Magdalena A. Balmaseda
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
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Featured researches published by Magdalena A. Balmaseda.
Monthly Weather Review | 2007
Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Arthur Vidard; David L. T. Anderson
Abstract A new operational ocean analysis/reanalysis system (ORA-S3) has been implemented at ECMWF. The reanalysis, started from 1 January 1959, is continuously maintained up to 11 days behind real time and is used to initialize seasonal forecasts as well as to provide a historical representation of the ocean for climate studies. It has several innovative features, including an online bias-correction algorithm, the assimilation of salinity data on temperature surfaces, and the assimilation of altimeter-derived sea level anomalies and global sea level trends. It is designed to reduce spurious climate variability in the resulting ocean reanalysis due to the nonstationary nature of the observing system, while still taking advantage of the observation information. The new analysis system is compared with the previous operational version; the equatorial temperature biases are reduced and equatorial currents are improved. The impact of assimilation in the ocean state is discussed by diagnosis of the assimilatio...
Nature | 1998
Timothy N. Stockdale; David L. T. Anderson; J. O. S. Alves; Magdalena A. Balmaseda
One conceptual model of weather is that of a series of events which are unconnected. That is, that the weather next week is essentially independent of the weather this week. However, although individual weather systems might be chaotic and unpredictable beyond a week or so, the statistics describing them may be perturbed in a deterministic and predictable way, particularly by the ocean. In the past, seasonal forceasts of atmospheric variables have largely been based on empirical relationships, which are weak in most areas of the world. More recently, atmosphere models forced by assumed or predicted ocean conditions have been used,. Here a fully coupled global ocean–atmosphere general circulation model is used to make seasonal forecasts of the climate system with a lead time of up to 6 months. Such a model should be able to simulate the predictable perturbations of seasonal climate, but to extract these from the chaotic weather requires an ensemble of model integrations, and hence considerable computer resources. Reliable verification of probabilistic forecasts is difficult, but the results obtained so far, when compared to observations, are encouraging for the prospects for seasonal forecasting. Rainfall predictions for 1997 and the first half of 1998 show a marked increase in the spatial extent of statistically significant anomalies during the present El Niño, and include strong signals over Europe.
Encyclopedia of Energy | 2014
Kevin E. Trenberth; John T. Fasullo; Magdalena A. Balmaseda
Climate change from increased greenhouse gases arises from a global energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). TOA measurements of radiation from space can track changes over time but lack absolute accuracy. An inventory of energy storage changes shows that over 90% of the imbalance is manifested as a rise in ocean heat content (OHC). Data from the Ocean Reanalysis System, version 4 (ORAS4), and other OHC-estimated rates of change are used to compare with model-based estimates of TOA energy imbalance [from the Community Climate System Model, version 4 (CCSM4)] and with TOA satellite measurements for the year 2000 onward. Most ocean-only OHC analyses extend to only 700-m depth, have large discrepancies among the rates of change of OHC, and do not resolve interannual variability adequately to capture ENSO and volcanic eruption effects, all aspects that are improved with assimilation of multivariate data. ORAS4 rates of change of OHC quantitatively agree with the radiative forcing estimates of impacts of the three major volcanic eruptions since 1960 (Mt. Agung, 1963; El Chich� 1982; and Mt. Pinatubo, 1991). The natural variability of the energy imbalance is substantial from month to month, associated with cloud and weather variations, and interannually mainly associated with ENSO, while the sun affects 15% of the climate change signal on decadal time scales. All estimates (OHC and TOA) show that over the past decade the energy imbalance ranges between about 0.5 and 1Wm 22 . By using the full-depth ocean, there is a better overall accounting for energy, but discrepancies remain at interannual time scales between OHC- and TOA-based estimates, notably in 2008/09.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2014
Dick Dee; Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Gianpaolo Balsamo; R. Engelen; A. J. Simmons; Jean-Noël Thépaut
This article reviews past and current reanalysis activities at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and describes plans for developing future reanalyses of the coupled climate system. Global reanalyses of the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and atmospheric composition have played an important role in improving and extending the capabilities of ECMWFs operational forecasting systems. The potential role of reanalysis in support of climate change services in Europe is driving several interesting new developments. These include the production of reanalyses that span a century or more and the implementation of a coupled data assimilation capability suitable for climate reanalysis. Although based largely on ECMWFs achievements, capabilities, and plans, the article serves more generally to provide a review of pertinent issues affecting past and current reanalyses and a discussion of the major challenges in moving to more fully coupled systems.
Tellus A | 2005
David B. Stephenson; Caio A. S. Coelho; Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes; Magdalena A. Balmaseda
In this paper we present a unified conceptual framework for the creation of calibrated probability forecasts of observable variables based on information from ensembles of weather/climate model predictions. For the same reasons that data assimilation is required to feed observed information into numerical prediction models, an analogous process of forecast assimilation is required to convert model predictions into well-calibrated forecasts of observable variables. Forecast assimilation includes and generalizes previous calibration methods such as model output statistics and statistical downscaling. To illustrate the approach, we present a flexible variational form of forecast assimilation based on a Bayesian multivariate normal model capable of assimilating multi-model predictions of gridded fields. This method is then successfully applied to equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature grid point predictions produced by seven coupled models in the DEMETER project. The results show improved forecast skill compared to individual model forecasts and multi-model mean forecasts.
Monthly Weather Review | 2005
Jérôme Vialard; Frédéric Vitart; Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Timothy N. Stockdale; David L. T. Anderson
Seasonal forecasts are subject to various types of errors: amplification of errors in oceanic initial conditions, errors due to the unpredictable nature of the synoptic atmospheric variability, and coupled model error. Ensemble forecasting is usually used in an attempt to sample some or all of these various sources of error. How to build an ensemble forecasting system in the seasonal range remains a largely unexplored area. In this paper, various ensemble generation methodologies for the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) seasonal forecasting system are compared. A series of experiments using wind perturbations (applied when generating the oceanic initial conditions), sea surface temperature (SST) perturbations to those initial conditions, and random perturbation to the atmosphere during the forecast, individually and collectively, is presented and compared with the more usual lagged-average approach. SST perturbations are important during the first 2 months of the forecast to ensure a spread at least equal to the uncertainty level on the SST measure. From month 3 onward, all methods give a similar spread. This spread is significantly smaller than the rms error of the forecasts. There is also no clear link between the spread of the ensemble and the ensemble mean forecast error. These two facts suggest that factors not presently sampled in the ensemble, such as model error, act to limit the forecast skill. Methods that allow sampling of model error, such as multimodel ensembles, should be beneficial to seasonal forecasting.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2014
Sybren S. Drijfhout; Adam T. Blaker; Simon A. Josey; Aylmer J.G. Nurser; Bablu Sinha; Magdalena A. Balmaseda
The first decade of the twenty-first century was characterised by a hiatus in global surface warming. Using ocean model hindcasts and reanalyses we show that heat uptake between the 1990s and 2000s increased by 0.7?±?0.3Wm?2. Approximately 30% of the increase is associated with colder sea surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific. Other basins contribute via reduced heat loss to the atmosphere, in particular the Southern and subtropical Indian Oceans (30%), and the subpolar North Atlantic (40%). A different mechanism is important at longer timescales (1960s-present) over which the Southern Annular Mode trended upwards. In this period, increased ocean heat uptake has largely arisen from reduced heat loss associated with reduced winds over the Agulhas Return Current and southward displacement of Southern Ocean westerlies.
Journal of Climate | 2012
Yan Xue; Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Timothy P. Boyer; Nicolas Ferry; Simon A. Good; Ichiro Ishikawa; Arun Kumar; Michele M. Rienecker; Anthony Rosati; Yonghong Yin
AbstractOcean heat content (HC) is one of the key indicators of climate variability and also provides ocean memory critical for seasonal and decadal predictions. The availability of multiple operational ocean analyses (ORAs) now routinely produced around the world is an opportunity for estimation of uncertainties in HC analysis and development of ensemble-based operational HC climate indices. In this context, the spread across the ORAs is used to quantify uncertainties in HC analysis and the ensemble mean of ORAs to identify, and to monitor, climate signals. Toward this goal, this study analyzed 10 ORAs, two objective analyses based on in situ data only, and eight model analyses based on ocean data assimilation systems. The mean, annual cycle, interannual variability, and long-term trend of HC in the upper 300 m (HC300) from 1980 to 2009 are compared.The spread across HC300 analyses generally decreased with time and reached a minimum in the early 2000s when the Argo data became available. There was a good...
Journal of Climate | 2005
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh; Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Laura Ferranti; Timothy N. Stockdale; David L. T. Anderson
Abstract The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has made seasonal forecasts since 1997 with ensembles of a coupled ocean–atmosphere model, System-1 (S1). In January 2002, a new version, System-2 (S2), was introduced. For the calibration of these models, hindcasts have been performed starting in 1987, so that 15 yr of hindcasts and forecasts are now available for verification. Seasonal predictability is to a large extent due to the El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate oscillations. ENSO predictions of the ECMWF models are compared with those of statistical models, some of which are used operationally. The relative skill depends strongly on the season. The dynamical models are better at forecasting the onset of El Nino or La Nina in boreal spring to summer. The statistical models are comparable at predicting the evolution of an event in boreal fall and winter.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2012
Jieshun Zhu; Bohua Huang; Lawrence Marx; James L. Kinter; Magdalena A. Balmaseda; Rong-Hua Zhang; Zeng-Zhen Hu
n n In this study, the impact of ocean initial conditions (OIC) on the prediction skill in the tropical Pacific Ocean is examined. Four sets of OIC are used to initialize the 12-month hindcasts of the tropical climate from 1979 to 2007, using the Climate Forecast System, version 2 (CFSv2), the current operational climate prediction model at the National Centers for Environmental Predictions (NCEP). These OICs are chosen from four ocean analyses produced by the NCEP and the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). For each hindcast starting from a given OIC, four ensemble members are generated with different atmosphere and land initial states. The predictive skill in the tropical Pacific Ocean is assessed based on the ensemble mean hindcasts from each individual as well as multiple oceanic analyses. To reduce the climate drift from various oceanic analyses, an anomaly initialization strategy is used for all hindcasts. The results indicate that there exists a substantial spread in the sea surface temperature (SST) prediction skill with different ocean analyses. Specifically, the ENSO prediction skill in terms of the anomaly correlation of Nino-3.4 index can differ by as much as 0.1-0.2 at lead times longer than 2 months. The ensemble mean of the predictions initialized from all four ocean analyses gives prediction skill equivalent to the best one derived from the individual ocean analysis. It is suggested that more accurate OIC can improve the ENSO prediction skill and an ensemble ocean initialization has the potential of enhancing the skill at the present stage.