M. Tyndel
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
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Featured researches published by M. Tyndel.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1993
N. Bingefors; H. Borner; R. Boulter; M. Caccia; V. Chabaud; H. Dijkstra; P. Eerola; E. Gross; R. Horisberger; L. Hubbeling; B. Hyams; M. Karlsson; G. Maehlum; K. Ratz; I. Roditi; J. Straver; W. Trischuk; P. Weilhammer; Y. Dufour; P. Bruckman; Pawel Jalocha; P. Kapusta; M. Turala; A. Zalewska; J. Lindgren; R. Orava; K. Osterberg; C. Ronnqvist; H. Saarikko; J.P. Saarikko
The DELPHI Microvertex detector, which has been in operation since the start of the 1990 LEP run, consists of three layers of silicon microstrip detectors at average radii of 6.3, 9.0 and 11.0 cm. The 73728 readout strips, oriented along the beam, have a total active area of 0.42 m2. The strip pitch is 25 μm and every other strip is read out by low power charge amplifiers, giving a signal to noise ratio of 15:1 for minimum ionizing particles. On-line zero suppression results in an average data size of 4 kbyte for Z0 events. After a mechanical survey and an alignment with tracks, the impact parameter uncertainty as determined from hadronic Z0 decays is well described by (69pt)2 + 242 μm, with pt in GeV/c. For the 45 GeV/c tracks from Z0 → μ− decays we find an uncertainty of 21 μm for the impact parameter, which corresponds to a precision of 8 μm per point. The stability during the run is monitored using light spots and capacitive probes. An analysis of tracks through sector overlaps provides an additional check of the stability. The same analysis also results in a value of 6 μm for the intrinsic precision of the detector.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
V. Chabaud; P. Collins; H. Dijkstra; J. J. Gomez Y Cadenas; R. Keranen; S. Masciocchi; W. Trischuk; P. Weilhammer; Y. Dufour; R. Brenner; R. Orava; K. Osterberg; C. Ronnqvist; H. Saarikko; J.P. Saarikko; T. Tuuva; M. Voutilainen; J. Blocki; P. Bruckman; J. Godlewski; Pawel Jalocha; W. Kucewicz; H. Palka; A. Zalewska; B. Bouquet; F. Couchot; B. D'Almagne; F. Fulda-Quenzer; P. Rebecchi; Phillip Allport
The silicon strip microvertex detector of the DELPHI experiment at the CERN LEP collider has been recently upgraded from two coordinates (RΦ only) to three coordinates reconstruction (RΦ and z). The new Microvertex detector consists of 125 952 readout channels, and uses novel techniques to obtain the third coordinate. These include the use of AC coupled double sided silicon detectors with strips orthogonal to each other on opposite sides of the detector wafer. The routing of signals from the z strips to the end of the detector modules is done with a second metal layer on the detector surface, thus keeping the material in the sensitive area to a minimum. Pairs of wafers are daisy chained, with the wafers within each pair flipped with respect to each other in order to minimize the load capacitance on the readout amplifiers. The design of the detector and its various components are described. Results on the performance of the new detector are presented, with special emphasis on alignment, intrinsic precision and impact parameter resolution. The new detector has been taking data since spring of 1994, performing up to design specifications.
Sensors | 2008
J. Ballin; Jamie Crooks; Paul Dauncey; Anne-Marie Magnan; Yoshinari Mikami; Owen Daniel Miller; M. Noy; V. Rajovic; Marcel Stanitzki; Konstantin D. Stefanov; R. Turchetta; M. Tyndel; E.G. Villani; Nigel Watson; J. A. Wilson
In this paper we present a novel, quadruple well process developed in a modern 0.18 μm CMOS technology called INMAPS. On top of the standard process, we have added a deep P implant that can be used to form a deep P-well and provide screening of N-wells from the P-doped epitaxial layer. This prevents the collection of radiation-induced charge by unrelated N-wells, typically ones where PMOS transistors are integrated. The design of a sensor specifically tailored to a particle physics experiment is presented, where each 50 μm pixel has over 150 PMOS and NMOS transistors. The sensor has been fabricated in the INMAPS process and first experimental evidence of the effectiveness of this process on charge collection is presented, showing a significant improvement in efficiency.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2002
T. Kondo; R. Apsimon; G.A. Beck; P. Bell; Richard Brenner; P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; D. G. Charlton; W. Dabrowski; O. Dorholt; T. Ekelof; L. Eklund; M.D. Gibson; S. Gadomski; A. A. Grillo; J. Grosse-Knetter; C. Haber; K. Hara; J. C. Hill; Y. Ikegami; Y. Iwata; Lars Johansen; T. Kohriki; A. Macpherson; S. McMahon; G. F. Moorhead; J. Morin; J. Morris; M.C. Morrissey
Abstract The ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) consists of four barrel cylinders and 18 end-cap disks. This paper describes the SCT modules of the barrel region, of which more than 2000 are about to be constructed. The module design is fixed. Its design concept is given together with the electrical, thermal and mechanical specifications. The pre-series production of the barrel modules is underway using mass-production procedures and jigs. The pre-series modules have given satisfactory performances on noise, noise occupancy, electrical as well as mechanical and thermal properties. In addition, irradiated modules were demonstrated to work successfully. Also first results from a 10-module system test are given.
Nuclear Physics | 1984
Michael Andrew Parker; T. Francois; J. Guy; N. Armenise; T. Azemoon; J.H. Bartley; J.P. Baton; R. Beluzevic; Daniel Bertrand; V. Brisson; F.W. Bullock; D.C. Colley; A.M. Cooper; O. Enriquez; G. Gerbier; Goronwy Tudor Jones; C. Kochowski; A.G. Michette; J. Moreels; M. Neveu; S. Nuzzo; S. W. O'Neale; P. Petiau; F. Romano; F. Ruggieri; J. Sacton; S.J. Sewell; M. Tyndel; C. Vander Ve; de-Wilquet
Abstract Using BEBC equipped with a hydrogen-filled neon-surrounded track-sensitive target, the charged current cross sections and structure functions of hydrogen and neon targets traversed by the same neutrinos and antineutrinos are compared directly. The measured total cross-section ratios between hydrogen and neon allow precise total cross-section values for hydrogen to be inferred. Using this normalization, the ν and ν hydrogen data are combined and the quark distributions in free nucleons, parametrised as functions of ξ, are extracted. This free-nucleon parametrisation is then compared directly with the neon data in order to measure nuclear effects such as those recently reported by the EMC collaboration. Only small effects are seen, in excellent agreement with recent SLAC data in a more similar A and q 2 range.
ieee nuclear science symposium | 2007
Jamie Crooks; J. Ballin; P. D. Dauncey; A.-M. Magnan; Y. Mikami; O. Miller; M. Noy; V. Rajovic; Marcel Stanitzki; Konstantin D. Stefanov; R. Turchetta; M. Tyndel; E.G. Villani; N. K. Watson; J. A. Wilson
We have designed and fabricated a CMOS monolithic active pixel sensor (MAPS) in a novel 0.18 micrometer image-sensor technology (INMAPS) which has a 100% fill factor for charged particle detection and full CMOS electronics in the pixel. The first test sensor using this technology was received from manufacture in July 2007. The key component of the INMAPS process is the implementation of a deep p-well beneath the active circuits. A conventional MAPS design for charged-particle imaging will experience charge sharing between the collection diodes and any PMOS active devices in the pixel which can dramatically reduce the efficiency of the pixel. By implementing a deep p-well, the charge deposited in the epitaxial layer is reflected and conserved for collection at only the exposed collection diode nodes. We have implemented two pixel architectures for charged particle detection. The target application for these pixels is for the sensitive layers of an electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) in an international linear collider (ILC) detector. Both pixel architectures contain four n- well diodes for charge-collection; analog front-end circuits for signal pulse shaping; comparator for threshold discrimination; digital logic for threshold trim adjustment and pixel masking. Pixels are served by shared row-logic which stores the location and time-stamp of pixel hits in local SRAM, at the bunch crossing rate of the ILC beam. The sparse hit data are read out from the columns of logic after the bunch train. Here we present design details and preliminary results.
Physics Letters B | 1981
A. Pullia; O. Erriquez; S. Natali; S. Nuzzo; F. Romano; D.C. Colley; G. Jones; S. W. O'Neale; S.J. Sewell; Ghislaine Coremans; H. Mulkens; J. Sacton; Catherine Vander Velde; Walter Van Doninck; V. Brisson; P. Petiau; Adrian A.M. Cooper; J. Guy; Alan Michette; M. Tyndel; W. Venus; J. Alitti; J.P. Baton; Guillaume Gerbier; C. Kochowski; Magella Neveu; N.J. Baker; J.H. Bartley; Frederick W. Bullock
Abstract We have fully analysed all events with a single electron obtained in an exposure of BEBC to the 350 GeV wide-band neutrino beam at CERN. The data agrees well with expectations based on the calculated ν e flux and assuming μ−e universality. Using both the rate and the kinematic distributions, improved limits are set on ν e → ν X , ν μ → ν e , ν μ → ν τ mixing.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1990
V. Chabaud; H. Dijkstra; M. Gröne; Michael Flohr; R. Horisberger; L. Hubbeling; G. Maehlum; A. Peisert; Anders W. Sandvik; Peter Weilhammer; A. Czermak; Pawel Jalocha; P. Kapusta; M. Turala; A. Zalewska; E. Sundell; T. Tuuva; M. Battaglia; M. Caccia; W. Kucewicz; C. Meroni; N. Redaelli; R. Turchetta; A. Stocchi; C. Troncon; G. Vegni; G. Barichello; M. Mazzucato; M. Pegoraro; F. Simonetto
Abstract Results are presented from a test in the CERN SPS North Area of a prototype of the DELPHI microvertex detector. Full-sized modules built up from prototype ac-coupled detectors and VLSI readout electronics were used. The spatial resolution of the detectors equipped with prototype VLSI chips was measured to be 6.5 μm. The system aspects, including the readout, were found to work well. Extrapolating to the final components we expect to achieve a measurement precision of 5 μm with the DELPHI microvertex detector.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2009
D.S. Bailey; E. Devetak; Mark Grimes; K. Harder; S. Hillert; D. Jackson; T. Pinto Jayawardena; B. Jeffery; T. Lastovicka; C. Lynch; Victoria Jane Martin; Roberval Walsh; Phillip Allport; Y. Banda; Craig Buttar; A. Cheplakov; David Cussans; C. Damerell; N. De Groot; J. Fopma; B. Foster; S. Galagedera; R. Gao; A. R. Gillman; J. Goldstein; T. Greenshaw; R. Halsall; B. M. Hawes; K. Hayrapetyan; H. Heath
The precision measurements envisaged at the International Linear Collider (ILC) depend on excellent instrumentation and reconstruction software. The correct identification of heavy flavour jets, placing unprecedented requirements on the quality of the vertex detector, will be central for the ILC programme. This paper describes the LCFIVertex software, which provides tools for vertex finding and for identification of the flavour and charge of the leading hadron in heavy flavour jets. These tools are essential for the ongoing optimisation of the vertex detector design for linear colliders such as the ILC. The paper describes the algorithms implemented in the LCFIVertex package as well as the scope of the code and its performance for a typical vertex detector design.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2008
A. Abdesselam; T. Barber; Alan Barr; P.J. Bell; J. Bernabeu; J. M. Butterworth; J. R. Carter; A. A. Carter; E. Charles; A. Clark; A. P. Colijn; M. J. Costa; J Dalmau; B. Demirkoz; Paul Dervan; M. Donega; M D'Onifrio; C. Escobar; D. Fasching; D. Ferguson; P. Ferrari; D. Ferrere; J. Fuster; Bj Gallop; C. Garcia; S. Gonzalez; S. Gonzalez-Sevilla; M. J. Goodrick; A. Gorišek; A. Greenall
The SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) data acquisition (DAQ) system will calibrate, configure, and control the approximately six million front-end channels of the ATLAS silicon strip detector. It will provide a synchronized bunch-crossing clock to the front-end modules, communicate first-level triggers to the front-end chips, and transfer information about hit strips to the ATLAS high-level trigger system. The system has been used extensively for calibration and quality assurance during SCT barrel and endcap assembly and for performance confirmation tests after transport of the barrels and endcaps to CERN. Operating in data-taking mode, the DAQ has recorded nearly twenty million synchronously-triggered events during commissioning tests including almost a million cosmic ray triggered events. In this paper we describe the components of the data acquisition system, discuss its operation in calibration and data-taking modes and present some detector performance results from these tests