Luis Serrano
University of Cambridge
Featured researches published by Luis Serrano.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Alan R. Fersht; Andreas Matouschek; Luis Serrano
The theory, assumptions and limitations are outlined for a simple protein engineering approach to the problem of the stability and pathway of protein folding. It is a general procedure for analysing structure-activity relationships in non-covalent bonding, including enzyme catalysis, that relates experimentally accessible data to changes in non-covalent bonding. Kinetic and equilibrium measurements on the unfolding and refolding of mutant proteins can be used to map the formation of structure in transition states and folding intermediates. For example, the ratio of the changes in the activation energy of unfolding and the free energy of unfolding on mutation is measured to give a parameter phi. There are two extreme values of phi that are often found in practice and may be interpreted in a simple manner. A value of phi = 0 implies that the structure at the site of mutation is as folded in the transition state as it is in the folded state. Conversely, phi = 1 shows that the structure at the site of mutation is as unfolded in the transition state as it is in the unfolded structure. Fractional values of phi are more difficult to interpret and require a more sophisticated approach. The most suitable mutations involve truncation of side-chains to remove moieties that preferably make few interactions with the rest of the protein and do not pair with buried charges. Fractional values of phi found for this type of mutation may imply that there is partial non-covalent bond formation or a mixture of states. The major assumptions of the method are: (1) mutation does not alter the pathway of folding; (2) mutation does not significantly change the structure of the folded state; (3) mutation does not perturb the structure of the unfolded state; and (4) the target groups do not make new interactions with new partners during the course of reaction energy. Assumptions (2) and (3) are not necessarily essential for the simple cases of phi = 0 or 1, the most common values, since effects of disruption of structure can cancel out. Assumption (4) may be checked by the double-mutant cycle procedure, which may be analysed to isolate the effects of just a pair of interactions against a complicated background. This analysis provides the formal basis of the accompanying studies on the stability and pathway of folding of barnase, where it is seen that the theory holds very well in practice.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Luis Serrano; James T. Kellis; Pauline Cann; Andreas Matouschek; Alan R. Fersht
Barnase is described anatomically in terms of its substructures and their mode of packing. The surface area of hydrophobic residues buried on formation and packing of the structural elements has been calculated. Changes in stability have been measured for 64 mutations, 41 constructed in this study, strategically located over the protein. The purpose is to provide: (1) information on the magnitudes of changes in stabilization energy for mutations of residues that are important in maintaining the structure; and (2) probes for the folding pathway to be used in subsequent studies. The majority of mutations delete functional moieties of side-chains or make isosteric changes. The energetics of the interactions are variable and context-dependent. The following general conclusions may be drawn, however, from this study about the classes of interactions that stabilize the protein. (1) Truncation of buried hydrophobic side-chains has, in general, the greatest effect on stability. For fully buried residues, this averages at 1.5 kcal mol-1 per methylene group with a standard deviation of +/- 0.6 kcal mol-1. Truncation of partly exposed leucine, isoleucine or valine residues that are in the range of 50 to 80 A2 of solvent-accessible area (30 to 50% of the total solvent-accessible area on a Gly-X-Gly tripeptide, i.e. those packed against the surface) has a smaller, but relatively constant effect on stability, at 0.81 kcal mol-1 per methylene group with a statistical standard deviation of +/- 0.18 kcal mol-1. (2) There is a very poor correlation between hydrophobic surface area buried and the free energy change for an extensive data set of hydrophobic mutants. The best correlation is found to be between the free energy change and the number of methylene groups within a 6 A radius of the hydrophobic groups deleted. (3) Burial of the hydroxyl group of threonine in a pocket that is intended for a gamma-methyl group of valine costs 2.5 kcal mol-1, in the range expected for the loss of two hydrogen bonds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1990
Amnon Horovitz; Luis Serrano; Boaz Avron; Mark Bycroft; Alan R. Fersht
Many of the interactions that stabilize proteins are co-operative and cannot be reduced to a sum of pairwise interactions. Such interactions may be analysed by protein engineering methods using multiple thermodynamic cycles comprising wild-type protein and all combinations of mutants in the interacting residues. There is a triad of charged residues on the surface of barnase, comprising residues Asp8, Asp12 and Arg110, that interact by forming two exposed salt bridges. The three residues have been mutated to alanine to give all the single, double and triple mutants. The free energies of unfolding of wild-type and the seven mutant proteins have been determined and the results analysed to give the contributions of the residues in the two salt bridges to protein stability. It is possible to isolate the energies of forming the salt bridges relative to the solvation of the separated ions by water. In the intact triad, the apparent contribution to the stabilization energy of the protein of the salt bridge between Asp12 and Arg110 is -1.25 kcal mol-1, whereas that of the salt bridge between Asp8 with Arg110 is -0.98 kcal mol-1. The strengths of the two salt bridges are coupled: the energy of each is reduced by 0.77 kcal mol-1 when the other is absent. The salt-linked triad, relative to alanine residues at the same positions, does not contribute to the stability of the protein since the favourable interactions of the salt bridges are more than offset by other electrostatic and non-electrostatic energy terms. Salt-linked triads occur in other proteins, for example, haemoglobin, where the energy of only the salt-bridge term is important and so the coupling of salt bridges could be of general importance to the stability and function of proteins.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1991
Luis Serrano; Mark Bycroft; Alan R. Fersht
The side-chains of phenylalanine and tyrosine residues in proteins are frequently found to be involved in pairwise interactions. These occur both within repeating elements of secondary structure and in tertiary and quaternary interactions. It has been suggested that they are important in protein folding and stability, and non-bonded potential energy calculations indicate that a typical aromatic-aromatic interaction has an energy of between -1 and -2 kcal/mol and contributes between -0.6 and -1.3 kcal/mol to protein stability. There is such an aromatic pair on the solvent-exposed face of the first alpha-helix of barnase, the small ribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The edge of the aromatic ring of Tyr17 interacts with the face of that of Tyr13. The two residues have been mutated both singly and pairwise to alanine, and their free energies of unfolding determined by denaturation with urea. Application of the double-mutant cycle analysis gives an interaction energy of -1.3 kcal/mol for the aromatic pair in the folded protein relative to solvation by water in the unfolded protein. This value is similar to that calculated from the change in surface-accessible area between the rings on the formation of the pair. Analysis of a further double-mutant cycle in which the Tyr residues are mutated to Phe indicates that the aromatic-aromatic interactions of Tyr/Tyr and Phe/Phe make identical contributions to protein stability. However, Tyr is preferred to Phe by 0.3(+/- 0.04) kcal/mol at the solvent-exposed face of the alpha-helix.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Luis Serrano; Andreas Matouschek; Alan R. Fersht
The structure of the first significant transition state on the unfolding pathway of barnase has been analysed in detail by protein engineering methods. Over 50 mutations placed strategically over the whole protein have been used as probes to report on the local structure in the transition state. Several different probes for many regions of the protein give consistent results as do multiple probes at the same site. The overall consistency of phi values indicates that the mutations have not produced changes in the protein that significantly alter the transition state for unfolding. A fine-structure analysis of interactions has also been conducted by removing different parts of the same side-chains. Many of the results of simple mutations fall nicely into the two clear-cut cases of phi = 1 or 0, indicating that the local noncovalent bonds are either fully broken or fully made in the transition state. Much of the structure of barnase in the transition state for unfolding is very similar to that in the folded protein. Both major alpha-helices fray at the N terminus. The last two turns in helix1 are certainly intact, as is the C terminus of helix2. The general picture of the beta-sheet is that the three central beta-strands are completely intact while the two edge beta-strands are mainly present but certainly weakened. The first five residues of the protein unwind but the C terminus remains folded. Three of the five loops are unfolded. The edges of the main hydrophobic core (core1) are significantly weakened, however, and their breaking appears partly rate determining. The centre of the small hydrophobic core3 remains intact. Core2 is completely disrupted. The first events in unfolding are thus: the unfolding of several loops, the unwinding of the helices from the N termini, and the weakening and disruption of the hydrophobic cores. The values of phi are found to be substantially the same under conditions that favour folding as under conditions that are highly denaturing, and so the structure of the unfolding transition state is substantially the same in water as in the presence of denaturant. The structure of the final kinetically significant transition state for refolding is identical to that for unfolding. The final events in refolding are, accordingly, the consolidation of the hydrophobic cores, the closing of many loops and the capping of the N termini of the helices.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Andreas Matouschek; Luis Serrano; Alan R. Fersht
The pathway of refolding of barnase has been analysed by the protein engineering method using phi plots. The description comprises a folding intermediate, a major transition state (the unfolding transition state) and the fully folded structure. Over 40 mutations have been analysed in the different structural motifs, frequently with several probes in each region. Many of the mutations in this study give phi values for formation of the intermediate of 0, showing that the relevant regions of the structure are as fully unfolded in the intermediate as the unfolded state. Some folding phi values are close to unity, indicating that those regions are fully formed in the intermediate. Even if the data do not report back on a single intermediate but give the averaged properties of a heterogeneous population of sequential or parallel intermediates, then this simplicity of phi data shows that the intermediates tend to have structural features in common. Many phi values are intermediate between those for the unfolded state and the transition state, consistent with either partial structure formation in a single intermediate or a heterogeneous mixture of populations, although the former is more likely. The data are consistent with the intermediate, or collection of intermediates, being on the reaction pathway, rather than side products, because the phi values increase throughout the folding pathway. The main conclusions on the formation of substructure and sequence of folding events from the phi plots are as follows. (1) The major hydrophobic core (core1) begins to form in the intermediate and strengthens in the major transition state. The centre of the core is formed earlier and is stronger in the intermediate and in the transition state than are the edges. (2) Core2 is not formed until after the major transition state. (3) Core3 begins to form in the intermediate and is compact in the transition state. (4) Loop2, loop4 and part of loop1 do not fold until after the major transition state, but the guanosine-binding loop (loop3) is formed in the intermediate and loop5 is partially formed in the intermediate and the transition state. (5) The centre of the beta-sheet is substantially formed in the intermediate, and is fully present in the transition state, but the edges, and associated turns, are definitely weakened.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Andreas Matouschek; Luis Serrano; Elizabeth M. Meiering; Mark Bycroft; Alan R. Fersht
Two major methods are currently being used to characterize transient intermediates during protein folding at the level of individual residues. Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) measurements on the protection of peptide NH hydrogens against exchange with solvent during refolding can provide information about secondary structure formation. Protein engineering and kinetics can provide direct information about intramolecular interactions of protein side-chains and indirect evidence on secondary structure. These procedures have provided the most complete pictures so far about protein folding intermediates. Both methods have been applied to the characterization of an intermediate in the refolding of barnase. Although the two methods give complementary information, there are some regions of the protein where the methods overlap well. We show that, with one possible exception that is obscure, n.m.r. and protein engineering give identical results for those interactions that can be analysed by both methods. This suggests that these are valid approaches for the study of protein folding intermediates in the case of barnase and that the combination of the methods is a powerful analytical procedure. Information provided by n.m.r. data that is complementary to the protein engineering experiments is: (1) early formation of the C terminus of helix2; (2) early formation of helix3; (3) early formation of several beta-turns (46-49, 101-104 in loop5); and (5) partial formation of loop5. Confirmatory evidence of protein engineering data on the intermediate is: (1) helix1 is complete from residues 10 to 18; (2) the interactions between all beta-strands are present; (3) part of loop2 is not formed; (4) part of loop3 is formed; and (5) some specific tertiary interactions are not made. For some interactions the protein engineering and H/2H exchange methods overlap directly. The information obtained for direct overlap is self consistent.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1992
Luis Serrano; Andreas Matouschek; Alan R. Fersht
The sequence of events in the refolding pathway of barnase has been analysed to search for general principles in protein folding. There appears to be a correlation between burying hydrophobic surface area and early folding events. All the regions that fold early interact extensively with the beta-sheet. These interactions involve predominantly hydrophobic interactions and the burial of very extensive hydrophobic areas in which multiple, close, hydrophobic-hydrophobic contacts are established around a central group of aliphatic residues. There is no burial of hydrophilic residues in these regions; those that are partly screened from the solvent make hydrogen bonds. All the regions or interactions that are made late in the folding pathway do not make extensive contacts with the beta-sheet. Their buried hydrophobic regions lack a central hydrophobic residue or residues around which other hydrophobic residues pack. Further, in some of these regions there is an extensive burial of hydrophilic residues. The results are consistent with one of the earlier events in protein folding being the local formation of native-like secondary structure elements driven by local hydrophobic surface burial. A possible candidate for an initiation site is a beta-hairpin between beta-strands 3 and 4 that is conserved in the microbial ribonuclease family. A comparison of structures in this family shows that those regions that can be superimposed, or have sequence homology, correspond to elements of structure that are formed and interact with each other early in the folding pathway, suggesting that some of these residues could be involved in directing the folding process. The data on barnase combined with results from other laboratories suggest the following tentative conclusions for the refolding of small monomeric proteins. (1) The refolding pathway is, at least in part, sequential and of compulsory order. (2) Secondary structure formation is driven by local hydrophobic surface burial and precedes the formation of most tertiary interactions. These elements are then stabilized and sometimes elongated by tertiary interactions. It is plausible that there are stop signals encoded in the linear sequence that prevent the elongation of isolated secondary structure elements in solution to a larger extent than is found in the folded protein. (3) Many tertiary interactions are not very constrained in the intermediate but become more and more defined as the hydrophobic cores consolidate, loop structures form and the configuration of surface residues takes place. The interactions between different elements of secondary structure are the last ones to be consolidated while the interactions within the secondary structure elements are consolidated earlier.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Faraday Discussions | 1992
Alan R. Fersht; Andreas Matouschek; Javier Sancho; Luis Serrano; Stephane Vuilleumier
The order of formation of substructures in the folding of barnase has been determined by a protein engineering procedure and corroborated and complemented by NMR experiments. Early events are the formation of the centre of the beta-sheet and the C-terminus of the major alpha-helix. These later dock to form the major hydrophobic core. Structural studies of fragments of barnase in solution show that a peptide that spans the major alpha-helix is found to contain a significant fraction of its C-terminal region in the helical structures. The formation of the native secondary structure as an early event in folding and in isolated fragments is accompanied by considerable burial of hydrophobic surfaces. The experimental data support a model for protein folding in which initiation sites in secondary structure are driven by local hydrophobic interactions, and their docking via further hydrophobic interactions drives the formation of tertiary structure.
Pure and Applied Chemistry | 1991
Alan R. Fersht; Andreas Matouschek; Mark Bycroft; James T. Kellis; Luis Serrano
Protein engineering, the design and synthesis of novel proteins by genetic engineering, allows complex problems in molecular biology to be studied by structure-activity relationships in an analogous manner to the application of physical-organic chemistry to simple organic molecules. This approach has been applied to study the folding pathway and stability of barnase, the RNAse from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The strategy is two fold: i, Mutations are made which remove defined interactions that stabilise barnase. The changes in stability on mutation are measured from the changes in free energy of unfolding of the protein. In this way a library of interaction energies is achieved. ii, Kinetic measurements are made on the folding and unfolding of wild-type and mutant proteins. Combination of kinetic and thermodynamic data enables the roles of side chains in the stabilization of the final, transition and intermediate states of the protein to be measured. This gives the order of events during protein folding. The protein engineering experiments are corroborated by NMR studies of hydrogen exchange during the folding process. The combined procedures show that the folding is a multiphasic process in which secondary structure is formed very early on. Formation of the hydrophobic core by docking helix and sheet is (partly) rate determining.