
Continental Shelf Research | 2003

The mud deposits and the high turbidity in the Belgian-Dutch coastal zone, southern bight of the North Sea

M. Fettweis; Dries Van den Eynde

The Suspended sediment processes and the mudfields found in the Belgian/Dutch coastal area (Southern North Sea) are discussed by presenting an integrated data-modelling approach of the suspended sediment transport along the Belgian-Dutch coast, using, a fine-grid coupled 2D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model and existing field and literature data. These mudfields and turbidity maxima are situated in a well-mixed, highly energetic hydrodynamic environment. In the past the occurrence of this high turbidity zone (more than a few hundreds mg/l of suspended matter) was ascribed to a closed hydrodynamic system (gyre) in front of the coast. This study shows that the SPM input through the Strait of Dover, the shallowness of the considered area, the decreasing magnitude of the residual transport vectors from the French/Belgian border towards Zeebrugge and the specific hydrodynamic features are the main processes responsible for the presence of the turbidity maximum. The origin and the formation of these mud deposits in front of the coast are explained by the neap-spring tidal cycles and the presence of SPM Sources (import Of SPM through the Strait of Dover and through erosion of clay layers)

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2011

Monitoring the effects of disposal of fine sediments from maintenance dredging on suspended particulate matter concentration in the Belgian nearshore area (southern North Sea)

M. Fettweis; Matthias Baeye; F. Francken; B. Lauwaert; Dries Van den Eynde; V. Van Lancker; C. Martens; Tinne Michielsen

The impact of continuous disposal of fine-grained sediments from maintenance dredging works on the suspended particulate matter concentration in a shallow nearshore turbidity maximum was investigated during dredging experiment (port of Zeebrugge, southern North Sea). Before, during and after the experiment monitoring of SPM concentration using OBS and ADV altimetry was carried out at a location 5 km west of the disposal site. A statistical analysis, based on the concept of populations and sub-sampling, was applied to evaluate the effect. The data revealed that the SPM concentration near the bed was on average more than two times higher during the dredging experiment. The disposed material was mainly transported in the benthic layer and resulted in a long-term increase of SPM concentration and formation of fluid mud layers. The study shows that SPM concentration can be used as an indicator of environmental changes if representative time series are available.

Water Research | 2012

Competition between kaolinite flocculation and stabilization in divalent cation solutions dosed with anionic polyacrylamides

Byung Joon Lee; Mark A. Schlautman; Erik Toorman; M. Fettweis

Divalent cations have been reported to develop bridges between anionic polyelectrolytes and negatively-charged colloidal particles, thereby enhancing particle flocculation. However, results from this study of kaolinite suspensions dosed with various anionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) reveal that Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) can lead to colloid stabilization under some conditions. To explain the opposite but coexisting processes of flocculation and stabilization with divalent cations, a conceptual flocculation model with (1) particle-binding divalent cationic bridges between PAM molecules and kaolinite particles and (2) polymer-binding divalent cationic bridges between PAM molecules is proposed. The particle-binding bridges enhanced flocculation and aggregated kaolinite particles in large, easily-settleable flocs whereas the polymer-binding bridges increased steric stabilization by developing polymer layers covering the kaolinite surface. Both the particle-binding and polymer-binding divalent cationic bridges coexist in anionic PAM- and kaolinite-containing suspensions and thus induce the counteracting processes of particle flocculation and stabilization. Therefore, anionic polyelectrolytes in divalent cation-enriched aqueous solutions can sometimes lead to the stabilization of colloidal particles due to the polymer-binding divalent cationic bridges.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014

Seasonality of floc strength in the southern North Sea

M. Fettweis; M. Baeye; Dimitry Van der Zande; Dries Van den Eynde; Byung Joon Lee

The suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration in the high turbidity zones of the southern North Sea is inversely correlated with chlorophyll (Chl) concentration. During winter, SPM concentration is high and Chl concentration is low and vice versa during summer. This seasonality has often been associated with the seasonal pattern in wind forcing. However, the decrease in SPM concentration corresponds well with the spring algal bloom. Does the decrease of SPM concentration caused by changing wind conditions cause the start of algae bloom, or does the algae bloom decrease SPM concentrations through enhanced flocculation and deposition? To answer the question, measurements from 2011 of particle size distribution (PSD), SPM, and Chl concentrations from the southern North Sea have been analyzed. The results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of macroflocs has a seasonal signal, while seasonality has little impact upon floc size. The data from a highly turbid coastal zone suggest that the maximum size of the macroflocs is controlled by turbulence and the available flocculation time during a tidal cycle, but the strength of the macroflocs is controlled by the availability of sticky organic substances associated with enhanced primary production during spring and summer. The results highlight the shift from mainly microflocs and flocculi in winter toward more muddy marine snow with larger amounts of macroflocs in spring and summer. The macroflocs will reduce the SPM concentrations in the turbidity maximum area as they settle faster. Consequently, the SPM concentration decreases and the light condition increases in the surface layer enhancing algae growth further.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

Seasonal variation in concentration, size, and settling velocity of muddy marine flocs in the benthic boundary layer

M. Fettweis; M. Baeye

Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) concentration profiles of the lowest 2 m of the water column and particle size distribution at 2 m above the bed were measured in a coastal turbidity maximum area (southern North Sea) during more than 700 days between 2006 and 2013. The long-term data series of SPM concentration, floc size, and settling velocity have been ensemble averaged according to tidal range, alongshore residual flow direction, and season, in order to investigate the seasonal SPM dynamics and its relation with physical and biological processes. The data show that the SPM is more concentrated in the near-bed layer in summer, whereas in winter, the SPM is better mixed throughout the water column. The decrease of the SPM concentration in the water column during summer is compensated by a higher near-bed concentration indicating that a significant part of the SPM remains in the area during summer rather than being advected out of it. The opposite seasonality between near-bed layer and water column has to our knowledge not yet been presented in literature. Physical effects such as wave heights, wind climate, or storms have a weak correlation with the observed seasonality. The argument to favor microbial activity as main driver of the seasonality lies in the observed variations in floc size and settling velocity. On average, the flocs are larger and thus settling velocities higher in summer than winter.

Journal of Coastal Research | 2010

Modelling the Effects of Sand Extraction, on Sediment Transport due to Tides, on the Kwinte Bank

Dries Van den Eynde; Alessio Giardino; J. Portilla; M. Fettweis; F. Francken; Jaak Monbaliu; Kasteelpark Arenberg

In recent years, the exploitation of marine aggregates is increasing. As an example, on the Belgian continental shelf, one particular sandbank (the Kwinte Bank) is exploited extensively; this has led to the creation of a 5 m deep depression along its central part. In the present contribution, the influence of these bathymetric changes, on erosion and sedimentation patterns are studied, using numerical modelling, in order to obtain an initial impression of the effect of such intense sand extraction on the stability of the sandbank. Different numerical models are utilised. Twodimensional and three-dimensional hydrodynamic models have been used to derive currents, whilst third generation wave models have been used to simulate the waves. Two different models are presented, which calculate the total load sediment transport as a function of the local currents and waves. These models have been used to investigate the erosional and depositional patterns. The use of two different sediment transport models has some advantages, since the results of sediment transport models are still subject to some important uncertainties. The hydrodynamic model results are validated using ADCP current data, confirming the good performance of the models. Likewise the wave models provide good results, comparing their results with data from a buoy. The sediment transport model results were compared to the residual transport patterns, derived from the asymmetry of dunes. The results obtained seem to be in general agreement with these observations. The numerical models are used to simulate the response of the sediment transport to extensive sand extraction from the sandbank. One ‘worst-case’ scenario and two more realistic scenarios were simulated, whilst the effect of these bathymetric changes on sediment transport was studied. The results show that the intense sand extraction does not seem to influence extensively the stability of the sandbank, but that, as a consequence, there is less erosion and deposition. The model results show, for all of the scenarios, a small amount of deposition on the top of the sandbank; this could be an indication of a regeneration mechanism. A trench, created perpendicular to the crest of the sandbank, could be slowly refilled again. The time-scale of this regeneration and the influence of storms remain uncertain. Although the main emphasis of the paper relates to tidal forcing, a brief discussion is included on the influence of wave action, on sediment transport.

Ocean Dynamics | 2014

Multimodal particle size distributions of fine-grained sediments: mathematical modeling and field investigation

Byung Joon Lee; Erik Toorman; M. Fettweis

Multimodal particle size distributions (PSDs) of fine-grained cohesive sediments are common in marine and coastal environments. The curve-fitting software in this study decomposed such multimodal PSDs into subordinate log-normal PSDs. Four modal peaks, consisting of four-level ordered structures of primary particles, flocculi, microflocs, and macroflocs, were identified and found to alternately rise and sink in a flow-varying tidal cycle due to shear-dependent flocculation. The four modal PSD could be simplified further into two discrete size groups of flocculi and flocs. This allowed the development of a two-class population balance equation (TCPBE) model with flocculi and flocs to simulate flocculation involving multimodal PSDs. The one-dimensional vertical (1-DV) TCPBE model further incorporated the Navier-Stokes equation with the k-ε turbulence closure and the sediment mass balance equations. Multimodal flocculation as well as turbulent flow and sediment transport in a flow-varying tidal cycle could be simulated well using the proposed model. The 1-DV TCPBE was concluded to be the simplest model that is capable of simulating multimodal flocculation in the turbulent flow field of marine and coastal zones.

Geo-marine Letters | 2015

In situ observations of suspended particulate matter plumes at an offshore wind farm, southern North Sea

M. Baeye; M. Fettweis

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) plumes associated with the monopile foundations of the Belgian offshore wind farm (OWF) Belwind I were acoustically profiled by means of a Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Together with the analysis of a bottom lander dataset of optical and acoustic backscatter sensors (OBSs and ADPs respectively), the spatiotemporal SPM plume dynamics were inferred. The fieldwork comprised (1) near-bed measurements of hydrodynamics and SPM concentrations in the direct vicinity of the wind turbines, by means of a bottom lander over a spring–neap cycle in May 2010; this dataset represents a typically tide-driven situation because there was no significant meteorological forcing during the measurement period; (2) additional vessel-based measurements conducted in May 2013 to capture the SPM plumes inside and outside the OWF over part of a tidal cycle. Both in situ datasets revealed that the SPM plumes were generated at the turbine piles, consistent with aerial and space-borne imagery. The SPM plumes are well aligned with the tidal current direction in the wake of the monopiles, concentrations being estimated to reach up to 5 times that of the background concentration of about 3 mg/l. It is suggested that the epifaunal communities colonizing the monopile surface and the protective rock collar at the base play a key role as source of the suspended matter recorded in the plumes. The organisms filter and trap fine SPM from the water column, resulting in predominant accumulation of SPM, including detritus and (pseudo-) faeces, at the base of the piles. When tidal currents exceed a certain velocity, fine particles in the near-bed fluff layer are re-suspended and transported downstream in the wake of the piles.

Proceedings in Marine Science | 2007

Seasonal variability of suspended particulate matter observed from SeaWiFS images near the Belgian coast

D. Van den Eynde; Bouchra Nechad; M. Fettweis; F. Francken

Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) surface concentration maps in the Belgian/Dutch coastal zone are retrieved from SeaWiFS images and are corrected using in situ measurements to obtain depth-averaged SPM concentration maps. A spatial correlation analysis of the derived maps shows that the area could be divided into three subregions where the correlations between the SPM concentrations are higher than 70%. Examination of in situ SPM concentration measurements reveals that during about 1/3 of the tidal cycle the SPM concentration is significantly higher than during the rest of the cycle. Strong vertical gradients are sometimes observed during periods with increased SPM concentration. A satellite image taken during such a period would underestimate the depth-averaged SPM concentration. Images taken during other periods better represents (except for some small corrections) the averaged SPM concentration. The methodology for obtaining the depth-averaged SPM concentration maps from surface SPM distributions derived from SeaWiFS images is positive but can be further improved.

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Multitemp 2003 | 2004

Suspended particulate matter mapping from multitemporal SeaWiFS imagery over the southern North Sea - SEBAB project

Bouchra Nechad; D. Van den Eynde; M. Fettweis; F. Francken

Suspended particulate matter concentration (SPM) maps at water-surface were retrieved from 172 SeaWiFS images using the MUMM turbid water extension to the SEADAS4.4 software and a regionally calibrated hydro-optical model. Examination of surface-SPM maps and the depth-averaged SPM derived from a 2D-hydrodynamic and sediment transport model over the BCZ shows interesting similarities. The effect of the neap-spring tide cycle on the satellite-derived SPM distribution is compared to the significant impact of this factor on modeled SPM distributions. Classification of the Belgian waters is carried out using the time-series of SeaWiFS-derived SPM maps and is explained in the light of the SPM transport modelling knowledge. This is preliminary step in this project to provide boundary conditions and initial data of SPM distribution to the coupled model.

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