M.G. Strillacci
University of Milan
Featured researches published by M.G. Strillacci.
Genetics Selection Evolution | 2004
Maria Cristina Cozzi; M.G. Strillacci; Paolo Valiati; Barbara Bighignoli; Mario Cancedda; Marta Zanotti
The genetic variability of the mitochondrial D-loop DNA sequence in seven horse breeds bred in Italy (Giara, Haflinger, Italian trotter, Lipizzan, Maremmano, Thoroughbred and Sarcidano) was analysed. Five unrelated horses were chosen in each breed and twenty-two haplotypes were identified. The sequences obtained were aligned and compared with a reference sequence and with 27 mtDNA D-loop sequences selected in the GenBank database, representing Spanish, Portuguese, North African, wild horses and an Equus asinus sequence as the outgroup. Kimura two-parameter distances were calculated and a cluster analysis using the Neighbour-joining method was performed to obtain phylogenetic trees among breeds bred in Italy and among Italian and foreign breeds. The cluster analysis indicates that all the breeds but Giara are divided in the two trees, and no clear relationships were revealed between Italian populations and the other breeds. These results could be interpreted as showing the mixed origin of breeds bred in Italy and probably indicate the presence of many ancient maternal lineages with high diversity in mtDNA sequences.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | 2009
Mattia Bonazzi; Antonella Volta; Giacomo Gnudi; Maria Cristina Cozzi; M.G. Strillacci; M. Polli; Maria Longeri; Sabrina Manfredi; Giorgio Bertoni
Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (AD-PKD) is common in Persians and Persians-related breeds. The aims of this study were to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of early ultrasound examination and to compare ultrasound and genetic testing for early diagnosis. Sixty-three Persians and seven Exotic Shorthairs were considered. All underwent ultrasonographic and genetic testing (polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) assay) between 2.5 and 3.5 months of age (10–14 weeks). With ultrasound, 41.4% showed renal cysts, while 37.1% were PKD positive by genetic testing and DNA sequencing. Six cats with at least one renal cyst were negative by genetic testing, while only one cat negative at ultrasound resulted positive at genetic test. DNA sequencing of three polycystic cats, negative by genetic test, revealed they were heterozygous for the mutation. Agreement was described by Cohens kappa that resulted 0.85, considering genetic test and DNA sequencing. Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound were 96.2% and 91%, respectively. Sensitivity was higher and specificity lower than reported previously. The higher sensitivity could be due to improved technical capabilities of ultrasound machines and transducers. Other causes of PKD could explain the lower specificity. In conclusion, ultrasound resulted in a reliable diagnostic method for feline AD-PKD1 at early age and it should always be used with genetic testing, in order to reach a complete screening programme and eventually to identify other genetic mutations.
BMC Genetics | 2014
M.G. Strillacci; E. Frigo; F. Schiavini; A.B. Samoré; Fabiola Canavesi; Mario Vevey; Maria Cristina Cozzi; M. Soller; E. Lipkin; A. Bagnato
BackgroundMastitis is a major disease of dairy cattle occurring in response to environmental exposure to infective agents with a great economic impact on dairy industry. Somatic cell count (SCC) and its log transformation in somatic cell score (SCS) are traits that have been used as indirect measures of resistance to mastitis for decades in selective breeding. A selective DNA pooling (SDP) approach was applied to identify Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for SCS in Valdostana Red Pied cattle using the Illumina Bovine HD BeadChip.ResultsA total of 171 SNPs reached the genome-wide significance for association with SCS. Fifty-two SNPs were annotated within genes, some of those involved in the immune response to mastitis. On BTAs 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21 and 22 the largest number of markers in association to the trait was found. These regions identified novel genomic regions related to mastitis (1-Mb SNP windows) and confirmed those already mapped. The largest number of significant SNPs exceeding the threshold for genome-wide significant signal was found on BTA 15, located at 50.43-51.63 Mb.ConclusionsThe genomic regions identified in this study contribute to a better understanding of the genetic control of the mastitis immune response in cattle and may allow the inclusion of more detailed QTL information in selection programs.
Animal | 2017
M.G. Strillacci; Maria Cristina Cozzi; Erica Gorla; Fabio Mosca; F. Schiavini; S. I. Román-Ponce; F.J. Ruiz López; Achille Schiavone; M. Marzoni; S. Cerolini; A. Bagnato
Genomic and genetic variation among six Italian chicken native breeds (Livornese, Mericanel della Brianza, Milanino, Bionda Piemontese, Bianca di Saluzzo and Siciliana) were studied using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and copy number variants (CNV) as markers. A total of 94 DNA samples genotyped with Axiom® Genome-Wide Chicken Genotyping Array (Affymetrix) were used in the analyses. The results showed the genetic and genomic variability occurring among the six Italian chicken breeds. The genetic relationship among animals was established with a principal component analysis. The genetic diversity within breeds was calculated using heterozygosity values (expected and observed) and with Wrights F-statistics. The individual-based CNV calling, based on log R ratio and B-allele frequency values, was done by the Hidden-Markov Model (HMM) of PennCNV software on autosomes. A hierarchical agglomerative clustering was applied in each population according to the absence or presence of definite CNV regions (CNV were grouped by overlapping of at least 1 bp). The CNV map was built on a total of 1003 CNV found in individual samples, after grouping by overlaps, resulting in 564 unique CNV regions (344 gains, 213 losses and 7 complex), for a total of 9.43 Mb of sequence and 1.03% of the chicken assembly autosome. All the approaches using SNP data showed that the Siciliana breed clearly differentiate from other populations, the Livornese breed separates into two distinct groups according to the feather colour (i.e. white and black) and the Bionda Piemontese and Bianca di Saluzzo breeds are closely related. The genetic variability found using SNP is comparable with that found by other authors in the same breeds using microsatellite markers. The CNV markers analysis clearly confirmed the SNP results.
Animal Genetics | 2014
M.G. Strillacci; E. Frigo; Fabiola Canavesi; Yael Ungar; F. Schiavini; L. Zaniboni; L. Reghenzani; Maria Cristina Cozzi; A.B. Samoré; Yechezkel Kashi; Eyal Shimoni; R. Tal-Stein; M. Soller; E. Lipkin; A. Bagnato
A selective DNA pooling approach was applied to identify QTL for conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), vaccenic acid (VA) and Δ(9) -desaturase (D9D) milk content in Italian Brown Swiss dairy cattle. Milk samples from 60 animals with higher values (after correction for environmental factors) and 60 animals with lower values for each of these traits from each of five half-sib families were pooled separately. The pools were genotyped using the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip. Sire allele frequencies were compared between high and low tails at the sire and marker level for SNPs for which the sires were heterozygous. An r procedure was implemented to perform data analysis in a selective DNA pooling design. A correction for multiple tests was applied using the proportion of false positives among all test results. BTA 19 showed the largest number of markers in association with CLA. Associations between SNPs and the VA and Δ(9) -desaturase traits were found on several chromosomes. A bioinformatics survey identified genes with an important role in pathways for milk fat and fatty acids metabolism within 1 Mb of SNP markers associated with fatty acids contents.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2015
A. Bagnato; M.G. Strillacci; Laura Pellegrino; F. Schiavini; E. Frigo; Attilio Rossoni; Luca Fontanesi; Christian Maltecca; Raphaëlle Teresa Matilde Maria Prinsen; M. Dolezal
The determination of copy number variation (CNV) is very important for the evaluation of genomic traits in several species because they are a major source for the genetic variation, influencing gene expression, phenotypic variation, adaptation and the development of diseases. The aim of this study was to obtain a CNV genome map using the Illumina Bovine SNP50 BeadChip data of 651 bulls of the Italian Brown Swiss breed. PennCNV and SVS7 (Golden Helix) software were used for the detection of the CNVs and Copy Number Variation Regions (CNVRs). A total of 5,099 and 1,289 CNVs were identified with PennCNV and SVS7 software, respectively. These were grouped at the population level into 1101 (220 losses, 774 gains, 107 complex) and 277 (185 losses, 56 gains and 36 complex) CNVR. Ten of the selected CNVR were experimentally validated with a qPCR experiment. The GO and pathway analyses were conducted and they identified genes (false discovery rate corrected) in the CNVR related to biological processes cellular component, molecular function and metabolic pathways. Among those, we found the FCGR2B , PPARα , KATNAL1 , DNAJC15 , PTK2 , TG , STAT family , NPM1 , GATA2 , LMF1 , ECHS1 genes, already known in literature because of their association with various traits in cattle. Although there is variability in the CNVRs detection across methods and platforms, this study allowed the identification of CNVRs in Italian Brown Swiss, overlapping those already detected in other breeds and finding additional ones, thus producing new knowledge for association studies with traits of interest in cattle.
PLOS ONE | 2016
E. Lipkin; M.G. Strillacci; Harel Eitam; Moran Yishay; F. Schiavini; M. Soller; A. Bagnato; A. Shabtay
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in feedlot cattle, caused by multiple pathogens that become more virulent in response to stress. As clinical signs often go undetected and various preventive strategies failed, identification of genes affecting BRD is essential for selection for resistance. Selective DNA pooling (SDP) was applied in a genome wide association study (GWAS) to map BRD QTLs in Israeli Holstein male calves. Kosher scoring of lung adhesions was used to allocate 122 and 62 animals to High (Glatt Kosher) and Low (Non-Kosher) resistant groups, respectively. Genotyping was performed using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip according to the Infinium protocol. Moving average of -logP was used to map QTLs and Log drop was used to define their boundaries (QTLRs). The combined procedure was efficient for high resolution mapping. Nineteen QTLRs distributed over 13 autosomes were found, some overlapping previous studies. The QTLRs contain polymorphic functional and expression candidate genes to affect kosher status, with putative immunological and wound healing activities. Kosher phenotyping was shown to be a reliable means to map QTLs affecting BRD morbidity.
Avian Biology Research | 2009
M.G. Strillacci; S.P. Marelli; Maria Cristina Cozzi; Elena Colombo; M. Polli; Manuela Gualtieri; Alessandro Cristalli; Paolo Pignattelli; Maria Longeri; Luigi Guidobono Cavalchini
Three fowl breeds, Valdarnese Bianca, a traditional white feathered breed from Tuscany, Golden Comet® a commercial hybrid and Livornese Bianca, a white leghorn type, were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. A total of 74 alleles were detected with locus ADL181 recorded the lowest (six alleles) and locus ADL136 the highest (15 alleles) allele frequencies respectively. Heterozygosity values ranged from 0.210 (locus ADL210) to 0.742 (locus ADL176). The Wrights fixation index values were 0.089 (FST), 0.300 (FIs) and 0.363 (FIT). Factorial correspondence analysis and a dendrogram individual tree constructed using individual genetic distances showed genetic differentiation of the three breeds.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2014
Emanuela Tullo; E. Frigo; Attilio Rossoni; R. Finocchiaro; Marco Serra; Nicoletta Rizzi; A.B. Samoré; Fabiola Canavesi; M.G. Strillacci; Raphaëlle Teresa Matilde Maria Prinsen; A. Bagnato
The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and to predict experimental breeding values (EBVs) for saturated (SFA), unsaturated (UFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, the ratio of fatty acids, and the productive traits in Italian Brown Swiss (BSW) and Holstein Friesian (HOL) cattle. Test-day yields from 235,658 HOL and 21,723 BSW cows were extracted from the Italian HOL and BSW Associations databases from November 2009 to October 2012 out of 3310 herds. The milk samples collected within the routine milk recording scheme were processed with the Milkoscan™ FT 6500 Plus (Foss, Hillerød, Denmark) for the identification of SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA composition in milk. Genetic parameters for fatty acids and productive traits were estimated on 1,765,552 records in HOL and 255,592 records in BSW. Heritability values estimated for SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA ranged from 0.06 to 0.18 for the BSW breed and from 0.10 to 0.29 for HOL. The genetic trends for the fatty acids were consistent between traits and breeds. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations among EBVs for SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA and official EBVs for fat percentage were in the range 0.32 to 0.54 for BSW and 0.44 to 0.64 for HOL. The prediction of specific EBVs for milk fatty acids and for the ratio among them may be useful to identify the best bulls to be selected with the aim to improve milk quality in terms of fat content and fatty acid ratios, achieving healthier dairy productions for consumers.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2010
L. Guidobono Cavalchini; S.P. Marelli; M.G. Strillacci; Maria Cristina Cozzi; M. Polli; Maria Longeri
Abstract Conservation of genetic variability is one of the main goals in animal production science and the analysis of breeds genetic asset can supply objective basis for effective conservation programs and selection strategies. Bionda Piemontese(PIB) and Bianca di Saluzzo (SAB) chicken breeds originated in Piemonte region. Breeds conservation programmes started in 1999 in Verzuolo (CN) aiming to preserve the breeds and to improve their diffusion being particularly adapted to freerange rearing systems thanks to their resistance. PIB and SAB are both suggested for traditional recipes and production (e.g. Morozzo capon) and are Slow Food presidia. A total of 76 birds were analysed: PIB (n=36), SAB (n=40). Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples. All birds were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. Each marker was subjected to PCRand the products were separated by electrophoresis in 4.2% denaturing polyacrylamide gels on ABI Prism 377 DNA Sequencerequipped with Genescan and Genotyper software. The results of this preliminary study highlight the genetic differences occurring between PIB and SAB populations