M. Rubel
Royal Institute of Technology
Physica Scripta | 2011
G. Matthews; M. Beurskens; S. Brezinsek; M Groth; E. Joffrin; A Loving; M Kear; M-L Mayoral; R. Neu; P Prior; V. Riccardo; F Rimini; M. Rubel; G. Sips; E Villedieu; P. de Vries; M L Watkins; Efda-Jet Contributors
This paper reports the successful installation of the JET ITER-like wall and the realization of its technical objectives. It also presents an overview of the planned experimental programme which has been optimized to exploit the new wall and other JET enhancements in 2011/12.
Physica Scripta | 2007
G. F. Matthews; P. Edwards; T. Hirai; M. Kear; A. Lioure; P. Lomas; A. Loving; C. P. Lungu; H. Maier; Ph. Mertens; D. Neilson; R. Neu; J. Paméla; V. Philipps; G. Piazza; V. Riccardo; M. Rubel; C. Ruset; E. Villedieu; M. Way
Work is in progress to completely replace, in 2008/9, the existing JET CFC tiles with a configuration of plasma facing materials consistent with the ITER design. The ITER-like wall (ILW) will be cr ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 2001
M. Mayer; V. Philipps; P. Wienhold; H.G. Esser; J. von Seggern; M. Rubel
Hydrogen retention in tokamaks is due to implantation into plasma-facing materials and trapping in deposited layers. In the limiter tokamak TEXTOR-94 hydrogen-rich deposited layers with thicknesses up to 1 mm are observed on recessed parts of the limiters, areas perpendicular to the magnetic field in the scrape-off layer (SOL), neutralizer plates of the pumped limiter and inside the pumping ducts. In the divertor tokamak JET the main deposition is observed in the divertor, additional deposits are observed in the main chamber on the sides of the guard limiters. Codeposition of carbon ions with hydrogen is the major mechanism of layer growth at areas with direct plasma contact. At remote areas without direct plasma contact, sticking of neutral hydrocarbon radicals seems to play an important role for hydrogen trapping.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2005
R.A. Pitts; J. P. Coad; D. Coster; G. Federici; W Fundamenski; J. Horacek; K. Krieger; A. Kukushkin; J. Likonen; G. Matthews; M. Rubel; J D Strachan; Jet-Efda Contributors
The issue of first wall and divertor target lifetime represents one of the greatest challenges facing the successful demonstration of integrated tokamak burning plasma operation, even in the case of the planned next step device, ITER, which will run at a relatively low duty cycle in comparison to future fusion power plants. Material erosion by continuous or transient plasma ion and neutral impact, the susbsequent transport of the released impurities through and by the plasma and their deposition and/or eventual re-erosion constitute the process of migration. Its importance is now recognized by a concerted research effort throughout the international tokamak community, comprising a wide variety of devices with differing plasma configurations, sizes and plasma-facing component material. No single device, however, operates with the first wall material mix currently envisaged for ITER, and all are far from the ITER energy throughput and divertor particle fluxes and fluences. This paper aims to review the basic components of material erosion and migration in tokamaks, illustrating each by way of examples from current research and attempting to place them in the context of the next step device. Plans for testing an ITER-like first wall material mix on the JET tokamak will also be briefly outlined.
Nuclear Fusion | 2006
J.P. Coad; J. Likonen; M. Rubel; E. Vainonen-Ahlgren; D.E. Hole; Timo Sajavaara; T. Renvall; G. F. Matthews
in the period 1998-2001 the JET tokamak was operated with the MkII Gas Box divertor. On two occasions during that period a number of limiter and divertor tiles were retrieved from the torus and the ...
Nuclear Fusion | 2001
M. Rubel; Marco Cecconello; Jenny-Ann Malmberg; G. Sergienko; W. Biel; James Robert Drake; Anders Hedqvist; Alexander Huber; V. Philipps
The formation and release of particle agglomerates, i.e. debris and dusty objects, from plasma facing components and the impact of such materials on plasma operation in controlled fusion devices has been studied in the Extrap T2 reversed field pinch and the TEXTOR tokamak. Several plasma diagnostic techniques, camera observations and surface analysis methods were applied for in situ and ex situ investigation. The results are discussed in terms of processes that are decisive for dust transfer: localized power deposition connected with wall locked modes causing emission of carbon granules, brittle destruction of graphite and detachment of thick flaking co-deposited layers. The consequences for large next step devices are also addressed.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 2003
J.P. Coad; P. Andrew; D.E. Hole; S. Lehto; J. Likonen; G. F. Matthews; M. Rubel
Coated divertor and wall tiles exposed in JET for the 1999-2001 operations have been used to assess erosion/deposition. Deposited films of up to 90 mum thickness at the inner wall of the divertor t ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2006
G. Counsell; P. Coad; C. Grisola; C. Hopf; W. Jacob; A. Kirschner; A. Kreter; K. Krieger; J. Likonen; V. Philipps; J. Roth; M. Rubel; E. Salancon; A. Semerok; F Tabarés; A. Widdowson
Mechanisms underlying the retention of fuel species in tokamaks with carbon plasma-facing components are presented, together with estimates for the corresponding retention of tritium in ITER. The consequential requirement for new and improved schemes to reduce the tritium inventory is highlighted and the results of ongoing studies into a range of techniques are presented, together with estimates of the tritium removal rate in ITER in each case. Finally, an approach involving the integration of many tritium removal techniques into the ITER operational schedule is proposed as a means to extend the period of operations before major intervention is required.
Nuclear Fusion | 2007
T. Loarer; C. Brosset; J. Bucalossi; P. Coad; G. Esser; J. Hogan; J. Likonen; M. Mayer; Ph. Morgan; V. Philipps; V. Rohde; J. Roth; M. Rubel; E. Tsitrone; A. Widdowson; Jet-Efda Contributors
The evaluation of hydrogenic retention in present tokamaks is of crucial importance to estimate the expected tritium (T) vessel inventory in ITER, limited from safety considerations to 350 g. In the framework of the European Task Force on Plasma Wall Interaction (EU TF on PWI) efforts are underway to investigate gas balance and fuel retention during discharges, and to compare the data obtained with those from post-mortem analysis of in-vessel components exposed over whole experimental campaigns. This paper summarizes the principal findings from coordinated studies on gas balance and fuel retention from a number of European tokamaks, namely, ASDEX-Upgrade (AUG), JET, TEXTOR and Tore Supra (TS). For most devices, the long-term retention fraction deduced from integrated particle balance is ∼10–20%. This is larger than the ∼3–4% deduced from post-mortem analysis of plasma facing components (PFCs). However, from the database available for tokamaks with their main PFCs made of carbon, the important conclusion is that the T inventory limit (set by the working guideline for operations) could be reached in ITER within fewer than 100 discharges. This, therefore, would seriously impact on operation of the device unless efficient T removal processes are developed.
Nuclear Fusion | 2013
V. Philipps; A. Malaquias; A. Hakola; Juuso Karhunen; G. Maddaluno; S. Almaviva; L. Caneve; F. Colao; E. Fortuna; P. Gasior; Monika Kubkowska; A. Czarnecka; M. Laan; A. Lissovski; P. Paris; H.J. van der Meiden; Per Petersson; M. Rubel; A. Huber; M. Zlobinski; B. Schweer; N. Gierse; Q. Xiao; G. Sergienko
Analysis and understanding of wall erosion, material transport and fuel retention are among the most important tasks for ITER and future devices, since these questions determine largely the lifetime and availability of the fusion reactor. These data are also of extreme value to improve the understanding and validate the models of the in vessel build-up of the T inventory in ITER and future D–T devices. So far, research in these areas is largely supported by post-mortem analysis of wall tiles. However, access to samples will be very much restricted in the next-generation devices (such as ITER, JT-60SA, W7-X, etc) with actively cooled plasma-facing components (PFC) and increasing duty cycle.This has motivated the development of methods to measure the deposition of material and retention of plasma fuel on the walls of fusion devices in situ, without removal of PFC samples. For this purpose, laser-based methods are the most promising candidates. Their feasibility has been assessed in a cooperative undertaking in various European associations under EFDA coordination. Different laser techniques have been explored both under laboratory and tokamak conditions with the emphasis to develop a conceptual design for a laser-based wall diagnostic which is integrated into an ITER port plug, aiming to characterize in situ relevant parts of the inner wall, the upper region of the inner divertor, part of the dome and the upper X-point region.