Magdalena Ietswaart
University of Stirling
Brain | 2011
Magdalena Ietswaart; Marie Johnston; H. Chris Dijkerman; Sara Joice; Clare Scott; Ronald S. MacWalter; Steven J.C. Hamilton
This randomized controlled trial evaluated the therapeutic benefit of mental practice with motor imagery in stroke patients with persistent upper limb motor weakness. There is evidence to suggest that mental rehearsal of movement can produce effects normally attributed to practising the actual movements. Imagining hand movements could stimulate restitution and redistribution of brain activity, which accompanies recovery of hand function, thus resulting in a reduced motor deficit. Current efficacy evidence for mental practice with motor imagery in stroke is insufficient due to methodological limitations. This randomized controlled sequential cohort study included 121 stroke patients with a residual upper limb weakness within 6 months following stroke (on average <3 months post-stroke). Randomization was performed using an automated statistical minimizing procedure. The primary outcome measure was a blinded rating on the Action Research Arm test. The study analysed the outcome of 39 patients involved in 4 weeks of mental rehearsal of upper limb movements during 45-min supervised sessions three times a week and structured independent sessions twice a week, compared to 31 patients who performed equally intensive non-motor mental rehearsal, and 32 patients receiving normal care without additional training. No differences between the treatment groups were found at baseline or outcome on the Action Research Arm Test (ANCOVA statistical P = 0.77, and effect size partial η2 = 0.005) or any of the secondary outcome measures. Results suggest that mental practice with motor imagery does not enhance motor recovery in patients early post-stroke. In light of the evidence, it remains to be seen whether mental practice with motor imagery is a valid rehabilitation technique in its own right.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2012
Stefania Bracci; Cristiana Cavina-Pratesi; Magdalena Ietswaart; Alfonso Caramazza; Marius V. Peelen
The perception of object-directed actions performed by either hands or tools recruits regions in left fronto-parietal cortex. Here, using functional MRI (fMRI), we tested whether the common role of hands and tools in object manipulation is also reflected in the distribution of response patterns to these categories in visual cortex. In two experiments we found that static pictures of hands and tools activated closely overlapping regions in left lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC). Left LOTC responses to tools selectively overlapped with responses to hands but not with responses to whole bodies, nonhand body parts, other objects, or visual motion. Multivoxel pattern analysis in left LOTC indicated a high degree of similarity between response patterns to hands and tools but not between hands or tools and other body parts. Finally, functional connectivity analysis showed that the left LOTC hand/tool region was selectively connected, relative to neighboring body-, motion-, and object-responsive regions, with regions in left intraparietal sulcus and left premotor cortex that have previously been implicated in hand/tool action-related processing. Taken together, these results suggest that action-related object properties shared by hands and tools are reflected in the organization of high-order visual cortex. We propose that the functional organization of high-order visual cortex partly reflects the organization of downstream functional networks, such as the fronto-parietal action network, due to differences within visual cortex in the connectivity to these networks.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2010
Stefania Bracci; Magdalena Ietswaart; Marius V. Peelen; Cristiana Cavina-Pratesi
Accumulating evidence points to a map of visual regions encoding specific categories of objects. For example, a region in the human extrastriate visual cortex, the extrastriate body area (EBA), has been implicated in the visual processing of bodies and body parts. Although in the monkey, neurons selective for hands have been reported, in humans it is unclear whether areas selective for individual body parts such as the hand exist. Here, we conducted two functional MRI experiments to test for hand-preferring responses in the human extrastriate visual cortex. We found evidence for a hand-preferring region in left lateral occipitotemporal cortex in all 14 participants. This region, located in the lateral occipital sulcus, partially overlapped with left EBA, but could be functionally and anatomically dissociated from it. In experiment 2, we further investigated the functional profile of hand- and body-preferring regions by measuring responses to hands, fingers, feet, assorted body parts (arms, legs, torsos), and non-biological handlike stimuli such as robotic hands. The hand-preferring region responded most strongly to hands, followed by robotic hands, fingers, and feet, whereas its response to assorted body parts did not significantly differ from baseline. By contrast, EBA responded most strongly to body parts, followed by hands and feet, and did not significantly respond to robotic hands or fingers. Together, these results provide evidence for a representation of the hand in extrastriate visual cortex that is distinct from the representation of other body parts.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Cristiana Cavina-Pratesi; Gustav Kuhn; Magdalena Ietswaart; A. D. Milner
Background Most of us are poor at faking actions. Kinematic studies have shown that when pretending to pick up imagined objects (pantomimed actions), we move and shape our hands quite differently from when grasping real ones. These differences between real and pantomimed actions have been linked to separate brain pathways specialized for different kinds of visuomotor guidance. Yet professional magicians regularly use pantomimed actions to deceive audiences. Methodology and Principal Findings In this study, we tested whether, despite their skill, magicians might still show kinematic differences between grasping actions made toward real versus imagined objects. We found that their pantomimed actions in fact closely resembled real grasps when the object was visible (but displaced) (Experiment 1), but failed to do so when the object was absent (Experiment 2). Conclusions and Significance We suggest that although the occipito-parietal visuomotor system in the dorsal stream is designed to guide goal-directed actions, prolonged practice may enable it to calibrate actions based on visual inputs displaced from the action.
BMC Neurology | 2006
Magdalena Ietswaart; Marie Johnston; H. Chris Dijkerman; Clare Scott; Sara Joice; Steven J.C. Hamilton; Ronald S. MacWalter
BackgroundThe study aims to assess the therapeutic benefits of motor imagery training in stroke patients with persistent motor weakness. There is evidence to suggest that mental rehearsal of movement can produce effects normally attributed to practising the actual movements. Imagining hand movements could stimulate the redistribution of brain activity, which accompanies recovery of hand function, thus resulting in a reduced motor deficit.Methods/DesignA multi-centre randomised controlled trial recruiting individuals between one and six months post-stroke (n = 135). Patients are assessed before and after a four-week evaluation period. In this trial, 45 patients daily mentally rehearse movements with their affected arm under close supervision. Their recovery is compared to 45 patients who perform closely supervised non-motor mental rehearsal, and 45 patients who are not engaged in a training program. Motor imagery training effectiveness is evaluated using outcome measures of motor function, psychological processes, and level of disability.DiscussionThe idea of enhancing motor recovery through the use of motor imagery rehabilitation techniques is important with potential implications for clinical practice. The techniques evaluated as part of this randomised controlled trial are informed by the current understanding in cognitive neuroscience and the trial is both of scientific and applied interest.
EBioMedicine | 2016
Thomas G. Di Virgilio; Angus M. Hunter; Lindsay Wilson; William Stewart; Stuart Goodall; Glyn Howatson; David I. Donaldson; Magdalena Ietswaart
Introduction There is growing concern around the effects of concussion and sub-concussive impacts in sport. Routine game-play in soccer involves intentional and repeated head impacts through ball heading. Although heading is frequently cited as a risk to brain health, little data exist regarding the consequences of this activity. This study aims to assess the immediate outcomes of routine football heading using direct and sensitive measures of brain function. Methods Nineteen amateur football players (5 females; age 22 ± 3 y) headed machine-projected soccer balls at standardized speeds, modelling routine soccer practice. The primary outcome measure of corticomotor inhibition measured using transcranial magnetic stimulation, was assessed prior to heading and repeated immediately, 24 h, 48 h and 2 weeks post-heading. Secondary outcome measures were cortical excitability, postural control, and cognitive function. Results Immediately following heading an increase in corticomotor inhibition was detected; further to these electrophysiological alterations, measurable reduction memory function were also found. These acute changes appear transient, with values normalizing 24 h post-heading. Discussion Sub-concussive head impacts routine in soccer heading are associated with immediate, measurable electrophysiological and cognitive impairments. Although these changes in brain function were transient, these effects may signal direct consequences of routine soccer heading on (long-term) brain health which requires further study.
Cognition & Emotion | 2012
Kerry Shields; Paul E. Engelhardt; Magdalena Ietswaart
This study examined the perception of emotional expressions, focusing on the face and the body. Photographs of four actors expressing happiness, sadness, anger, and fear were presented in congruent (e.g., happy face with happy body) and incongruent (e.g., happy face with fearful body) combinations. Participants selected an emotional label using a four-option categorisation task. Reaction times and accuracy for the categorisation judgement, and eye movements were the dependent variables. Two regions of interest were examined: face and body. Results showed better accuracy and faster reaction times for congruent images compared to incongruent images. Eye movements showed an interaction in which there were more fixations and longer dwell times to the face and fewer fixations and shorter dwell times to the body with incongruent images. Thus, conflicting information produced a marked effect on information processing in which participants focused to a greater extent on the face compared to the body.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Valerie Benson; Magdalena Ietswaart; A. David Milner
In this single case study, visuospatial neglect patient P1 demonstrated a dissociation between an intact ability to make appropriate reflexive eye movements to targets in the neglected field with latencies of <400 ms, while failing to report targets presented at such durations in a separate verbal detection task. In contrast, there was a failure to evoke the usually robust Remote Distractor Effect in P1, even though distractors in the neglected field were presented at above threshold durations. Together those data indicate that the tight coupling that is normally shown between attention and eye movements appears to be disrupted for low-level orienting in P1. A comparable disruption was also found for high-level cognitive processing tasks, namely reading and scene scanning. The findings are discussed in relation to sampling, attention and awareness in neglect.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2017
Simon Ladouce; David I. Donaldson; Paul A. Dudchenko; Magdalena Ietswaart
There is a growing body of evidence that important aspects of human cognition have been marginalized, or overlooked, by traditional cognitive science. In particular, the use of laboratory-based experiments in which stimuli are artificial, and response options are fixed, inevitably results in findings that are less ecologically valid in relation to real-world behavior. In the present review we highlight the opportunities provided by a range of new mobile technologies that allow traditionally lab-bound measurements to now be collected during natural interactions with the world. We begin by outlining the theoretical support that mobile approaches receive from the development of embodied accounts of cognition, and we review the widening evidence that illustrates the importance of examining cognitive processes in their context. As we acknowledge, in practice, the development of mobile approaches brings with it fresh challenges, and will undoubtedly require innovation in paradigm design and analysis. If successful, however, the mobile cognition approach will offer novel insights in a range of areas, including understanding the cognitive processes underlying navigation through space and the role of attention during natural behavior. We argue that the development of real-world mobile cognition offers both increased ecological validity, and the opportunity to examine the interactions between perception, cognition and action—rather than examining each in isolation.
Neuropsychologia | 2016
Carys Evans; Martin Edwards; Lawrence J. Taylor; Magdalena Ietswaart
This study evaluated whether apraxia can be understood as due to impaired motor representations or motor imagery necessary for appropriate object-use, imitation, and pantomime. The causal role of the left inferior parietal lobe (IPL), which is heavily implicated in apraxia, is also evaluated. These processes are appraised in light of the proposed ventro-dorsal sub-stream of the classic two visual pathway model, where perceptual information from the ventral stream and the dorsal action stream are integrated and essential for object manipulation. Using a task assessing object-use perception, stroke patients with apraxia demonstrated a selective deficit during perceptual decisions reliant on the integration of visible and known object properties to select the appropriate grasp for object-use. This deficit increased with apraxia severity. A dissociation was evident in these patients showing intact non-motoric perceptual decisions regarding the functional semantic relationship between two objects in the absence of the actor (e.g. how a hammer hits a nail). Converging evidence was found using a modified version of the same task in a neuromodulation study that directly targeted the left IPL in healthy participants using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Application of inhibitory stimulation over the left IPL reduced performance during perceptual decisions regarding object manipulation whilst performance was unaffected during functional semantic decisions. Excitatory stimulation of the left IPL did not affect performance in either task. Combined, these results suggest that the left inferior parietal lobe is critical for motor imagery, and that apraxia may be caused by an inability to use internal motor representations of object manipulation. These results are discussed in terms of motoric and non-motoric perceptual processes and the proposal of an additional ventro-dorsal sub-stream within the dorsal and ventral visual pathways model.