
Physics of Plasmas | 2001

Effect of discrete wires on the implosion dynamics of wire array Z pinches

S. V. Lebedev; F. N. Beg; S. N. Bland; J. P. Chittenden; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines; K. H. Kwek; S. A. Pikuz; T. A. Shelkovenko

A phenomenological model of wire array Z-pinch implosions, based on the analysis of experimental data obtained on the mega-ampere generator for plasma implosion experiments (MAGPIE) generator [I. H. Mitchell et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 1533 (1996)], is described. The data show that during the first ∼80% of the implosion the wire cores remain stationary in their initial positions, while the coronal plasma is continuously jetting from the wire cores to the array axis. This phase ends by the formation of gaps in the wire cores, which occurs due to the nonuniformity of the ablation rate along the wires. The final phase of the implosion starting at this time occurs as a rapid snowplow-like implosion of the radially distributed precursor plasma, previously injected in the interior of the array. The density distribution of the precursor plasma, being peaked on the array axis, could be a key factor providing stability of the wire array implosions operating in the regime of discrete wires. The modified “initial...

Physics of Plasmas | 2002

Electric field detection in laser-plasma interaction experiments via the proton imaging technique

M. Borghesi; D.H. Campbell; A. Schiavi; M. G. Haines; O. Willi; A. J. Mackinnon; P. K. Patel; L. A. Gizzi; M. Galimberti; R. J. Clarke; Francesco Pegoraro; H. Ruhl; S. V. Bulanov

Due to their particular properties, the beams of the multi-MeV protons generated during the interaction of ultraintense (I>1019 W/cm2) short pulses with thin solid targets are most suited for use as a particle probe in laser-plasma experiments. The recently developed proton imaging technique employs the beams in a point-projection imaging scheme as a diagnostic tool for the detection of electric fields in laser-plasma interaction experiments. In recent investigations carried out at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL, UK), a wide range of laser-plasma interaction conditions of relevance for inertial confinement fusion (ICF)/fast ignition has been explored. Among the results obtained will be discussed: the electric field distribution in laser-produced long-scale plasmas of ICF interest; the measurement of highly transient electric fields related to the generation and dynamics of hot electron currents following ultra-intense laser irradiation of targets; the observation in underdense plasmas, after the ...

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2011

A review of the dense Z-pinch

M. G. Haines

The Z-pinch, perhaps the oldest subject in plasma physics, has achieved a remarkable renaissance in recent years, following a few decades of neglect due to its basically unstable MHD character. Using wire arrays, a significant transition at high wire number led to a great improvement in both compression and uniformity of the Z-pinch. Resulting from this the Z-accelerator at Sandia at 20 MA in 100 ns has produced a powerful, short pulse, soft x-ray source >230 TW for 4.5 ns) at a high efficiency of ~15%. This has applications to inertial confinement fusion. Several hohlraum designs have been tested. The vacuum hohlraum has demonstrated the control of symmetry of irradiation on a capsule, while the dynamic hohlraum at a higher radiation temperature of 230 eV has compressed a capsule from 2 mm to 0.8 mm diameter with a neutron yield >3 × 1011 thermal DD neutrons, a record for any capsule implosion. World record ion temperatures of >200 keV have recently been measured in a stainless-steel plasma designed for Kα emission at stagnation, due, it was predicted, to ion-viscous heating associated with the dissipation of fast-growing short wavelength nonlinear MHD instabilities. Direct fusion experiments using deuterium gas-puffs have yielded 3.9 × 1013 neutrons with only 5% asymmetry, suggesting for the first time a mainly thermal source. The physics of wire-array implosions is a dominant theme. It is concerned with the transformation of wires to liquid-vapour expanding cores; then the generation of a surrounding plasma corona which carries most of the current, with inward flowing low magnetic Reynolds number jets correlated with axial instabilities on each wire; later an almost constant velocity, snowplough-like implosion occurs during which gaps appear in the cores, leading to stagnation on the axis, and the production of the main soft-x-ray pulse. These studies have been pursued also with smaller facilities in other laboratories around the world. At Imperial College, conical and radial wire arrays have led to highly collimated tungsten plasma jets with a Mach number of >20, allowing laboratory astrophysics experiments to be undertaken. These highlights will be underpinned in this review with the basic physics of Z-pinches including stability, kinetic effects, and finally its applications.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2002

Laboratory Astrophysics and Collimated Stellar Outflows: The Production of Radiatively Cooled Hypersonic Plasma Jets

S. V. Lebedev; J. P. Chittenden; F. N. Beg; S. N. Bland; A. Ciardi; D. J. Ampleford; S. Hughes; M. G. Haines; Adam Frank; Eric G. Blackman; Thomas Anthony Gardiner

We present the first results of astrophysically relevant experiments where highly supersonic plasma jets are generated via conically convergent flows. The convergent flows are created by electrodynamic acceleration of plasma in a conical array of fine metallic wires (a modification of the wire array Z-pinch). Stagnation of plasma flow on the axis of symmetry forms a standing conical shock effectively collimating the flow in the axial direction. This scenario is essentially similar to that discussed by Canto and collaborators as a purely hydrodynamic mechanism for jet formation in astrophysical systems. Experiments using different materials (Al, Fe, and W) show that a highly supersonic (M ~ 20), well-collimated jet is generated when the radiative cooling rate of the plasma is significant. We discuss scaling issues for the experiments and their potential use for numerical code verification. The experiments also may allow direct exploration of astrophysically relevant issues such as collimation, stability, and jet-cloud interactions.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 1996

A high impedance mega‐ampere generator for fiber z‐pinch experiments

I. H. Mitchell; J. M. Bayley; J. P. Chittenden; J. F. Worley; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines; P. Choi

At Imperial College a mega‐ampere generator for plasma implosion experiments has been designed, built, and commissioned. With a final line impedance of 1.25 Ω this terawatt class generator has been designed primarily to drive a maximum current of 1.8 MA with a rise time of 150 ns into high inductance z‐pinch loads of interest to radiative collapse studies. This article describes the design and tests of the generator which has a novel configuration of lines and a new design of a magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL). In summary, the generator consists of four Marx generators each of the Hermes III type (2.4 MV, 84 kJ), each connected to 5 Ω pulse forming lines and trigatron gas switches. The power is fed into the matched 1.25 Ω vertical transfer line which feeds a diode stack and a short conical MITL in vacuum which concentrates the power into the z‐pinch load. At 80% charge a current rising to 1.4 MA in 150 ns has been measured in a 15 nH inductive short. Similar results are obtained when using ...

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2001

Proton imaging: a diagnostic for inertial confinement fusion/fast ignitor studies

M. Borghesi; A. Schiavi; D.H. Campbell; M. G. Haines; O. Willi; A. J. Mackinnon; L. A. Gizzi; M. Galimberti; Robert J. Clarke; H. Ruhl

Proton imaging is a recently proposed technique for diagnosis of dense plasmas, which favourably exploits the properties of protons produced by high-intensity laser-matter interaction. The technique allows the distribution of electric fields in plasmas and around laser-irradiated targets to be explored for the first time with high temporal and spatial resolution. This leads to the possibility of investigating as yet unexplored physical issues. In particular we will present measurements of transient electric fields in laser-plasmas and around laser-irradiated targets under various interaction conditions. Complex electric field structures have been observed in long-scale laser-produced plasmas, while global target charge-up and growth of electromagnetic instabilities have been detected following ultraintense interactions with solid targets.

Physics of Plasmas | 2002

Snowplow-like behavior in the implosion phase of wire array Z pinches

S. V. Lebedev; F. N. Beg; S. N. Bland; J. P. Chittenden; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines

The effect of discrete wires on the implosion dynamics of wire array Z-pinch experiments at ∼1 MA current level is discussed. The data show that the formation of a core–corona structure leads to gradual radial redistribution of mass by precursor plasma flow from the stationary wire cores during the first ∼80% of the implosion time. This phase ends with the formation of gaps in the wire cores, which occurs due to the nonuniformity of ablation rate along the wires. The final phase of the implosion starting at this time occurs as a rapid snowplow-like implosion of the plasma, previously injected into the interior of the array. The density distribution of the precursor plasma being peaked on the array axis could be a key factor providing stability of the wire array implosions operating in the regime of discrete wires. The implications of this implosion scenario to the operation of nested wire arrays and foam targets on the array axis are also discussed.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2000

Study of x-ray emission from a table top plasma focus and its application as an x-ray backlighter

F. N. Beg; I. Ross; A. Lorenz; J. F. Worley; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines

A study of a 2 kJ, 200 kA, table top plasma focus device as an intense x-ray source is reported. The x-ray yield from a number of gases, (deuterium, nitrogen, neon, argon, and xenon) is measured as a function of filling pressure and in neon as a function of anode length. In gases with Z<18, the plasma implodes to form a uniform cylindrical column, whereas for Z⩾18, the plasma consists of a number of hot spots. A maximum x-ray yield of 16.6 J and pulse length of 10–15 ns was obtained in neon. The x-ray emission was established to be due to H- and He-like line radiation. The temperature estimated from spectroscopic observations was about 300–400 eV at an electron density of (3–5)×1020 cm−3 in neon. At low pressures in neon, hard x-ray radiation, presumably due to electron beams was dominant. Mesh images of different wire materials were recorded at the optimum pressure in neon as a proof of principle for x-ray backlighting.

Physics of Plasmas | 1999

The dynamics of wire array Z-pinch implosions

S. V. Lebedev; R. Aliaga-Rossel; S. N. Bland; J. P. Chittenden; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines; I. H. Mitchell

Wire array Z-pinch dynamics are studied in experiments with 16-mm diameter arrays of between 8 and 64, 15-μm diameter aluminum wires, imploded in 200–260 ns by a 1.4-MA current pulse. Side-on laser probing shows early development of noncorrelated m=0-like instabilities with an axial wavelength ∼0.5 mm in individual wires. End-on interferometry (r-θ plane) shows azimuthal merging of the plasma with a density of 1017 cm−3 in 90–65 ns for 8–64 wires, respectively. At the same time low-density plasma reaches the array axis and forms a precursor pinch by 120–140 ns. At 0.7–0.85 of the implosion time a global m=0 instability with a wavelength of 1.7–2.3 mm was detected in soft x-ray gated images, laser probing, and optical streaks. The time when the instability reaches the observable level corresponds to the number of e-foldings for the growth of the classical Rayleigh–Taylor instability of ∫γ dt∼5.6–7. The scaling of this number with the number of wires is consistent with the instability growth from the seed l...

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2001

X-ray backlighting of wire array Z-pinch implosions using X pinch

S. V. Lebedev; F. N. Beg; S. N. Bland; J. P. Chittenden; A. E. Dangor; M. G. Haines; M. Zakaullah; S. A. Pikuz; T. A. Shelkovenko; David A. Hammer

The dynamics of wire arrays have been studied using a point-projection X-pinch x-ray backlighter installed in one of the return posts of the MAGPIE generator. Variations of diameter (15–50 μm aluminum) and number of wires (two or four) in the X-pinch enabled backlit images in the range of 140–200 ns after the current start. A temporal and spatial resolution of <1 ns and 5 μm is achieved. The radiographic images of aluminum wire array show that the wire cores are present at the original position until 80% of the implosion time and the size of the wire cores is 0.25 mm for aluminum and 0.1 mm for tungsten. A very fine structure of the order of 10 μm has been observed in titanium wire arrays.

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