M. Cromaz
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2000
K. Vetter; A. Kuhn; M.-A. Deleplanque; I.Y. Lee; F.S. Stephens; G.J. Schmid; D. Beckedahl; J.J. Blair; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; R. M. Diamond; P. Fallon; Gregory Lane; J. E. Kammeraad; A. O. Macchiavelli; C. E. Svensson
Abstract Measured- and simulated-pulse shapes in electrically segmented coaxial Ge detectors have been investigated. Three-dimensional position sensitivities have been determined experimentally and theoretically in a 36-fold segmented Ge detector. By using the two-dimensional segmentation in conjunction with pulse-shape analysis, a position sensitivity of better than 1 mm can be obtained in three dimensions at an energy of 374 keV. This is achieved by analyzing the shape of net charge signals of segments containing interactions and of transient image charge signals of neighboring segments. The ability to locate interactions in three-dimensions is one of the crucial properties in the proposed γ-ray energy tracking array (GRETA). The concept of γ-ray tracking will not only increase the efficiency in detecting γ radiation but also enables the localization and characterization of unknown γ-ray sources with much higher accuracy than is possible with current instruments.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2000
K. Vetter; A. Kuhn; I.Y. Lee; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; R. M. Diamond; P. Fallon; Gregory Lane; A. O. Macchiavelli; M.R. Maier; F.S. Stephens; C. E. Svensson; H. Yaver
Abstract A working, two-dimensionally segmented Ge detector is one of the crucial elements in the development of GRETA – a next-generation 4π germanium detector array that uses three-dimensional positions and energies to of individual interactions of γ rays in the detector to reconstruct the full energies and direction vectors of the individual γ rays by employing tracking algorithms. The three-dimensional position and the energy of interactions will be determined by using a two-dimensionally segmented Ge detector along with pulse-shape analysis of the signals. The current prototype is a 36-fold segmented HP-Ge detector in a closed-ended coaxial geometry. Preamplifiers with a compact design, low noise, and very good response properties have been built and implemented. An integrated noise level of about 5 keV has been measured for the segment channels. The average energy resolution of this detector was measured to be 1.14 and 1.93 keV at 60 and 1332 keV, respectively. Using pulse-shape analysis, a three-dimensional position sensitivity of 0.2 to 0.5 mm (R.M.S) has been obtained at 374 keV, dependent on the position and the direction. The results represent a major step towards the feasibility of a γ-ray tracking detector.
Physics Letters B | 2000
A. O. Macchiavelli; P. Fallon; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; R. M. Diamond; Gregory Lane; I. Y. Lee; F. S. Stephens; C. E. Svensson; K. Vetter; D. Ward
Abstract We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56 Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together with the volume, surface, and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together with volume, surface and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.
Physical Review C | 2000
A. O. Macchiavelli; P. Fallon; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; R. M. Diamond; Gregory Lane; I. Y. Lee; F. S. Stephens; C. E. Svensson
The binding energies of even-even and odd-odd N=Z nuclei are compared. After correcting for the symmetry energy we find that the lowest T=1 state in odd-odd N=Z nuclei is as bound as the ground state in the neighboring even-even nucleus, thus providing evidence for isovector np pairing. However, T=0 states in odd-odd N=Z nuclei are several MeV less bound than the even-even ground states. We associate this difference with a pair gap and conclude that there is no evidence for an isoscalar pairing condensate in N=Z nuclei.
Physical Review C | 2000
C. J. Chiara; S. J. Asztalos; Brian Craig Busse; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; R. M. Diamond; P. Fallon; D. B. Fossan; D. G. Jenkins; S. Juutinen; N. S. Kelsall; R. Krücken; G. J. Lane; I. Y. Lee; A. O. Macchiavelli; R. W. MacLeod; Gregory Joseph Schmid; J. M. Sears; J. Smith; F. S. Stephens; K. Vetter; R. Wadsworth; S. Frauendorf
Lifetimes of high-spin states in two {delta}I=1 bands and one {delta}I=2 band in {sup 109}Cd have been measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method in an experiment performed using the {sup 96}Zr({sup 18}O,5n) reaction with the GAMMASPHERE array. Experimental total angular momenta and reduced transition strengths for both {delta}I=1 bands were compared with tilted axis cranking (shears mechanism) predictions and the {delta}I=2 band with principal axis cranking predictions, based on configurations involving two proton g{sub 9/2} holes and one or three valence quasineutrons from the h{sub 11/2} and mixed g{sub 7/2}/d{sub 5/2} orbitals. Good overall agreement for angular momentum versus rotational frequency has been observed in each case. The {delta}I=2 band is shown to have a large J{sup (2)}/B(E2) ratio suggestive of antimagnetic rotation. Additionally, both dipole bands show a decreasing trend in B(M1) strength as a function of spin, a feature of the shears mechanism. The experimental results are also compared with a semiclassical model that employs effective interactions between the proton holes and neutrons as an alternate interpretation for the shears mechanism. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society.
Physical Review Letters | 2014
A. Gade; R. V. F. Janssens; D. Weisshaar; B. A. Brown; E. Lunderberg; M. Albers; V. M. Bader; T. Baugher; D. Bazin; J. S. Berryman; C. M. Campbell; M. P. Carpenter; C. J. Chiara; H. L. Crawford; M. Cromaz; U. Garg; C. R. Hoffman; F. G. Kondev; C. Langer; T. Lauritsen; I. Y. Lee; S. M. Lenzi; J. T. Matta; F. Nowacki; F. Recchia; K. Sieja; Stroberg; J. A. Tostevin; Williams Sj; K. Wimmer
Excited states in the neutron-rich N = 38, 36 nuclei (60)Ti and (58)Ti were populated in nucleon-removal reactions from (61)V projectiles at 90 MeV/nucleon. The γ-ray transitions from such states in these Ti isotopes were detected with the advanced γ-ray tracking array GRETINA and were corrected event by event for large Doppler shifts (v/c ∼ 0.4) using the γ-ray interaction points deduced from online signal decomposition. The new data indicate that a steep decrease in quadrupole collectivity occurs when moving from neutron-rich N = 36, 38 Fe and Cr toward the Ti and Ca isotones. In fact, (58,60)Ti provide some of the most neutron-rich benchmarks accessible today for calculations attempting to determine the structure of the potentially doubly magic nucleus (60)Ca.
Nuclear Physics | 2001
G. J. Lane; R. Broda; B. Fornal; A.P. Byrne; G.D. Dracoulis; J. Blomqvist; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; R. M. Diamond; P. Fallon; R. V. F. Janssens; I.Y. Lee; A. O. Macchiavelli; K.H. Maier; M. Rejmund; F. S. Stephens; C. E. Svensson; K. Vetter; D. Ward; I. Wiedenhöver; J. Wrzesinski
High-spin states have been studied in neutron-rich nuclei produced in deep-inelastic collisions between a pulsed beam of Pb ions and a U target. The structure of nuclei such as Hg, Pb and Bi has revealed new information on the couplings of single-particle states to each other and to the octupole-vibrational phonon, essential input to the nuclear shell model. In addition, the first observations of high-spin states in U, U and U are compared to recent results for neighbouring plutonium nuclei.
Physical Review Letters | 2015
H. M. David; J. Chen; D. Seweryniak; F. G. Kondev; J. M. Gates; Kenneth E. Gregorich; I. Ahmad; M. Albers; M. Alcorta; B. B. Back; B. Baartman; P. F. Bertone; L. A. Bernstein; C. M. Campbell; M. P. Carpenter; C. J. Chiara; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; D. T. Doherty; G.D. Dracoulis; N.E. Esker; P. Fallon; O. R. Gothe; J. P. Greene; P. T. Greenlees; D. J. Hartley; K. Hauschild; C. R. Hoffman; S.S. Hota; R. V. F. Janssens
Two isomers decaying by electromagnetic transitions with half-lives of 4.7(1.1) and 247(73) μs have been discovered in the heavy ^{254}Rf nucleus. The observation of the shorter-lived isomer was made possible by a novel application of a digital data acquisition system. The isomers were interpreted as the K^{π}=8^{-}, ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734]) two-quasineutron and the K^{π}=16^{+}, 8^{-}ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734])⊗8^{-}π^{2}(7/2^{-}[514],9/2^{+}[624]) four-quasiparticle configurations, respectively. Surprisingly, the lifetime of the two-quasiparticle isomer is more than 4 orders of magnitude shorter than what has been observed for analogous isomers in the lighter N=150 isotones. The four-quasiparticle isomer is longer lived than the ^{254}Rf ground state that decays exclusively by spontaneous fission with a half-life of 23.2(1.1) μs. The absence of sizable fission branches from either of the isomers implies unprecedented fission hindrance relative to the ground state.
Physical Review Letters | 2014
A. Gade; R. V. F. Janssens; D. Weisshaar; B. A. Brown; E. Lunderberg; M. Albers; V. M. Bader; T. Baugher; D. Bazin; J. S. Berryman; C. M. Campbell; M. P. Carpenter; C. J. Chiara; H. L. Crawford; M. Cromaz; U. Garg; C. R. Hoffman; F. G. Kondev; C. Langer; T. Lauritsen; I. Y. Lee; S. M. Lenzi; J. T. Matta; F. Nowacki; F. Recchia; K. Sieja; J. A. Tostevin; Williams Sj; K. Wimmer; S. Zhu
Excited states in the neutron-rich N = 38, 36 nuclei (60)Ti and (58)Ti were populated in nucleon-removal reactions from (61)V projectiles at 90 MeV/nucleon. The γ-ray transitions from such states in these Ti isotopes were detected with the advanced γ-ray tracking array GRETINA and were corrected event by event for large Doppler shifts (v/c ∼ 0.4) using the γ-ray interaction points deduced from online signal decomposition. The new data indicate that a steep decrease in quadrupole collectivity occurs when moving from neutron-rich N = 36, 38 Fe and Cr toward the Ti and Ca isotones. In fact, (58,60)Ti provide some of the most neutron-rich benchmarks accessible today for calculations attempting to determine the structure of the potentially doubly magic nucleus (60)Ca.
COMPOUND‐NUCLEAR REACTIONS AND RELATED TOPICS: Proceedings of the 2007#N#International Workshop on Compound‐Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics ‐ CNR*#N#2007 | 2008
J. Gibelin; L. Phair; M. Wiedeking; L. A. Bernstein; J.T. Burke; D. L. Bleuel; R. M. Clark; M. Cromaz; M.-A. Deleplanque; P. Fallon; R. Hatarik; P. T. Lake; I. Y. Lee; S. R. Lesher; B. F. Lyles; A. O. Macchiavelli; M. A. McMahan; E. Rodriguez-Vieitez; L. G. Moretto
We have studied the weak‐decay channels of fusion/evaporation in light projectile/light target systems in order to provide reliable predictions for gamma‐spectroscopy experiments.