Ludger Scherliess
Utah State University
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Featured researches published by Ludger Scherliess.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Ludger Scherliess; Bela G. Fejer
We present the first global empirical model for the quiet time F region equatorial vertical drifts based on combined incoherent scatter radar observations at Jicamarca and Ion Drift Meter observations on board the Atmospheric Explorer E satellite. This analytical model, based on products of cubic-B splines and with nearly conservative electric fields, describes the diurnal and seasonal variations of the equatorial vertical drifts for a continuous range of all longitudes and solar flux values. Our results indicate that during solar minimum, the evening prereversal velocity enhancement exhibits only small longitudinal variations during equinox with amplitudes of about 15–20 m/s, is observed only in the American sector during December solstice with amplitudes of about 5–10 m/s, and is absent at all longitudes during June solstice. The solar minimum evening reversal times are fairly independent of longitude except during December solstice. During solar maximum, the evening upward vertical drifts and reversal times exhibit large longitudinal variations, particularly during the solstices. In this case, for a solar flux index of 180, the June solstice evening peak drifts maximize in the Pacific region with drift amplitudes of up to 35 m/s, whereas the December solstice velocities maximize in the American sector with comparable magnitudes. The equinoctial peak velocities vary between about 35 and 45 m/s. The morning reversal times and the daytime drifts exhibit only small variations with the phase of the solar cycle. The daytime drifts have largest amplitudes between about 0900 and 1100 LT with typical values of 25–30 m/s. We also show that our model results are in good agreement with other equatorial ground-based observations over India, Brazil, and Kwajalein.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Bela G. Fejer; Ludger Scherliess; E. R. de Paula
We use radar observations from the Jicamarca Observatory from 1968 to 1992 to study the effects of the F region vertical plasma drift velocity on the generation and evolution of equatorial spread F. The dependence of these irregularities on season, solar cycle, and magnetic activity can be explained as resulting from the corresponding effects on the evening and nighttime vertical drifts. In the early night sector, the bottomside of the F layer is almost always unstable. The evolution of the unstable layer is controlled by the history of the vertical drift velocity. When the drift velocities are large enough, the necessary seeding mechanisms for the generation of strong spread F always appear to be present. The threshold drift velocity for the generation of strong early night irregularities increases linearly with solar flux. The geomagnetic control on the generation of spread F is season, solar cycle, and longitude dependent. These effects can be explained by the response of the equatorial vertical drift velocities to magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbance dynamo electric fields. The occurrence of early night spread F decreases significantly during equinox solar maximum magnetically disturbed conditions due to disturbance dynamo electric fields which decrease the upward drift velocities near sunset. The generation of late night spread F requires the reversal of the vertical velocity from downward to upward for periods longer than about half an hour. These irregularities occur most often at ∼0400 local time when the prompt penetration and disturbance dynamo vertical drifts have largest amplitudes. The occurrence of late night spread F is highest near solar minimum and decreases with increasing solar activity probably due to the large increase of the nighttime downward drifts with increasing solar flux.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Bela G. Fejer; Ludger Scherliess
Ionospheric plasma drifts often show highly complex and variable signatures during geomagnetically active periods due to the effects of different disturbance processes. We describe initially a methodology for the study of storm time dependent ionospheric electric fields. We present empirical models of equatorial disturbance zonal electric fields obtained using extensive F region vertical plasma drift measurements from the Jicamarca Observatory and auroral electrojet indices. These models determine the plasma drift perturbations due to the combined effects of short-lived prompt penetration and longer lasting disturbance dynamo electric fields. We show that the prompt penetration drifts obtained from a high time resolution empirical model are in excellent agreement with results from the Rice Convection Model for comparable changes in the polar cap potential drop. We also present several case studies comparing observations with results obtained by adding model disturbance drifts and season and solar cycle dependent average quiet time drift patterns. When the disturbance drifts are largely due to changes in magnetospheric convection and to disturbance dynamo effects, the measured and modeled drift velocities are generally in good agreement. However, our results indicate that the equatorial disturbance electric field pattern can be strongly affected by variations in the shielding efficiency, and in the high-latitude potential and energy deposition patterns which are not accounted for in the model. These case studies and earlier results also suggest the possible importance of additional sources of plasmaspheric disturbance electric fields.
Radio Science | 2004
Robert W. Schunk; Ludger Scherliess; Jan J. Sojka; D. C. Thompson; David N. Anderson; Mihail Codrescu; C. F. Minter; T. J. Fuller-Rowell; R. A. Heelis; Marc R. Hairston; Bruce M. Howe
Abstract : Our primary goal is to construct a real-time data assimilation model for the ionosphere-plasmasphere system that will provide reliable specifications and forecasts. A secondary goal is to validate the model for a wide range of geophysical conditions, including different solar cycle, seasonal, storm, and substorm conditions.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Ludger Scherliess; Bela G. Fejer
We use Jicamarca radar observations of F region vertical plasma drifts and auroral electrojet indices during 1968-1988 to study the characteristics and temporal evolution of equatorial disturbance dynamo zonal electric fields. These electric fields result from the dynamo action of storm time winds and/or thermospheric composition changes driven by enhanced energy deposition into the high-latitude ionosphere during geomagnetically active conditions. The equatorial vertical drift perturbations last for periods of up to 30 hours after large increases in the high-latitude currents. On the average, this process can be described by two basic components with time delays of about 1-12 hours and 22-28 hours between the high-latitude current enhancements and the equatorial velocity perturbations. Our data indicate strong coupling between dynamo processes with different timescales. The short-term disturbance dynamo drives upward equatorial drifts (eastward electric fields) at night with largest amplitudes near sunrise and small downward drifts during the day. These perturbation drifts are in good agreement with results from the Blanc- Richmond disturbance dynamo theory. The dynamo process with time delays of about a day drives upward drift velocities at night with largest values near midnight and downward drifts in the sunrise-noon sector. In this case, the amplitudes of the disturbance drifts maximize during geomagnetically quiet times preceded by strongly disturbed conditions. We also present results of a new equatorial storm time dependent empirical model which illustrate the characteristics of the vertical disturbance dynamo drifts.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1995
Bela G. Fejer; Ludger Scherliess
The authors use extensive radar measurements of F region vertical plasma drifts and auroral electrojet indices to determine the storm time dependence of equatorial zonal electric fields. These disturbance drifts result from the prompt penetration of high latitude electric fields and from the dynamo action of storm time winds which produce the largest perturbations a few hours after the onset of magnetic activity. The signatures of the equatorial disturbance electric fields change significantly depending on the relative contributions of these two components. The prompt electric field responses, with lifetimes of about one hour, are in excellent agreement with results from global convection models. The electric fields generated by storm time winds have longer lifetimes, amplitudes proportional to the energy input into the high latitude ionosphere, and a daily variation which follows closely the disturbance dynamo pattern of Blanc and Richmond. The storm wind driven electric fields are responsible for the larger amplitudes and longer lifetimes of the drift perturbations following sudden decreases in convection compared to those associated with sudden convection enhancements. 14 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics | 2001
Bela G. Fejer; Ludger Scherliess
Abstract We use incoherent scatter radar measurements from the Jicamarca Observatory to study the variability of equatorial F-region vertical plasma drifts. The daytime average upward drifts do not vary much with solar activity, but the evening upward and the nighttime downward drifts increase from solar minimum to solar maximum. Our data indicate that the quiet-time variability of the Jicamarca vertical drifts is local time, seasonal, and solar cycle dependent. This variability is largest in the dawn–noon sector and during March equinox solar minimum periods, when the midday average upward drift velocity from consecutive magnetically quiet days can often change by more than 10 m / s . The day-to-day variability of the vertical drifts decreases in the afternoon sector and with the increase of solar activity for all seasons. There are several possible processes responsible for the quiet-time plasma drift variability.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1998
Bela G. Fejer; Ludger Scherliess
We have used ion drift observations from the DE-2 satellite to determine the latitudinal variation and the temporal evolution of mid- and low-latitude prompt penetration zonal plasma drifts driven by magnetospheric electric fields. Our results indicate that sudden increases in convection lead to predominantly westward perturbation drifts which decrease equartorwards and have largest amplitudes in the dusk-midnight sector. The diurnal perturbation drift patterns shift to later local times with increasing storm time and decay to new quasi-equilibrium values in about 2 hours, as the ring current readjusts to the new polar cap potential. The daily and latitudinal variations and temporal evolution of the DE-2 prompt penetration drifts are generally in good agreement with predictions from the Rice Convection Model, although the experimental results show larger amplitudes and longer shielding time constants.
Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications | 2005
Robert W. Schunk; Ludger Scherliess; Jan J. Sojka; D. C. Thompson; L. Zhu
In an effort to mitigate the adverse effects of the ionosphere on military and civilian operations, specification and forecast models are being developed that employ state-of-the-art data assimilation techniques. Utah State University has recently developed two data assimilation models for the ionosphere as part of the USU Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (USU GAIM) program. One of these models is currently being implemented at the Air Force Weather Agency for operational use. The USU-GAIM models are also being used for scientific studies, and this should lead to a dramatic advance in our understanding of ionospheric physics similar to what occurred in meteorology and oceanography after the introduction of data assimilation models in those fields.
Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications | 2011
J. S. Shim; M. Kuznetsova; L. Rastätter; Michael Hesse; Dieter Bilitza; Mark D. Butala; Mihail Codrescu; Barbara A. Emery; B. Foster; T. J. Fuller-Rowell; J. D. Huba; Anthony J. Mannucci; Xiaoqing Pi; Aaron J. Ridley; Ludger Scherliess; Robert W. Schunk; P. Stephens; D. C. Thompson; L. Zhu; David N. Anderson; Jorge L. Chau; Jan J. Sojka; B. Rideout
[1] Objective quantification of model performance based on metrics helps us evaluate the current state of space physics modeling capability, address differences among various modeling approaches, and track model improvements over time. The Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge was initiated in 2009 to assess accuracy of various ionosphere/thermosphere models in reproducing ionosphere and thermosphere parameters. A total of nine events and five physical parameters were selected to compare between model outputs and observations. The nine events included two strong and one moderate geomagnetic storm events from GEM Challenge events and three moderate storms and three quiet periods from the first half of the International Polar Year (IPY) campaign, which lasted for 2 years, from March 2007 to March 2009. The five physical parameters selected were NmF2 and hmF2 from ISRs and LEO satellites such as CHAMP and COSMIC, vertical drifts at Jicamarca, and electron and neutral densities along the track of the CHAMP satellite. For this study, four different metrics and up to 10 models were used. In this paper, we focus on preliminary results of the study using ground-based measurements, which include NmF2 and hmF2 from Incoherent Scatter Radars (ISRs), and vertical drifts at Jicamarca. The results show that the model performance strongly depends on the type of metrics used, and thus no model is ranked top for all used metrics. The analysis further indicates that performance of the model also varies with latitude and geomagnetic activity level.