
The Lancet | 2011

Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial

John Burn; Anne-Marie Gerdes; Finlay Macrae; Jukka Pekka Mecklin; Gabriela Moeslein; Sylviane Olschwang; D. Eccles; D. Gareth Evans; Eamonn R. Maher; Lucio Bertario; Marie Luise Bisgaard; Malcolm G. Dunlop; Judy W. C. Ho; Shirley Hodgson; Annika Lindblom; Jan Lubinski; Patrick J. Morrison; Victoria Murday; Raj Ramesar; Lucy Side; Rodney J. Scott; Huw Thomas; Hans F. A. Vasen; Gail Barker; Gillian Crawford; Faye Elliott; Mohammad Movahedi; Kirsi Pylvänäinen; Juul T. Wijnen; Riccardo Fodde

Summary Background Observational studies report reduced colorectal cancer in regular aspirin consumers. Randomised controlled trials have shown reduced risk of adenomas but none have employed prevention of colorectal cancer as a primary endpoint. The CAPP2 trial aimed to investigate the antineoplastic effects of aspirin and a resistant starch in carriers of Lynch syndrome, the major form of hereditary colorectal cancer; we now report long-term follow-up of participants randomly assigned to aspirin or placebo. Methods In the CAPP2 randomised trial, carriers of Lynch syndrome were randomly assigned in a two-by-two factorial design to 600 mg aspirin or aspirin placebo or 30 g resistant starch or starch placebo, for up to 4 years. Randomisation was in blocks of 16 with provision for optional single-agent randomisation and extended postintervention double-blind follow-up; participants and investigators were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was development of colorectal cancer. Analysis was by intention to treat and per protocol. This trial is registered, ISRCTN59521990. Results 861 participants were randomly assigned to aspirin or aspirin placebo. At a mean follow-up of 55·7 months, 48 participants had developed 53 primary colorectal cancers (18 of 427 randomly assigned to aspirin, 30 of 434 to aspirin placebo). Intention-to-treat analysis of time to first colorectal cancer showed a hazard ratio (HR) of 0·63 (95% CI 0·35–1·13, p=0·12). Poisson regression taking account of multiple primary events gave an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 0·56 (95% CI 0·32–0·99, p=0·05). For participants completing 2 years of intervention (258 aspirin, 250 aspirin placebo), per-protocol analysis yielded an HR of 0·41 (0·19–0·86, p=0·02) and an IRR of 0·37 (0·18–0·78, p=0·008). No data for adverse events were available postintervention; during the intervention, adverse events did not differ between aspirin and placebo groups. Interpretation 600 mg aspirin per day for a mean of 25 months substantially reduced cancer incidence after 55·7 months in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed to establish the optimum dose and duration of aspirin treatment. Funding European Union; Cancer Research UK; Bayer Corporation; National Starch and Chemical Co; UK Medical Research Council; Newcastle Hospitals trustees; Cancer Council of Victoria Australia; THRIPP South Africa; The Finnish Cancer Foundation; SIAK Switzerland; Bayer Pharma.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 2013

Cancer Risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: Results From Prospective Analysis of EMBRACE

Nasim Mavaddat; Susan Peock; Debra Frost; Steve Ellis; Radka Platte; Elena Fineberg; D. Gareth Evans; Louise Izatt; Rosalind Eeles; Julian Adlard; Rosemarie Davidson; Diana Eccles; Trevor Cole; Jackie Cook; Carole Brewer; Marc Tischkowitz; Fiona Douglas; Shirley Hodgson; Lisa Walker; Mary Porteous; Patrick J. Morrison; Lucy Side; M. John Kennedy; Catherine Houghton; Alan Donaldson; Mark T. Rogers; Huw Dorkins; Zosia Miedzybrodzka; Helen Gregory; Jacqueline Eason

BACKGROUND Reliable estimates of cancer risk are critical for guiding management of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. The aims of this study were to derive penetrance estimates for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and contralateral breast cancer in a prospective series of mutation carriers and to assess how these risks are modified by common breast cancer susceptibility alleles. METHODS Prospective cancer risks were estimated using a cohort of 978 BRCA1 and 909 BRCA2 carriers from the United Kingdom. Nine hundred eighty-eight women had no breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis at baseline, 1509 women were unaffected by ovarian cancer, and 651 had been diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer. Cumulative risks were obtained using Kaplan-Meier estimates. Associations between cancer risk and covariables of interest were evaluated using Cox regression. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS The average cumulative risks by age 70 years for BRCA1 carriers were estimated to be 60% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 44% to 75%) for breast cancer, 59% (95% CI = 43% to 76%) for ovarian cancer, and 83% (95% CI = 69% to 94%) for contralateral breast cancer. For BRCA2 carriers, the corresponding risks were 55% (95% CI = 41% to 70%) for breast cancer, 16.5% (95% CI = 7.5% to 34%) for ovarian cancer, and 62% (95% CI = 44% to 79.5%) for contralateral breast cancer. BRCA2 carriers in the highest tertile of risk, defined by the joint genotype distribution of seven single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with breast cancer risk, were at statistically significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer than those in the lowest tertile (hazard ratio = 4.1, 95% CI = 1.2 to 14.5; P = .02). CONCLUSIONS Prospective risk estimates confirm that BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers are at high risk of developing breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer. Our results confirm findings from retrospective studies that common breast cancer susceptibility alleles in combination are predictive of breast cancer risk for BRCA2 carriers.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 1997

Homozygous inactivation of the NF1 gene in bone marrow cells from children with neurofibromatosis type 1 and malignant myeloid disorders

Lucy Side; Brigit R. Taylor; Matthew C. Cayouette; Edward R. Conner; Patricia Thompson; Michael C. Luce; Kevin Shannon

BACKGROUND The risk of malignant myeloid disorders in young children with neurofibromatosis type 1 is 200 to 500 times the normal risk. The gene for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) encodes neurofibromin, a protein that negatively regulates signals transduced by Ras proteins. Genetic and biochemical data support the hypothesis that NF1 functions as a tumor-suppressor gene in immature myeloid cells, but inactivation of both NF1 alleles has not been demonstrated in leukemic cells from patients with neurofibromatosis type 1. METHODS Using an in vitro transcription and translation system, we screened bone marrow samples from 18 children with neurofibromatosis type 1 and myeloid disorders for NF1 mutations that cause a truncated protein. Mutations were confirmed by direct sequencing of genomic DNA from the patients, and from their affected parents, in cases of familial neurofibromatosis type 1. RESULTS Specimens from 9 of the 18 children contained abnormal peptide fragments, and truncating mutations of the NF1 gene were found in specimens from 8 of these children. The normal NF1 allele was absent in bone marrow samples from five of the eight children. We detected the same mutation in DNA from the affected parent of each child with familial neurofibromatosis type 1. CONCLUSIONS Both alleles of the NF1 gene are inactivated in leukemic cells in some patients with neurofibromatosis type 1. NF1 appears to function as a tumor-suppressor gene in immature myeloid cells.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2013

Germline BRCA Mutations Are Associated With Higher Risk of Nodal Involvement, Distant Metastasis, and Poor Survival Outcomes in Prostate Cancer

Elena Castro; Chee Goh; David Olmos; Ed Saunders; Daniel Leongamornlert; Malgorzata Tymrakiewicz; Nadiya Mahmud; Tokhir Dadaev; Koveela Govindasami; Michelle Guy; Emma J. Sawyer; Rosemary A. Wilkinson; Audrey Ardern-Jones; Steve Ellis; Debra Frost; Susan Peock; D. Gareth Evans; Marc Tischkowitz; Trevor Cole; Rosemarie Davidson; Diana Eccles; Carole Brewer; Fiona Douglas; Mary Porteous; Alan Donaldson; Huw Dorkins; Louise Izatt; Jackie Cook; Shirley Hodgson; M. John Kennedy

PURPOSE To analyze the baseline clinicopathologic characteristics of prostate tumors with germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) mutations and the prognostic value of those mutations on prostate cancer (PCa) outcomes. PATIENTS AND METHODS This study analyzed the tumor features and outcomes of 2,019 patients with PCa (18 BRCA1 carriers, 61 BRCA2 carriers, and 1,940 noncarriers). The Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis were used to evaluate the associations between BRCA1/2 status and other PCa prognostic factors with overall survival (OS), cause-specific OS (CSS), CSS in localized PCa (CSS_M0), metastasis-free survival (MFS), and CSS from metastasis (CSS_M1). RESULTS PCa with germline BRCA1/2 mutations were more frequently associated with Gleason ≥ 8 (P = .00003), T3/T4 stage (P = .003), nodal involvement (P = .00005), and metastases at diagnosis (P = .005) than PCa in noncarriers. CSS was significantly longer in noncarriers than in carriers (15.7 v 8.6 years, multivariable analyses [MVA] P = .015; hazard ratio [HR] = 1.8). For localized PCa, 5-year CSS and MFS were significantly higher in noncarriers (96% v 82%; MVA P = .01; HR = 2.6%; and 93% v 77%; MVA P = .009; HR = 2.7, respectively). Subgroup analyses confirmed the poor outcomes in BRCA2 patients, whereas the role of BRCA1 was not well defined due to the limited size and follow-up in this subgroup. CONCLUSION Our results confirm that BRCA1/2 mutations confer a more aggressive PCa phenotype with a higher probability of nodal involvement and distant metastasis. BRCA mutations are associated with poor survival outcomes and this should be considered for tailoring clinical management of these patients.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2011

DICER1 syndrome: clarifying the diagnosis, clinical features and management implications of a pleiotropic tumour predisposition syndrome

Ingrid Slade; Chiara Bacchelli; Helen Davies; Anne Murray; Fatemeh Abbaszadeh; Sandra Hanks; Rita Barfoot; Amos Burke; Julia Chisholm; Martin Hewitt; Helen Jenkinson; Derek J. King; Bruce Morland; Barry Pizer; Katrina Prescott; Anand Saggar; Lucy Side; Heidi Traunecker; Sucheta Vaidya; Paul Ward; P. Andrew Futreal; Gordan Vujanic; Andrew G. Nicholson; Nj Sebire; Clare Turnbull; John R. Priest; Kathryn Pritchard-Jones; Richard S. Houlston; Charles Stiller; Michael R. Stratton

Background Constitutional DICER1 mutations were recently reported to cause familial pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB). Aim To investigate the contribution and phenotypic spectrum of constitutional and somatic DICER1 mutations to cancer. Methods and results The authors sequenced DICER1 in constitutional DNA from 823 unrelated patients with a variety of tumours and in 781 cancer cell lines. Constitutional DICER1 mutations were identified in 19 families including 11/14 with PPB, 2/3 with cystic nephroma, 4/7 with ovarian Sertoli–Leydig-type tumours, 1/243 with Wilms tumour (this patient also had a Sertoli–Leydig tumour), 1/1 with intraocular medulloepithelioma (this patient also had PPB), 1/86 with medulloblastoma/infratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumour, and 1/172 with germ cell tumour. The inheritance was investigated in 17 families. DICER1 mutations were identified in 25 relatives: 17 were unaffected, one mother had ovarian Sertoli–Leydig tumour, one half-sibling had cystic nephroma, and six relatives had non-toxic thyroid cysts/goitre. Analysis of eight tumours from DICER1 mutation-positive patients showed universal retention of the wild-type allele. DICER1 truncating mutations were identified in 4/781 cancer cell lines; all were in microsatellite unstable lines and therefore unlikely to be driver mutations. Conclusion Constitutional DICER1 haploinsufficiency predisposes to a broad range of tumours, making a substantial contribution to PPB, cystic nephroma and ovarian Sertoli–Leydig tumours, but a smaller contribution to other tumours. Most mutation carriers are unaffected, indicating that tumour risk is modest. The authors define the clinical contexts in which DICER1 mutation testing should be considered, the associated tumour risks, and the implications for at-risk individuals. They have termed this condition ‘DICER1 syndrome’. Accession numbers The cDNA Genbank accession number for the DICER1 sequence reported in this paper is NM_030621.2.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2008

Effect of Aspirin or Resistant Starch on Colorectal Neoplasia in the Lynch Syndrome

John Burn; D. Timothy Bishop; Jukka Pekka Mecklin; Finlay Macrae; Gabriela Möslein; Sylviane Olschwang; Marie Luise Bisgaard; Raj Ramesar; Diana Eccles; Eamonn R. Maher; Lucio Bertario; Heikki Järvinen; Annika Lindblom; D. Gareth Evans; Jan Lubinski; Patrick Morrison; Judy W. C. Ho; Hans F. A. Vasen; Lucy Side; Huw Thomas; Rodney J. Scott; Malcolm G. Dunlop; Gail Barker; Faye Elliott; Jeremy R. Jass; Ricardo Fodde; Henry T. Lynch; John C. Mathers

BACKGROUND Observational and epidemiologic data indicate that the use of aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal neoplasia; however, the effects of aspirin in the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer) are not known. Resistant starch has been associated with an antineoplastic effect on the colon. METHODS In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we used a two-by-two design to investigate the effects of aspirin, at a dose of 600 mg per day, and resistant starch (Novelose), at a dose of 30 g per day, in reducing the risk of adenoma and carcinoma among persons with the Lynch syndrome. RESULTS Among 1071 persons in 43 centers, 62 were ineligible to participate in the study, 72 did not enter the study, and 191 withdrew from the study. These three categories were equally distributed across the study groups. Over a mean period of 29 months (range, 7 to 74), colonic adenoma or carcinoma developed in 141 participants. Of 693 participants randomly assigned to receive aspirin or placebo, neoplasia developed in 66 participants receiving aspirin (18.9%), as compared with 65 receiving placebo (19.0%) (relative risk, 1.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.7 to 1.4). There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to the development of advanced neoplasia (7.4% and 9.9%, respectively; P=0.33). Among the 727 participants receiving resistant starch or placebo, neoplasia developed in 67 participants receiving starch (18.7%), as compared with 68 receiving placebo (18.4%) (relative risk, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.7 to 1.4). Advanced adenomas and colorectal cancers were evenly distributed in the two groups. The prevalence of serious adverse events was low, and the events were evenly distributed. CONCLUSIONS The use of aspirin, resistant starch, or both for up to 4 years has no effect on the incidence of colorectal adenoma or carcinoma among carriers of the Lynch syndrome. (Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN59521990.)

Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 2015

Cost-effectiveness of Population Screening for BRCA Mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish Women Compared With Family History–Based Testing

Ranjit Manchanda; Rosa Legood; Matthew Burnell; Alistair McGuire; Maria Raikou; Kelly Loggenberg; Jane Wardle; Saskia C. Sanderson; Sue Gessler; Lucy Side; Nyala Balogun; Rakshit Desai; Ajith Kumar; Huw Dorkins; Yvonne Wallis; Cyril Chapman; Rohan Taylor; Chris Jacobs; Ian Tomlinson; Uziel Beller; Usha Menon; Ian Jacobs

Background: Population-based testing for BRCA1/2 mutations detects the high proportion of carriers not identified by cancer family history (FH)–based testing. We compared the cost-effectiveness of population-based BRCA testing with the standard FH-based approach in Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) women. Methods: A decision-analytic model was developed to compare lifetime costs and effects amongst AJ women in the UK of BRCA founder-mutation testing amongst: 1) all women in the population age 30 years or older and 2) just those with a strong FH (≥10% mutation risk). The model assumes that BRCA carriers are offered risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy and annual MRI/mammography screening or risk-reducing mastectomy. Model probabilities utilize the Genetic Cancer Prediction through Population Screening trial/published literature to estimate total costs, effects in terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), cancer incidence, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), and population impact. Costs are reported at 2010 prices. Costs/outcomes were discounted at 3.5%. We used deterministic/probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) to evaluate model uncertainty. Results: Compared with FH-based testing, population-screening saved 0.090 more life-years and 0.101 more QALYs resulting in 33 days’ gain in life expectancy. Population screening was found to be cost saving with a baseline-discounted ICER of -£2079/QALY. Population-based screening lowered ovarian and breast cancer incidence by 0.34% and 0.62%. Assuming 71% testing uptake, this leads to 276 fewer ovarian and 508 fewer breast cancer cases. Overall, reduction in treatment costs led to a discounted cost savings of £3.7 million. Deterministic sensitivity analysis and 94% of simulations on PSA (threshold £20000) indicated that population screening is cost-effective, compared with current NHS policy. Conclusion: Population-based screening for BRCA mutations is highly cost-effective compared with an FH-based approach in AJ women age 30 years and older.

Annals of Oncology | 2016

Factors affecting uptake and adherence to breast cancer chemoprevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Samuel G. Smith; Ivana Sestak; Alice S. Forster; Ann H. Partridge; Lucy Side; Michael S. Wolf; Rob Horne; Jane Wardle; Jack Cuzick

In this systematic review of studies investigating decision-making in the context of breast cancer preventive therapy, we observed low uptake of all agents and poor long-term persistence. Our meta-analysis including over 21 000 women demonstrated that only 1 in 6 eligible women decided to take preventive therapy. Persistence for 5 years was low, limiting the preventive effect in these women.

British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 2011

Outcome of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in BRCA carriers and women of unknown mutation status

Ranjit Manchanda; A Abdelraheim; Marcella M. Johnson; Adam N. Rosenthal; Elizabeth Benjamin; Carol Brunell; Matthew Burnell; Lucy Side; Sue Gessler; E. Saridogan; David H. Oram; Ian Jacobs; Usha Menon

Please cite this paper as: Manchanda R, Abdelraheim A, Johnson M, Rosenthal A, Benjamin E, Brunell C, Burnell M, Side L, Gessler S, Saridogan E, Oram D, Jacobs I, Menon U. Outcome of risk‐reducing salpingo‐oophorectomy in BRCA carriers and women of unknown mutation status. BJOG 2011;118:814–824.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 2015

Population Testing for Cancer Predisposing BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutations in the Ashkenazi-Jewish Community: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Ranjit Manchanda; Kelly Loggenberg; Saskia C. Sanderson; Matthew Burnell; Jane Wardle; Sue Gessler; Lucy Side; Nyala Balogun; Rakshit Desai; Ajith Kumar; Huw Dorkins; Yvonne Wallis; Cyril Chapman; Rohan Taylor; Chris Jacobs; Ian Tomlinson; Alistair McGuire; Uziel Beller; Usha Menon; Ian Jacobs

Background: Technological advances raise the possibility of systematic population-based genetic testing for cancer-predisposing mutations, but it is uncertain whether benefits outweigh disadvantages. We directly compared the psychological/quality-of-life consequences of such an approach to family history (FH)–based testing. Methods: In a randomized controlled trial of BRCA1/2 gene-mutation testing in the Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) population, we compared testing all participants in the population screening (PS) arm with testing those fulfilling standard FH-based clinical criteria (FH arm). Following a targeted community campaign, AJ participants older than 18 years were recruited by self-referral after pretest genetic counseling. The effects of BRCA1/2 genetic testing on acceptability, psychological impact, and quality-of-life measures were assessed by random effects regression analysis. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: One thousand, one hundred sixty-eight AJ individuals were counseled, 1042 consented, 1034 were randomly assigned (691 women, 343 men), and 1017 were eligible for analysis. Mean age was 54.3 (SD = 14.66) years. Thirteen BRCA1/2 carriers were identified in the PS arm, nine in the FH arm. Five more carriers were detected among FH-negative FH-arm participants following study completion. There were no statistically significant differences between the FH and PS arms at seven days or three months on measures of anxiety, depression, health anxiety, distress, uncertainty, and quality-of-life. Contrast tests indicated that overall anxiety (P = .0001) and uncertainty (P = .005) associated with genetic testing decreased; positive experience scores increased (P = .0001); quality-of-life and health anxiety did not change with time. Overall, 56% of carriers did not fulfill clinical criteria for genetic testing, and the BRCA1/2 prevalence was 2.45%. Conclusion: Compared with FH-based testing, population-based genetic testing in Ashkenazi Jews doesn’t adversely affect short-term psychological/quality-of-life outcomes and may detect 56% additional BRCA carriers.

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