M. Hundertmark
University of Copenhagen
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
S. Calchi Novati; A. Gould; A. Udalski; J. Menzies; I. A. Bond; Y. Shvartzvald; R. A. Street; M. Hundertmark; C. A. Beichman; R. K. Barry
We present microlens parallax measurements for 21 (apparently) isolated lenses observed toward the Galactic bulge that were imaged simultaneously from Earth and Spitzer, which was ~1 AU west of Earth in projection. We combine these measurements with a kinematic model of the Galaxy to derive distance estimates for each lens, with error bars that are small compared to the Suns galactocentric distance. The ensemble therefore yields a well-defined cumulative distribution of lens distances. In principle, it is possible to compare this distribution against a set of planets detected in the same experiment in order to measure the Galactic distribution of planets. Since these Spitzer observations yielded only one planet, this is not yet possible in practice. However, it will become possible as larger samples are accumulated.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2010
J. Southworth; L. Mancini; S. Calchi Novati; M. Dominik; M. Glitrup; T. C. Hinse; U. G. Jørgensen; M. Mathiasen; Davide Ricci; G. Maier; F. Zimmer; V. Bozza; P. Browne; I. Bruni; M. J. Burgdorf; M. Dall’Ora; François Finet; K. Harpsøe; M. Hundertmark; C. Liebig; S. Rahvar; G. Scarpetta; J. Skottfelt; B. Smalley; C. Snodgrass; Jean Surdej
We present high-precision photometry of three transits of t he extrasolar planetary system WASP-2, obtained by defocussing the telescope, and achievi ng point-to-point scatters of between 0.42 and 0.73 mmag. These data are modelled using the JKTEBOP code, and taking into account the light from the recently-discovered faint s tar close to the system. The physical properties of the WASP-2 system are derived using tabulated pr ictions from five different sets of stellar evolutionary models, allowing both statist ical and systematic errorbars to be specified. We find the mass and radius of the planet to be M = 0.847± 0.038± 0.024MJup andRb = 1.044± 0.029± 0.015RJup. It has a low equilibrium temperature of 1280± 21K, in agreement with a recent finding that it does not have an atmo spheric temperature inversion. The first of our transit datasets has a scatter of only 0.42 mma g with respect to the best-fitting light curve model, which to our knowledge is a record for grou nd-based observations of a transiting extrasolar planet.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
D. M. Bramich; K. Horne; M. D. Albrow; Y. Tsapras; C. Snodgrass; R. A. Street; M. Hundertmark; N. Kains; A. Arellano Ferro; R. Figuera Jaimes; Sunetra Giridhar
We present a general framework for matching the point-spread function (PSF), photometric scaling and sky background between two images, a subject which is commonly referred to as difference image analysis (DIA). We introduce the new concept of a spatially varying photometric scale factor which will be important for DIA applied to wide-field imaging data in order to adapt to transparency and airmass variations across the field-of-view. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to separately control the degree of spatial variation of each kernel basis function, the photometric scale factor and the differential sky background. We discuss the common choices for kernel basis functions within our framework, and we introduce the mixed-resolution delta basis functions to address the problem of the size of the least-squares problem to be solved when using delta basis functions. We validate and demonstrate our algorithm on simulated and real data. We also describe a number of useful optimizations that may be capitalized on during the construction of the least-squares matrix and which have not been reported previously. We pay special attention to presenting a clear notation for the DIA equations which are set out in a way that will hopefully encourage developers to tackle the implementation of DIA software.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2012
J. Southworth; T. C. Hinse; M. Dominik; X.-S. Fang; K. Harpsøe; U. G. Jørgensen; E. Kerins; C. Liebig; L. Mancini; J. Skottfelt; D. R. Anderson; B. Smalley; J. Tregloan-Reed; O. Wertz; K. A. Alsubai; V. Bozza; S. Calchi Novati; S. Dreizler; S.-H. Gu; M. Hundertmark; J. Jessen-Hansen; N. Kains; Hans Kjeldsen; Mikkel N. Lund; M. Lundkvist; M. Mathiasen; Matthew T. Penny; S. Rahvar; Davide Ricci; G. Scarpetta
We present photometric observations of four transits in the WASP-17 planetary system, obtained using telescope defocusing techniques and with scatters reaching 0.5?mmag per point. Our revised orbital period is 4.0 +/- 0.6?s longer than previous measurements, a difference of 6.6s, and does not support the published detections of orbital eccentricity in this system. We model the light curves using the jktebop code and calculate the physical properties of the system by recourse to five sets of theoretical stellar model predictions. The resulting planetary radius, Rb = 1.932 +/- 0.052 +/- 0.010?RJup (statistical and systematic errors, respectively), provides confirmation that WASP-17?b is the largest planet currently known. All 14 planets with radii measured to be greater than 1.6?RJup are found around comparatively hot (Teff > 5900?K) and massive (MA > 1.15?M?) stars. Chromospheric activity indicators are available for eight of these stars, and all imply a low activity level. The planets have small or zero orbital eccentricities, so tidal effects struggle to explain their large radii. The observed dearth of large planets around small stars may be natural but could also be due to observational biases against deep transits, if these are mistakenly labelled as false positives and so not followed up.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014
J. Southworth; T. C. Hinse; M. J. Burgdorf; S. Calchi Novati; M. Dominik; P. Galianni; T. Gerner; E. Giannini; Sheng-hong Gu; M. Hundertmark; U. G. Jørgensen; D. Juncher; E. Kerins; L. Mancini; M. Rabus; Davide Ricci; S. Schäfer; J. Skottfelt; J. Tregloan-Reed; X.-B. Wang; O. Wertz; K. A. Alsubai; J. M. Andersen; V. Bozza; D. M. Bramich; P. Browne; S. Ciceri; G. D'Ago; Y. Damerdji; C. Diehl
We present time series photometric observations of 13 transits in the planetary systems WASP-24, WASP-25 and WASP-26. All three systems have orbital obliquity measurements, WASP-24 andWASP-26 have been observed with Spitzer, andWASP-25 was previously comparatively neglected. Our light curves were obtained using the telescope-defocussing method and have scatters of 0.5-1.2 mmag relative to their best-fitting geometric models. We use these data to measure the physical properties and orbital ephemerides of the systems to high precision, finding that our improved measurements are in good agreement with previous studies. High-resolution Lucky Imaging observations of all three targets show no evidence for faint stars close enough to contaminate our photometry. We confirm the eclipsing nature of the star closest to WASP-24 and present the detection of a detached eclipsing binary within 4.25 arcmin of WASP-26.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
H. Park; A. Udalski; C. Han; A. Gould; J. P. Beaulieu; Y. Tsapras; M. K. Szymański; M. Kubiak; I. Soszyński; Grzegorz Pietrzyński; R. Poleski; K. Ulaczyk; P. Pietrukowicz; S. Kozłowski; J. Skowron; Ł. Wyrzykowski; J.-Y. Choi; D. L. DePoy; Subo Dong; B. S. Gaudi; K.-H. Hwang; Y. K. Jung; A. Kavka; C.-U. Lee; L. A. G. Monard; B.-G. Park; Richard W. Pogge; I. Porritt; I.-G. Shin; J. C. Yee
Gravitational microlensing events produced by lenses composed of binary masses are important because they provide a major channel for determining physical parameters of lenses. In this work, we analyze the light curves of two binary-lens events, OGLE-2006-BLG-277 and OGLE-2012-BLG-0031, for which the light curves exhibit strong deviations from standard models. From modeling considering various second-order effects, we find that the deviations are mostly explained by the effect of the lens orbital motion. We also find that lens parallax effects can mimic orbital effects to some extent. This implies that modeling light curves of binary-lens events not considering orbital effects can result in lens parallaxes that are substantially different from actual values and thus wrong determinations of physical lens parameters. This demonstrates the importance of routine consideration of orbital effects in interpreting light curves of binary-lens events. It is found that the lens of OGLE-2006-BLG-277 is a binary composed of a low-mass star and a brown dwarf companion.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
J. Tregloan-Reed; J. Southworth; M. J. Burgdorf; S. Calchi Novati; M. Dominik; François Finet; U. G. Jørgensen; G. Maier; L. Mancini; S. Prof; Davide Ricci; C. Snodgrass; V. Bozza; P. Browne; P. Dodds; T. Gerner; K. Harpsøe; T. C. Hinse; M. Hundertmark; N. Kains; E. Kerins; C. Liebig; Matthew T. Penny; S. Rahvar; Kailash C. Sahu; G. Scarpetta; S. Schäfer; F. Schönebeck; J. Skottfelt; Jean Surdej
We have developed a new model for analysing light curves of planetary transits when there are starspots on the stellar disc. Because the parameter space contains a profusion of local minima we developed a new optimization algorithm which combines the global minimization power of a genetic algorithm and the Bayesian statistical analysis of the Markov chain. With these tools we modelled three transit light curves of WASP-19. Two light curves were obtained on consecutive nights and contain anomalies which we confirm as being due to the same spot. Using these data we measure the star’s rotation period and velocity to be 11.76 ± 0.09 d and 3.88 ± 0.15 km s −1 , respectively, at a latitude of 65 ◦ . We find that the sky-projected angle between the stellar spin axis and the planetary orbital axis is λ = 1. ◦ 0 ± 1. ◦ 2, indicating axial alignment. Our results are consistent with and more precise than published spectroscopic measurements of the Rossiter–McLaughlin effect.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015
J. Southworth; L. Mancini; S. Ciceri; Jan Budaj; M. Dominik; R. Figuera Jaimes; Troels Haugbølle; U. G. Jørgensen; A. Popovas; M. Rabus; S. Rahvar; C. von Essen; R. W. Schmidt; O. Wertz; K. A. Alsubai; V. Bozza; D. M. Bramich; S. Calchi Novati; G. D'Ago; T. C. Hinse; Th. Henning; M. Hundertmark; D. Juncher; H. Korhonen; J. Skottfelt; C. Snodgrass; D. Starkey; Jean Surdej
We present 17 transit light curves of the ultrashort period planetary system WASP-103, a strong candidate for the detection of tidally-induced orbital decay. We use these to establish a high-precision reference epoch for transit timing studies. The time of the reference transit mid-point is now measured to an accuracy of 4.8 s, versus 67.4 s in the discovery paper, aiding future searches for orbital decay. With the help of published spectroscopic measurements and theoretical stellar models, we determine the physical properties of the system to high precision and present a detailed error budget for these calculations. The planet has a Roche lobe filling factor of 0.58, leading to a significant asphericity; we correct its measured mass and mean density for this phenomenon. A high-resolutionLucky Imaging observation shows no evidence for faint stars close enough to contaminate the point spread function of WASP-103. Our data were obtained in the Bessell RI and the SDSS griz passbands and yield a larger planet radius at bluer optical wavelengths, to a confidence level of 7.3σ. Interpreting this as an effect of Rayleigh scattering in the planetary atmosphere leads to a measurement of the planetary mass which is too small by a factor of 5, implying that Rayleigh scattering is not the main cause of the variation of radius with wavelength.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
J. Skottfelt; D. M. Bramich; M. Hundertmark; U. G. Jørgensen; N. Michaelsen; P. Kjærgaard; J. Southworth; Anton Norup Sørensen; M. F. Andersen; Michael I. Andersen; J. Christensen-Dalsgaard; S. Frandsen; F. Grundahl; K. Harpsøe; Hans Kjeldsen; Pere L. Palle
We report on the implemented design of a two-colour instrument based on electron-multiplying CCD (EMCCD) detectors. This instrument is currently installed at the Danish 1.54 m telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile, and will be available at the SONG (Stellar Observations Network Group) 1m telescope node at Tenerife and at other SONG nodes as well. We present the software system for controlling the two-colour instrument and calibrating the high frame-rate imaging data delivered by the EMCCD cameras. An analysis of the performance of the Two-Colour Instrument at the Danish telescope shows an improvement in spatial resolution of up to a factor of two when doing shift-and-add compared with conventional imaging, and the possibility of doing high-precision photometry of EMCCD data in crowded fields. The Danish telescope, which was commissioned in 1979, is limited by a triangular coma at spatial resolutions below , and better results will thus be achieved at the near diffraction-limited optical system on the SONG telescopes, where spatial resolutions close to have been achieved. Regular EMCCD operations have been running at the Danish telescope for several years and produced a number of scientific discoveries, including microlensing detected exoplanets, detecting previously unknown variable stars in dense globular clusters, and discovering two rings around the small asteroid-like object (10199) Chariklo.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013
K. Harpsøe; S. Hardis; T. C. Hinse; U. G. Jørgensen; L. Mancini; J. Southworth; K. A. Alsubai; V. Bozza; P. Browne; M. J. Burgdorf; S. Calchi Novati; P. Dodds; M. Dominik; X.-S. Fang; François Finet; T. Gerner; S.-H. Gu; M. Hundertmark; J. Jessen-Hansen; N. Kains; E. Kerins; Hans Kjeldsen; C. Liebig; Mikkel N. Lund; M. Lundkvist; M. Mathiasen; David Nesvorný; N. Nikolov; Matthew T. Penny; S. Proft
Aims. We present 11 high-precision photometric transitobservations of the transiting super-Earth planet GJ 1214 b. Combining these data with observations from other authors, we investigate the ephemeris for possible signs of transit timing variations (TTVs) using a Bayesian approach. Methods. The observations were obtained using telescope-defocusing techniques, and achieve a high precision with random errors in the photometry as low as 1 mmag per point. To investigate the possibility of TTVs in the light curve, we calculate the overall probability of a TTV signal using Bayesian methods. Results. The observations are used to determine the photometric parameters and the physical properties of the GJ 1214 system. Our results are in good agreement with published values. Individual times of mid-transit are measured with uncertainties as low as 10 s, allowing us to reduce the uncertainty in the orbital period by a factor of two. Conclusions. A Bayesian analysis reveals that it is highly improbable that the observed transit times is explained by TTV caused by a planet in the nominal habitable zone, when compared with the simpler alternative of a linear ephemeris.