M. Hanada
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1996
R.S. Hemsworth; J.‐H. Feist; M. Hanada; B. Heinemann; T. Inoue; E. Kussel; A. Krylov; P. Lotte; K. Miyamoto; N. Miyamoto; D. Murdoch; A. Nagase; Y. Ohara; Y. Okumura; J. Pamela; A. Panasenkov; K. Shibata; M. Tanii; M. Watson
Neutral beam injection has been the most successful scheme used to heat magnetically confined plasmas studied in controlled nuclear fusion research, and neutral beams are a candidate to heat to ignition the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER). This article describes the system which is presently being designed in Europe, Japan, and Russia, with coordination by the Joint Central Team of ITER at Naka, Japan. The proposed system consists of three negative ion based neutral injectors, delivering a total of 50 MW of 1 MeV D0 to the ITER plasma for pulse length of ≳1000 s. The proposed injectors each use a single caesiated volume arc discharge negative ion source, and a multigrid, multiaperture accelerator, to produce about 40 A of 1 MeV D−. This will be neutralized in a subdivided gas neutralizer, which has a conversion efficiency of about 60%. The charged fraction of the beam emerging from the neutralizer is dumped onto the water‐cooled surfaces making up the electrostatic residual ion dump. A w...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1996
R.S. Hemsworth; J.‐H. Feist; M. Hanada; B. Heinemann; T. Inoue; E. Kussel; A. Krylov; P. Lotte; K. Miyamoto; N. Miyamoto; D. Murdoch; A. Nagase; Y. Ohara; Y. Okumura; J. Pamela; A. Panasenkov; K. Shibata; M. Tanii; M. Watson
Neutral beam injection has been the most successful scheme used to heat magnetically confined plasmas studied in controlled nuclear fusion research, and neutral beams are a candidate to heat to ignition the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER). This article describes the system which is presently being designed in Europe, Japan, and Russia, with coordination by the Joint Central Team of ITER at Naka, Japan. The proposed system consists of three negative ion based neutral injectors, delivering a total of 50 MW of 1 MeV D0 to the ITER plasma for pulse length of ≳1000 s. The proposed injectors each use a single caesiated volume arc discharge negative ion source, and a multigrid, multiaperture accelerator, to produce about 40 A of 1 MeV D−. This will be neutralized in a subdivided gas neutralizer, which has a conversion efficiency of about 60%. The charged fraction of the beam emerging from the neutralizer is dumped onto the water‐cooled surfaces making up the electrostatic residual ion dump. A w...
symposium on fusion technology | 2001
T. Inoue; E. Di Pietro; M. Hanada; R.S. Hemsworth; A. Krylov; V.M. Kulygin; P. Massmann; P. L. Mondino; Y. Okumura; A. Panasenkov; E. Speth; K. Watanabe
Abstract The neutral beam (NB) system in ITER-FEAT provides heating and current drive (H&CD) by two NB injectors, each delivering 16.7 MW of D 0 beam to the plasma at 1 MeV. The NB system retains the basic concept of the ITER 1998 design, but there are certain modifications that will be described: the beam transmission is improved by a four beam channel design of the neutralizer and the RID. Also the layout of the NB injector integrated in ITER allows both on- and off-axis current drive. The improved performance of the NB system is discussed from the system efficiency and the current drive capability points of view.
Fusion Engineering and Design | 1995
M. Kuriyama; N. Akino; M. Araki; N. Ebisawa; M. Hanada; T. Inoue; M. Kawai; M. Kazawa; J. Koizumi; T. Kunieda; Mamoru Matsuoka; K. Miyamoto; M. Mizuno; K. Mogaki; Y. Ohara; T. Ohga; Y. Okumura; H. Oohara; F. Satoh; T. Suzuki; S. Takahashi; T. Takayasu; H. Usami; K. Usui; K. Watanabe; M. Yamamoto; T. Yamazaki
Abstract On the basis of recent progress in the research and development of a high current and high energy negative-ion source, the construction of a 500 keV negative-ion based neutral beam injection (NBI) system for JT-60U has begun to demonstrate a mega-amp level NB current drive at high plasma density and to study high energy beam heating in reactor-grade plasmas. The specification of the NBI system is as follows: a beam energy of 500 keV, an injection power of 10 MW, a beam duration time of 10 s, beam species of deuterium or hydrogen. The neutral beam of 10 MW is injected in a tangential codirection with a single beamline that has two negative ion sources. The construction of the negative-ion based NBI system will be completed in 1996, and NB current drive and plasma core heating experiments will start immediately in JT-60U.
Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams | 2008
Y. Okumura; M. Hanada; T. Inoue; H. Kojima; Y. Matsuda; Y. Ohara; M. Seki; K. Watanabe
A 7.8 A, 50 keV H− ion beam was produced by a cesium seeded volume negative ion source. The source consists of a 25 cm×46 cm rectangular multicusp plasma generator and a 14 cm×36 cm multiaperture extractor. Without cesium, the source produced 3.4 A, 75 keV H− ion beams. By seeding a small amount of cesium, we observed a big enhancement of H− production efficiency by a factor of four, and a reduction of optimum operating pressure. Extracted electron current decreased to almost zero when we biased the plasma grid positive with respect to the anode. The effect lasted for more than a week once the cesium was injected for several seconds at an oven temperature of 280–300u2009°C.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1990
M. Hanada; T. Inoue; H. Kojima; Y. Matsuda; Y. Ohara; Y. Okumura; K. Watanabe; M. Seki
A large volume negative ion source, which has a newly devised magnetic filter called a PG filter, was designed and tested. The PG filter produces a uniform magnetic filter field over a large extraction area of 14×36 cm2 by flowing a high current through the plasma grid itself. By optimizing the filter strength, we succeeded to produce 3.4‐A 75‐keV negative hydrogen ion beams for 50 ms from 253 apertures of 11.3 mm diam with an average current H− density of 13 mA/cm2.
Nuclear Fusion | 2003
N. Umeda; L. Grisham; T. Yamamoto; M. Kuriyama; M. Kawai; T. Ohga; K. Mogaki; N. Akino; H. Yamazaki; K. Usui; A. Honda; L. Guangjiu; K. Watanabe; T. Inoue; M. Hanada; M. Kashiwagi; T. Morishita; Masayuki Dairaku; T. Takayanagi
The injection performance of the negative-ion based NBI (N-NBI) system for JT-60U has been improved by correcting beamlet deflection and improving spatial uniformity of negative ion production. Beamlet deflection at the peripheral region of the grid segment due to the distorted electric field at the bottom of the extractor has been observed. This was corrected by modifying the surface geometry at the extractor to form a flat electric field. Moreover, beamlet deflection due to beamlet–beamlet repulsion caused by space charge was also compensated for by extruding the edge of the bottom extractor. This resulted in a reduction of the heat loading on the NBI port limiter. As a result of the improvement above, continuous injection of a 2.6 MW H0 beam at 355 keV has been achieved for 10 s. Thus, long pulse injection up to the nominal pulse duration of JT-60U was demonstrated. This has opened up the prospect of long pulse operation of the negative-ion based NBI system for a steady-state tokamak reactor. So far, a maximum injection power of 5.8 MW at 400 keV, with a deuterium beam, and 6.2 MW at 381 keV, with a hydrogen beam, have been achieved in the JT-60U N-NBI. Uniformity of negative ion production was improved by tuning the filament emission current so as to direct more arc power into the region where less negative ion current was extracted.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1992
Y. Okumura; M. Hanada; T. Inoue; M. Mizuno; Y. Ohara; Y. Suzuki; Hiroki Tanaka; M. Tanaka; K. Watanabe
It is demonstrated that a cesium‐seeded volume H− ion source can be operated very stably for long pulse durations of up to 24 h. The source consists of a 20 cm cylindrical multicusp plasma generator and a 9 cm × 10 cm multiaperture extractor. By seeding a small amount of cesium, the source has produced 50 keV, 0.5 A, 1000 s H− ion beams with a current density of 14 mA/cm2. The cesium effect lasted for more than 24 h once 100 mg cesium was seeded before operation. Power flow measurement revealed that the heat loading of the ion source was low enough to operate the source in the dc mode.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2000
Y. Okumura; Y. Fujiwara; M. Kashiwagi; T. Kitagawa; K. Miyamoto; T. Morishita; M. Hanada; T. Takayanagi; M. Taniguchi; K. Watanabe
Intense negative ion source producing multimegawatt hydrogen/deuterium negative ion beams has been developed for the neutral beam injector (NBI) in TOKAMAK thermonuclear fusion machines. Negative ions are produced in a cesium seeded multi-cusp plasma generator via volume and surface processes, and accelerated with a multistage electrostatic accelerator. The negative ion source for JT-60U has produced 18.5 A/360 keV (6.7 MW) H− and 14.3 A/380 keV (5.4 MW) D− ion beams at average current densities of 11 mA/cm2 (H−) and 8.5 mA/cm2 (D−). A high energy negative ion source has been developed for the next generation TOKAMAK such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The source has demonstrated to accelerate negative ions up to 1 MeV, the energy required for ITER. Higher negative ion current density of more than 20 mA/cm2 was obtained in the ITER concept sources. It was confirmed that the consumption rate of cesium is small enough to operate the source for a half year in ITER-NBI without...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2002
K. Watanabe; T. Amemiya; M. Hanada; T. Iga; T. Imai; T. Inoue; M. Kashiwagi; M. Kuriyama; T. Morishita; Y. Okumura; T. Takayanagi; T. Yamamoto
Development of the negative-ion sources has been conducted to realize a high power neutral beam injector for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). A high negative-ion current density of 31 mA/cm2 (H−) at a very low pressure of 0.1 Pa has been produced in a cesium seeded multicusp plasma generator which has the same concept of the ITER source. For a vacuum insulated accelerator, a voltage holding experiment of long distance vacuum gaps up to ∼1.8 m has been performed. It was clarified that the transition region of product pressure distance (pd) from the vacuum breakdown to the gas discharge is about 0.2 Pau200am which is high enough from the operating region of the ITER source. A prototype vacuum insulated accelerator was fabricated based on the experiment and tested. A high-energy H− beam acceleration up to 970 keV, 37 mA, and 1 s has been successfully demonstrated.