
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2011

A catalogue of young runaway Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun

N. Tetzlaff; R. Neuhäuser; M. M. Hohle

Traditionally, runaway stars are O- and B-type stars with large peculiar velocities. We would like to extend this definition to young stars (up to ≈50 Myr) of any spectral type and to identify those present in the Hipparcos catalogue by applying different selection criteria, such as peculiar space velocities or peculiar one-dimensional velocities. Runaway stars are important for studying the evolution of multiple star systems or star clusters, as well as for identifying the origins of neutron stars. We compile the distances, proper motions, spectral types, luminosity classes,V magnitudes andB −V colours, and we utilize evolutionary models from different authors to obtain star ages. We study a sample of 7663 young Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun. The radial velocities are obtained from the literature. We investigate the distributions of the peculiar spatial velocity and the peculiar radial velocity as well as the peculiar tangential velocity and its one-dimensional components and we obtain runaway star probabilities for each star in the sample. In addition, we look for stars that are situated outside any OB association or OB cluster and the Galactic plane as well as stars for which the velocity vector points away from the median velocity vector of neighbouring stars or the surrounding local OB association/cluster (although the absolute velocity might be small). We find a total of 2547 runaway star candidates (with a contamination of normal Population I stars of 20 per cent at most). Thus, after subtracting these 20 per cent, the runaway frequency among young stars is about 27 per cent. We compile a catalogue of runaway stars, which is available via

Astronomische Nachrichten | 2010

Masses and luminosities of O- and B-type stars and red supergiants

M. M. Hohle; R. Neuhäuser; B.F. Schutz

Massive stars are of interest as progenitors of supernovae, i.e. neutron stars and black holes, which can be sources of gravitational waves. Recent population synthesis models can predict neutron star and gravitational wave observations but deal with a fixed supernova rate or an assumed initial mass function for the population of massive stars. Here we investigate those massive stars, which are supernova progenitors, i.e. with O- and early B-type stars, and also all supergiants within 3 kpc. We restrict our sample to those massive stars detected both in 2MASS and observed by Hipparcos, i.e. only those stars with parallax and precise photometry. To determine the luminosities we calculated the extinctions from published multi-colour photometry, spectral types, luminosity class, all corrected for multiplicity and recently revised Hipparcos distances. We use luminosities and temperatures to estimate the masses and ages of these stars using different models from different authors. Having estimated the luminosities of all our stars within 3 kpc, in particular for all O- and early B-type stars, we have determined the median and mean luminosities for all spectral types for luminosity classes I, III, and V. Our luminosity values for supergiants deviate from earlier results: Previous work generally overestimates distances and luminosities compared to our data, this is likely due to Hipparcos parallaxes (generally more accurate and larger than previous ground-based data) and the fact that many massive stars have recently been resolved into multiples of lower masses and luminosities. From luminosities and effective temperatures we derived masses and ages using mass tracks and isochrones from different authors. From masses and ages we estimated lifetimes and derived a lower limit for the supernova rate of ≈20 events/Myr averaged over the next 10 Myr within 600 pc from the sun. These data are then used to search for areas in the sky with higher likelihood for a supernova or gravitational wave event (like OB associations).

Physical Review Letters | 2009

Mass ejection by strange star mergers and observational implications

Andreas Bauswein; Hans-Thomas Janka; R. Oechslin; G. Pagliara; Irina Sagert; Juergen Schaffner-Bielich; M. M. Hohle; R. Neuhäuser

We determine the Galactic production rate of strangelets as a canonical input to calculations of the measurable cosmic ray flux of strangelets by performing simulations of strange star mergers and combining the results with recent estimates of stellar binary populations. We find that the flux depends sensitively on the bag constant of the MIT bag model of QCD and disappears for high values of the bag constant and thus more compact strange stars. In the latter case, strange stars could coexist with ordinary neutron stars as they are not converted by the capture of cosmic ray strangelets. An unambiguous detection of an ordinary neutron star would then not rule out the strange matter hypothesis.

Astronomische Nachrichten | 2011

The Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI)

R. Neuhäuser; R. Errmann; A. Berndt; G. Maciejewski; H. Takahashi; W. P. Chen; D. Dimitrov; T. Pribulla; E.H. Nikogossian; Eric L. N. Jensen; Laurence A. Marschall; Zhenyu Wu; A. Kellerer; Frederick M. Walter; C. Briceño; R. Chini; M. Fernandez; Raetz; Guillermo Torres; David W. Latham; Samuel N. Quinn; A. Niedzielski; Ł. Bukowiecki; G. Nowak; T. Tomov; Kengo Tachihara; S.C.-L. Hu; L.W. Hung; Diana P. Kjurkchieva; V.S. Radeva

We present the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI), in which we use several 0.2 to 2.6-m telescopes around the world to monitor continuously young (≤100 Myr), nearby (≤1 kpc) stellar clusters mainly to detect young transiting planets (and to study other variability phenomena on time-scales from minutes to years). The telescope network enables us to observe the targets continuously for several days in order not to miss any transit. The runs are typically one to two weeks long, about three runs per year per cluster in two or three subsequent years for about ten clusters. There are thousands of stars detectable in each field with several hundred known cluster members, e.g. in the first cluster observed, Tr-37, a typical cluster for the YETI survey, there are at least 469 known young stars detected in YETI data down to R = 16.5 mag with sufficient precision of 50 millimag rms (5 mmag rms down to R = 14.5 mag) to detect transits, so that we can expect at least about one young transiting object in this cluster. If we observe ∼10 similar clusters, we can expect to detect ∼10 young transiting planets with radius determinations. The precision given above is for a typical telescope of the YETI network, namely the 60/90-cm Jena telescope (similar brightness limit, namely within ±1 mag, for the others) so that planetary transits can be detected. For targets with a periodic transit-like light curve, we obtain spectroscopy to ensure that the star is young and that the transiting object can be sub-stellar; then, we obtain Adaptive Optics infrared images and spectra, to exclude other bright eclipsing stars in the (larger) optical PSF; we carry out other observations as needed to rule out other false positive scenarios; finally, we also perform spectroscopy to determine the mass of the transiting companion. For planets with mass and radius determinations, we can calculate the mean density and probe the internal structure. We aim to constrain planet formation models and their time-scales by discovering planets younger than ∼100 Myr and determining not only their orbital parameters, but also measuring their true masses and radii, which is possible so far only by the transit method. Here, we present an overview and first results (© 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013

Multi-site campaign for transit timing variations of WASP-12 b: possible detection of a long-period signal of planetary origin

G. Maciejewski; D. Dimitrov; M. Seeliger; St. Raetz; Ł. Bukowiecki; M. Kitze; R. Errmann; G. Nowak; A. Niedzielski; V. Popov; C. Marka; K. Goździewski; R. Neuhäuser; J. Ohlert; T. C. Hinse; Jae Woo Lee; C.-U. Lee; J.-N. Yoon; A. Berndt; H. Gilbert; Ch. Ginski; M. M. Hohle; M. Mugrauer; T. Röll; T. O. B. Schmidt; N. Tetzlaff; L. Mancini; J. Southworth; M. Dall’Ora; S. Ciceri

Aims. The transiting planet WASP-12 b was identified as a potential target for transit-timing studies because a departure from a linear ephemeris has been reported in the literature. Such deviations could be caused by an additional planet in the system. We attempt to confirm the claimed variations in transit timing and interpret their origin. Methods. We organised a multi-site campaign to observe transits by WASP-12 b in three observing seasons, using 0.5–2.6-metre telescopes. Results. We obtained 61 transit light curves, many of them with sub-millimagnitude precision. The simultaneous analysis of the best-quality datasets allowed us to obtain refined system parameters, which agree with values reported in previous studies. The residuals versus a linear ephemeris reveal a possible periodic signal that may be approximated by a sinusoid with an amplitude of 0.00068 ± 0.00013 d and period of 500 ± 20 orbital periods of WASP-12 b. The joint analysis of timing data and published radial velocity measurements results in a two-planet model that explains observations better than do single-planet scenarios. We hypothesise that WASP-12 b might not be the only planet in the system, and there might be the additional 0.1 MJup body on a 3.6-d eccentric orbit. A dynamical analysis indicates that the proposed two-planet system is stable on long timescales.

Astronomische Nachrichten | 2009

Planetary transit observations at the University Observatory Jena: TrES-2

Raetz; M. Mugrauer; T. O. B. Schmidt; T. Roell; T. Eisenbeiss; M. M. Hohle; A. Koeltzsch; M. Vanko; Ch. Ginski; C. Marka; M. Moualla; N. Tetzlaff; Andreas Seifahrt; Ch. Broeg; J. Koppenhoefer; M. Raetz; R. Neuhäuser

We report on observations of several transit events of the transiting planet TrES-2 obtained with the Cassegrain-Teleskop-Kamera at the University Observatory Jena. Between March 2007 and November 2008 ten different transits and almost a complete orbital period were observed. Overall, in 40 nights of observation 4291 exposures (in total 71.52 h of observation) of the TrES-2 parent star were taken. With the transit timings for TrES-2 from the 34 events published by the TrES-network, the Transit Light Curve project and the Exoplanet Transit Database plus our own ten transits, we find that the orbital period is P = (2.470614 ± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ∼0.6 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we found a second dip after the transit which could either be due to a blended variable star or occultation of a second star or even an additional object in the system. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009

XMM-Newton RGS spectrum of RX J0720.4-3125: an absorption feature at 0.57 keV

V. Hambaryan; R. Neuhäuser; F. Haberl; M. M. Hohle; A. D. Schwope

Aims. By measuring the gravitational redshift of spectral features in the spectrum of thermal radiation emitted from neutron stars, useful constraints for the equation of state of superdense matter can be obtained via an estimate of the mass-to-radius ratio. We searched for spectral line features in the high-resolution X-ray spectrum of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4−3125. Methods. Our target was observed by XMM-Newton on many occasions. We used the XMM-Newton SAS task rgscombine in order to create a co-added RGS spectrum of RX J0720.4−3125. We modeled the resulting spectrum with absorbed blackbody radiation with a Gaussian absorption features using the XSPEC package. Results. We found a narrow absorption feature at 0.57 keV in the co-added RGS spectrum of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4−3125 with an equivalent width of 1.35 ± 0. 3e V andFWHM ∼ 6.0 eV. The feature was identified with an absorption line of highly ionized oxygen O vii, most probably originating in the ambient medium of RX J0720.4−3125. An extensive investigation with the photo-ionization code CLOUDY indicates the possibility that the optical flux excess observed in the spectrum of RX J0720.4−3125 at least partially originates in a relatively dense (e.g. nH ∼ 10 8 cm −3 ) slab, located in the vicinity of the neutron star (e.g. ∼10 10 cm).

Astronomische Nachrichten | 2009

Planetary transit observations at the University Observatory Jena: XO-1b and TrES-1

Raetz; M. Mugrauer; T. O. B. Schmidt; T. Roell; T. Eisenbeiss; M. M. Hohle; N. Tetzlafff; M. Vanko; Andreas Seifahrt; Ch. Broeg; J. Koppenhoefer; R. Neuhäuser

We report on observations of transit events of the transiting planets XO-1b and TrES-1 with a 25 cm telescope of the University Observatory Jena. With the transit timings for XO-1b from all 50 available XO, SuperWASP, Transit Light Curve (TLC)-Project- and Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD)-data, including our own I -band photometry obtained in March 2007, we find that the orbital period is P = (3.941501 ± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ∼3 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we present new R -band photometry of two transits of TrES-1. With the help of all available transit times from literature this allows us to refine the estimate of the orbital period: P = (3.0300722 ± 0.0000002) d. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014

Transit timing analysis in the HAT-P-32 system

M. Seeliger; D. Dimitrov; Diana P. Kjurkchieva; M. Mallonn; Matilde Fernández; M. Kitze; V. Casanova; G. Maciejewski; J. Ohlert; J. G. Schmidt; A. Pannicke; D. Puchalski; Ersin Gogus; Tolga Guver; S. Bilir; T. Ak; M. M. Hohle; T. O. B. Schmidt; R. Errmann; Eric L. N. Jensen; David H. Cohen; Laurence A. Marschall; G. Saral; I. Bernt; E. Derman; C. Galan; R. Neuhäuser

We present the results of 45 transit observations obtained for the transiting exoplanet HATP-32b. The transits have been observed using several telescopes mainly throughout the YETI (Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative) network. In 25 cases, complete transit light curves with a timing precision better than 1.4 min have been obtained. These light curves have been used to refine the system properties, namely inclination i, planet-to-star radius ratio R-p/R-s, and the ratio between the semimajor axis and the stellar radius a/R-s. First analyses by Hartman et al. suggests the existence of a second planet in the system, thus we tried to find an additional body using the transit timing variation (TTV) technique. Taking also the literature data points into account, we can explain all mid-transit times by refining the linear ephemeris by 21 ms. Thus, we can exclude TTV amplitudes of more than similar to 1.5min.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013

The neutron star born in the Antlia supernova remnant

N. Tetzlaff; Guillermo Torres; R. Neuhäuser; M. M. Hohle

Among all known young nearby neutron stars, we search for the neutron star that was born in the same supernova event that formed the Antlia supernova remnant (SNR). We also look for a runaway star that could have been the former companion to the neutron star (if it exists) and then got ejected due to the same supernova. We find the pulsar PSR J0630-2834 to be the best candidate for a common origin with the Antlia SNR. In that scenario the SNR is ~1.2 Myr old and is presently located at a distance of ~138 pc. We consider the runaway star HIP 47155 a former companion candidate to PSR J0630-2834. The encounter time and place is consistent with both stars being ejected from the Antlia SNR. We measured the radial velocity of HIP 47155 as 32.42 +/- 0.70km/s.

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