M. A. Uddin
University of Rajshahi
Journal of Physics B | 2004
M. A. Uddin; A. K. Basak; A K M A Islam; F.B. Malik
The electron impact single ionization cross-section of light ionic targets with multiple charges greater than 2 is evaluated employing two distinct modifications of the binary-encounter dipole (BED) model, the intermediate BEDTG and the modified BED (MBED) models. BEDTG incorporates the ionic correction due to Thomas and Garcia, whereas MBED embodies modification of the Burgess denominator along with the ionic correction. The differential continuum oscillator strengths are obtained adopting the analytic fits to available photo-ionization cross-sections, calculated quantum mechanically. To assess the reliability of these proposed modifications, a few simple targets, e.g., C 3+ ,N 4+ ,O 4+ ,O 5+ ,N e 6+ and Ne 7+ with known reliable theoretical results, are considered. Although the present MBED model seems to underestimate systematically the experimental data above 10 keV, it explains the data in the threshold and peak regions reasonably well with its predictions close to those from the Coulomb–Born approximation, convergent-close-coupling, distorted wave Born approximation withR-matrix, time-dependent andR-matrix pseudostate methods.
Physica Scripta | 2010
A.K.F. Haque; M. Shahjahan; M. A. Uddin; M. A. R. Patoary; A. K. Basak; Bidhan C. Saha; F B Malik
The recently proposed generalized Kolbenstvedt model (GKLV) of Haque et al (2007 Eur. Phys. J. D 42 203), for the electron impact ionization (EII) of atoms, was applied to a wide range of K-, L- and M-shell electrons of ionic targets from threshold to 1 MeV incident energy. The set of species-independent parameters, two for each of the ionized orbits, is the same as that for neutral targets, and provides an excellent account of the EII cross-sectional data for 36 ions, including those belonging to Li, Be, B, C, N, O and Ne electronic sequences as well as those having 3s-, 3p- and 3d-configurations of the M-shell in a consistent manner. The performance of GKLV is found to be better than that of the modified version of the BELL model (Haque et al 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 052703, Haque et al 2006 Phys. Scr. 74 377).
EPL | 2008
S. Hossain; M. N. A. Abdullah; A. S. B. Tariq; M. A. Uddin; A. K. Basak; K. M. Rusek; I. Reichstein; F. B. Malik
The experimental differential cross-sections for the 6Li elastic scattering by 28Si over the incident energies ELi=7.5–99.0u2009MeV and vector analyzing power data at 22.8u2009MeV have been analyzed in terms of a non-monotonic potential, microscopically derived from the energy-density functional (EDF) theory using a realistic two-nucleon potential that incorporates effects of the Pauli principle. The data are accounted for well without any need for renormalization of the potential or adjustment of its parameters. Inclusion of a static spin-orbit potential with the EDF-generated central real one is found to describe satisfactorily the features of the vector analyzing power data.
Journal of Physics G | 2003
M. N. A. Abdullah; Shiva K. Das; A. S. B. Tariq; M.S. Mahbub; A. S. Mondal; M. A. Uddin; A. K. Basak; H. M. Sen Gupta; F.B. Malik
The differential cross-section of the 27Al(α, t)28Si reaction for 64.5 MeV incident energy has been reanalysed in DWBA with full finite range using a squared Woods–Saxon (Michel) α-nucleus potential with the modified value of the depth parameter α = 2.0 as reported in a comment article by Michel and Reidemeister. This new value produces significant improvement in fitting the data of the reaction with its overall performance, in some cases, close to that previously observed for the molecular potential. Although the non-monotonic shallow molecular potential with a soft repulsive core and the Michel potentials produce the same quality fits to the elastic scattering and non-elastic processes, they are not phase equivalent. The two types of potential produce altogether different cross-sections, particularly at large reaction angles. The importance of the experimental cross-sections at large angles for both elastic scattering and non-elastic processes is elucidated.
Journal of Physics G | 2013
S. Hossain; Masum Billah; M M B Azad; Farzana Parvin; M. N. A. Abdullah; K.M. Hasan; M. A. Uddin; A. S. B. Tariq; A. K. Basak; I. Reichstein; F. B. Malik
Experimental differential cross sections of α elastic scattering by 90Zr in the 15.0–141.7 MeV range of the bombarding energies have been analysed within the framework of an optical model using non-monotonic (NM) potentials. These potentials are generated from the energy-density functional theory using a realistic two-nucleon potential coupled with an appropriate consideration of the Pauli principle. The NM nature of the real part of the potential seems to be gradually diminishing at energies beyond 118.0 MeV. The Airy structure of the nuclear rainbow scattering data in the energy range of 79.5–141.7 MeV is for the first time well accounted for by the shallow NM potential. Two potential families, which are located in the real part, bear a linear variation of a volume integral in the energy range 25.0–141.7 MeV with a threshold anomaly at the lower energies. The potential contains an interior repulsive part that, with energy, shifts towards the surface and gradually weakens until it is almost lost in the nuclear surface. The requirement of a deep attractive real part of the nuclear potential seems to be generally non-stringent for describing the nuclear rainbow oscillations. Some discrete ambiguities in the potentials seem to persist even when the ‘exponential falloff’ in the angular distribution following the ‘rainbow angle’ is well reproduced in this investigation using the NM real part of the optical potentials.
International Journal of Modern Physics B | 2008
S. Hossain; A. K. Basak; M. A. Uddin; M. N. A. Abdullah; I. Reichstein; F. B. Malik
The present status of the α-nucleus potential, generated from the energy density functional (EDF) formalism using a realistic two-nucleon potential, which incorporates the Pauli principle, is discussed. The EDF potentials, calculated using a density distribution of α-particle that yields a binding energy of 20 MeV with a reasonable root-mean-squared radius and observed density distributions of 6Li and various target nuclei, are found to be shallow and non-monotonic in character. This non-monotonic EDF potential reproduces satisfactorily the experimental elastic scattering data, particularly at energies above the Coulomb barrier. Since the elastic scattering data and the binding energies of all nuclei considered herein are well reproduced using the mean field generated from a realistic two-nucleon potential for nuclear and nucleonic matter, one may conclude to have reasonable information on the equation of states of nuclear and nucleonic matter from a very low to the saturation density from the present investigation.
International Journal of Modern Physics B | 2007
Z. Shehadeh; A. K. Basak; M. N. A. Abdullah; M. A. Uddin; I. Reichstein; M.S. Sabra; F. B. Malik
The real parts of the alpha-alpha and alpha-nucleus potential, particularly for 40,44,48Ca and 58Ni targets are determined from a realistic two-nucleon potential using an energy-density functional approach and are found to be non-monotonic with a short range repulsion in their functional forms that are similar to those needed in accounting for elastic scattering data. The deduced alpha-alpha potential has no bound states and the calculated decay width of 8Be of about 6.4 eV at about 200 keV energy is in agreement with the measurement.
Journal of Physics G | 2005
S. Hossain; M. N. A. Abdullah; S.K. Das; M. A. Uddin; A. K. Basak; H. M. Sen Gupta; I. J. Thompson; F.B. Malik
The experimental data of the 28Si(α, t)29P and 28Si(α, 3He)29Si reactions at 45 MeV have been analysed in terms of full finite-range coupled-channels calculations. In the calculations, the reaction paths, direct and two step via the inelastic states of the initial and final nuclei have been treated in terms of the finite-range transfer theory. The spectroscopic amplitudes connecting the deformed initial and final nuclei in both the reactions are obtained from Nilssons model. The data of both the reactions, populating the 1/2+, 3/2+ and 5/2+ states in the Kπ = 1/2+ band and the 3/2+ and 5/2+ states in the Kπ = 3/2+ band, are best described by about 20% mixing of between the two bands. The effects of normal Woods–Saxon (WS), squared WS and molecular type of α-nucleus potentials are also discussed.
Physical Review C | 1999
A. S. B. Tariq; A. F. M. M. Rahman; S. Das; A. S. Mondal; M. A. Uddin; A. K. Basak; H. M. Sen Gupta; F. B. Malik
Physical Review A | 2005
M. A. Uddin; A. K. F. Haque; M. Masum Billah; A. K. Basak; K.R. Karim; Bidhan C. Saha