
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010

Prevalência de fatores de risco e proteção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em adolescentes: resultados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), Brasil, 2009

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Isabel Mendes; Sandhi Maria Barreto; Luana Giatti; Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro; Lenildo de Moura; Antonio José Ribeiro Dias; Claudio Dutra Crespo

A adolescencia e marcada por transformacoes e exposicao a diversas situacoes e riscos para a saude. O estudo atual estima a prevalencia dos principais fatores de risco e protecao a saude dos adolescentes entrevistados em 2009 na Pesquisa Nacional de Saude do Escolar (PeNSE). A PeNSE, parceria do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) com o Ministerio da Saude, usou questionario autoaplicavel em palmtop coletando informacao de 60.973 estudantes em 1.453 escolas publicas privadas nas 27 capitais. RESULTADOS: consumo de alimentos em cinco dias ou mais na semana: 62,6% comem feijao, apenas 31,5% consomem frutas, 58,3% comem guloseimas e 37% tomam refrigerantes; 43,1% dos alunos sao suficientemente ativos fisicamente e 79,5% gastam mais de duas horas diarias em frente a TV. Em relacao a tabaco e drogas: 6,3% sao fumantes atuais, 71,4% dos alunos disseram ja ter experimentado alguma bebida alcoolica. O consumo atual de bebida alcoolica foi de 27% e as drogas ilicitas foram usadas alguma vez na vida em 8,7%. Esses dados geram evidencias para orientar a implementacao de politicas publicas e realizar acoes para minimizar a exposicao de fatores de risco dos adolescentes brasileiros.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010

Bullying nas escolas brasileiras: resultados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), 2009

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Marta Angélica Iossi Silva; Flávia Carvalho Malta de Mello; Rosane Aparecida Monteiro; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Claudio Dutra Crespo; Mércia Gomes Oliveira de Carvalho; Marta Maria Alves da Silva; Denise Lopes Porto

The aim of this study is to identify and describe the occurrence of bullying among students in the 9th year (8th grade) from public and private schools from 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District. It is a cross-sectional study involving 60,973 students and 1,453 public and private schools. Data analysis indicates that 5.4% (IC95%: 5.1%-5.7%) of students reported having suffered bullying almost always or always in the last 30 days, 25.4% (IC95%: 24.8%-26.0%) were rarely or sometimes the victim of bullying and 69.2% (IC95%: 68.5%-69.8%) of students felt no humiliation or provocation at school. The capital with higher frequency of bullying was Belo Horizonte (6.9%; IC95%: 5,9%-7,9%), Minas Gerais, and the lowest was Palmas (3.5%; IC95%: 2.6%-4.5%), Tocantins. Boys reported more bullying (6,0%; IC95%: 5.5%-6.5%) compared with girls (4,8%; IC95%: 4.4%-5.3%). There was no difference between public schools 5.5% (IC95%: 5.1%-5.8%) and private (5.2%) (IC95%: 4.6%-5.8%), except in Aracaju, Sergipe, that show more bullying in private schools. The findings indicate an urgent need for intersectoral action from educational policies and practices that enforce the reduction and prevention of the occurrence of bullying in schools in Brazil.

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2010

Mortes evitáveis em menores de um ano, Brasil, 1997 a 2006: contribuições para a avaliação de desempenho do Sistema Único de Saúde

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Elisabeth Carmen Duarte; Juan José Cortez Escalante; Márcia Furquim de Almeida; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Eduardo Marques Macário; Rosane Aparecida Monteiro; Otaliba Libânio de Morais Neto

Infant deaths were classified as avoidable, non-avoidable, and resulting from ill-defined conditions, from 1997 to 2006, using the Brazilian List of Avoidable Causes of Mortality. Non-linear regression was used to calculate trends in cause-specific infant mortality rates. There was a significant decline in both avoidable deaths and deaths from ill-defined causes (p < 0.001). Avoidable deaths decreased by 37% overall. Mortality avoidable through adequate intrapartum care and adequate neonatal care decreased by 27.7% and 42.5%, respectively, while mortality avoidable through adequate prenatal care increased by 28.3%. In conclusion, health services contributed to the reduction in infant mortality. The decrease in ill-defined causes of death indicates expanded access to health services. The increase in access to intrapartum and neonatal care contributed to the reduction in infant deaths. The increase in mortality avoidable through adequate prenatal care indicates the need for improvement in prenatal care.

Revista Brasileira De Epidemiologia | 2011

Família e proteção ao uso de tabaco, álcool e drogas em adolescentes, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Denise Lopes Porto; Flavia Carvalho Malta Melo; Rosane Aparecida Monteiro; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Bernardo Horta Lessa

This study evaluates the relation between the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs and family protective factors. Data from the National School Health Survey (PeNSE) were analyzed in a sample of 60,973 students at the freshman year of high school, from public and private schools of Brazilian state capitals. Most adolescents lived with both their parents and about a third lived in households only with their mothers. Half the parents or responsible parties are aware of what adolescents do in their free time. Living with both parents is a protective factor for smoking, drinking, and drug use. Family supervision is also important for the prevention of such behavior. Sharing a meal with parents or responsible parties most days of the week and the fact that the parents know what the adolescents have done in their free time in the past 30 days are also protective factors. Students that miss classes without telling their parents have higher chances of using tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. The family plays an essential role to prevent tobacco, alcohol, and drug use, and to promote health among teenagers.

Revista Brasileira De Epidemiologia | 2011

Saúde sexual dos adolescentes segundo a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Marta Angélica Iossi Silva; Flávia Carvalho Malta de Mello; Rosane Aparecida Monteiro; Denise Lopes Porto; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Paula Carvalho de Freitas

The objective of this study was to describe situations related to sexual health of adolescents, according to the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE). It is a cross-sectional study performed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in partnership with the Ministry of Health that involved 60,973 students and 1,453 public and private schools. Data analysis points out that 30.5% (95%CI 29.9-31.2) of the adolescents had already had sexual relations sometime in their lives, being more frequent for males (43.7%; 95%CI 42.7-44.7) than females (18.7%; 95%CI 18.0-19.4), especially those who go to public schools (33.1%; 95%CI 32.4-33.9), aged 15 years or older (47.3%; 95%CI 45.7-48.9) and 16 years (63.5%; 95%CI 61,5-65.4). The sexual initiation age was early and 40.1% (95%CI 38.8-41.4) reported having had only one partner in life. The use of condoms in the last sexual relation was high both for protective (75.9%; CI95% 74.8-76.9) and contraceptive methods (74.7%; 95%CI 73.6-75.7). It is necessary to emphasize actions for promoting sexual health towards adolescents in order to minimize vulnerabilities.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010

Imagem corporal, estado nutricional e comportamento com relação ao peso entre adolescentes brasileiros

Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro; Renata Bertazzi Levy; Letícia de Oliveira Cardoso; Michelle Delboni dos Passos; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Letícia Ferreira Tavares; Sheila Potente Dutra; André Martins

The objective of this work is to describe the agreement between body image (BI) and nutritional status (NS) as well as to verify the association of BI and NS with behaviors regarding body weight (BRBW) among Brazilian adolescents. In 2009, a random sample of students in 9th year at public and private schools from 26 Brazilian state capitals and Federal District was studied. It was used a self-administered questionnaire with information about BI, BRBW and socioeconomic factors. Weight and height were measured. Logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate associations between variables and weighted kappa test was used to verify the agreement between NS and BI. Twenty-four percent of the adolescents had excessive weight (EW) and 17.7% considered themselves fat. Almost 2/3 performed some action to weight control and 7% showed extreme behavior for weight control (EBWC). Low agreement between the NS and BI was observed. Nearly half and 27% of those with EW considered themselves as having normal weight and being thin, respectively. Greater proportion of EW adolescents had EBWC when compared with those with normal weight and underweight. The same was observed in relation to BI. Low agreement between EN and BI was observed. Practices for weight control were observed even among individuals with adequate NS.

Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde | 2010

Atualização da lista de causas de mortes evitáveis por intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil

Deborah Carvalho Malta; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Lenildo de Moura; Sônia Lansky; Maria do Carmo Leal; Célia Landman Szwarcwald; Elisabeth França; Márcia Furquim de Almeida; Elisabeth Carmen Duarte

Endereço para correspondência: Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Coordenação-Geral de Doenças e Agravos Não Transmissíveis, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco G, Edifício-sede, 1 Andar, Sala 142, Brasília-DF. CEP: 10058-900 E-mail:; Deborah Carvalho Malta Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Ministério da Saúde, Brasília-DF, Brasil Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil

Revista Brasileira De Epidemiologia | 2011

Temporal variation in the prevalence of weight and obesity excess in adults: Brazil, 2006 to 2009

Denise Petrucci Gigante; Giovanny Vinícius Araújo de França; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Betine Pinto Moehlecke Iser; Gustavo Velásquez Meléndez

Overweight and obesity are public health issues that affect an important part of the world population. This study aims at describing the trends in overweight and obesity prevalence rates from 2006 to 2009, by means of telephone surveys in 27 Brazilian cities, with a population aged 18 years or older. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated by the reported height and weight; overweight and obesity were considered as BMI >25 kg/m² and >30 kg/m², respectively. Temporal variation in overweight and obesity prevalence is presented for men and women, according to age group, schooling, stable relationship, and skin color. Poisson regression was used for the analysis. Overweight prevalence was 43.0, 42.7, 44.2 and 46.6%,for each year of the period from 2006 to 2009, respectively. For obesity, in the same period, the trend was: 11.4, 12.7, 13.2 and 13.8%. The temporal trend varied in relation to some demographic and socioeconomic variables. The prevalence was higher among women and young adults. The temporal trend was independent of the relationship status of the interviewees, but the prevalence was higher among white women and those with less years of schooling. The results in this study confirmed the urgent need for effective prevention and control measures, as the increasing trend is occurring in a short period of time, especially among youngsters.

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2012

Dor dentária e fatores associados em adolescentes brasileiros: a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), Brasil, 2009

Maria do Carmo Matias Freire; Cláudio Rodrigues Leles; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Moacir Paludetto Junior; Deborah Carvalho Malta; Marco Aurélio Peres

The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental pain and associated socio-demographic and behavioral factors in Brazilian adolescents, using data from the National School-Based Health Survey (PeNSE), Brazil, 2009. The survey was conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and Ministry of Health in students 11 to 17 years of age or older in the 27 State capitals, using a self-administered questionnaire. Analyses included Poisson regression following a hierarchical approach. Prevalence of dental pain in the sample (n = 54,985) in the previous six months was 17.8% (95%CI: 17.5-18.1). Higher prevalence was associated with female gender, age 14 years and over, racial self-identification as black, brown, or indigenous, enrollment in public schools, lower maternal schooling, not living with the mother, history of smoking or drinking, less frequent toothbrushing, and heavy consumption of sweets and soft drinks. Dental pain was thus associated with socio-demographic factors and health-related behaviors.

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2012

Condição socioeconômica, frequência de escovação dentária e comportamentos em saúde em adolescentes brasileiros: uma análise a partir da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE)

Mario Vianna Vettore; Samuel Jorge Moysés; Luciana Monteiro Vasconcelos Sardinha; Betine Pinto Moehlecke Iser

This study investigated the association between oral and general health-related behaviors and socioeconomic status, and the relationship between health-related behaviors and toothbrushing among adolescents. The database used here was the National School-Based Health Survey (PeNSE), a cross-sectional population-based study in 2009 with students from 27 Brazilian State capitals. Socio-demographic and health-related behavior data were collected. The survey included 49,189 adolescents (47.5% males), the majority of whom were 14 years of age and enrolled in public schools. The associations between toothbrushing frequency and other health-related behaviors and socioeconomic status varied between boys and girls. Associations were observed between health-related habits and toothbrushing frequency in both sexes, but with variations according to socioeconomic status. Planning health promotion interventions for adolescents should take their individual characteristics and family and social context into account.

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