Luis Miguel Pinho
Oporto Polytechnic Institute
IEEE Transactions on Computers | 2003
Luis Miguel Pinho; Francisco Vasques
Controller area network (CAN) is a fieldbus network suitable for small-scale distributed computer controlled systems (DCCS), being appropriate for sending and receiving short real-time messages at speeds up to 1 Mbit/sec. Several studies are available on how to guarantee the real-time requirements of CAN messages, providing preruntime schedulability conditions to guarantee the real-time communication requirements of DCCS traffic. Usually, it is considered that CAN guarantees atomic multicast properties by means of its extensive error detection/signaling mechanisms. However, there are some error situations where messages can be delivered in duplicate or delivered only by a subset of the receivers, leading to inconsistencies in the supported applications. In order to prevent such inconsistencies, a middleware for reliable communication in CAN is proposed, taking advantage of CAN synchronous properties to minimize the runtime overhead. Such middleware comprises a set of atomic multicast and consolidation protocols, upon which the reliable communication properties are guaranteed. The related timing analysis demonstrates that, in spite of the extra stack of protocols, the real-time properties of CAN are preserved since the predictability of message transfer is guaranteed.
international workshop on factory communication systems | 2000
Luis Miguel Pinho; Francisco Vasques; Eduardo Tovar
A controller area network (CAN) is a field bus network suitable for small-scale distributed computer controlled systems, appropriate for transferring short real-time messages. Nevertheless, it must be understood that continuity of service is not fully guaranteed since it may be disturbed by temporary periods of network inaccessibility. Such temporary periods of network inaccessibility are integrated in the response time analysis of CAN networks. The achieved results emphasise that, in the presence of temporary periods of network inaccessibility, a CAN network is not able to provide different integrity levels to the supported applications, since errors in low priority messages interfere with the response time of higher priority message streams.
real-time networks and systems | 2014
Cláudio Maia; Marko Bertogna; Luis Miguel Nogueira; Luis Miguel Pinho
Programmers resort to user-level parallel frameworks in order to exploit the parallelism provided by multiprocessor platforms. While such general frameworks do not support the stringent timing requirements of real-time systems, they offer a useful model of computation based on the standard fork/join, for which the analysis of timing properties makes sense. Very few works analyse the schedulability of synchronous parallel real-time tasks, which is a generalisation of the standard fork/join model. This paper proposes to narrow the gap by presenting a model that analyses the response-time of synchronous parallel real-time tasks. The model under consideration targets tasks with fixed priorities, composed of several segments with an arbitrary number of parallel and independent units of execution. We contribute to the state-of-the-art by analysing the response-time behaviour of synchronous parallel tasks. To accomplish this, we take into account concepts previously proposed in the literature and define new concepts such as carry-out decomposition and sliding window technique in order to compute the worst-case workload in a window of interest. Results show that the proposed approach is significantly better than current approaches, improving the state-of-the-art analysis of parallel real-time tasks.
euromicro conference on real-time systems | 2001
Luis Miguel Pinho; Francisco Vasques
The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a fieldbus network with real-time capabilities. It is generally considered that CAN guarantees atomic multicast properties, through its extensive error detection/signalling mechanisms. However, there are error situations where messages can be delivered in duplicate by some receivers or delivered only by a subset of the receivers, leading to inconsistencies in the supported applications. In order to prevent such inconsistencies, a set of atomic multicast protocols is proposed, taking advantage of CAN synchronous properties to minimise its run-time overhead. This paper presents such set of protocols, focusing on the timing analysis of the supported reliable real-time communication. It demonstrates that, in spite of the extra stack of protocols, the real-time capabilities of CAN are preserved, since the predictability of message transfer is guaranteed.
software engineering and advanced applications | 2011
António Barros; Luis Miguel Pinho
The recent trends of chip architectures with higher number of heterogeneous cores, and non-uniform memory/non-coherent caches, brings renewed attention to the use of Software Transactional Memory (STM) as a fundamental building block for developing parallel applications. Nevertheless, although STM promises to ease concurrent and parallel software development, it relies on the possibility of aborting conflicting transactions to maintain data consistency, which impacts on the responsiveness and timing guarantees required by embedded real-time systems. In these systems, contention delays must be (efficiently) limited so that the response times of tasks executing transactions are upper-bounded and task sets can be feasibly scheduled. In this paper we assess the use of STM in the development of embedded real-time software, defending that the amount of contention can be reduced if read-only transactions access recent consistent data snapshots, progressing in a wait-free manner. We show how the required number of versions of a shared object can be calculated for a set of tasks. We also outline an algorithm to manage conflicts between update transactions that prevents starvation.
acm symposium on applied computing | 2015
José Fonseca; Vincent Nélis; Gurulingesh Raravi; Luis Miguel Pinho
Owing to the current trends for higher performance and the ever growing availability of multiprocessors in the embedded computing (EC) domain, there is nowadays a strong push towards the parallelization of modern embedded applications. Several real-time task models have recently been proposed to capture different forms of parallelism. However, they do not deal explicitly with control flow information as they assume that all the threads of a parallel task must execute every time the task is activated. In contrast, in this paper, we present a multi-DAG model where each task is characterized by a set of execution flows, each of which represents a different execution path throughout the task code and is modeled as a DAG of sub-tasks. We propose a two-step solution that computes a single synchronous DAG of servers for a task modeled by a multi-DAG and show that these servers are able to supply every execution flow of that task with the required cpu-budget so that the task can execute entirely, irrespective of the execution flow taken at run-time, while satisfying its precedence constraints. As a result, each task can be modeled by its single DAG of servers, which facilitates in leveraging the existing single-DAG schedulability analyses techniques for analyzing the schedulability of parallel tasks with multiple execution flows.
embedded software | 2012
Luis Miguel Nogueira; Luis Miguel Pinho
Multicore platforms have transformed parallelism into a main concern. Parallel programming models are being put forward to provide a better approach for application programmers to expose the opportunities for parallelism by pointing out potentially parallel regions within tasks, leaving the actual and dynamic scheduling of these regions onto processors to be performed at runtime, exploiting the maximum amount of parallelism. It is in this context that this paper proposes a scheduling approach that combines the constant-bandwidth server abstraction with a priority-aware work-stealing load balancing scheme which, while ensuring isolation among tasks, enables parallel tasks to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant.
digital systems design | 2014
Luis Miguel Pinho; Eduardo Quiñones; Marko Bertogna; Andrea Marongiu; Jorge Pereira Carlos; Claudio Scordino; Michele Ramponi
The advent of next-generation many-core embedded platforms has the chance of intercepting a converging need for predictable high-performance coming from both the High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Embedded Computing (EC) domains. On one side, new kinds of HPC applications are being required by markets needing huge amounts of information to be processed within a bounded amount of time. On the other side, EC systems are increasingly concerned with providing higher performance in real-time, challenging the performance capabilities of current architectures. This converging demand, however, raises the problem about how to guarantee timing requirements in presence of parallel execution. This paper presents the approach of project P-SOCRATES for the design of an integrated framework for the execution of workload-intensive applications with real-time requirements on top of next-generation commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) platforms based on many-core accelerated architectures. The time-criticality and parallelisation challenges are addressed by merging techniques coming from both HPC and EC domains, identifying the main sources of indeterminism and proposing efficient mapping and scheduling algorithms, along with the associated timing and schedulability analysis, to guarantee the real-time and performance requirements of the applications.
international conference on reliable software technologies | 2013
Stephen Michell; Brad Moore; Luis Miguel Pinho
The widespread use of multi-CPU computers is challenging programming languages, which need to adapt to be able to express potential parallelism at the language level. In this paper we propose a new model for fine grained parallelism in Ada, putting forward a syntax based on aspects, and the corresponding semantics to integrate this model with the existing Ada tasking capabilities. We also propose a standard interface and show how it can be extended by the user or library writers to implement their own parallelization strategies.
conference on computer as a tool | 2013
Michele Albano; Luis Lino Ferreira; Thibaut Le Guilly; Manuel Ramiro; J. Eduardo Faria; Lara Pérez Dueñas; Rodrigo Ferreira; Earl Gaylard; David Jorquera Cubas; Eammon Roarke; Daniel Lux; Sandra Scalari; Susanne Majlund Sørensen; Marta Gangolells; Luis Miguel Pinho; Arne Skou
The ENCOURAGE project aims at rationalizing energy usage in building by implementing a smart energy grid based on intelligent scheduling of energy consuming appliances, renewable energy production, and inter-building energy trading. This paper presents the reference architecture proposed in the context of the ENCOURAGE project, and relates it with the goals of its research efforts.