
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2005

Identification and pathogenicity of Malassezia species isolated from human healthy skin and with macules

Rejane Pereira Neves; Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Merivânia Lucas da Silva; Cristina Maria de Souza-Motta; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

This study investigated the ocurrence of Malassezia species in clinically healthy students and with macules with a slight fawn discoloration and characterized the isolates as to the pathogenicity factors such as growth at 37oC, lipase, phospholipase and protease detection. Clinical samples were collected from different body sites of one hundred students of different ages and both sexes. The samples, obtained by scrapping the skin surface and the scalp, were treated with potassa and cultured. Cultures were obtained in Petri dishes containing Sabouraud agar medium added of olive oil, incubated at room temperature and at 37oC. Culture identifications were based in their morphological and physiological properties. Lipase, phospholipase and protease detection was performed in specific media on Petri dishes for formation of a zone. Globose, spherical yeast cells and hypha were investigated by direct microscopy of clinical materials. Malassezia furfur was detected in seven samples and M. sympodialis in four. All Malassezia cultures presented lipase activity, but none was phospholipase positive. Protease activity was observed in two M. furfur and two M. simpodialis isolates.

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2005

Pathogenic aspects of Epidermophyton floccosum langeron et milochevitch as possible aethiological agent of Tinea capits

Danielle Patrícia Cerqueira Macêdo; Rejane Pereira Neves; Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Cristina Maria de Souza-Motta; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

The aim of this research was to verify the ability of 15 isolates of Epidermophyton floccosum to perforate hair in vitro and characterize them for pathogenicity factors such as growth at 37oC and proteinase and phospholipase production. Fourteen isolates perforated hair and from these twelve produced perforating organs. All isolates grew at 37oC and produced proteinase, but not phospholipase. These results suggest that E. floccosum may be a possible aethiological agent of tinea capitis.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2009

Fermentation capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures

Elvira Maria Bezerra de Alencar; Cristina Maria de Souza-Motta; Bruno Souza Walter; Rejane Maria Pessoa Santos; Olga Martins Marques; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar culturas de S. cerevisiae diploides originais, haploides monocelulares e diploides recuperados, quanto a capacidade de fermentar em mosto de cana-deacucar esterilizado. Vinte e oito culturas foram analisadas, sendo 4 diploides originais (URM-4420, Fermento Itaiquara FIT, Fermento Lallemand FLA e Fermento Selvagem SEL); 12 haploides monocelulares provenientes das originais e 12 diploides recuperados a partir das monocelulares. O percentual de etanol produzido variou de 1,70% a 6,20% e os acucares redutores infermentesciveis de 0,45 g/100mL a 0,50 g/100mL. Os maiores percentuais de etanol foram produzidos pelas culturas haploides monocelulares URM-MH3 (4,80%), em 12 horas e SEL-MH1 (6,20%), em 24 horas, correspondendo a valores de produtividade 3,15g.L-1.h-1 e 2,03 g.L-1.h-1 , respectivamente. Os diploides recuperados nao apresentaram teores de etanol detectaveis pelo metodo utilizado. Os resultados mostram que, dependendo do estado fisiologico das leveduras, seja na forma diploide ou haploide monocelular, podem ser produzidos diferentes percentuais de etanol.

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2007

Fusarium lateritium (NEES) as an agent of fungemia in a patient infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Idalina Inês Fonsêca Nogueira Cambuim; Rejane Pereira Neves; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz; Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Débora Maria Massa Lima

Emerging fungal pathogens are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in the immunocompromised host. The association of fungi from the Fusarium genus with human infection in uncommon. The objective of this paper is to report the first case of fungaemia caused by Fusarium lateritium in a 42-year-old HIV-infected patient.

Revista De Microbiologia | 1999

Occorrence of Pseudomicrodochium suttonii in Brazil

Amanda Torres Nunes; Maria Auxiliadora de Queiroz Cavalcanti; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

Pseudomicrodochium suttonii was isolated from the soil of Derby Square, a leisure area in Recife city, Pernambuco, Brazil. For the isolation, suspensions were made in distilled sterile water. According to the literature, this is probably the first occurrence reported in South America.

Boletín micológico | 1991

Levaduras aisladas de diversos tipos de alimentos

Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

Bol. micol | 1995

Flocculation and fermentation capacity of strains of saccharomyces stored at mycotheca-urm.I

Cristina M. de Souza; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz; Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Maria Alice G. de Lima

Rev. bras. anal. clin | 2010

Prospecção de leveduras em secreção vaginal e correlação com hemograma e dosagem de glicose

Bruno Severo Gomes; Adriana Nunes de Lima; Rejane Pereira Neves; Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Viviana Giampaoli; Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Porto; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz

Bol. micol | 1998

Filamentous fungi from aids patient secretions and from the environmental air in hospital

Neves Rejane Pereira; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz; Oliane Maria Magalhaes; Maria Auxiliadora de Queiroz Cavalcanti; Maria José dos Santos Fernandes; Delson Laranjeira; Cristina Maria de Souza-Motta

Boletín micológico | 1995

Sputum colonization by candida in patients of the pneumology unit of general hospital in recife (brasil). Ii

Oliane Maria Correia Magalhães; Lusinete Aciole de Queiroz; Cristina M. de Souza

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