M. Solzi
University of Parma
European Physical Journal B | 2003
L. Pareti; M. Solzi; F. Albertini; A. Paoluzi
Abstract:We have studied the isothermal entropy change around a first-order structural transformation and in correspondence to the second-order Curie transition in the ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Ni2.15Mn0.85Ga. The results have been compared with those obtained for the composition Ni2.19Mn0.81Ga, in which the martensitic structural transformation and the magnetic transition occur simultaneously. With a magnetic field span from 0 to 1.6 T, the magnetic entropy change reaches the value of 20 J/kg K when transitions are co-occurring, while 5 J/kg K is found when the only structural transition occurs.
Applied Physics Letters | 2009
S. Fabbrici; F. Albertini; A. Paoluzi; F. Bolzoni; R. Cabassi; M. Solzi; Lara Righi; Gianluca Calestani
We studied the composition dependence of the structural and magnetic properties of Co-doped Ni–Mn–Ga alloys around the Mn-rich composition Ni50Mn30Ga20. By varying the Co and Mn content we have been able to tune the critical temperatures. In particular, in a suitable composition range, the Curie temperature of martensite is lower than Curie temperature of austenite and lower than martensitic transformation temperature, giving rise to a paramagnetic gap between magnetically ordered martensite and austenite and to the occurrence of a reverse magnetostructural transformation.
Journal of Applied Physics | 1988
M. Solzi; L. Pareti; O. Moze; W. I. F. David
Intermetallic compounds of the type RE(TM1−xMx)12 with RE=Y, Er; TM=Fe, Co; M=Si, Ti, V of the ThMn12 tetragonal crystal structure have been studied by the singular point detection technique and high‐resolution neutron powder diffraction in order to (a) evaluate both the rare‐earth and transition‐metal sublattice contributions to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, (b) compare the Fe and Co anisotropies in the ThMn12 structure, and (c) to verify the existence of any preferential entrance in the transition metal sublattice for various stabilizing ions. The transition metal anisotropy is of the same type (Fe axial, Co planar) and magnitude as in RE2Fe14B compounds. However, there is no anomalous temperature behavior of the anisotropy field Ha. With decreasing temperature, the value of Ha increases from 21 kOe at 293 K to 37 kOe at 78 K in YFe11Ti. Similar values are obtained for other Fe‐based compounds. The contribution of Er to the anisotropy is found to be surprisingly low. The anisotropy field of ErFe11T...
Journal of Coordination Chemistry | 2009
Chandan Adhikary; Rupam Sen; Gabriele Bocelli; Andrea Cantoni; M. Solzi; Siddhartha Chaudhuri; Subratanath Koner
A new azido adduct of a tridentate Schiff-base copper(II) complex has been synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. X-ray single crystal structure analysis reveals that the asymmetric unit of [Cu2(L)2(µ1,1-N3)2][Cu(L)(N3)] (1) [HL = 1-(N-ortho-hydroxyacetophenimine)-2,2-diethyl-aminoethane] has two independent moieties. One of these forms a dimer, containing end-on azido bridges, with its center of inversion related equivalents. The complex crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/c with a = 10.112(2), b = 31.938(4), c = 9.718(2) Å and β = 95.00(2)°. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility data show antiferromagnetic interactions between copper(II) centers.
Applied Physics Letters | 2013
Alberto Riminucci; Mirko Prezioso; Chiara Pernechele; Patrizio Graziosi; Ilaria Bergenti; Raimondo Cecchini; Marco Calbucci; M. Solzi; V. Alek Dediu
We investigate spin precession (Hanle effect) in the prototypical organic spintronic giant magnetoresistance device La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)/AlOx/Co. The Hanle effect is not observed in measurements taken by sweeping a magnetic field at different angles from the plane of the device. As possible explanations we discuss the tilting out of plane of the magnetization of the electrodes, exceptionally high mobility, or hot spots. Our results call for a greater understanding of spin injection and transport in such devices.
Journal of Applied Physics | 1987
F. Bolzoni; F. Leccabue; O. Moze; L. Pareti; M. Solzi; A. Deriu
A systematic study of the effects of Co substitution on the crystal structure and magnetic anisotropy of Y2Fe14−xCoxB and Nd2Fe14−xCoxB has been carried out in order to clarify the different roles and contributions to the anisotropy of both rare earth and transition metals. The substitution of Co leads to an enhancement of the Curie temperature in both series of compounds. The Co has been found to provide a planar anisotropy which is larger than that of the axial anisotropy of Fe. A marked site preference has been observed. Two distinct contributions of the Co to the anisotropy have been observed.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006
F. Albertini; A. Paoluzi; L. Pareti; M. Solzi; Lara Righi; Elena Villa; Stefano Besseghini; F. Passaretti
Thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric (MC) properties of Ni2MnGa Heusler alloys are found to be very sensitive to small composition variations. It is shown that the temperature behavior of ac susceptibility mimics that of MC properties of the samples. The coincidence of magnetic and structural transformations is found for a Mn-rich composition. As in the case of Ni-rich alloys, the magnetocaloric effect is enhanced at the transitions co-occurrence. The increase of Mn content, with respect to the stoichiometric value, rapidly decreases anisotropy field and saturation magnetization.
Entropy | 2014
Simone Fabbrici; G. Porcari; Francesco Cugini; M. Solzi; J. Kamarád; Z. Arnold; Riccardo Cabassi; Franca Albertini
In Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, Co-doping plays a major role in determining a peculiar phase diagram where, besides a change in the critical temperatures, a change of number, order and nature of phase transitions (e.g., from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic or from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic, on heating) can be obtained, together with a change in the giant magnetocaloric effect from direct to inverse. Here we present a thorough study of the intrinsic magnetic and structural properties, including their dependence on hydrostatic pressure, that are at the basis of the multifunctional behavior of Co and In-doped alloys. We study in depth their magnetocaloric properties, taking advantage of complementary calorimetric and magnetic techniques, and show that if a proper measurement protocol is adopted they all merge to the same values, even in case of first order transitions. A simplified model for the estimation of the adiabatic temperature change that relies only on indirect measurements is proposed, allowing for the quick and reliable evaluation of the magnetocaloric potentiality of new materials starting from readily available magnetic measurements.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006
M. Ghidini; Giovanni Zangari; Ioan Lucian Prejbeanu; Gyana Pattanaik; L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu; G. Asti; C. Pernechele; M. Solzi
We present a study of the magnetic properties and magnetization processes in hard Co-Pt (Pt∼20at.%) films. Co-rich Co-Pt films, with thickness t ranging from 5nm up to 2μm, were prepared by electrodeposition on (0001)-oriented Ru underlayers. All samples displayed strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and high coercivity. Virgin magnetic domain structures for varying thickness were investigated by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The observed increase of domain width with film thickness is well understood by full two-dimensional micromagnetic computations with no adjustable parameters. The easy-axis magnetization process, as observed by measuring virgin curves by magnetometry and imaging the corresponding magnetization configurations by MFM in variable field, consists of two stages separated by a well-defined critical field, marking the onset of domain wall propagation. A thorough analysis of the out-of-plane angular dependence of the switching field points out that unpinning of domain walls is the dom...
Journal of Applied Physics | 2000
G. Asti; M. Carbucicchio; M. Ghidini; M. Rateo; G. Ruggiero; M. Solzi; F. D’Orazio; F. Lucari
Cobalt/iron multilayers with different layer thickness were electron beam evaporated in ultrahigh vacuum, keeping constant both the number of layers and the Co/Fe thickness ratio. Structural and magnetic properties are thoroughly investigated with different techniques. The multilayers have clean and sharp interfaces. All samples show single-phase magnetic behavior in the temperature range of 5–300 K, due to the strong exchange coupling between the layers. The room temperature hysteresis loops present a sharp switching at a field of ∼8 kA/m, followed by a residual hysteresis extending up to saturation, at fields of several tens of kA/m.