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Featured researches published by Magdalena Malec.
Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2018
Edyta Kruk; Marek Ryczek; Sławomir Klatka; Magdalena Malec
The phenomenon of erosion on mountain and submontane areas influences directly on high variability of soil properties. In the work there were presented results of analysis of spatial variability of bulk density, total porosity, organic matter content and saturated hydraulic conductivity, on eroded slopes of the Kasińczanka stream basin. Geostatistical analysis was carried out using the kriging method, based on irregular network, consisted of 52 points, situated by means of the GPS. Taking into account the calculated variability coefficient it was stated, that on the investigated area, the most flexible spatially was saturated hydraulic conductivity, while the less flexible turned out total porosity. Using the determined models of semivariance, the maps of spatial variability of chosen parameters were drafted. It was stated that high value of variance influenced on higher smoothing of spatial distribution in interpolation. Results of geostatistical analysis will allow to find locations for new measuring points, what has substantial significance in mountain areas, for precision analysis of soil properties. Based on the obtained results, it can be stated that the kriging method may be useful tool for determination spatial variability analysis of soil properties on an areas of mountain basins.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus | 2018
Edyta Kruk; Magdalena Malec; Sławomir Klatka; Andżelika Brodzińska-Cygan
The paper presents the concept of soil temperature coefficient, as a ratio of soil temperature in the given point on the area of a basin and soil temperature in the basal point located within the watershed. For modelling the distribution of the soil temperature coefficient depending on selected soil and physiographic parameters, artificial neural networks (ANN) were used. ANN were taught based on empirical data, which covered measurements of soil temperature in 126 points, in the layer of soil at the depth of 0–10 cm, within the area of the Mątny stream basin located in the Gorce mountain range of West Carpathians. The area size of the basin amounts to 1.47 km2. Temperature was measured by means of a TDR device. The soil and physiographic parameters included: slopes, flow direction, clay content, height above sea level, exposition, slope shape, placement on the slope, land-use, and hydrologic group. Parameters were generated using DEM of 5m spatial resolution and soil maps, using the ArcGIS program. The MLP 10-8-1 model proved to be the best fitted neural network, with 8 neurons in the hidden layer. The quality parameters were satisfactory. For the learning set, the quality parameter amounted to 0.805; for the testing set, 0.894; and for the validating set, 0.820. Global sensitivity analysis facilitated the assessment of percentage shares, contributing to the soil temperature ratio. Land use (25.0%) and exposition (20.5%) had the highest impact on of the aforementioned ratio, while the placement on the slope and flow direction had the lowest impact.
Ochrona Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych - Environmental Protection and Natural Resources | 2014
Magdalena Malec; Marek Ryczek; Sławomir Klatka
Abstract The “Land of the Valleys” lying in the area of the Lutowiska district in the Western Bieszczady Mts. is undergoing unwelcome succession-related changes, such as for example the extinction of valuable plant species or even whole plant associations, and the disappearance of the mosaic pattern of biocoenoses. It is therefore necessary to conduct investigations aimed at assessing the natural values of this region. The natural assets of the Lutowiska district, where the three raised peat bogs under study (Wołosate, Litmirz and Tarnawa) are situated, were assessed using the Oświt [1995] method for the natural valuation of wetlands and associated landscapes. The method involves awarding points to three groups of indicators: (i) the scope and forms of nature conservation; (ii) general natural values; and (iii) the richness of wetland biotopes, plant communities and flora [Oświt and Dembek 1995]. Altogether, the district scored 60.7 valuation points (with 9 points for relief richness included), which allows classifying it as an area with very high natural values (class VIII on a scale of I-X). Streszczenie Na terenie „Krainy dolin” w Bieszczadach Zachodnich zachodzą obecnie niekorzystne zmiany sukcesyjne polegające między innymi na wymieraniu cennych gatunków roślin, a niekiedy nawet całych zespołów roślinnych oraz zanik mozaikowego układu biocenotycznego. Z tego względu bardzo ważne jest prowadzenie badań mających na celu ocenę walorów przyrodniczych tak cennego obszaru jakim niewątpliwie jest obszar gminy Lutowiska. Ocenę wartości przyrodniczych obszaru gminy Lutowiska na terenie, której zlokalizowane są 3 badane torfowiska (Wołosate, Litmirz i Tarnawa) przeprowadzono za pomocą metody waloryzacji przyrodniczej mokradeł i związanych z nimi krajobrazów opracowaną przez Oświta [1995]. Metoda ta opiera się na punktowej ocenie [Oświt i Dembek, 1995]: zakresu i konserwatorskich form ochrony przyrody, wartości ogólnoprzyrodniczych oraz bogactwa mokradłowych biotopów, zbiorowisk roślinnych oraz występującej flory. W sumie razem z punktami (9 punktów) jakie gmina otrzymała za bogactwo rzeźby otrzymujemy 60,7 punktów waloryzacyjnych. Wynik ten pozwala nam na zaklasyfikowanie jej do obszarów o bardzo dużych walorach przyrodniczych (VIII klasa w 10 stopniowej skali waloryzacyjnej).
Environmental Protection and Natural Resources | 2014
Sławomir Klatka; Krzysztof Boroń; Marek Ryczek; Magdalena Malec
Abstract The aim of the work was the determination of productivity index (PI) of soil in the area of exploitation activity of the Mine-Energetic Plant “Janina” in Libiąż using the Zhenqi Hu et al. [1992] method. Studies were carried out in mining subsidence basin in the Żarki village near Libiąż where two soil pits were realised and material for laboratory investigations was taken. Soil properties determined in laboratory used the Zhenqi Hu et al. [1992] algorithm method and values of PI were calculated. Mean value of PI amounted 0.67, which classifies the investigated area as one of the conditions for poor agricultural production. Changes of primary soil properties caused by mining activity of the Mine-Energetic Plant “Janina” had the highest influence on the calculated PIs. The determined PIs show the necessity of undertaking reclamation works for restoring primary properties of soil Streszczenie Celem pracy było wyznaczenie indeksów produktywności gleb (PI) na obszarze działalności eksploatacyjnej Zakładu Górniczo-Energetycznego „Janina” w Libiążu z wykorzystaniem metody Zhengi Hu et al [1992]. Badania prowadzono na terenie niecki osiadań we wsi Żarki koło Libiąża, gdzie wykonano dwie odkrywki glebowe i pobrano materiał do badań laboratoryjnych. Wyznaczone w laboratorium właściwości gleb wprowadzono do algorytmu metody Zhengi Hu et al. [1992] i obliczono indeksy produktywności. Wartość średnia wyznaczonych PI wynosiła 0,67, co klasyfikuje badany obszar jako teren o słabych warunkach do produkcji rolniczej. Największy wpływ na poziom wyznaczonych indeksów PI wywiera zmiana pierwotnych właściwości gleb na skutek procesów degradacji spowodowanej działalnością wydobywczą ZGE „Janina”. Wyznaczone indeksy wskazują także na konieczność podjęcia prac rekultywacyjnych w celu przywrócenia badanym glebom ich pierwotnych właściwości.
Environmental Protection and Natural Resources; The Journal of Institute of Environmental Protection-National Research Institute. | 2013
Marek Ryczek; Edyta Kruk; Magdalena Malec; Sławomir Klatka
Abstract In this work, results of evaluation of potential water erosion threat of the Smuga stream basin in Beskid Wyspowy were presented according to the USLE model and the GIS techniques. The basin area is 5.40 km2; mean height is 636.4 m a.s.l. and mean basin slope is 21.32%. The basin is in a significant part covered by forest which is 54.26%, grasslands occupy 8.15% and arable lands 34.63%. The highest water erosion threat takes place on arable lands with high slopes and defective cultivation. Calculated soil loss is 2078.59 Mg yearly, which gives a unitary loss of 3.85 Mg for 1 ha. This classifies the investigated basin as very low threatened – second class in sixth degree scale.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus | 2016
Sławomir Klatka; Magdalena Malec; Marek Ryczek; Edyta Kruk; Ewelina Zając
Inżynieria Ekologiczna | 2017
Marek Ryczek; Edyta Kruk; Sławomir Klatka; Magdalena Malec
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus | 2017
Edyta Kruk; Magdalena Malec; Sławomir Klatka; Andżelika Brodzińska-Cygan; Jan Kołodziej
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus | 2017
Magdalena Malec; Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie; Sławomir Klatka; Edyta Kruk; Marek Ryczek
Inżynieria Ekologiczna | 2016
Edyta Kruk; Marek Ryczek; Magdalena Malec; Sławomir Klatka