
Physical Review Letters | 2007

Dirac equation and quantum relativistic effects in a single trapped ion

Lucas Lamata; Juan León; T. Schätz; E. Solano

We present a method of simulating the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions for a free spin-1/2 particle in a single trapped ion. The Dirac bispinor is represented by four ionic internal states, and position and momentum of the Dirac particle are associated with the respective ionic variables. We show also how to simulate the simplified 1+1 case, requiring the manipulation of only two internal levels and one motional degree of freedom. Moreover, we study relevant quantum-relativistic effects, like the Zitterbewegung and Kleins paradox, the transition from massless to massive fermions, and the relativistic and nonrelativistic limits, via the tuning of controllable experimental parameters.

Nature | 2016

Digitized adiabatic quantum computing with a superconducting circuit

R. Barends; Alireza Shabani; Lucas Lamata; J. Kelly; A. Mezzacapo; U. Las Heras; Ryan Babbush; Austin G. Fowler; B. Campbell; Yu Chen; Z. Chen; B. Chiaro; A. Dunsworth; E. Jeffrey; Erik Lucero; A. Megrant; J. Mutus; M. Neeley; C. Neill; P. J. J. O’Malley; C. Quintana; P. Roushan; D. Sank; A. Vainsencher; J. Wenner; T. White; E. Solano; Hartmut Neven; John M. Martinis

Quantum mechanics can help to solve complex problems in physics and chemistry, provided they can be programmed in a physical device. In adiabatic quantum computing, a system is slowly evolved from the ground state of a simple initial Hamiltonian to a final Hamiltonian that encodes a computational problem. The appeal of this approach lies in the combination of simplicity and generality; in principle, any problem can be encoded. In practice, applications are restricted by limited connectivity, available interactions and noise. A complementary approach is digital quantum computing, which enables the construction of arbitrary interactions and is compatible with error correction, but uses quantum circuit algorithms that are problem-specific. Here we combine the advantages of both approaches by implementing digitized adiabatic quantum computing in a superconducting system. We tomographically probe the system during the digitized evolution and explore the scaling of errors with system size. We then let the full system find the solution to random instances of the one-dimensional Ising problem as well as problem Hamiltonians that involve more complex interactions. This digital quantum simulation of the adiabatic algorithm consists of up to nine qubits and up to 1,000 quantum logic gates. The demonstration of digitized adiabatic quantum computing in the solid state opens a path to synthesizing long-range correlations and solving complex computational problems. When combined with fault-tolerance, our approach becomes a general-purpose algorithm that is scalable.

Physical Review Letters | 2006

Wave-number spectra and intermittency in the terrestrial foreshock region

Lucas Lamata; M. A. Martin-Delgado; E. Solano

We study entanglement distillability of bipartite mixed spin states under Wigner rotations induced by Lorentz transformations. We define weak and strong criteria for relativistic isoentangled and isodistillable states to characterize relative and invariant behavior of entanglement and distillability. We exemplify these criteria in the context of Werner states, where fully analytical methods can be achieved and all relevant cases presented.

Physical Review Letters | 2014

Dynamical Casimir Effect Entangles Artificial Atoms

Simone Felicetti; M. Sanz; Lucas Lamata; G. Romero; Göran Johansson; Per Delsing; E. Solano

We show that the physics underlying the dynamical Casimir effect may generate multipartite quantum correlations. To achieve it, we propose a circuit quantum electrodynamics scenario involving superconducting quantum interference devices, cavities, and superconducting qubits, also called artificial atoms. Our results predict the generation of highly entangled states for two and three superconducting qubits in different geometric configurations with realistic parameters. This proposal paves the way for a scalable method of multipartite entanglement generation in cavity networks through dynamical Casimir physics.

Physical Review Letters | 2009

Operational Families of Entanglement Classes for Symmetric N-Qubit States

Thierry Bastin; Stéphanie Krins; Pierre Mathonet; Michel Godefroid; Lucas Lamata; E. Solano

We solve the entanglement classification under stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC) for all multipartite symmetric states in the general N-qubit case. For this purpose, we introduce 2 parameters playing a crucial role, namely, the diversity degree and the degeneracy configuration of a symmetric state. Those parameters give rise to a simple method of identifying operational families of SLOCC entanglement classes of all symmetric N-qubit states, where the number of families grows as the partition function of the number of qubits.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermion Lattice Models in Trapped Ions

J. Casanova; A. Mezzacapo; Lucas Lamata; E. Solano

We propose a method of simulating efficiently many-body interacting fermion lattice models in trapped ions, including highly nonlinear interactions in arbitrary spatial dimensions and for arbitrarily distant couplings. We map products of fermionic operators onto nonlocal spin operators and decompose the resulting dynamics in efficient steps with Trotter methods, yielding an overall protocol that employs only polynomial resources. The proposed scheme can be relevant in a variety of fields such as condensed-matter or high-energy physics, where quantum simulations may solve problems intractable for classical computers.

Physical Review A | 2006

Inductive classification of multipartite entanglement under stochastic local operations and classical communication

Lucas Lamata; Juan León; D. Salgado; E. Solano

L. Lamata, ∗ J. León, † D. Salgado, ‡ and E. Solano§3, 4, ¶ Instituto de Matemáticas y F́ısica Fundamental, CSIC, Serrano 113-bis, 28006 Madrid, Spain Dpto. F́ısica Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Strasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany Sección F́ısica, Departamento de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Apartado Postal 1761, Lima, Peru (Dated: May 30, 2020)

Scientific Reports | 2015

Quantum Rabi Model with Trapped Ions

J. S. Pedernales; I. Lizuain; Simone Felicetti; G. Romero; Lucas Lamata; E. Solano

We propose the quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in all parameter regimes by means of detuned bichromatic sideband excitations of a single trapped ion. We show that current setups can reproduce, in particular, the ultrastrong and deep strong coupling regimes of such a paradigmatic light-matter interaction. Furthermore, associated with these extreme dipolar regimes, we study the controlled generation and detection of their entangled ground states by means of adiabatic methods. Ion traps have arguably performed the first quantum simulation of the Jaynes-Cummings model, a restricted regime of the quantum Rabi model where the rotating-wave approximation holds. We show that one can go beyond and experimentally investigate the quantum simulation of coupling regimes of the quantum Rabi model that are difficult to achieve with natural dipolar interactions.

Physical Review Letters | 2011

Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories in Trapped Ions

J. Casanova; Lucas Lamata; I. L. Egusquiza; R. Gerritsma; Christian F. Roos; Juan José García-Ripoll; E. Solano

We propose the quantum simulation of fermion and antifermion field modes interacting via a bosonic field mode, and present a possible implementation with two trapped ions. This quantum platform allows for the scalable add up of bosonic and fermionic modes, and represents an avenue towards quantum simulations of quantum field theories in perturbative and nonperturbative regimes.

Scientific Reports | 2015

Digital quantum Rabi and Dicke models in superconducting circuits

A. Mezzacapo; U. Las Heras; Julen S. Pedernales; L. DiCarlo; E. Solano; Lucas Lamata

We propose the analog-digital quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi and Dicke models using circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). We find that all physical regimes, in particular those which are impossible to realize in typical cavity QED setups, can be simulated via unitary decomposition into digital steps. Furthermore, we show the emergence of the Dirac equation dynamics from the quantum Rabi model when the mode frequency vanishes. Finally, we analyze the feasibility of this proposal under realistic superconducting circuit scenarios.

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