Luciana Kind
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2011
João Leite Ferreira Neto; Luciana Kind; Alessandra Barbosa Pereira; Maria Carolina Costa Rezende; Marina Lanari Fernandes
This article analyzes the use of the concept of subjectivity in the public health field, associated with the historical and institutional conditions that demanded it. The main methodological strategy was a search in specific journals and reference books from the field. We identified three functions in the use of the concept of subjectivity, associating them primarily with external variables (trajectory in the health movement and institutionalization of the Unified National Health System - SUS) and secondarily with internal variables (logic of the theoretical/conceptual field). The functions discuss subjectivity as: (1) an element for conceiving the social action by political actors in the Health Reform project; (2) a strategy for problematizing health care and management as inter-subjective practices; and (3) a substrate for the production of autonomy for individuals and collectives. In their external variables, the three functions are established as processes for building micro and macro policies for the consolidation of the SUS.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2013
Luciana Kind; Maria de Lourdes Pereira Orsini; Valdênia Nepomuceno; Letícia Gonçalves; Gislaine Alves de Souza; Monique Fernanda Félix Ferreira
This study aimed to map indicators of violence against women as recorded by primary healthcare services in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and to identify difficulties experienced by health professionals in reporting such violence. Epidemiological data on this type of notification were collected in the information system of the Municipal Health Department. Data were produced with a semi-structured questionnaire and three focus group sessions with participation by 270 primary care professionals. The data were submitted to content analysis and were coded, categorized, and discussed in light of a literature review. A central analytical axis was called (in)visibility of violence against women. The data revealed both the recognition of violence as a public health problem and the invisibility that prevents dealing with it properly. Notification of such violence is often viewed as a fuss or commotion, which hampers progress in discussing and acting on the problem.Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo mapear indicadores de violencias contra mulheres em unidades basicas de saude de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e identificar as dificuldades experimentadas por profissionais de saude na notificacao de violencias. Dados epidemiologicos sobre esse tipo de notificacao foram levantados no sistema de informacoes da Secretaria Municipal de Saude. Dados qualitativos foram produzidos com questionario semiestruturado e tres sessoes de grupos focais, com a participacao de 270 profissionais da atencao primaria a saude. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de conteudo, sendo codificados, categorizados e discutidos a luz da revisao de literatura. Um eixo analitico central foi denominado (in)visibilidade da violencia contra mulheres. Emergem dos dados tanto o reconhecimento da violencia como problema de saude publica quanto a invisibilidade que impede o seu enfrentamento. Observa-se que a notificacao e frequentemente tomada como denuncia, o que dificulta o avanco nas discussoes e acoes concernentes ao problema.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2013
Natália Silva Azevedo; Luciana Kind
El articulo presenta una reflexion acerca del trabajo desarrollado por psicologas en Nucleos de Apoyo a la Salud de la Familia (NASF) de Belo Horizonte, y es motivado por la intencion de proporcionar un mayor conocimiento sobre la actuacion de ese profesional en nuevos escenarios de Atencion Primaria en Salud. Siendo asi, se quiso conocer la actuacion de los psicologos en los NASF de Belo Horizonte, acompanando su proceso de implantacion. Para eso, se utilizo el metodo cualitativo de investigacion, habiendo sido realizadas revisiones de literatura y analisis de documentos gubernamentales relacionados a la tematica en estudio ademas de entrevistas semiestructuradas con siete psicologas que actuan en equipos del NASF. Acompanando el inicio del trabajo del NASF en Belo Horizonte y el direccionamiento interdisciplinario de apoyo a los Equipos de Salud de la Familia (ESF), los datos sugieren que las practicas psi estan siendo construidas por los equipos en campo. Son producidos dialogos entre los diversos saberes ahi congregados, representados por los profesionales de salud de los Nucleos, entre las ESF y los equipos del NASF y entre los equipos de salud y la propia poblacion. Se cree que, en esos encuentros, concepciones y practicas diversas en salud compongan dialogos y debates proficuos.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2013
Luciana Kind; Maria de Lourdes Pereira Orsini; Valdênia Nepomuceno; Letícia Gonçalves; Gislaine Alves de Souza; Monique Fernanda Félix Ferreira
This study aimed to map indicators of violence against women as recorded by primary healthcare services in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and to identify difficulties experienced by health professionals in reporting such violence. Epidemiological data on this type of notification were collected in the information system of the Municipal Health Department. Data were produced with a semi-structured questionnaire and three focus group sessions with participation by 270 primary care professionals. The data were submitted to content analysis and were coded, categorized, and discussed in light of a literature review. A central analytical axis was called (in)visibility of violence against women. The data revealed both the recognition of violence as a public health problem and the invisibility that prevents dealing with it properly. Notification of such violence is often viewed as a fuss or commotion, which hampers progress in discussing and acting on the problem.Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo mapear indicadores de violencias contra mulheres em unidades basicas de saude de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e identificar as dificuldades experimentadas por profissionais de saude na notificacao de violencias. Dados epidemiologicos sobre esse tipo de notificacao foram levantados no sistema de informacoes da Secretaria Municipal de Saude. Dados qualitativos foram produzidos com questionario semiestruturado e tres sessoes de grupos focais, com a participacao de 270 profissionais da atencao primaria a saude. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de conteudo, sendo codificados, categorizados e discutidos a luz da revisao de literatura. Um eixo analitico central foi denominado (in)visibilidade da violencia contra mulheres. Emergem dos dados tanto o reconhecimento da violencia como problema de saude publica quanto a invisibilidade que impede o seu enfrentamento. Observa-se que a notificacao e frequentemente tomada como denuncia, o que dificulta o avanco nas discussoes e acoes concernentes ao problema.
Revista Psicologia em Pesquisa | 2017
Gislene Aparecida Lacerda; Luciana Kind
O objetivo deste texto e expor as interacoes entre pessoas da cidade e do contexto rural, no material empirico de uma pesquisa de orientacao etnografica. O rural e pensado como o lugar do encontro entre o campo e a cidade, como um “espaco singular” e como um modo vida. Apoiadas nas contribuicoes dos estudos etnograficos utilizou-se neste trabalho recursos como observacao participante, descricao densa e entrevistas com os profissionais da equipe de Saude da Familia, que trabalham em povoados de um municipio de Minas Gerais. Acentua-se do material empirico produzido durante a pesquisa as situacoes de encontro entre a pesquisadora e os/as integrantes da equipe de saude com o territorio e a populacao rural.
Psicologia em Revista | 2016
João Henrique de Sousa Santos; Luciana Kind
Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar o cenario de produtividade academica em relacao ao pesquisador com bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq). A investigacao envolveu a producao de dados empiricos por meio da selecao e analise de informacoes nos curriculos de pesquisadores PQ da area da Psicologia disponiveis na Plataforma Lattes. Foram tambem realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com sete pesquisadores bolsistas de produtividade de diferentes subareas. Os resultados estao apresentados e discutidos em tres eixos norteadores da problematizacao do campo investigado: produtividade e avaliacao da area; bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa: entre dilemas e beneficios; e produtivismo e modulacoes de pesquisadores. Os resultados apontam uma cultura da produtividade permeada pela logica da producao, sobretudo de artigos cientificos, e pela intensificacao do trabalho, que modula o trabalho do docente-pesquisador.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2015
Claudia Mayorga; Emerson Fernando Rasera; Luciana Kind; Marco Antônio Torres
Uma das características da psicologia social no Brasil, especialmente aquela que se vincula à ABRAPSO, é sua capacidade de abordar problemáticas da sociedade brasileira de forma crítica e com forte sensibilidade às mudanças que vão ocorrendo ao longo do tempo. Tal posição faz com que, de tempos em tempos, “novos” temas emerjam como questões para a psicologia social brasileira contribuindo, eventualmente, para a delimitação de novos campos do conhecimento. Tal movimento não é algo exclusivo da psicologia social, mas fazemos esse destaque para enfatizar o peculiar vínculo da psicologia social a problemas concretos da sociedade brasileira, produzindo, a partir deles, modos de pensar e intervir pelo viés psicossocial. Esse tipo de afirmação merece cuidados já que alguns poderão interpretá-la como a defesa de uma posição que qualifica a psicologia social como uma perspectiva privilegiada de análise da realidade. Ao contrário: o que queremos afirmar aqui é a constituição de um campo do conhecimento que evita pensar a realidade de “lugar nenhum” ou de uma espécie de “tribunal das razões”, mas que faz sua crítica em estreito diálogo e interação com a sociedade e que necessita, por essa razão, de um constante movimento de reflexividade e autocrítica.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2014
Karina Lima Lara; Luciana Kind
ABSTRACT. This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2014
Karina Lima Lara; Luciana Kind
ABSTRACT. This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2014
Karina Lima Lara; Luciana Kind
ABSTRACT. This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.This research aimed to investigate the experience of being the mother of a premature infant admitted to a neonatal unit, context of the first stage of the Kangaroo Care. The concept of subjectification processes was used based on readings of Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik. This is a qualitative study, with production of empirical data collected in a public hospital located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It counted with the participation of six mothers of premature babies admitted to the neonatology unit of said hospital, and used semi-structured interviews, in addition to participating observation for data production. The results of the investigation were revealed in two major categories: the experience of being the mother of a premature baby, and the relationships mediated by the hospitalization of the baby in the neonatal unit. The bonds established between mothers, machines, objects and narratives led to the comprehension of singular forms of experiencing maternity.