
Biofouling | 1993

Biofilm formation: hydrodynamic effects on internal diffusion and structure

M. J. Vieira; L. F. Melo; Maria Manuela Pinheiro

Diffusion in microbial films produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens under turbulent flow conditions was studied using an inert substance (LiCl). Mass transfer coefficients in the biofilm were measured during formation of the biological deposits and for biofilms developed under different fluid velocities. Mass transfer rates in the biofilm decreased with time, and more quickly in the case of biofilms subjected to high shear stresses. The latter show lower final thicknesses and lower internal diffusivities. The so‐called “active layer”;, if it exists, does not seem to have a fixed thickness (as proposed by some authors), since it will depend on the environmental conditions, particularly on fluid velocities.

Water Research | 2009

Species association increases biofilm resistance to chemical and mechanical treatments.

Manuel Simões; Lúcia C. Simões; M. J. Vieira

The study of biofilm ecology and interactions might help to improve our understanding of their resistance mechanisms to control strategies. Concerns that the diversity of the biofilm communities can affect disinfection efficacy have led us to examine the effect of two antimicrobial agents on two important spoilage bacteria. Studies were conducted on single and dual species biofilms of Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Biofilms were formed on a stainless steel rotating device, in a bioreactor, at a constant Reynolds number of agitation (Re(A)). Biofilm phenotypic characterization showed significant differences, mainly in the metabolic activity and both extracellular proteins and polysaccharides content. Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and glutaraldehyde (GLUT) solutions in conjunction with increasing Re(A) were used to treat biofilms in order to assess their ability to kill and remove biofilms. B. cereus and P. fluorescens biofilms were stratified in a layered structure with each layer having differential tolerance to chemical and mechanical stresses. Dual species biofilms and P. fluorescens single biofilms had both the highest resistance to removal when pre-treated with CTAB and GLUT, respectively. B. cereus biofilms were the most affected by hydrodynamic disturbance and the most susceptible to antimicrobials. Dual biofilms were more resistant to antimicrobials than each single species biofilm, with a significant proportion of the population remaining in a viable state after exposure to CTAB or GLUT. Moreover, the species association increased the proportion of viable cells of both bacteria, comparatively to the single species scenarios, enhancing each others survival to antimicrobials and the biofilm shear stress stability.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2007

Biofilm Interactions between Distinct Bacterial Genera Isolated from Drinking Water

Lúcia C. Simões; Manuel Simões; M. J. Vieira

ABSTRACT In the environment, multiple microorganisms coexist as communities, competing for resources and often associated as biofilms. In this study, single- and dual-species biofilm formation by, and specific activities of, six heterotrophic intergeneric bacteria were determined using 96-well polystyrene plates over a 72-h period. These bacteria were isolated from drinking water and identified by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. A series of planktonic studies was also performed, assessing the bacterial growth rate, motility, and production of quorum-sensing inhibitors (QSI). This constituted an attempt to identify key attributes allowing bacteria to effectively interact and coexist in a drinking-water environment. We observed that in both pure and dual cultures, all of the isolates formed stable biofilms within 72 h, with specific metabolic activity decreasing, in most cases, with an increase in biofilm mass. The largest single- and dual-biofilm amounts were found for Methylobacterium sp. and the combination of Methylobacterium sp. and Mycobacterium mucogenicum, respectively. Evidences of microbial interactions in dual-biofilm formation, associated with appreciable biomass variation in comparison with single biofilms, were found for the following cases: synergy/cooperation between Sphingomonas capsulata and Burkholderia cepacia, S. capsulata and Staphylococcus sp., and B. cepacia and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and antagonism between S. capsulata and M. mucogenicum, S. capsulata and A. calcoaceticus, and M. mucogenicum and Staphylococcus sp. A neutral interaction was found for Methylobacterium sp.-M. mucogenicum, S. capsulata-Staphylococcus sp., M. mucogenicum-A. calcoaceticus, and Methylobacterium sp.-A. calcoaceticus biofilms, since the resultant dual biofilms had a mass and specific metabolic activity similar to the average for each single biofilm. B. cepacia had the highest growth rate and motility and produced QSI. Other bacteria producing QSI were Methylobacterium sp., S. capsulata, and Staphylococcus sp. However, only for S. capsulata-M. mucogenicum, S. capsulata-A. calcoaceticus, and M. mucogenicum-Staphylococcus sp., dual-biofilm formation seems to be regulated by the QSI produced by S. capsulata and Staphylococcus sp. and by the increased growth rate of S. capsulata. The parameters assessed by planktonic studies did not allow prediction and generalization of the exact mechanism regulating dual-species biofilm formation between the drinking-water bacteria.

PLOS ONE | 2011

Discriminating multi-species populations in biofilms with peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA FISH).

Carina Almeida; N. F. Azevedo; Sílvio Roberto Branco Santos; C. W. Keevil; M. J. Vieira

Background Our current understanding of biofilms indicates that these structures are typically composed of many different microbial species. However, the lack of reliable techniques for the discrimination of each population has meant that studies focusing on multi-species biofilms are scarce and typically generate qualitative rather than quantitative data. Methodology/Principal Findings We employ peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA FISH) methods to quantify and visualize mixed biofilm populations. As a case study, we present the characterization of Salmonella enterica/Listeria monocytogenes/Escherichia coli single, dual and tri-species biofilms in seven different support materials. Ex-situ, we were able to monitor quantitatively the populations of ∼56 mixed species biofilms up to 48 h, regardless of the support material. In situ, a correct quantification remained more elusive, but a qualitative understanding of biofilm structure and composition is clearly possible by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) at least up to 192 h. Combining the data obtained from PNA FISH/CLSM with data from other established techniques and from calculated microbial parameters, we were able to develop a model for this tri-species biofilm. The higher growth rate and exopolymer production ability of E. coli probably led this microorganism to outcompete the other two [average cell numbers (cells/cm2) for 48 h biofilm: E. coli 2,1×108 (±2,4×107); L. monocytogenes 6,8×107 (±9,4×106); and S. enterica 1,4×106 (±4,1×105)]. This overgrowth was confirmed by CSLM, with two well-defined layers being easily identified: the top one with E. coli, and the bottom one with mixed regions of L. monocytogenes and S. enterica. Significance While PNA FISH has been described previously for the qualitative study of biofilm populations, the present investigation demonstrates that it can also be used for the accurate quantification and spatial distribution of species in polymicrobial communities. Thus, it facilitates the understanding of interspecies interactions and how these are affected by changes in the surrounding environment.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2010

Influence of the Diversity of Bacterial Isolates from Drinking Water on Resistance of Biofilms to Disinfection

Lúcia C. Simões; Manuel Simões; M. J. Vieira

ABSTRACT Single- and multispecies biofilms formed by six drinking water-isolated bacterial species were used to assess their susceptibilities to sodium hypochlorite (SHC). In general, multispecies biofilms were more resistant to inactivation and removal than single biofilms. Total biofilm inactivation was achieved only for Acinetobacter calcoaceticus single-species biofilms and for those multispecies biofilms without A. calcoaceticus. Biofilms with all bacteria had the highest resistance to SHC, while those without A. calcoaceticus were the most susceptible. A. calcoaceticus formed single biofilms susceptible to SHC; however, its presence in multispecies biofilms increased their resistance to disinfection.

Biofouling | 2004

Bacteriophage Phi S1 Infection of Pseudomonas fluorescens Planktonic cells versus Biofilms

Sanna Sillankorva; Rosário Oliveira; M. J. Vieira; Ian W. Sutherland; Joana Azeredo

This communication focuses on the efficacy of a specific lytic phage, phage F S1, as a control agent of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms. The effect of phage infection temperature and the host growth temperature were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the phage infection process was temperature dependent and that the optimum temperature of infection of planktonic cells and biofilms was 26°C. At this temperature, bacteriophage F S1, at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.5 infected both planktonic cells and biofilms causing a biomass reduction of about 85% in both cases.

Journal of Basic Microbiology | 2007

Potential of the adhesion of bacteria isolated from drinking water to materials

Lúcia C. Simões; Manuel Simões; Rosário Oliveira; M. J. Vieira

Heterotrophic bacteria (11 genera, 14 species, 25 putative strains) were isolated from drinking water, identified either biochemically or by partial 16s rDNA gene sequencing and their adherence characteristics were determined by two methods: i. thermodynamic prediction of adhesion potential by measuring hydrophobicity (contact angle measurements) and ii. by measuring adherence to eight different substrata (ASI 304 and 316 stainless steel, copper, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polyethylene, silicone and glass). All the test organisms were hydrophilic and inter‐species variation in hydrophobicity occurred only for Comamonas acidovorans. Stainless steel 304 (SS 304), copper, polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and silicone thermodynamically favoured adhesion for the majority of test strains (>18/25), whilst adhesion was generally less thermodynamically favorable for stainless steel 316 (SS 316), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and glass. The predictability of thermodynamic adhesion test methods was validated by comparison with 24‐well microtiter plate assays using nine reference strains and three adhesion surfaces (SS 316, PVC and PE). Results for Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkolderia cepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia sp. 2 were congruent between both methods whilst they differed for the other bacteria to at least one material. Only A. calcoaceticus had strongly adherent properties to the three tested surfaces. Strain variation in adhesion ability was detected only for Sphingomonas capsulata. Analysis of adhesion demonstrated that in addition to physicochemical surface properties of bacterium and substratum, biological factors are involved in early adhesion processes, suggesting that reliance on thermodynamic approaches alone may not accurately predict adhesion capacity. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2007

Coccoid form of Helicobacter pylori as a morphological manifestation of cell adaptation to the environment

N. F. Azevedo; Carina Almeida; L. Cerqueira; Sónia Dias; C. W. Keevil; M. J. Vieira

ABSTRACT After characterization of preferred conditions for Helicobacter pylori survival in the sessile state, it was observed that the bacterium transforms from spiral to coccoid under mild circumstances, whereas under extreme ones it is unable to undergo shape modification. This strongly supports the view that transformation into the coccoid form is an active, biologically led process, switched on by the bacterium as a protection mechanism.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2008

Persistence of Helicobacter pylori in heterotrophic drinking-water biofilms.

M. S. Gião; N. F. Azevedo; Sandra A. Wilks; M. J. Vieira; C. W. Keevil

ABSTRACT Although the route of transmission of Helicobacter pylori remains unknown, drinking water has been considered a possible transmission vector. It has been shown previously that, in water, biofilms are a protective niche for several pathogens, protecting them from stressful conditions, such as low carbon concentration, shear stress, and less-than-optimal temperatures. In this work, the influence of these three parameters on the persistence and cultivability of H. pylori in drinking-water biofilms was studied. Autochthonous biofilm consortia were formed in a two-stage chemostat system and then inoculated with the pathogen. Total numbers of H. pylori cells were determined by microscopy using a specific H. pylori 16S rRNA peptide nucleic acid probe, whereas cultivable cells were assessed by standard plating onto selective H. pylori medium. Cultivable H. pylori could not be detected at any time point, but the ability of H. pylori cells to incorporate, undergo morphological transformations, persist, and even agglomerate in biofilms for at least 31 days without a noticeable decrease in the total cell number (on average, the concentration was between 1.54 × 106 and 2.25 × 106 cells cm−2) or in the intracellular rRNA content may indicate that the loss of cultivability was due to entry into a viable but noncultivable state. Unlike previous results obtained for pure-culture H. pylori biofilms, shear stress did not negatively influence the numbers of H. pylori cells attached, suggesting that the autochthonous aquatic bacteria have an important role in retaining this pathogen in the sessile state, possibly by providing suitable microaerophilic environments or linking biomolecules to which the pathogen adheres. Therefore, biofilms appear to provide not only a safe haven for H. pylori but also a concentration mechanism so that subsequent sloughing releases a concentrated bolus of cells that might be infectious and that could escape routine grab sample microbiological analyses and be a cause of concern for public health.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2008

DNA mimics for the rapid identification of microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

Laura Cerqueira; N. F. Azevedo; Carina Almeida; Tatiana Jardim; C. W. Keevil; M. J. Vieira

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a well-established technique that is used for a variety of purposes, ranging from pathogen detection in clinical diagnostics to the determination of chromosomal stability in stem cell research. The key step of FISH involves the detection of a nucleic acid region and as such, DNA molecules have typically been used to probe for the sequences of interest. However, since the turn of the century, an increasing number of laboratories have started to move on to the more robust DNA mimics methods, most notably peptide and locked nucleic acids (PNA and LNA). In this review, we will cover the state-of-the-art of the different DNA mimics in regard to their application as efficient markers for the presence of individual microbial cells, and consider their potential advantages and pitfalls. Available PNA probes are then reassessed in terms of sensitivity and specificity using rRNA databases. In addition, we also attempt to predict the applicability of DNA mimics in well-known techniques attempting to detect in situ low number of copies of specific nucleic acid sequences such as catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) and recognition of individual genes (RING) FISH.

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