
Featured researches published by M. Gysel.

Tellus B | 2008

Hygroscopic properties of submicrometer atmospheric aerosol particles measured with H-TDMA instruments in various environments—a review

Erik Swietlicki; H.-C. Hansson; Kaarle Hämeri; Birgitta Svenningsson; A. Massling; Gordon McFiggans; Peter H. McMurry; Tuukka Petäjä; Peter Tunved; M. Gysel; David Topping; E. Weingartner; U. Baltensperger; Jenny Rissler; A. Wiedensohler; Markku Kulmala

The hygroscopic properties play a vital role for the direct and indirect effects of aerosols on climate, as well as the health effects of particulate matter (PM) by modifying the deposition pattern of inhaled particles in the humid human respiratory tract. Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (H-TDMA) instruments have been used in field campaigns in various environments globally over the last 25 yr to determine the water uptake on submicrometre particles at subsaturated conditions. These investigations have yielded valuable and comprehensive information regarding the particle hygroscopic properties of the atmospheric aerosol, including state of mixing. These properties determine the equilibrium particle size at ambient relative humidities and have successfully been used to calculate the activation of particles at water vapour supersaturation. This paper summarizes the existing published H-TDMA results on the sizeresolved submicrometre aerosol particle hygroscopic properties obtained from ground-based measurements at multiple marine, rural, urban and free tropospheric measurement sites. The data is classified into groups of hygroscopic growth indicating the external mixture, and providing clues to the sources and processes controlling the aerosol. An evaluation is given on how different chemical and physical properties affect the hygroscopic growth.

Nature | 2016

The role of low-volatility organic compounds in initial particle growth in the atmosphere

Jasmin Tröstl; Wayne K. Chuang; H. Gordon; Martin Heinritzi; Chao Yan; Ugo Molteni; Lars Ahlm; Carla Frege; Federico Bianchi; Robert Wagner; Mario Simon; Katrianne Lehtipalo; Christina Williamson; J. S. Craven; Jonathan Duplissy; Alexey Adamov; Joao Almeida; Anne-Kathrin Bernhammer; Martin Breitenlechner; Sophia Brilke; Antonio Dias; Sebastian Ehrhart; Alessandro Franchin; Claudia Fuchs; R. Guida; M. Gysel; Armin Hansel; C. R. Hoyle; Tuija Jokinen; Heikki Junninen

About half of present-day cloud condensation nuclei originate from atmospheric nucleation, frequently appearing as a burst of new particles near midday. Atmospheric observations show that the growth rate of new particles often accelerates when the diameter of the particles is between one and ten nanometres. In this critical size range, new particles are most likely to be lost by coagulation with pre-existing particles, thereby failing to form new cloud condensation nuclei that are typically 50 to 100 nanometres across. Sulfuric acid vapour is often involved in nucleation but is too scarce to explain most subsequent growth, leaving organic vapours as the most plausible alternative, at least in the planetary boundary layer. Although recent studies predict that low-volatility organic vapours contribute during initial growth, direct evidence has been lacking. The accelerating growth may result from increased photolytic production of condensable organic species in the afternoon, and the presence of a possible Kelvin (curvature) effect, which inhibits organic vapour condensation on the smallest particles (the nano-Köhler theory), has so far remained ambiguous. Here we present experiments performed in a large chamber under atmospheric conditions that investigate the role of organic vapours in the initial growth of nucleated organic particles in the absence of inorganic acids and bases such as sulfuric acid or ammonia and amines, respectively. Using data from the same set of experiments, it has been shown that organic vapours alone can drive nucleation. We focus on the growth of nucleated particles and find that the organic vapours that drive initial growth have extremely low volatilities (saturation concentration less than 10−4.5 micrograms per cubic metre). As the particles increase in size and the Kelvin barrier falls, subsequent growth is primarily due to more abundant organic vapours of slightly higher volatility (saturation concentrations of 10−4.5 to 10−0.5 micrograms per cubic metre). We present a particle growth model that quantitatively reproduces our measurements. Furthermore, we implement a parameterization of the first steps of growth in a global aerosol model and find that concentrations of atmospheric cloud concentration nuclei can change substantially in response, that is, by up to 50 per cent in comparison with previously assumed growth rate parameterizations.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2008

Cloud forming potential of secondary organic aerosol under near atmospheric conditions

Jonathan Duplissy; M. Gysel; M. R. Alfarra; J. Dommen; Axel Metzger; André S. H. Prévôt; E. Weingartner; Ari Laaksonen; Tomi Raatikainen; N. Good; S. F. Turner; Gordon McFiggans; U. Baltensperger

An Aerodyne quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer (QAMS) was used to provide on-line, quantitative measurements of the chemical composition and mass size distributions of the non-refractory fraction of the SOA particles at a temporal resolution of two minutes. In brief, the AMS utilizes an aerodynamic lens [Zhang et al., 2004, 2002] to produce a collimated particle beam that impacts on a porous tungsten surface heated typically to 600◦C under high vacuum (∼10−8 Torr), causing the non-refractory fraction of the particles to flash vaporize. The vapor plume is immediately ionized using a 70 eV electron impact (EI) ionization source, and a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMA 410, Balzers, Liechtenstein) is used to analyze the resultant ions with unit mass-to-charge (m/z ) resolution. More detailed descriptions of the AMS measurement principles and various calibrations [Jayne et al., 2000], its modes of operation [Jimenez et al., 2003] and data processing and analysis [Allan et al., 2004, 2003] are available in other publications.

Journal of Aerosol Science | 2003

Coating of soot and (NH4)2SO4 particles by ozonolysis products of α-pinene

Harald Saathoff; K.-H. Naumann; Martin Schnaiter; W. Schöck; O. Möhler; Ulrich Schurath; E. Weingartner; M. Gysel; U. Baltensperger

The ozonolysis of � -pinene in a large aerosol chamber was usedto generate second ary organic aerosol (SOA) mass by homogeneous nucleation, or by heterogeneous nucleation, either on soot, or on (NH4)2SO4 seedaerosols. The rate of the � -pinene + ozone reaction andthe aerosol yieldof ∼19% are in goodagreement with literature data. The organic coating of soot particles leads to a compaction of the fractal agglomerates expressedby an increase in fractal d imension from 1.9 to 2.1 for Diesel soot, andfrom 2.0 to 2.3 for spark generated“Palas” soot. The d ielectric coating of the soot particles with SOA layers between 2 to 11 nm gives rise to a substantial enhancement of their single scattering albedo, from about 0.2 to 0.5, and increases the e+ective absorption coeCcients of both soot types by ca. 30%. The coating of both soot types increases the hygroscopic growth factors (HGF) to values close below the HGF measuredfor pure SOA material d=d0∼1:12 at 90% RH. ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Science | 2016

New particle formation in the free troposphere: A question of chemistry and timing

Federico Bianchi; Jasmin Tröstl; Heikki Junninen; Carla Frege; S. Henne; C. R. Hoyle; Ugo Molteni; Erik Herrmann; Alexey Adamov; Nicolas Bukowiecki; Xuemeng Chen; Jonathan Duplissy; M. Gysel; Manuel A. Hutterli; Juha Kangasluoma; Jenni Kontkanen; Andreas Kürten; H. E. Manninen; S. Münch; Otso Peräkylä; Tuukka Petäjä; Linda Rondo; Christina Williamson; E. Weingartner; Joachim Curtius; Douglas R. Worsnop; Markku Kulmala; Josef Dommen; Urs Baltensperger

From neutral to new Many of the particles in the troposphere are formed in situ, but what fraction of all tropospheric particles do they constitute and how exactly are they made? Bianchi et al. report results from a high-altitude research station. Roughly half of the particles were newly formed by the condensation of highly oxygenated multifunctional compounds. A combination of laboratory results, field measurements, and model calculations revealed that neutral nucleation is more than 10 times faster than ion-induced nucleation, that particle growth rates are size-dependent, and that new particle formation occurs during a limited time window. Science, this issue p. 1109 New particles form in the free troposphere mainly through condensation of highly oxygenated compounds. New particle formation (NPF) is the source of over half of the atmosphere’s cloud condensation nuclei, thus influencing cloud properties and Earth’s energy balance. Unlike in the planetary boundary layer, few observations of NPF in the free troposphere exist. We provide observational evidence that at high altitudes, NPF occurs mainly through condensation of highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs), in addition to taking place through sulfuric acid–ammonia nucleation. Neutral nucleation is more than 10 times faster than ion-induced nucleation, and growth rates are size-dependent. NPF is restricted to a time window of 1 to 2 days after contact of the air masses with the planetary boundary layer; this is related to the time needed for oxidation of organic compounds to form HOMs. These findings require improved NPF parameterization in atmospheric models.

Environmental Research Letters | 2011

Changes of hygroscopicity and morphology during ageing of diesel soot

Torsten Tritscher; Z. Jurányi; M. Martin; R. Chirico; M. Gysel; Maarten F. Heringa; P. F. DeCarlo; B. Sierau; André S. H. Prévôt; E. Weingartner; Urs Baltensperger

Soot particles are an important component of atmospheric aerosol and their interaction with water is important for their climate effects. The hygroscopicity of fresh and photochemically aged soot and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from diesel passenger car emissions was studied under atmospherically relevant conditions in a smog chamber at sub-and supersaturation of water vapor. Fresh soot particles show no significant hygroscopic growth nor cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) activity. Ageing by condensation of SOA formed by photooxidation of the volatile organic carbon (VOC) emission leads to increased water uptake and CCN activity as well as to a compaction of the initially non-spherical soot particles when exposed to high relative humidity (RH). It is important to consider the latter effect for the interpretation of mobility based measurements. The vehicle with oxidation catalyst (EURO3) emits much fewer VOCs than the vehicle without after-treatment (EURO2). Consequently, more SOA is formed for the latter, resulting in more pronounced effects on particle hygroscopicity and CCN activity. Nevertheless, the aged soot particles did not reach the hygroscopicity of pure SOA particles formed from diesel VOC emissions, which are similarly hygroscopic (0.06 < κH − TDMA < 0.12 and 0.09 < κCCN < 0.14) as SOA from other precursor gases investigated in previous studies.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2009

Water uptake of clay and desert dust aerosol particles at sub- and supersaturated water vapor conditions

Hanna Herich; Torsten Tritscher; Aldona Wiacek; M. Gysel; E. Weingartner; Ulrike Lohmann; Urs Baltensperger; Daniel J. Cziczo

Airborne mineral dust particles serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), thereby influencing the formation and properties of warm clouds. It is therefore of atmospheric interest how dust aerosols with different mineralogy behave when exposed to high relative humidity (RH) or supersaturation (SS) with respect to liquid water. In this study the subsaturated hygroscopic growth and the supersaturated cloud condensation nucleus activity of pure clays and real desert dust aerosols were determined using a hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC), respectively. Five different illite, montmorillonite and kaolinite clay samples as well as three desert dust samples (Saharan dust (SD), Chinese dust (CD) and Arizona test dust (ATD)) were investigated. Aerosols were generated both with a wet and a dry disperser. The water uptake was parameterized via the hygroscopicity parameter kappa. The hygroscopicity of dry generated dust aerosols was found to be negligible when compared to processed atmospheric aerosols, with CCNC derived kappa values between 0.00 and 0.02 (the latter corresponds to a particle consisting of 96.7% by volume insoluble material and approximately 3.3% ammonium sulfate). Pure clay aerosols were generally found to be less hygroscopic than natural desert dust particles. The illite and montmorillonite samples had kappa approximately 0.003. The kaolinite samples were less hygroscopic and had kappa=0.001. SD (kappa=0.023) was found to be the most hygroscopic dry-generated desert dust followed by CD (kappa=0.007) and ATD (kappa=0.003). Wet-generated dust showed an increased water uptake when compared to dry-generated samples. This is considered to be an artifact introduced by redistribution of soluble material between the particles. Thus, the generation method is critically important when presenting such data. These results indicate any atmospheric processing of a fresh mineral dust particle which leads to the addition of more than approximately 3% soluble material will significantly enhance its hygroscopicity and CCN activity.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2010

Subarctic atmospheric aerosol composition: 3. Measured and modeled properties of cloud condensation nuclei

L. Kammermann; M. Gysel; E. Weingartner; Hanna Herich; Daniel J. Cziczo; Thomas Holst; Birgitta Svenningsson; Almut Arneth; Urs Baltensperger

Aerosol particles can modify cloud properties by acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Predicting CCN properties is still a challenge and not properly incorporated in current climate models. Atmospheric particle number size distributions, hygroscopic growth factors, and polydisperse CCN number concentrations were measured at the remote subarctic Stordalen mire, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden. The CCN number concentration was highly variable, largely driven by variations in the total number of sufficiently large particles, though the variability of chemical composition was increasingly important for decreasing supersaturation. The hygroscopicity of particles measured by a hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) was in agreement with large critical diameters observed for CCN activation (kappa approximate to 0.07-0.21 for D = 50-200 nm). Size distribution and time- and size-resolved HTDMA data were used to predict CCN number concentrations. Agreement of predictions with measured CCN within +/- 11% was achieved using parameterized Kohler theory and assuming a surface tension of pure water. The sensitivity of CCN predictions to various simplifying assumptions was further explored: We found that (1) ignoring particle mixing state did not affect CCN predictions, (2) averaging the HTDMA data in time with retaining the size dependence did not introduce a substantial bias, while individual predictions became more uncertain, and (3) predictions involving the hygroscopicity parameter recommended in literature for continental sites (kappa approximate to 0.3 +/- 0.1) resulted in a significant prediction bias. Future modeling studies should therefore at least aim at using averaged, size-resolved, site-specific hygroscopicity or chemical composition data for predictions of CCN number concentrations. (Less)

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

Analysis of long-term aerosol size distribution data from Jungfraujoch with emphasis on free tropospheric conditions, cloud influence, and air mass transport

Erik Herrmann; E. Weingartner; Stephan Henne; Laurent Vuilleumier; Nicolas Bukowiecki; Martin Steinbacher; Franz Conen; Martine Collaud Coen; E. Hammer; Z. Jurányi; Urs Baltensperger; M. Gysel

Six years of aerosol size distribution measurements between 20 and 600 nm diameters and total aerosol concentration above 10 nm from March 2008 to February 2014 at the high-alpine site Jungfraujoch are presented. The size distribution was found to be typically bimodal with mode diameters and widths relatively stable throughout the year and the observation period. New particle formation was observed on 14.5% of all days without a seasonal preference. Particles typically grew only into the Aitken mode and did not reach cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) sizes on the time scale of several days. Growth of preexisting particles in the Aitken mode, on average, contributed very few CCN. We concluded that the dominant fraction of CCN at Jungfraujoch originated in the boundary layer. A number of approaches were used to distinguish free tropospheric (FT) conditions and episodes with planetary boundary layer (PBL) influence. In the absence of PBL injections, the concentration of particles larger than 90 nm (N90, roughly corresponding to the CCN concentration) reached a value ~40 cm−3 while PBL influence caused N90 concentrations of several hundred or even 1000 cm−3. Comparing three criteria for free tropospheric conditions, we found FT prevalence for 39% of the time with over 60% during winter and below 20% during summer. It is noteworthy that a simple criterion based on standard trace gas measurements appeared to outperform alternative approaches.

Nature Communications | 2017

Revising the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles

Paul Zieger; O Väisänen; J C Corbin; Daniel G. Partridge; S Bastelberger; M Mousavi-Fard; B. Rosati; M. Gysel; Ulrich K. Krieger; Athanasios Nenes; Ilona Riipinen; Annele Virtanen; Matthew Salter

Sea spray is one of the largest natural aerosol sources and plays an important role in the Earth’s radiative budget. These particles are inherently hygroscopic, that is, they take-up moisture from the air, which affects the extent to which they interact with solar radiation. We demonstrate that the hygroscopic growth of inorganic sea salt is 8–15% lower than pure sodium chloride, most likely due to the presence of hydrates. We observe an increase in hygroscopic growth with decreasing particle size (for particle diameters <150 nm) that is independent of the particle generation method. We vary the hygroscopic growth of the inorganic sea salt within a general circulation model and show that a reduced hygroscopicity leads to a reduction in aerosol-radiation interactions, manifested by a latitudinal-dependent reduction of the aerosol optical depth by up to 15%, while cloud-related parameters are unaffected. We propose that a value of κs=1.1 (at RH=90%) is used to represent the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles in numerical models.

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