M. Karamitros
University of Bordeaux
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2012
Z. Francis; S. Incerti; V. Ivanchenko; C. Champion; M. Karamitros; M.A. Bernal; Z. El Bitar
This work presents a Monte Carlo study of energy depositions due to protons, alpha particles and carbon ions of the same linear-energy-transfer (LET) in liquid water. The corresponding track structures were generated using the Geant4-DNA toolkit, and the energy deposition spatial distributions were analyzed using an adapted version of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Combining the Geant4 simulations and the clustering algorithm it was possible to compare the quality of the different radiation types. The ratios of clustered and single energy depositions are shown versus particle LET and frequency-mean lineal energies. The estimated effect of these types of radiation on biological tissues is then discussed by comparing the results obtained for different particles with the same LET.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2012
Ph. Barberet; F Vianna; M. Karamitros; T Brun; N Gordillo; Ph. Moretto; S. Incerti; H. Seznec
The energy and specific energy absorbed in the main cell compartments (nucleus and cytoplasm) in typical radiobiology experiments are usually estimated by calculations as they are not accessible for a direct measurement. In most of the work, the cell geometry is modelled using the combination of simple mathematical volumes. We propose a method based on high resolution confocal imaging and ion beam analysis (IBA) in order to import realistic cell nuclei geometries in Monte-Carlo simulations and thus take into account the variety of different geometries encountered in a typical cell population. Seventy-six cell nuclei have been imaged using confocal microscopy and their chemical composition has been measured using IBA. A cellular phantom was created from these data using the ImageJ image analysis software and imported in the Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulation toolkit. Total energy and specific energy distributions in the 76 cell nuclei have been calculated for two types of irradiation protocols: a 3 MeV alpha particle microbeam used for targeted irradiation and a ²³⁹Pu alpha source used for large angle random irradiation. Qualitative images of the energy deposited along the particle tracks have been produced and show good agreement with images of DNA double strand break signalling proteins obtained experimentally. The methodology presented in this paper provides microdosimetric quantities calculated from realistic cellular volumes. It is based on open-source oriented software that is publicly available.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2014
Z. Francis; E Seif; S. Incerti; C. Champion; M. Karamitros; M.A. Bernal; V. Ivanchenko; A. Mantero; H.N. Tran; Z. El Bitar
In this study, fragmentation yields of carbon therapy beams are estimated using the Geant4 simulation toolkit version 9.5. Simulations are carried out in a step-by-step mode using the Geant4-DNA processes for each of the major contributing fragments. The energy of the initial beam is taken 400 MeV amu(-1) as this is the highest energy, which is used for medical accelerators and this would show the integral role of secondary contributions in radiotherapy irradiations. The obtained results showed that 64% of the global dose deposition is initiated by carbon ions, while up to 36% is initiated by the produced fragments including all their isotopes. The energy deposition clustering yields of each of the simulated fragments are then estimated using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm and they are compared to the yields of the incident primary beam.
Computer Physics Communications | 2015
E. Delage; Q.T. Pham; M. Karamitros; Henri Payno; V. Stepan; S. Incerti; Lydia Maigne; Y. Perrot
This paper describes PDB4DNA, a new Geant4 user application, based on an independent, cross-platform, free and open source C++ library, so-called PDBlib, which enables use of atomic level description of DNA molecule in Geant4 Monte Carlo particle transport simulations. For the evaluation 15 of direct damage induced on the DNA molecule by ionizing particles, the application makes use of an algorithm able to determine the closest atom in the DNA molecule to energy depositions. Both the PDB4DNA application and the PDBlib library are available as free and open source
Scientific Reports | 2017
Sylvain Meylan; S. Incerti; M. Karamitros; Nicolas Tang; Marta Bueno; I. Clairand; Carmen Villagrasa
In order to improve the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the generation of early DNA damage, a new calculation chain based on the Geant4-DNA toolkit was developed. This work presents for the first time the simulation of the physical, physicochemical and chemical stages of early radiation damage at the scale of an entire human genome (fibroblast, male) and using Geant4-DNA models. The DnaFabric software was extended to generate and export this nucleus model to a text file with a specific format that can be read by Geant4 user applications. This calculation chain was used to simulate the irradiation of the nucleus by primary protons of different energies (0,5; 0,7; 0,8; 1; 1,5; 2; 3; 4; 5; 10; 20 MeV) and the results, in terms of DNA double strand breaks, agree with experimental data found in the literature (pulsed field electrophoresis technique). These results show that the simulation is consistent and that its parameters are well balanced. Among the different parameters that can be adjusted, our results demonstrate that the criterion used to select direct strand break appears to have a very significant role on the final number of simulated double strand breaks.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry | 2015
K. Pachnerová Brabcová; Václav Štěpán; M. Karamitros; M. Karabín; Pavel Dostálek; S. Incerti; Marie Davídková; Lembit Sihver
Protons are the dominant particles both in galactic cosmic rays and in solar particle events and, furthermore, proton irradiation becomes increasingly used in tumour treatment. It is believed that complex DNA damage is the determining factor for the consequent cellular response to radiation. DNA plasmid pBR322 was irradiated at U120-M cyclotron with 30 MeV protons and treated with two Escherichia coli base excision repair enzymes. The yields of SSBs and DSBs were analysed using agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA has been irradiated in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavenger (coumarin-3-carboxylic acid) in order to distinguish between direct and indirect damage of the biological target. Pure scavenger solution was used as a probe for measurement of induced OH· radical yields. Experimental OH· radical yield kinetics was compared with predictions computed by two theoretical models-RADAMOL and Geant4-DNA. Both approaches use Geant4-DNA for description of physical stages of radiation action, and then each of them applies a distinct model for description of the pre-chemical and chemical stage.
Physica Medica | 2018
Nathanael Lampe; M. Karamitros; Vincent Breton; Jeremy M.C. Brown; Dousatsu Sakata; David Sarramia; S. Incerti
We extended a generic Geant4 application for mechanistic DNA damage simulations to an Escherichia coli cell geometry, finding electron damage yields and proton damage yields largely in line with experimental results. Depending on the simulation of radical scavenging, electrons double strand breaks (DSBs) yields range from 0.004 to 0.010 DSB Gy-1 Mbp-1, while protons have yields ranging from 0.004 DSB Gy-1 Mbp-1 at low LETs and with strict assumptions concerning scavenging, up to 0.020 DSB Gy-1 Mbp-1 at high LETs and when scavenging is weakest. Mechanistic DNA damage simulations can provide important limits on the extent to which physical processes can impact biology in low background experiments. We demonstrate the utility of these studies for low dose radiation biology calculating that in E. coli, the median rate at which the radiation background induces double strand breaks is 2.8 × 10-8 DSB day-1, significantly less than the mutation rate per generation measured in E. coli, which is on the order of 10-3.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2014
M.A. Bernal; D. Sikansi; F. Cavalcante; S. Incerti; C. Champion; V. Ivanchenko; Z. Francis; M. Karamitros
We have recently developed an atomistic model of the B-DNA configuration, up to the 30-nm chromatin fiber. This model is intended to be used in Monte Carlo simulations of the DNA-radiation interaction, specifically in conjunction with the Geant4-DNA extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit. In this work, 11449 parallel chromatin fibers have been arranged within a cube mimicking a cell nucleus containing about 6.5×109 base pairs. Each atom in the model is represented by a sphere with the corresponding van der Waals radius. Direct single, double and total DNA strand break yields due to the impact of protons and alpha particles with LET ranging from 4.57 to 207.1 keV/μm have been determined. Also, the corresponding site-hit probabilities have been calculated.
Physica Medica | 2018
Nathanael Lampe; M. Karamitros; Vincent Breton; Jeremy M.C. Brown; Ioanna Kyriakou; Dousatsu Sakata; David Sarramia; S. Incerti
Mechanistic modelling of DNA damage in Monte Carlo simulations is highly sensitive to the parameters that define DNA damage. In this work, we use a simple testing geometry to investigate how different choices of physics models and damage model parameters can change the estimation of DNA damage in a mechanistic DNA damage simulation built in Geant4-DNA. The choice of physics model can lead to variations by up to a factor of two in the yield of physically induced strand breaks, and the parameters that determine scavenging, and physical and chemical single strand break induction can have even larger consequences. Using low energy electrons as primary particles, a variety of parameters are tested in this geometry in order to arrive at a parameter set consistent with past simulation studies. We find that the modelling of scavenging can play an important role in determining results, and speculate that high-scavenging regimes, where only chemical radicals within 1 nm of DNA are simulated, could provide a good means of testing mechanistic DNA simulations.
Archive | 2016
S. Okada; K. Murakami; K. Amako; Takashi Sasaki; S. Incerti; M. Karamitros; Nick Henderson; Margot Gerritsen; Makoto Asai; Andrea Dotti
Geant4-DNA is an extension of the general purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. It can simulate particle-matter physical interactions down to very low energies in liquid water. The simulation in that energy scale needs enormous computing time since it simulates all physical interactions following a discrete approach. This work presents the implementation of the physics processes/models of the Geant4-DNA extension in GPU architecture. We observed impressive performance gain with the same physics accuracy as existing methods.