
CrystEngComm | 2012

Electronic structure, growth mechanism and photoluminescence of CaWO4 crystals

L. S. Cavalcante; Valeria M. Longo; J. C. Sczancoski; M. A. P. Almeida; Alzir A. Batista; José Arana Varela; Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi; Elson Longo; M. Siu Li

In this paper, aggregated CaWO4 micro- and nanocrystals were synthesized by the co-precipitation method and processed under microwave-assisted hydrothermal/solvothermal conditions (160 °C for 30 min). According to the X-ray patterns, all crystals exhibited only the scheelite-type tetragonal structure. The data obtained by the Rietveld refinements revealed that the oxygen atoms occupy different positions in the [WO4] clusters, suggesting the presence of lattice distortions. The crystal shapes as well as its crystallographic orientations were identified by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microcopy. Electronic structures of these crystals were evaluated by the first-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory in the B3LYP level. A good correlation was found between the experimental and theoretical Raman and infrared-active modes. A crystal growth mechanism was proposed to explain the morphological evolution. The ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra indicated the existence of intermediary energy levels within the band gap. The highest blue photoluminescence emission, lifetime and quantum yield were observed for the nanocrystals processed in the microwave-assisted solvothermal method.

Inorganic Chemistry | 2012

Cluster Coordination and Photoluminescence Properties of alpha-Ag2WO4 Microcrystals

L. S. Cavalcante; Marcio Aurélio Pinheiro Almeida; Waldir Avansi; R. L. Tranquilin; Elson Longo; N. C. Batista; Valmor R. Mastelaro; M. Siu Li

In this paper, we report our initial research to obtain hexagonal rod-like elongated silver tungstate (α-Ag(2)WO(4)) microcrystals by different methods [sonochemistry (SC), coprecipitation (CP), and conventional hydrothermal (CH)] and to study their cluster coordination and optical properties. These microcrystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopies. The shape and average size of these α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals were observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The optical properties of these microcrystals were investigated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement data confirmed that α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals have an orthorhombic structure. FT-IR spectra exhibited four IR-active modes in a range from 250 to 1000 cm(-1). XANES spectra at the W L(3)-edge showed distorted octahedral [WO(6)] clusters in the lattice, while EXAFS analyses confirmed that W atoms are coordinated by six O atoms. FE-SEM images suggest that the α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals grow by aggregation and the Ostwald ripening process. PL properties of α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals decrease with an increase in the optical band-gap values (3.19-3.23 eV). Finally, we observed that large hexagonal rod-like α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals prepared by the SC method exhibited a major PL emission intensity relative to α-Ag(2)WO(4) microcrystals prepared by the CP and CH methods.

Journal of Physics D | 2009

Optical and dielectric relaxor behaviour of Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3 ceramic explained by means of distorted clusters

T. Badapanda; S. K. Rout; L. S. Cavalcante; J. C. Sczancoski; S. Panigrahi; Elson Longo; M. Siu Li

In this work, Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3 ceramic was prepared by solid-state reaction. This material was characterized by x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy. The temperature dependent dielectric properties were investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The dielectric measurements indicated a diffuse phase transition. The broadening of the dielectric permittivity in the frequency range as well as its shifting at higher temperatures indicated a relaxor-like behaviour for this material. The diffusivity and the relaxation strength were estimated using the modified Curie–Weiss law. The optical properties were analysed by ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature. The UV–vis spectrum indicated that the Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3 ceramic has an optical band gap of 2.98 eV. A blue PL emission was observed for this compound when excited with 350 nm wavelength. The polarity as well as the PL property of this material was attributed to the presence of polar [TiO6] distorted clusters into a globally cubic matrix. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

Inorganic Chemistry | 2014

Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Electronic Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of β-Ag2MoO4 Microcrystals

A. F. Gouveia; J. C. Sczancoski; M. M. Ferrer; A. S. Lima; M. R. M. C. Santos; M. Siu Li; R. S. Santos; E. Longo; L. S. Cavalcante

In this paper, we investigate a correlation between theoretical calculations and experimental data to explain the electronic structure and optical properties of silver molybdate (β-Ag2MoO4) microcrystals synthesized by the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction, Rietveld refinement, and micro-Raman spectroscopy confirmed that these microcrystals crystallize in a spinel-type cubic structure. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy images revealed that the processing temperatures influence in the final shape of microcrystals. Optical properties were analyzed by ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy; the increase in the optical band gap energy (Egap) (from 3.24 to 3.31 eV) with processing temperature is associated with the reduction of intermediary energy levels. First-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory at the B3LYP level were conducted. The calculated band structure revealed an indirect Egap of approximately 4.00 and 3.34 eV for the β-Ag2MoO4 without and with the formation of defects, respectively. Theoretical calculations based on density of states and electron density maps were employed to understand the polarization phenomenon induced by structural defects in the β-Ag2MoO4 crystals. Finally, photoluminescence properties at room temperature of β-Ag2MoO4 microcrystals were explained by the charge-transfer mechanism involving tetrahedral [MoO4] clusters.

RSC Advances | 2012

Structural refinement, growth process, photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties of (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals synthesized by the coprecipitation method

L. S. Cavalcante; F. M. C. Batista; M. A. P. Almeida; Adriano C. Rabelo; I. C. Nogueira; N. C. Batista; José Arana Varela; M. R. M. C. Santos; Elson Longo; M. Siu Li

Barium praseodymium tungstate (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals with (x = 0, 0.01, and 0.02) were prepared by the coprecipitation method. These crystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements, Fourier-transform Raman (FT-Raman) and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopies. The shape and size of these crystals were observed by field emission scanning electron microcopy (FE-SEM). Their optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Moreover, we have studied the photocatalytic (PC) activity of crystals for degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) dye. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinements data, FT-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies indicate that all crystals exhibit a tetragonal structure without deleterious phases. FT-Raman spectra exhibited 13 Raman-active modes in a range from 50 to 1000 cm−1, while FT-IR spectra have 8 infrared active modes in a range from 200 to 1050 cm−1. FE-SEM images showed different shapes (bonbon-, spindle-, rice- and flake-like) as well as a reduction in the crystal size with an increase in Pr3+ ions. A possible growth process was proposed for these crystals. UV-vis absorption measurements revealed a decrease in optical band gap values with an increase of Pr3+ into the matrix. An intense green PL emission was noted for (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals (x = 0), while crystals with (x = 0.01 and 0.02) produced a reduction in the wide band PL emission and the narrow band PL emission which is related to f–f transitions from Pr3+ ions. High photocatalytic efficiency was verified for the bonbon-like BaWO4 crystals as a catalyst in the degradation of the RhB dye after 25 min under UV-light. Finally, we discuss possible mechanisms for PL and PC properties of these crystals.

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 2009

Synthesis of (Ca,Nd)TiO3 powders by complex polymerization, Rietveld refinement and optical properties

V. S. Marques; L. S. Cavalcante; J. C. Sczancoski; E.C. Paris; J.M.C. Teixeira; José Arana Varela; F. S. De Vicente; M.R. Joya; P. S. Pizani; M. Siu Li; M.R.M.C. Santos; E. Longo

Neodymium calcium titanate, (Ca(0.99)Nd(0.01))TiO(3) powders were synthesized by the complex polymerization method and heat treated at different temperatures for 2 h under air atmosphere. The structural evolution of these powders as a function of heat treatment temperature was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-Raman (MR) spectroscopy. The optical properties were investigated by Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and Photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinement and MR spectra indicated that the powders heated treated at 750 degrees C for 2 h present an orthorhombic structure without secondary phases. UV-vis measurements suggested the presence of intermediary energy in disordered (Ca(0.99)Nd(0.01))TiO(3) powders. Broad and narrow bands were observed in the PL spectra of these powders when excited with 350 nm wavelength. The broad bands were associated to the structural defects and/or p-d electronic transitions while, the narrow bands were ascribed to f-f transitions arising from Nd(3+) ions.

Journal of Non-crystalline Solids | 2001

Above bandgap induced photoexpansion and photobleaching in Ga-Ge-S based glasses

Sandra H. Messaddeq; M. Siu Li; D. Lezal; Sjl Ribeiro; Younes Messaddeq

Abstract Photoexpansion and photobleaching effects have been examined in glass compositions Ga10Ge25S65 and Ga5Ge25As5S65. Such compositions are promising for optical storage and planar waveguide applications. To evaluate the photoinduced effect, samples were exposed to 351 nm light, varying power density (3–10 W / cm 2 ) and exposure time (0–120 min). The exposed areas have been analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and an expansion of 800 nm is observed for composition Ga10Ge25S65 exposed during 120 min and 5 W / cm 2 power density. The optical absorption edge measured by a spectrophotometer indicates a blue shift (80 nm) after illumination in the composition Ga10Ge25S65. The morphology was examined using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical compositions measured using a energy dispersive analyzer (EDX) indicate an increase of the number of sulfur atoms in the irradiated area.

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2006

Optical multi-sites of Nd3+-doped CaMoO4 induced by Nb5+ charge compensator

L.H.C. Andrade; M. Siu Li; Y. Guyot; A. Brenier; G. Boulon

Site-selective laser excitation and luminescence measurements at 15 K of CaMoO4 single crystal doped with Nd3+ and co-doped with Nb5+ charge compensator have been investigated in the spectral region of laser interest involving the transition. A larger than expected number of Nd3+ sites was found and a model to explain this result is presented. A partial diagram of 4F3/2 and 4I11/2 levels was constructed from the acquired data and their features are discussed.

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology | 1998

Improved Conductivity Induced by Photodesorption in SnO2 Thin Films Grown by a Sol-Gel Dip Coating Technique

Luis Vicente de Andrade Scalvi; Fábio R. Messias; A. E. Souza; M. Siu Li; Celso Valentim Santilli; Sandra Helena Pulcinelli

Thin films of undoped and Sb-doped SnO2 have been prepared by a sol-gel dip-coating technique. For the high doping level (2–3 mol% Sb) n-type degenerate conduction is expected, however, measurements of resistance as a function of temperature show that doped samples exhibit strong electron trapping, with capture levels at 39 and 81 meV. Heating in a vacuum and irradiation with UV monochromatic light (305 nm) improves the electrical characteristics, decreasing the carrier capture at low temperature. This suggests an oxygen related level, which can be eliminated by a photodesorption process. Absorption spectral dependence indicates an indirect bandgap transition with Eg ≅ 3.5 eV. Current-voltage characteristics indicate a thermionic emission mechanism through interfacial states.

Journal of Applied Crystallography | 2013

Rietveld refinement, morphology and optical properties of (Ba1 xSrx)MoO4 crystals

I. C. Nogueira; L. S. Cavalcante; Paula F. S. Pereira; M. M. de Jesus; J. M. Rivas Mercury; N. C. Batista; M. Siu Li; Elson Longo

In this article, the structural refinement, morphology and optical properties of barium strontium molybdate [(Ba1−xSrx)MoO4 with x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1] crystals, synthesized by the co-precipitation (drop-by-drop) method, are reported. The crystals obtained were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, and Fourier transform–Raman (FT–Raman) and Fourier transform–infrared (FT–IR) spectroscopies. The shapes of the crystals were observed by means of field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The optical properties were investigated using ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinement, and FT–Raman and FT–IR spectra showed that all of the crystals are monophasic with a scheelite-type tetragonal structure. The refined lattice parameters and atomic positions were employed to model the [BaO8], [SrO8] and [MoO4] clusters in the tetragonal lattices. The FE-SEM images indicate that increased x content produces a decrease in the crystal size and modifications in the crystal shape. UV–Vis spectra indicated a decrease in the optical band gap with an increase in x in the (Ba1−xSrx)MoO4 crystals. Finally, a decrease in the intensity of PL emission is apparent with an increase in x up to 0.75 in the (Ba1−xSrx)MoO4 crystal lattice when excited by a wavelength of 350 nm, probably associated with the degree of structural order–disorder.

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