
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002

Valores Energéticos da Soja e Subprodutos da Soja, Determinados com Frangos de Corte e Galos Adultos

Paulo Borges Rodrigues; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Paulo Cezar Gomes; Ricardo Vianna Nunes; Rodrigo Santana Toledo

Os valores energeticos (energia metabolizavel aparente - EMA e verdadeira - EMV) de amostras de farelo de soja (1, 2, 3, 4 e texturizado) e de soja integral processada (Jet Sploder, tostada e micronizada) foram determinados, utilizando-se o metodo tradicional de coleta total de excretas, com pintos em crescimento e o metodo de alimentacao forcada, com galos adultos. No primeiro ensaio, as racoes experimentais com os 8 alimentos foram fornecidas a quatro repeticoes de 10 aves cada, exceto a racao referencia, a qual foi fornecida a seis repeticoes. No segundo ensaio, cada um dos alimentos foi fornecido a seis galos, os quais receberam 15 g do alimento pela manha (8 h) e 15 g a tarde (16 h), apos terem sofrido um jejum de 24 horas. Simultaneamente, seis galos foram mantidos em jejum, para determinacao das perdas endogenas e metabolicas. Apos determinados os valores energeticos, estabeleceram-se equacoes para predizer as EMAn obtidas com pintos e EMVn com galos, utilizando-se a composicao dos alimentos. Os valores energeticos das amostras de farelo de soja 1, 2, 3, 4 e texturizado, sojas integral Jet Sploder, integral tostada e micronizada foram 2337 e 2733; 2376 e 2818; 2469 e 2766; 2437 e 2881; 2833 e 2810; 3224 e 3775; 3400 e 4001; 4104 e 4441 kcal/kg de MS, respectivamente para as EMAn determinadas com pintos e EMVn com galos; as equacoes ajustadas com duas a quatro variaveis foram boas preditoras dos valores energeticos dos alimentos, com valores de R2 superiores a 92%; as equacoes com as variaveis fibra bruta (FB) e extrato etereo (EE) podem estimar os valores energeticos da soja e subprodutos, sendo: EMAn = 2822,2 - 90,13FB + 49,96EE (R2 = 0,93) e EMVn = 2857,3 - 38,29FB + 61,02EE (R2 = 0,98).

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004

Valores de composição química e energética de alguns alimentos para aves

Priscila D'Agostini; Paulo Cezar Gomes; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luciano Moraes Sá

The experiment was carried out to determine the chemical and the energetic values of eight feedstuffs (corn grain, corn pre-cooked I and II, canola meal, spray-dried plasma, poultry by-product meal, glucose and corn starch) for birds. To determine the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected apparent (AMEn) values, the traditional method of total excreta collection was used, with 400 broiler chicks, male and female, 21 days old. A completely randomized design, with ten treatments (eight feedstuffs and two reference diets), and five replications of eight birds per experimental unit, was used. The corn grain and pre-cooked I and II replaced 40%, and the starch and glucose 20% of the reference diet containing 26% crude protein (CP); the canola meal replaced 40%, and spray-dried plasma and poultry by-products meal 20% of the reference diet containing 18% CP. Dry matter - DM (%), CP (%), AME (kcal/kg) e AMEn (kcal/kg) values were, respectively, for corn grain: 87.72, 7.33, 3,246, and 3,235; for pre-cooked I: 87.75, 7.14, 3,385, and 3,379; for pre-cooked II: 87.88, 7,34, 3.187 and 3.179; for canola meal: 87,53, 37,89, 1,793 and 1,778; for spray-dried plasma: 90,67, 74,24, 3.503 and 3.474; and for poultry by-product meal: 90.35, 64.98, 4,293 and 4,268. For the glucose and corn starch, only the values of DM (%), AME (kcal/kg) and AMEn (kcal/kg) were determined, and for the glucose the values were 99.12, 3,170, and 3,168 and for corn starch, 85.52, 3,203, and 3201, respectively.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008

Composição química e energética de alguns alimentos para frangos de corte em duas idades

Rafaela Antonia Ramos Generoso; Paulo Cezar Gomes; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Sergio Luiz de Toledo Barreto; Gladstone Brumano

This experiment was carried out to determine of the values of apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and to determine of the chemical composition of some feeds. The traditional method of total excreta collection was used with male broilers chickens in the period from 21 to 30 days old and 41 to 50 days old. The birds were distributed to a completely randomized experimental design, with eleven diets, ten with tested feeds and one reference diet, and each diet with six replications and six and four birds per experimental unit. The following feeds were studied: broken rice, whole rice meal, corn, sorghum, wheat bran, soybean meal, peanut meal, and cottonseed meal, 28%CP, and two sugarcane yeast (40 and 43% CP). The values of AMEn (kcal/kg as fed), in the first and second experimental periods were, respectively, for sugarcane yeast 40% CP: 2.395 and 2.483, for sugarcane yeast 43% CP: 2.626 and 2.726, for soybean meal: 2.202 and 2.306, for cottonseed meal 28% CP: 1.605 and 1.786: for peanut meal: 2.155 and 2.471, for wheat bran: 1.683 e 1.877, for sorghum: 3.165 and 3.364, for corn: 3.351 and 3.524, for whole rice meal: 2.446 and 2.650 and for the broken rice: 3.138 and 3.278. All values of AME and AMEn, for al feeds, were higher in second experimental period, showing that, with advancing of the age, birds improve the utilization of feeds.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003

Exigência de metionina mais cistina para codornas japonesas em crescimento

Rogério Pinto; Aloízio Soares Ferreira; Juarez Lopes Donzele; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Martinho de Almeida e Silva; Rita da Trindade Ribeiro Nobre Soares; Ciane Aparecida Pereira

Five hundred and forty 7-days old female quails, averaging 21.50 g, were used during 35 days. A completely randomized blocks design with five replicates and 18 females per experimental unity was used to study the effect of six digestible methionine plus cystine: digestible lysine ratios (0.48, 0.53, 0.58, 0.63, 0.68 and 0.75) on the traits evaluated during the growing period. Final weight (g), weight gain (g), feed intake (g), feed conversion (g/g), feather rate (%), chemical composition (%) (dry matter, water, crude protein and ether extract) and body protein and fat deposition (g). The effect of the amino acids on feed intake (g), feed conversion (g/g), feather rate (%), chemical composition (%) (dry matter, water, crud protein and ether extract) and protein deposition was quadratic and the effect on final body weight (g) and weight gain (g) was linear. The best estimated digestible methionine plus cystine: digestible lysine ratio was .66 and the estimated digestible methionine plus cystine requirement for growing Japanese quail was .758%, for a intake of 91.43 mg of digestible methionine plus cystine intake.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2005

Índice térmico ambiental de produtividade para frangos de corte

Carlos M. Medeiros; Fernando da Costa Baêta; Rita Flávia Miranda de Oliveira; Ilda de Fátima Ferreira Tinôco; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Paulo Roberto Cecon

In this study, the influence of temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in the development process of Avian Farm male chickens was analyzed in order to develop an environmental thermal index for productivity of broiler chickens - IAPfc. The chickens were first raised from 1 to 21 days of age in a conventional poultry-shed under natural conditions. Between 22nd and 42nd day (slaughter) the chickens were kept in climatic chambers. The treatments consisted of combination of levels of variables: temperature (t) 16, 20, 26, 32 and 36 oC; relative humidity (u) 20, 34, 55, 76 and 90%, and air velocity (v) 0; 0.6; 1.5; 2.4 and 3.0 m s-1, according to the central rotatable composite design of the response surface methodology. The experimental diets attained the suggested requirements of each development phase. The diet composition was the same in all treatments. The analyzed parameters were: daily weight gain, feed intake, rectal temperature and respiratory rate. The statistical model obtained was IAPfc = 45.6026 - 2.31072 t - 0.368331 u + 9.70922 v + 0.0549243 t2 + 0.0012183 u2 + 0.66329 v2 + 0.0128968 tu - 0.300928 tv - 0.0595245 uv, which is based on the animal performance and physiological parameters.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003

Desempenho de frangos de corte, digestibilidade de nutrientes e valores energéticos de rações formuladas com vários milhos, suplementadas com enzimas

Paulo Borges Rodrigues; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Paulo Cezar Gomes; Walter Amaral Barboza; Rodrigo Santana Toledo

Two assays were carried out to evaluate the broilers performance, nutrients digestibility and the energy values of diets formulated with corn from different varieties (Experiment 1) and regions (Experiment 2), supplemented with an enzymatic complex. In each assay, were used 480 male broilers Hubbard, 14 days old, grown from 14 to 27 days to evaluate performance. The broiler chickens fed an experimental diets in 6x2 factorial design (varieties x region), in four replicates of 10 broilers in each experimental unit. Each corn were mixed in a basal diet in a fixed amount of 63.24%, constituting the experimental diets. The crude protein and energy values changed according to corn composition. Chromic oxide (0.5%) was used as indicator. During the 23rd to 27th days, the excretas were collected and, in the 28th day, all broilers of each replicate were slaughtered and the digesta present in the last 30 cm of the terminal ileum, anterior to ileo-cecal junction, was collected. The samples of the excreta and ileal digesta were analyzed for dry matter, nitrogen, gross energy and starch, and the digestibility coefficients and energy values, were calculated using the indigestibility factor of chromic oxide. It was concluded that origen (varieties or regions) effected broiler performance; the nutrient digestibility and energy values of diets formulated with the corn type showed difference as a function of the chemical composition. The ileal digestibility of crude protein, starch and energy was improved in the diets supplemented with enzymes.

Poultry Science | 2013

Valine needs in starting and growing Cobb (500) broilers

Fernando de Castro Tavernari; G. R. Lelis; R. A. Vieira; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; A. R. Oliveira Neto

Two independent experiments were conducted with male Cobb × Cobb 500 broilers to determine the optimal valine-to-digestible-lysine ratio for broiler development. We conducted a randomized block experiment with 7 treatments, each with 8 replicates of 25 starter birds (8 to 21 d of age) and 20 finisher (30 to 43 d of age) birds. To prevent any excess of digestible lysine, 93% of the recommended level of digestible lysine was used to evaluate the valine-to-lysine ratio. The utilized levels of dietary digestible lysine were 10.7 and 9.40 g/kg for the starting and growing phases, respectively. A control diet with 100% of the recommended level of lysine and an adequate valine-to-lysine ratio was also used. The feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and carcass parameters were evaluated. The treatments had no significant effect on the feed intakes or carcass parameters in the starter and finisher phases. However, during both of the studied phases, we observed a quadratic effect on weight gain and the feed conversion ratio. The broilers of both phases that were fed test diets with the lower valine-to-lysine (Val/Lys) ratio had poorer performance compared with those broilers fed control diets. However, when higher Val/Lys ratios were used for the starting and growing broilers that were fed test diets, the 2 groups had similar performance. During the starting phase, in broilers that were fed a higher Val/Lys ratio, weight gain, and the feed conversion ratio improved by 5.5% compared with broilers fed the basal diets. The broilers in the growing phase also had improved performance (by 7 to 8%) when the test diets had higher Val/Lys ratios. Based on the analysis of the starter phase data, we concluded that the optimal digestible Val/Lys ratio for Cobb × Cobb 500 broilers is 77%, whereas for birds in the finisher phase (30 to 43 d of age), a digestible Val/Lys ratio of 76% is suggested.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004

Uso de antibiótico, de probiótico e de homeopatia em frangos de corte criados em ambiente de conforto, inoculados ou não com Escherichia coli

Adriano José Boratto; Darci Clementino Lopes; Rita Flávia Miranda de Oliveira; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Luciano Moraes Sá; Gisele Andrade de Oliveira

The effect of antibiotic, probiotic and homeopathy in broilers inoculated or not with Escherichia coli was evaluated. Six hundred and seventy two male broilers of Avian Farm strain were assigned to a completely randomized design, in a factorial scheme, with eight treatments (four additives x inoculation or not) and six replicates, with 14, 12 and 7 birds by experimental box, respectively, according to the periods from 1 to 11, from 12 to 21 and from 22 to 42 days of age. The birds were allotted to acclimatized chambers, under comfort environment, according to the strain recommendations. The treatments were constituted of: negative control (no additive), antibiotic (virginiamicine + nitrovin), probiotic (culture medium of Lactobacilus acidophillus, Enterococcus faecium and Saccharomices cerevisiae) and homeopathy (nosody of Escherichia coli). It was observed that birds fed antibiotic and probiotic showed higher weight gain from 1 to 21 days, and the birds fed antibiotic showed the best feed:gain ratio, although in the total period (from 1 to 42 days of age) there was no difference among treatments. The inoculation with Escherichia coli decreased the birds performance; the bacteria increased the relative weight of heart, liver and intestines. It was concluded that the use of antibiotic and probiotic improved the birds performance from 1 to 21 days of age.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2000

Use of digestible amino acids based diets for laying hens.

José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Flordivina Mukami; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the laying hens performance fed diets with different levels of lysine and sulfur amino acids digestible. A total of hundred and forty-four 24-week-old hens was allotted to a complete randomized design with three treatments, each with eight replicates of six hens. A corn-soybean positive control diet with high amino acids digestibility (HD) was compared to another diet using various by-products to partially replace corn and soybean meal. The second diet was formulated with low digestibility (LD) of lysine and sulfur amino acids as HD diet. The third diet (LD+AA) was similar to LD diet, but supplemented with L-Lysine·HCL and DL-methionine added to obtain levels of true digestible amino acids equal to HD diet. The evaluations were carried out in three periods of 28 days. There were no differences on feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg mass and feed:egg mass ratio. The egg quality estimated by Haugh unit and by yolk and albumen index were not affected. The use of digestible amino acids based diet for layers hens was not confirmed in this research from digestible amino acids information obtained with cecectomized roosters.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 1999

Níveis de lisina digestível para pintos de corte machos na fase de 1 a 21 dias de idade

Giane da Silva Conhalato; Juarez Lopes Donzele; Horacio Santiago Rostagno; Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino; Rita Flávia Miranda de Oliveira

The objective of this experiment was to determine the digestible lysine requirement for male broilers from 1 to 21 days. Six hundred male broiler chicks, Hubbard, with an average weight of 48 g were allotted to randomized blocks experimental design with five treatments, six replicates and 20 chicks per experimental unit. The treatments corresponded to the basal diet, with 20.85% of crude protein and 3000 kcal of ME/kg, attending the requirements of protein, energy, calcium, phosphorus and amino acids, except lysine supplemented with five L-lysine levels, resulting on diets with .84, .93, 1.02, 1.11, and 1.20% of digestible lysine in the diet. The true amino acid digestibility in the basal diet was determined by means of a digestibility trial with cecectomized Leghorn roosters. The digestible lysine levels in the diet influenced the weight gain, feed:gain ratio, lysine intake, the ether extract content of the carcass and the protein and fat deposition rate in the carcass. However, there was no effect on diet intake and the concentration of uric acid in the blood serum and crude protein, dry matter and water of the carcass. Based on the results of WG, F:G and protein deposition rate in the carcass, the digestible lysine requirements were estimated in 1.05, 1.03, and 1.08%, respectively.

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