
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2001

Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Herpetomonas samuelpessoai camargoi n. subsp., a Trypanosomatid Isolated from the Flower of the Squash Cucurbita moschata

João Evangelista Fiorini; Carmen S. A. Takata; Virginia M. Teofilo; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Paulo M. Faria-E-Silva; Maurilio J. Soares; Marta M. G. Teixeira; Wanderley De Souza

Abstract We report the morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics of a trypanosomatid isolated from the flower of Cucurbita moschata. Although the trypanosomatid was isolated from a plant, the lack of recognition of Phytomonas-specific molecular markers based on spliced-leader and ribosomal genes as well as by monoclonal antibodies specific for Phytomonas argues against assigning it to this genus. Because the isolate displayed typical opisthomastigote forms in culture, it is assigned to the genus Herpetomonas. Analysis of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns and characterization of ribosomal SSU and ITS markers suggest that it is more closely related to H. samuelpessoai than to any other species. However, the presence of spined flagellates in culture (displaying lateral expansions of the plasma membrane originating near the flagellar pocket) and isolate-specific RAPD fingerprints argue strongly that the trypanosomatid belongs to a new subspecies, for which the name Herpetomonas samuelpessoai camargoi n. subsp. is proposed.

Food Science and Technology International | 2008

Ozônio e ultra-som: processos alternativos para o tratamento do café despolpado

Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lima; Roberta Hilsdorf Picolli; João Evangelista Fiorini; Stella Maris da Silveira Duarte; José Maurício Schneedorf Ferreira da Silva; Nelma de Mello Silva Oliveira; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga

There is a growing interest in technologies that improve food quality, as well as food safety aspects. After water, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the planet, with a rising demand for special types, such as fermented coffee, in some importing countries. This type of coffee is obtained by removing the mucilage, submitting the coffee to fermentation, a process that varies with the climate and the associated natural micro-organisms, among other factors, and that can lead to detrimental effects to the quality of the product and to the health of consumers. Thus, it is necessary to investigate new technologies that can help obtain better standardized products, of higher quality and that offer greater food safety. Ozone and ultrasound are technologies used in various areas, with great flexibility and promising results in the production and treatment of an infinity of food products. The potent oxidant and antimicrobial characteristics of both are well-known, however, their mechanisms are still not clearly understood when used in live tissues. Their effects on the various quality parameters must be studied, understood and adjusted, before widespread use in the food industry. In the present paper, ozone or ultrasound were applied as pre-treatments before coffee fermentation, demonstrating their efficacy in improving food safety of the fermented coffee, without perceptible changes in the quality of the beverage.

Food Science and Technology International | 2003

Avaliação microbiológica de um processo de sanificação de galões de água com a utilização do ozônio

Claudia Catelani Cardoso; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; João Evangelista Fiorini; Luiz Augusto do Amaral

Brazil is ranked as the seventh in worldwide consumer of bottled mineral water. The mineral water bottles should be inspected regarding the physical integrity and then submitted to sanitization, using specific wash machines. Recently diseases associated with new microbial strains have increased interest in exploring different disinfectants in food sanitizing processing. Ozone is particularly attractive because of its high security and effectiveness than conventional disinfectants, without risk of toxic residues generating. The current work evaluated the ozone as an alternative method for sanitizing 20 liters mineral water gallons in Alfenas-MG (Brazil). Thirty gallons were analyzed before (pre-wash) and thirty after washing with ozonated water (4mg/L, 2 min.) (post-wash). The samples were evaluated regarding the number of aerobic mesophiles, Escherichia coli, total coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas spp. The data about the aerobic mesophiles at pre-wash was 5,7 colony forming units/cm2 and post-wash was 0,003CFU/cm2. The post-wash samples showed negative of total coliforms, E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. and only 13,3% samples presented grow of S. aureus. In comparison, all the pre-wash showed presence of total coliforms and S. aureus. E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. were present in 80% and 50% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, the sanitizing processing with ozone (4mg/L) was demonstrated in this study was an adequate alternative method for washing mineral water gallons in tested condition.

Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013

Características microbiológicas e físico-químicas do leite de cabra submetido à pasteurização e ao congelamento, comercializado na cidade de Alfenas-MG doi:

Alan Kardec de Souza; João Evangelista Fiorini; Ana Lúcia Leite Moraes; Nelma de Mello Silva Oliveira; Silvia Silveira Clareto; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento

Demand for goat milk has increased in Brazil along the years. This food represents a high quality protein and calcium resource besides being an alternative for individuals who are allergic to cow milk. However, it is highly susceptible to contamination and subjected to fraud. Therefore, this paper was aimed at verifying the quality of goat milk commercialized in Alfenas, Minas Gerais, and at evaluating the effect of pasteurization and of freezing on its microbiological and physicochemical characteristics. Microbiological and physicochemical analysis were carried out in three lots of raw, pasteurized and pasteurized-frozen goat milk for 90 days, during 9 months, a milk-lot being purchased every 90 days. Data obtained underwent analysis of variance and Turkey test (p<0.05). It was observed that pasteurization was efficient to improve microbiological quality of milk, which was kept by freezing. Physicochemical characteristics were in accordance with legislation and pasteurization and freezing for 90 days did not alter them. It was concluded that goat milk commercialized in Alfenas, Minas Gerais presents microbiological and physicochemical qualities within the standards established by legislation and that pasteurization and freezing did not interfere with those qualities.

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | 2018

Correction to: Thermal, spectroscopic and antimicrobial activity characterization of some norfloxacin complexes

Wilhan Donizete Gonçalves Nunes; André Luiz Carneiro Soares do Nascimento; Aniele de Moura; Caroline Gaglieri; Gustavo Brunelli Vallim; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Roni Antônio Mendes; Massao Ionashiro; Flávio Junior Caires

In the original publication, the fifth author’s given name was misspelled as “Gabriel”. The corrected name is given in this erratum. The original article has been corrected.

Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013

Higiene dos alimentos: atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão doi:

Camilla Ribeiro Vieira; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; Tatiane Faria; Ramon Alves de Oliveira Paula; Josidel Conceição Oliver; Bianca Gonçalves Vasconcelos de Alcântara; Fernanda Reis Ribeiro; Raphaela Maria Fernandes Vala; Patrícia Lunardelli Negreiros de Carvalho; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento

Esta atividade objetiva multiplicar informacoes sobre higiene e boas praticas em servicos de alimentacao, em ambientes domestico e escolar e para a populacao em geral. Os temas abordados sao: higiene pessoal e saude do manipulador, manipulacao higienica dos alimentos (metodos corretos de preparo, conservacao, cozimento, reaquecimento, sanificacao e armazenamento de alimentos), higiene de superficies e do ambiente (limpeza adequada do ambiente de trabalho, dos equipamentos e utensilios) e doencas de origem alimentar. Ainda, realiza ensaios microbiologicos para agua e alimentos. Em 2012, desenvolveram-se atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensao, trabalhando diretamente com um publico de 2286 pessoas. Foram realizadas atividades educativas para manipuladores de alimentos, merendeiras, cantineiras, Agentes Comunitarios de Saude, criancas e jovens da rede publica municipal de ensino, usuarios de Unidades de PSF e populacao em geral, de Alfenas-MG. Ainda, foram realizados 84 ensaios microbiologicos no Laboratorio de Microbiologia de Alimentos da Unifal-MG, sendo 65 para avaliar a qualidade microbiologica de aguas, 17 para alimentos e 8 para ambiente (superficies e equipamentos). Apos as analises, confeccionaram-se os laudos e estes foram entregues aos interessados, com a adequada orientacao.

Revista do Hospital das Clínicas | 2003

Use of licit and illicit drugs at the university of Alfenas

João Evangelista Fiorini; Adriana Luiza Alves; Luciano Resende Ferreira; Celso Maia Fiorini; Sandro Willian Durães; Ricardo Luiz Diniz Santos; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Andréa Mantelo Vicente Geraldini; Cássia de Fátima Ortiz

Food Science and Technology International | 2008

Avaliação físico-química de filés de tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) submetidos à sanitização

Nelma de Mello Silva Oliveira; Wilson Roberto Mesquita Oliveira; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; José Maurício Schneedorf Ferreira da Silva; Eduardo Vicente; João Evangelista Fiorini; Maria Cristina Bressan

Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 1997

Evaluation of the allergenicity of spore and mycelia extracts of Pisolithus tinctorius

Jorge Kleber Chavasco; Walderez Gambale; Antonio Martins de Siqueira; Joäo Evangelista Fiorini; Miguel Croce Portocarrero; Luis Gonçalves Mendes Junior; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento

Hig. aliment | 2002

Isolamento e identificação de bactérias facultativas mesofílicas em carnes frescas bovinas e suínas

Nelma de Mello Silva Oliveira; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; João Evangelista Fiorini

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