M. Bernert
Max Planck Society
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Featured researches published by M. Bernert.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2013
A. Kallenbach; M. Bernert; R. Dux; L. Casali; T. Eich; L. Giannone; A. Herrmann; R. M. McDermott; A. Mlynek; H. W. Müller; F. Reimold; J. Schweinzer; M. Sertoli; G. Tardini; W. Treutterer; E. Viezzer; R. Wenninger; M. Wischmeier
A future fusion reactor is expected to have all-metal plasma facing materials (PFMs) to ensure low erosion rates, low tritium retention and stability against high neutron fluences. As a consequence, intrinsic radiation losses in the plasma edge and divertor are low in comparison to devices with carbon PFMs. To avoid localized overheating in the divertor, intrinsic low-Z and medium-Z impurities have to be inserted into the plasma to convert a major part of the power flux into radiation and to facilitate partial divertor detachment. For burning plasma conditions in ITER, which operates not far above the L–H threshold power, a high divertor radiation level will be mandatory to avoid thermal overload of divertor components. Moreover, in a prototype reactor, DEMO, a high main plasma radiation level will be required in addition for dissipation of the much higher alpha heating power. For divertor plasma conditions in present day tokamaks and in ITER, nitrogen appears most suitable regarding its radiative characteristics. If elevated main chamber radiation is desired as well, argon is the best candidate for the simultaneous enhancement of core and divertor radiation, provided sufficient divertor compression can be obtained. The parameter Psep/R, the power flux through the separatrix normalized by the major radius, is suggested as a suitable scaling (for a given electron density) for the extrapolation of present day divertor conditions to larger devices. The scaling for main chamber radiation from small to large devices has a higher, more favourable dependence of about Prad,main/R2. Krypton provides the smallest fuel dilution for DEMO conditions, but has a more centrally peaked radiation profile compared to argon. For investigation of the different effects of main chamber and divertor radiation and for optimization of their distribution, a double radiative feedback system has been implemented in ASDEX Upgrade (AUG). About half the ITER/DEMO values of Psep/R have been achieved so far, and close to DEMO values of Prad,main/R2, albeit at lower Psep/R. Further increase of this parameter may be achieved by increasing the neutral pressure or improving the divertor geometry.
Nuclear Fusion | 2015
R. Wenninger; Frederik Arbeiter; J. Aubert; L. Aho-Mantila; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; C. Angioni; M. Bernert; E. Fable; A. Fasoli; G. Federici; J. E. Garcia; G. Giruzzi; F. Jenko; P. Maget; Massimo Mattei; F. Maviglia; E. Poli; G. Ramogida; C. Reux; M. Schneider; B. Sieglin; F. Villone; M. Wischmeier; H. Zohm
In the European fusion roadmap, ITER is followed by a demonstration fusion power reactor (DEMO), for which a conceptual design is under development. This paper reports the first results of a coherent effort to develop the relevant physics knowledge for that (DEMO Physics Basis), carried out by European experts. The program currently includes investigations in the areas of scenario modeling, transport, MHD, heating & current drive, fast particles, plasma wall interaction and disruptions.
Nuclear Fusion | 2015
A. Kallenbach; M. Bernert; M. Beurskens; L. Casali; M. Dunne; T. Eich; L. Giannone; A. Herrmann; M. Maraschek; S. Potzel; F. Reimold; V. Rohde; J. Schweinzer; E. Viezzer; M. Wischmeier
Detachment of high power discharges is obtained in ASDEX Upgrade by simultaneous feedback control of core radiation and divertor radiation or thermoelectric currents by the injection of radiating impurities. So far 2/3 of the ITER normalized heat flux Psep/R = 15 MW m−1 has been obtained in ASDEX Upgrade under partially detached conditions with a peak target heat flux well below 10 MW m−2. When the detachment is further pronounced towards lower peak heat flux at the target, substantial changes in edge localized mode (ELM) behaviour, density and radiation distribution occur. The time-averaged peak heat flux at both divertor targets can be reduced below 2 MW m−2, which offers an attractive DEMO divertor scenario with potential for simpler and cheaper technical solutions. Generally, pronounced detachment leads to a pedestal and core density rise by about 20–40%, moderate (<20%) confinement degradation and a reduction of ELM size. For AUG conditions, some operational challenges occur, like the density cut-off limit for X-2 electron cyclotron resonance heating, which is used for central tungsten control.
Nuclear Fusion | 2015
F. Reimold; M. Wischmeier; M. Bernert; S. Potzel; A. Kallenbach; H. W. Müller; B. Sieglin; U. Stroth
The first stable completely detached H-mode plasma in the full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade has been achieved. Complete detachment of both targets is induced by nitrogen seeding into the divertor. Two new phases are added to the detachment classification described in Potzel et al (2014 Nucl. Fusion 54 013001): first, the line integrated density increases by about 15% with partial detachment of the outer divertor. Second, complete detachment of both targets is correlated to the appearance of intense, strongly localized, stable radiation at the X-point. Radiated power fractions, frad, increase from about 50% to 85% with nitrogen seeding. X-point radiation is accompanied by a loss of pedestal top plasma pressure of about 60%. However, the core pressure at ?pol?<?0.7 changes only by about 10%. H98?=?0.8?1.0 is observed during detached operation. With nitrogen seeding the edge-localized mode (ELM) frequency increases from the 100?Hz range to a broadband distribution at 1?2?kHz with a large reduction in ELM size.
Nuclear Fusion | 2014
S. Potzel; M. Wischmeier; M. Bernert; R. Dux; H. W. Müller; A. Scarabosio
In this paper, a new experimental classification of divertor detachment in ASDEX Upgrade is presented. For this purpose, a series of ohmic and L-mode density ramp discharges at different heating powers, magnetic field directions and plasma species were carried out. For the first time at ASDEX Upgrade the electron density in the divertor volume and the occurrence of volume recombination were measured by means of spectroscopy. It is shown that detachment is not a continuously evolving process but rather undergoes three distinct states while the characteristics of the inner and outer divertor are strongly coupled. Before the complete detachment of the inner and outer divertor, radiative fluctuations occur in the inner divertor close to the X-point, observed for the first time via new fast diode bolometers. Finally, the effect of an externally applied magnetic perturbation field on the detachment process is investigated.
Nuclear Fusion | 2013
F. Ryter; S. K. Rathgeber; L. Barrera Orte; M. Bernert; G. D. Conway; R. Fischer; T. Happel; B. Kurzan; R. M. McDermott; A. Scarabosio; W. Suttrop; E. Viezzer; M. Willensdorfer; E. Wolfrum
An overview of the H-mode threshold power in ASDEX Upgrade which addresses the impact of the tungsten versus graphite wall, the dependences upon plasma current and density, as well as the influence of the plasma ion mass is given. Results on the H–L back transition are also presented. Dedicated L–H transition studies with electron heating at low density, which enable a complete separation of the electron and ion channels, reveal that the ion heat flux is a key parameter in the L–H transition physics mechanism through the main ion pressure gradient which is itself the main contribution to the radial electric field and the induced flow shearing at the edge. The electron channel does not play any role. The 3D magnetic field perturbations used to mitigate the edge-localized modes are found to also influence the L–H transition and to increase the power threshold. This effect is caused by a flattening of the edge pressure gradient in the presence of the 3D fields such that the L–H transitions with and without perturbations occur at the same value of the radial electric field well, but at different heating powers.
Nuclear Fusion | 2012
T. Lunt; Y. Feng; M. Bernert; A. Herrmann; P. de Marné; R. M. McDermott; H. W. Müller; S. Potzel; T. Pütterich; S. K. Rathgeber; W. Suttrop; E. Viezzer; E. Wolfrum; M. Wilensdorfer
The EMC3-Eirene code package was applied for the first time to simulate the edge plasma in an ASDEX Upgrade discharge, in which the newly installed magnetic perturbation (MP) coils were used to mitigate edge-localized modes (ELMs). Two different points in time during this discharge were simulated, the ELM-mitigated phase after turning-on of the MP coils and, as a reference, the ELMy H-mode phase before. The results were compared with the measurements of various edge and divertor diagnostics. Assuming the main chamber profiles to be shifted by 15?mm with respect to their calibrated positions, an agreement within a factor of 2 was found between the main chamber profiles outside the separatrix and those at the outer divertor target. The most important result is the observation of several maxima and minima in the particle flux and in particular in the power deposition pattern of both the simulation and the experiment for the case with MPs, an effect also known as strike-point splitting.
Nuclear Fusion | 2014
F. Ryter; L. Barrera Orte; B. Kurzan; R. M. McDermott; G. Tardini; E. Viezzer; M. Bernert; R. Fischer
Experimental investigations carried out in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak under various conditions demonstrate that the ion heat flux at the plasma edge plays a key role in the L–H transition physics, while the electron heat flux does not seem to play any role. This is due to the fact that the ion heat flux governs the radial electric field well induced by the main ions which is responsible for the turbulence stabilization causing the L–H transition. The experiments have been carried out in the low density branch of the power threshold where the electron and ion heat channels can be well separated. In plasmas heated by electron heating, the edge ion heat flux has been increased to reach the L–H transition by using separately three actuators: heating power, density and plasma current. In addition, the key role of the edge ion heating has been confirmed in experiments taking advantage of the direct ion heating provided by neutral beam injection. The role of the ion heat flux explains the non-monotonic density dependence of the L–H threshold power. Based on these results, a formula for the density of the threshold minimum has been developed, which also describes well the values found in tokamaks of various size. For ITER it predicts a value which is close to the density presently foreseen to enter the H-mode and indicates that operation at half field and current would benefit from a very significantly lower density minimum and correspondingly low threshold power.
Nuclear Fusion | 2014
P. T. Lang; A. Burckhart; M. Bernert; L. Casali; R. Fischer; O. Kardaun; G. Kocsis; M. Maraschek; A. Mlynek; B. Plöckl; M. Reich; F. Ryter; J. Schweinzer; B. Sieglin; W. Suttrop; T. Szepesi; G. Tardini; E. Wolfrum; D. Zasche; H. Zohm
Edge-localized mode (ELM) triggering and pacing in an all-metal wall environment shows significant differences to a first-wall configuration containing carbon. Here we report on experiments performed at ASDEX Upgrade revisiting the issue with all plasma-facing surfaces now fully replaced by tungsten. This investigation was motivated by experimental findings indicating that ELM triggering becomes more intricate when the carbon is replaced by a metal wall. ELM pacing could no longer be achieved by magnetic triggering in ASDEX Upgrade under conditions that previously showed a positive response. Also, recent investigations at JET indicate that a lag time occurs in pellet ELM triggering when operating with the new ITER-like wall. The ASDEX Upgrade centrifuge-based launching system was revitalized and upgraded for this study, now allowing detailed analysis of the ELM trigger response. The appearance of a lag time for pellet ELM triggering in an all-metal wall environment was confirmed. While different lag time durations were found for several type-I ELMy H-mode scenarios, the magnitude of the pellet perturbation was found to cause no difference. Reducing the auxiliary heating power for ELM triggering clearly makes the pellet tool less efficient for ELM control purposes; however, this affords a major benefit when applied for fuelling. Plasma operation with benign ELM behaviour at core densities far beyond the Greenwald limit was demonstrated, this being fully reversible and not affecting the energy confinement.
Nuclear Fusion | 2012
P. T. Lang; W. Suttrop; E. Belonohy; M. Bernert; R. M. Mc Dermott; R. Fischer; J. Hobirk; O. Kardaun; G. Kocsis; B. Kurzan; M. Maraschek; P. de Marné; A. Mlynek; P. A. Schneider; J. Schweinzer; J. Stober; T. Szepesi; K. Thomsen; W. Treutterer; E. Wolfrum
Recent experiments at ASDEX Upgrade demonstrate the compatibility of ELM mitigation by magnetic perturbations with efficient particle fuelling by inboard pellet injection. ELM mitigation persists in a high-density, high-collisionality regime even with the strongest applied pellet perturbations. Pellets injected into mitigation phases trigger no type-I ELM-like events unlike when launched into unmitigated type-I ELMy plasmas. Furthermore, the absence of ELMs results in improved fuelling efficiency and persistent density build-up. Pellet injection is helpful to access the ELM-mitigation regime by raising the edge density beyond the required threshold level, mostly eliminating the need for strong gas puff. Finally, strong pellet fuelling can be applied to access high densities beyond the density limit encountered with pure gas puffing. Core densities of up to 1.6 times the Greenwald density have been reached while maintaining ELM mitigation. No upper density limit for the ELM-mitigated regime has been encountered so far; limitations were set solely by technical restrictions of the pellet launcher. Reliable and reproducible operation at line-averaged densities from 0.75 up to 1.5 times the Greenwald density is demonstrated using pellets. However, in this density range there is no indication of the positive confinement dependence on density implied by the ITERH98P(y,2) scaling.