Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
UEM Group
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011
Jessica Adrielle Teixeira Santos; Maycon Rogério Seleghim; Sônia Regina Marangoni; Aline Mária Gonçalves; Tanimária da Silva Lira Ballani; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered – all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance. LA GRAVEDAD DE LAS INTOXICACIONES POR SANEATES CLANDESTINOS RESUMEN: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intoxicaciones por saneantes comercializados clandestinamente, reportadas en el Centro de Control de Intoxicaciones del Hospital Universitario Regional de Maringa. Es un estudio cuantitativo, con analisis retrospectivo de registros epidemiologicos de personas intoxicadas por estos agentes, en el periodo de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2009. De los 118 casos reportados, la mayoria (74-62,7%) se produjeron en varones, 105 (88,9%) necesitaron de asistencia en unidades de atencion de emergencia y hospitalizacion de alta complejidad, en 14 casos (11,8%) requirieron de Cuidados Intensivos, y se reportaron cinco obitos, todos por intoxicacion intencional. Los resultados demuestran la gravedad y la letalidad de este tipo de intoxicacion, sugieren la necesidad de medidas urgentes de fiscalizacion y control de la Vigilancia Sanitaria, asi como de medidas para la educacion de los consumidores, haciendo hincapie en el papel educativo de la Enfermeria. DESCRIPTORES: Saneantes. Compuestos quimicos. Vigilancia sanitaria.The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered - all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011
Jessica Adrielle Teixeira Santos; Maycon Rogério Seleghim; Sônia Regina Marangoni; Aline Mária Gonçalves; Tanimária da Silva Lira Ballani; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered – all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance. LA GRAVEDAD DE LAS INTOXICACIONES POR SANEATES CLANDESTINOS RESUMEN: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intoxicaciones por saneantes comercializados clandestinamente, reportadas en el Centro de Control de Intoxicaciones del Hospital Universitario Regional de Maringa. Es un estudio cuantitativo, con analisis retrospectivo de registros epidemiologicos de personas intoxicadas por estos agentes, en el periodo de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2009. De los 118 casos reportados, la mayoria (74-62,7%) se produjeron en varones, 105 (88,9%) necesitaron de asistencia en unidades de atencion de emergencia y hospitalizacion de alta complejidad, en 14 casos (11,8%) requirieron de Cuidados Intensivos, y se reportaron cinco obitos, todos por intoxicacion intencional. Los resultados demuestran la gravedad y la letalidad de este tipo de intoxicacion, sugieren la necesidad de medidas urgentes de fiscalizacion y control de la Vigilancia Sanitaria, asi como de medidas para la educacion de los consumidores, haciendo hincapie en el papel educativo de la Enfermeria. DESCRIPTORES: Saneantes. Compuestos quimicos. Vigilancia sanitaria.The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered - all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011
Jessica Adrielle Teixeira Santos; Maycon Rogério Seleghim; Sônia Regina Marangoni; Aline Mária Gonçalves; Tanimária da Silva Lira Ballani; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered – all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance. LA GRAVEDAD DE LAS INTOXICACIONES POR SANEATES CLANDESTINOS RESUMEN: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intoxicaciones por saneantes comercializados clandestinamente, reportadas en el Centro de Control de Intoxicaciones del Hospital Universitario Regional de Maringa. Es un estudio cuantitativo, con analisis retrospectivo de registros epidemiologicos de personas intoxicadas por estos agentes, en el periodo de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2009. De los 118 casos reportados, la mayoria (74-62,7%) se produjeron en varones, 105 (88,9%) necesitaron de asistencia en unidades de atencion de emergencia y hospitalizacion de alta complejidad, en 14 casos (11,8%) requirieron de Cuidados Intensivos, y se reportaron cinco obitos, todos por intoxicacion intencional. Los resultados demuestran la gravedad y la letalidad de este tipo de intoxicacion, sugieren la necesidad de medidas urgentes de fiscalizacion y control de la Vigilancia Sanitaria, asi como de medidas para la educacion de los consumidores, haciendo hincapie en el papel educativo de la Enfermeria. DESCRIPTORES: Saneantes. Compuestos quimicos. Vigilancia sanitaria.The present study aimed to analyze poisonings through illegally marketed sanitary products that were reported in the Poison Control Center of the Regional University Hospital in Maringa, Parana, Brazil. This is a quantitative study using retrospective analysis of epidemiological records of people intoxicated by these agents from January, 2005, to December, 2009. Of the 118 cases reported, 75 (63.5%) occurred in males, 105 (88.9%) required assistance in care units and highly complex emergency room admissions. In 14 (11.8%) cases there was the need for intensive care unit hospitalization, with five deaths registered - all caused by intentional poisoning. The data found demonstrates the severity and lethality of this type of poisoning. We also indicate actions for urgent supervisory, fiscal, and control measures for Brazilian Health Surveillance, as well as measures for consumer education which emphasize the educational role of nursing. DESCRIPTORS: Sanitizing products. Chemical compounds. Health surveillance.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2008
Edileuza de Fátima Rosina Nardi; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2009
Edileuza de Fátima Rosina Nardi; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2008
Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira; Maria José Scochi
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2012
Sônia Regina Marangoni; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2011
Maycon Rogério Seleghim; Kelly Cristina Inoue; Jéssica Adrielle Teixeira Santos; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
Saúde & Transformação Social / Health & Social Change | 2013
Jessica Adrielle Teixeira Santos; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2009
Marli Aparecida Joaquim Balan; Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira; Gislaine Trassi