
Optics Express | 2007

Control of ionization processes in high band gap materials via tailored femtosecond pulses

Lars Englert; Bärbel Rethfeld; L. Haag; M. Wollenhaupt; C. Sarpe-Tudoran; Thomas Baumert

Control of two basic ionization processes in dielectrics i.e. photo ionization and electron-electron impact ionization on intrinsic time and intensity scales is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Temporally asymmetric femtosecond pulses of identical fluence, spectrum and pulse duration result in different final free electron densities. We found that an asymmetric pulse and its time reversed counterpart address two ionization processes in a different fashion. This results in the observation of different thresholds for surface material modification in sapphire and fused silica. We conclude that control of ionization processes with tailored femtosecond pulses is suitable for robust manipulation of breakdown and thus control of the initial steps of laser processing of high band gap materials.

Angewandte Chemie | 2012

Circular Dichroism in the Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Camphor and Fenchone from Multiphoton Ionization with Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Christian Lux; M. Wollenhaupt; Tom Bolze; Qingqing Liang; Jens Köhler; Cristian Sarpe; Thomas Baumert

Shine a light: a circular dichroism effect in the ±10u2009% regime on randomly oriented chiral molecules in the gas phase is demonstrated. The signal is derived from images of photoelectron angular distributions produced by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization and allows the enantiomers to be distinguished. To date, this effect could only be generated with a synchrotron source. The new tabletop laser-based approach will make this approach far more accessible.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2003

Compact, robust, and flexible setup for femtosecond pulse shaping

A. Präkelt; M. Wollenhaupt; A. Assion; C. Horn; C. Sarpe-Tudoran; M. Winter; Thomas Baumert

We present an improved design and adjustment concept for femtosecond pulse shaping. The concept results in a compact and robust pulse shaping setup. A systematic adjustment procedure, high reproducibility and stability, as well as easy adaptability to different femtosecond laser sources are the key features of the presented design. The constructed prototype pulse shaper was tested in an open loop and feedback-controlled adaptive pulse shaping on two different femtosecond laser sources.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2000

Measurement of the isotopic fractionation of 15N14N16O, 14N15N16O and 14N14N18O in the UV photolysis of nitrous oxide

T. Röckmann; Carl A. M. Brenninkmeijer; M. Wollenhaupt; J. N. Crowley; Paul J. Crutzen

The isotopic analysis of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) has become a valuable tool in the investigation of its sources, sinks, and its atmospheric cycle. In particular the considerable isotopic enrichment accompanying stratospheric photolysis of N2O, its dominant atmospheric sink process, provides a key isotope signal in the construction of a global N2O isotope budget. Here we present the first measurements of the individual fractionation constants for 15N14NO, 15e1 = 10.9±1.7‰ and 14N15NO, 15e2 = 35.7±0.5‰ during ultraviolet photolysis at 193 nm, along with the 18O fractionation constant, 18e = 17.3±0.5‰. Consistent results were obtained over a wide range of experimental conditions. The observed position-dependent 15N fractionation confirms theoretical predictions and provides a unique signature of N2O that has been processed in the stratosphere, adding a new dimension to an isotope-based description of the atmospheric N2O budget.

Journal of Optics B-quantum and Semiclassical Optics | 2005

Strong field quantum control by selective population of dressed states

M. Wollenhaupt; A. Präkelt; C. Sarpe-Tudoran; D. Liese; Thomas Baumert

We study the dynamics of potassium atoms in intense laser fields using femtosecond phase-locked pulse pairs in order to extract physical mechanisms of strong field quantum control. The structure of the Autler–Townes (AT) doublet in the photoelectron spectra is measured to analyse transient processes. The analysis shows that the physical mechanism is based on the selective population of dressed states (SPODS). Experimental results of closed loop optimization of SPODS are presented in addition. Applications to decoherence measurements with implications for quantum information are also proposed.

Optics Express | 2011

Zeptosecond precision pulse shaping.

Jens Köhler; M. Wollenhaupt; Tim Bayer; Cristian Sarpe; Thomas Baumert

We investigate the temporal precision in the generation of ultrashort laser pulse pairs by pulse shaping techniques. To this end, we combine a femtosecond polarization pulse shaper with a polarizer and employ two linear spectral phase masks to mimic an ultrastable common-path interferometer. In an all-optical experiment we study the interference signal resulting from two temporally delayed pulses. Our results show a 2σ-precision of 300 zs = 300 × 10(-21) s in pulse-to-pulse delay. The standard deviation of the mean is 11 zs. The obtained precision corresponds to a variation of the arms length in conventional delay stage based interferometers of 0.45 Å. We apply these precisely generated pulse pairs to a strong-field quantum control experiment. Coherent control of ultrafast electron dynamics via photon locking by temporal phase discontinuities on a few attosecond timescale is demonstrated.

New Journal of Physics | 2009

Coherent strong-field control of multiple states by a single chirped femtosecond laser pulse

M. Krug; Tim Bayer; M. Wollenhaupt; C. Sarpe-Tudoran; Thomas Baumert; Svetoslav S. Ivanov; Nikolay V. Vitanov

We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on strong- field photo-ionization of sodium atoms using chirped femtosecond laser pulses. By tuning the chirp parameter, selectivity among the population in the highly excited states 5p, 6p, 7p and 5f, 6f is achieved. Different excitation pathways enabling control are identified by simultaneous ionization and measurement of photoelectron angular distributions employing the velocity map imaging technique. Free electron wave packets at an energy of around 1eV are observed. These photoelectrons originate from two channels. The predominant 2+1+1 resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) proceeds via the strongly driven two-photon transition 4s 3s, and subsequent ionization from the states 5p, 6p and 7p whereas the second pathway involves 3+1 REMPI via the states 5f and 6f. In addition, electron wave packets from two-photon ionization of the non-resonant transiently populated state 3p are observed close to the ionization threshold. A mainly qualitative five-state model for the predominant excitation channel is studied theoretically to provide insights into the physical mechanisms at play. Our analysis shows that by tuning the chirp parameter the dynamics is effectively controlled by dynamic Stark shifts and level crossings. In particular, we show that under the experimental conditions the passage through

Applied Physics Letters | 2006

Plasma dynamics of water breakdown at a water surface induced by femtosecond laser pulses

C. Sarpe-Tudoran; A. Assion; M. Wollenhaupt; M. Winter; Thomas Baumert

Femtosecond laser pulse induced ultrafast plasma dynamics studies of water breakdown in the range up to 250 ps are reported. We combine transient imaging techniques together with spectrally resolved reflection spectroscopy to monitor the early breakdown dynamics at the water surface with a laser intensity being 1.5 above threshold. We observe a 20 ps delay before the plasma expands with an initial velocity of 5900 m/s. The transient electron density after formation of the plasma is 1.210 21 /cm 3 . A recombination on a picosecond time scale with a rate of 1.610 x7f9 ±0.3 10 x7f9 cm 3 /s is found.

Journal of Modern Optics | 2005

Quantum control and quantum control landscapes using intense shaped femtosecond pulses

M. Wollenhaupt; A. Präkelt; C. Sarpe-Tudoran; D. Liese; Thomas Baumert

A hitherto not considered physical mechanism of quantum control with intense shaped femtosecond laser pulses is investigated. Phase modulated pulses are used to exert control on the strong-field ionization of potassium atoms. We use a sinusoidal phase modulation function to manipulate the intensity of the Autler–Townes (AT) components in the photoelectron spectrum. The effect of all sine parameters is studied systematically. In addition, controllability is investigated using parameterized pulse shapes to generate a two-dimensional quantum control landscape. Our results show that the selective population of dressed states is the underlying strong-field physical mechanism. Due to its robustness with respect to the laser parameters, the selective dressed state population is an important general control mechanism.

New Journal of Physics | 2012

Real-time observation of transient electron density in water irradiated with tailored femtosecond laser pulses

Cristian Sarpe; Jens Köhler; Thomas Winkler; M. Wollenhaupt; Thomas Baumert

Ionization mechanisms in water irradiated with bandwidth-limited and temporally asymmetric femtosecond laser pulses are investigated via ultrafast spectral interferometry. By using a novel common-path interferometer with an enlarged temporal measurement window, we directly observe the dynamics of free-electron plasma generated by shaped pulses. We found that a temporally asymmetric pulse and its time-reversed counterpart address multiphoton and avalanche ionization mechanisms in a different fashion. Positive third-order dispersion shaped pulses produce a much higher free-electron density than negative ones at the same fluence, instantaneous frequency and focusing conditions. From the experimental data obtained after irradiation with bandwidth-limited and shaped pulses the multiphoton and avalanche coefficients were determined using a generic rate equation. We conclude that temporal tailored femtosecond pulses are suitable for manipulation of the initial steps in laser processing of high band gap materials.

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