potencialidades da tecnica da estimulacao da recordacao na promocao da reflexao de seis estagiarios de um curso de licenciatura em Educacao Fisica sobre o seu desempenho constitui o objetivo deste estudo. Por meio da analise textual discursiva emergiram quatro categorias (planejamento; antecipacao de resultados e previsao de solucao; promocao da autorregulacao da aprendizagem dos aluno; autorreflexao), as quais buscam responder as questoes levantadas no estudo. Os dados sugerem que a utilizacao da estimulacao da recordacao contribuiu para a promocao da autorregulacao da aprendizagem dos estagiarios e para a formulacao de diferentes solucoes frente aos desafios do estagio.
Revista Psicologia da Educação | 2015
José E. García; Elis Regina da Costa; Evely Boruchovitch; Verônica Rodriguez Fernandes; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
Aunque conserva antecedentes en la obra de los filosofos antiguos, la psicologia educacional se origina enlas primeras clinicas psicologicas y textos publicados en los Estados Unidos a finales del siglo XIX y en elmovimiento de los tests que se inicio con las investigaciones de Alfred Binet en Francia a comienzos del sigloXX. En Paraguay varios educadores aportaron estudios que entrelazan la educacion y la psicologia entrefinales del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX, constituyendo una de las principales tradiciones que se forjaronen la psicologia nacional durante el periodo preuniversitario. La formacion especifica comenzo en 1963 enla Universidad Catolica, seguida de la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion en 1967. Este articulo analiza laformacion del psicologo educacional en el Paraguay, su historia, antecedentes, caracteristicas basicas de loscurriculos y los principales problemas enfrentados en la actualidad. Se concluye con algunas recomendacionesbasicas que apuntan hacia una mayor consolidacion en el desarrollo futuro de esta area.Although it maintains precedents in the works of the ancient philosophers, educational psychology originates in the first psychological clinics and texts published in the United States at the end of the XIX century, as well as in the movement of psychological testing with the research of Alfred Binet in France at the beginning of the XX century. In Paraguay, several educators contributed with studies that connect education and psychology between the end of the 19 century and mid-20 century, establishing one of the main traditions that forged in Paraguayan psychology during the pre-university period. The specific training began in 1963 at the Catholic University, followed by the National University of Asunción in 1967. This article discusses the training of educational psychologists in Paraguay, its history and background, the basic characteristics of curriculum and the main problems currently faced. It concludes with some basic recommendations to consolidate the future development of this area.
Psicologia da Educação. Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação: Psicologia da Educação. ISSN 2175-3520 | 2015
Verônica Rodriguez Fernandes; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar se as estrategias de aprendizagem autorregulatorias desenvolvidas emuma pratica de ensino reflexiva contribuiram para a formacao de alunos autorregulados e possibilitaram apromocao de avancos na aprendizagem de alunos do ensino superior relativas a escrita de um artigo cientifico.A pratica de ensino reflexiva desenvolveu-se durante seis encontros nos quais buscou-se perceber a tomadade consciencia, o controle e a gestao do aluno em seu processo de aprendizagem. Iniciou-se a pesquisa coma aplicacao do questionario CEA (Conhecimento de Estrategias Autorregulatorias), seguido das “Oficinas dedesenvolvimento de estrategias autorregulatorias da aprendizagem” as quais tiveram como objetivo principal,para os sujeitos pesquisados, aprender estrategias para a escrita de artigos cientificos e, para a pesquisadora,analisar se as estrategias utilizadas nessa pratica reflexiva promoveriam a autorregulacao para a escrita de artigoscientificos. Ao final dos encontros, apos seis meses da intervencao, aplicou-se novamente o questionario CEAem uma entrevista semiestruturada. Da analise dos dados, emergiram duas categorias: 1) Estrategias Cognitivase Metacognitivas; 2) Estrategias Motivacionais; que articuladas entre si contribuem significativamente paraa formacao de um aluno autorregulado. Conclui-se que os dados reforcam a importância do conhecimentode estrategias autorregulatorias nos processos de aprendizagem, a fim de que o aluno universitario seja capazde atingir seus objetivos diante das tarefas, promovendo uma consciencia reflexiva
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2015
Ana Margarida da Veiga-Simão; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison; Rejane Flor Machado
This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.Com este estudo, que se situa na articulacao de areas das ciencias humanas, quer-se verificar se autores de resumos evidenciam em seus textos conhecer as caracteristicas desse genero discursivo e se mostram competencia autorregulada ao faze-lo. Primeiramente, foram analisados 24 resumos, realizados por candidatos ao mestrado de uma instituicao de ensino federal. Para isso, construiu-se um instrumento de analise e de ponderacoes quantitativas, procurando melhor expressar os resultados. Dos 24 resumos analisados, cinco foram considerados compativeis com uma producao escrita, por expressarem semanticamente propriedades de leitura e de organizacao discursiva; 13 nao apresentaram as propriedades esperadas; outros seis apresentaram problemas graves, como copia do trabalho original. As analises foram alicercadas pelo construto da autorregulacao da aprendizagem e por teorias linguisticas discursivas.This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2015
Ana Margarida da Veiga-Simão; Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison; Rejane Flor Machado
This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.Com este estudo, que se situa na articulacao de areas das ciencias humanas, quer-se verificar se autores de resumos evidenciam em seus textos conhecer as caracteristicas desse genero discursivo e se mostram competencia autorregulada ao faze-lo. Primeiramente, foram analisados 24 resumos, realizados por candidatos ao mestrado de uma instituicao de ensino federal. Para isso, construiu-se um instrumento de analise e de ponderacoes quantitativas, procurando melhor expressar os resultados. Dos 24 resumos analisados, cinco foram considerados compativeis com uma producao escrita, por expressarem semanticamente propriedades de leitura e de organizacao discursiva; 13 nao apresentaram as propriedades esperadas; outros seis apresentaram problemas graves, como copia do trabalho original. As analises foram alicercadas pelo construto da autorregulacao da aprendizagem e por teorias linguisticas discursivas.This paper analyzes the problem of care from the perspective of women who benefit from social programs. The methodology used is based on a constructionist paradigm using a qualitative approach. The findings show the complex intersection, based on the analysis of care, between uncertain/impoverished processes in urban environments and the demographic processes of an aging population, as well as the fragmentation and lack of policies and programs for the elderly population. This paper highlights the urgent collectivization of care through complementary relations between state institutions and their inclusive social protection function, the market and its need for regulation, the civil society and its organizations, and the heterogeneity within families and from a new gender contract which redistributes the burden of care on the basis of the principle of equity.