Magdalene J. Seiler
University of California, Irvine
Vision Research | 1999
Eberhart Zrenner; Alfred Stett; Stefan Weiss; Robert B. Aramant; Elke Guenther; K. Kohler; K.-D. Miliczek; Magdalene J. Seiler; Hugo Haemmerle
The idea of implanting microphotodiode arrays as visual prostheses has aroused controversy on its feasibility from the moment it appeared in print. We now present results which basically support the concept of replacing damaged photoreceptors with subretinally implanted stimulation devices. Network activity in degenerated rat retinae could be modulated through local electrical stimulation in vitro. We also investigated the long term stability and biocompatibility of the subretinal implants and their impact on retinal physiology in rats. Ganzfeld electroretinograms and histology showed no significant side effect of subretinal implants on retinal function or the architecture of the inner retina.
American Journal of Ophthalmology | 2008
Norman D Radtke; Robert B. Aramant; Heywood M. Petry; Parke T. Green; Diane J. Pidwell; Magdalene J. Seiler
PURPOSE To demonstrate efficacy and safety of the implantation of neural retinal progenitor cell layers (sheets) with its retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients with 20/200 or worse vision in the surgery eye. DESIGN Interventional nonrandomized clinical trial. METHODS Ten patients (six RP, four AMD) received retinal implants in one eye and were followed in a phase II trial conducted in a clinical practice setting. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (EDTRS) was the primary outcome measure. All implant recipients and nine of 10 tissue donors were deoxyribonucleic acids typed. RESULTS Seven patients (three RP, four AMD) showed improved EDTRS visual acuity (VA) scores. Three of these patients (one RP, two AMD) showed improvement in both eyes to the same extent. Vision in one RP patient remained the same, while vision in two RP patients decreased. One RP patient has maintained an improvement in vision from 20/800 to 20/200 ETDRS for more than five years; at the six-year examination, it was still maintained at 20/320 while the nonsurgery eye had deteriorated to hand motion vision. This patient also showed a 22.72% increase in light sensitivity at five years compared to microperimetry results at two years; the other patients showed no improved sensitivity. Although no match was found between donors and recipients, no rejection of the implanted tissue was observed clinically. CONCLUSIONS Seven (70%) of 10 patients showed improved VA. This outcome provides clinical evidence of the safety and beneficial effect of retinal implants and corroborates results in animal models of retinal degeneration.
American Journal of Ophthalmology | 2002
Norman D Radtke; Magdalene J. Seiler; Robert B. Aramant; Heywood M. Petry; Diane J. Pidwell
PURPOSE To show the safety of transplanting sheets of fetal neural retina together with its retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) to patients with retinitis pigmentosa. DESIGN Interventional case series. METHODS Sheets of fetal neural retina and RPE were transplanted together into the subretinal space near the fovea unilaterally in the eyes of five patients with retinitis pigmentosa who had only light perception in both eyes. The patients were followed for 6 months. The main outcome measures were tissue typing of both donors and recipients, fluorescein angiography, multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) testing, and clinical examination. No immunosuppressive medications were given. RESULTS No evidence of rejection was observed. Up to 6 months there was no evidence of tissue disintegration, retinal edema, or scarring. There was no change in vision both by Snellen acuity and with mfERGs. Growth of the transplant was noted in two of five patients at 6 months vs. 2 weeks. All patients typed were HLA mismatched with donor tissue. CONCLUSIONS This study indicates that fetal retina can be transplanted together with its RPE and survive for at least 6 months without evidence of rejection. However, no improvements in vision were observed, possibly due to the severe retinal degeneration of the patients.
Journal of Neuroscience Research | 2002
Peng Yang; Magdalene J. Seiler; Robert B. Aramant; Scott R. Whittemore
To identify and characterize the lineage potential of rat neural retina progenitor cells (NRPCs) in vitro and engrafted into rats with retinal degeneration, NRPCs were isolated from neural retinas of embryonic day 17 Long Evans rats and cultured in serum‐free or serum‐containing media with fibroblast growth factor 2 and neurotrophin 3. After expansion, cellular differentiation was initiated by the withdrawal of these growth factors. Despite forming primary neurospheres, NRPCs cultured in serum‐free medium survived poorly after passage. In contrast, NRPCs cultured in serum‐containing medium could be expanded for up to 12 passages and differentiated into glial fibrillary acidic protein‐positive glial cells and retina‐specific neurons expressing rhodopsin, S‐antigen, calbindin, recoverin, and calretinin. For in vivo analysis, passage 1 (P1) undifferentiated NRPCs were labeled with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), implanted into the subretinal space of Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats, and analyzed immunohistochemically 4 weeks postgrafting. The grafted NRPCs showed extensive glial differentiation, irrespective of their topographic localization. A few BrdU‐labeled grafted NRPCs expressed protein kinase C, a marker for bipolar and amacrine interneuron‐specific differentiation. Other retina‐specific or oligodendrocytic differentiation was not detected in the grafted cells. Although NRPCs are capable of self‐renewal and multilineage differentiation in vitro, they developed mostly into glial cells following engraftment into the adult retina. These data suggest that the adult retina retains epigenetic signals that are either restrictive for neuronal differentiation or instructive for glial differentiation. Induction of lineage‐specific cell differentiation of engrafted NRPCs to facilitate retinal repair will likely require initiation of specific differentiation in vitro prior to grafting and/or modification of the host environment concomitantly with NRPC grafting.
Experimental Neurology | 2002
Peng Yang; Magdalene J. Seiler; Robert B. Aramant; Scott R. Whittemore
Human retinal development proceeds with temporal and spatial precision. Although differentiation starts around the beginning of the third month of gestation, the majority of cells in the outer neuroblastic layer of human neural retina are still proliferating, as evidenced by their Ki-67 immunoreactivity. In the present study, the proliferating human retinal progenitor cells (HRPCs) were isolated and expanded in culture. They were capable of dividing for multiple generations (with passage 8, the latest tested) and differentiating to several retinal cell phenotypes. These findings indicate that human retina at the 10th-13th week of gestation harbors progenitor cells that can be maintained and expanded in vitro for multiple generations. The availability of such cells may have important implications with respect to human degenerative retinal diseases, as these HRPCs have the potential to be used therapeutically to replace damaged retinal neurons.
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research | 2004
Robert B. Aramant; Magdalene J. Seiler
The aim of retinal transplantation is to prevent blindness and to restore eyesight, i.e. to rescue photoreceptors or to replace damaged photoreceptors with the hope of re-establishing neural circuitry. A promising experimental paradigm is the sub-retinal transplantation of sheets of fetal retina, with or without its attached retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), into recipient rats with retinal degeneration. Sheets of fetal retina have already developed their primordial circuitry. Such transplants can develop lamination resembling a normal retina dependent on the presence of healthy RPE either from the host or from the graft. In several retinal degeneration models, transplants have been shown to restore visually evoked responses in an area of the superior colliculus corresponding to the placement of the transplant in the retina. The functional effect of transplants may be due to transplant/host connectivity and/or rescue of host photoreceptors. In summary, sheets of fetal retina can morphologically repair an area of a degenerated retina, and there is evidence to suggest that transplants form synaptic connections with the host and restore visual responses in rats with retinal degeneration.
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research | 2002
Robert B. Aramant; Magdalene J. Seiler
Retinal transplantation aims to prevent blindness and to restore eyesight, i.e., to rescue photoreceptors or to replace damaged photoreceptors with the hope of reestablishing neural circuitry. Retinal donor tissue has been transplanted as dissociated cells or intact sheets. A promising experimental paradigm is the subretinal transplantation of sheets of fetal retina with or without its attached retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) into recipient rats with retinal degeneration. As long as healthy RPE either from the host or from the graft is present, such transplants can develop lamination resembling a normal retina. Different methods have been used to demonstrate transplant/host connectivity. In two different rat retinal degeneration models, visually evoked responses can be demonstrated in an area of the superior colliculus corresponding to the placement of the transplant in the retina. In summary, sheets of fetal retina can morphologically repair an area of a degenerated retina, and there is evidence to suggest that transplants form synaptic connections with the host and restore visual responses in blind rats.
Experimental Neurology | 1995
Robert B. Aramant; Magdalene J. Seiler
The aim of this study was to investigate (a) whether embryonic retinal transplants can sprout fibers into a lesioned adult host retina and (b) if these fibers established synaptic connections with the host. Embryonic rat (E16-22) or human (9-13 weeks) retinal cells were transplanted to adult rats. Normal Long-Evans rats received rat transplants. The hosts for human transplants were athymic nude rats. After varying survival times (3 to 11 months), animals were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (sometimes with added 0.1% glutaraldehyde). Glass microneedles, coated with DiI (a carbocyanine dye) were placed into the transplants which were then stored at room temperature in 2% paraformaldehyde for 3-15 months. This filled the cells that had processes in the area where the needle had been placed. Gelatin-embedded eyecups were cut on a vibratome. DiI-labeled transplant cells exhibited fiber outgrowth into the host retina. After photoconversion of the dye to an electron-dense precipitate, these neuronal processes could be followed with better resolution than with fluorescence. Occasionally, host cells could also be labeled by DiI placed into the graft, indicating fiber ingrowth of host fibers into the transplants. Selected photoconverted sections were embedded for electron microscopy. Synapses could be found along transplant processes that had grown into the host inner plexiform layer. These results indicate that neuronal fibers originating from embryonic retinal transplants form synapses in the host retina.
Experimental Eye Research | 1991
Berndt Ehinger; Anders Bergström; Magdalene J. Seiler; Robert B. Aramant; Charles L. Zucker; Björn Gustavi; Alan R. Adolph
Human fetal retinas (6-12 weeks post-conception) were obtained from elective abortions, transplanted to rat retinas and examined by electron microscopy. The oldest transplants that form the basis of this report were obtained 40 and 41 total weeks post-conception. The host rats were immunosuppressed with cyclosporin A. The transplants developed according to their intrinsic, genetically determined timetable. The development was heterogeneous with some parts showing almost normal differentiation and others, little. Both rods and cones developed with inner and outer segments and synaptic terminals. In regions corresponding to the inner plexiform layer, bipolar cell processes were seen in the typical dyad arrangement. Likewise, amacrine cell processes formed typical conventional synapses. Serial synapses were seen, engaging amacrine cell synapses as well as a few reciprocal synapses at the bipolar cell dyads. Monad-type synaptic complexes, a sign of immaturity, were common in bipolar cell processes. Similarly, incompletely differentiated synapses of both the amacrine and bipolar cell types were often observed. Ganglion cell processes could not be identified with certainty. A structure with morphological characteristics similar to the inner limiting membrane was noted to form inside the transplant. Both epi-retinal and sub-retinal transplants were obtained. Transplant cells touched host photoreceptor cells or pigment epithelium without any obvious specializations. The host pigment epithelium microvilli were absent adjacent to the graft. However, graft cells did appear in the host retina, and nerve cell processes were observed to cross the membrane separating the transplant and host.
Developmental Brain Research | 1994
Magdalene J. Seiler; Robert B. Aramant
The purpose of this study was to compare the development of photoreceptor and glial cells in human embryonic retinal transplants with the development of normal human embryonic retina (13-20 weeks postconception). Human embryonic retinal cells (donor age 6-11 weeks postconception) were transplanted to the retinas of adult immunosuppressed rat hosts. Host animals were killed when the transplants were of 13-37 weeks total age (donor age+survival time after surgery). Immunohistochemistry was performed with antibodies specific for neuron-specific enolase (NSE), synaptophysin (SYN), cone-specific opsins, rhodopsin, rod alpha-transducin, S-antigen, vimentin, cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). With regards to photoreceptors, NSE and SYN immunoreactive cones were seen in transplants from 14-16 weeks of age, but cone opsin immunoreactivity was not seen until 25 weeks. Developing graft rods became S-antigen immunoreactive at 17-18 weeks. At 20 weeks, inner segments and some cell somas of graft rods stained faintly for alpha-transducin and rhodopsin. At 31 and 37 weeks, inner and outer rod segments were intensely labelled for the rod-specific antigens. The grafts exhibited areas of varying maturation with different staining intensities. Concerning the glial cells, vimentin immunoreactivity was seen in the earliest transplants studied (total age 14-16 weeks), but only in stages older than 19 weeks was the immunoreactivity of graft Müller cells comparable in intensity to those of the host retina. Host Müller cells were immunoreactive for GFAP near the lesion site at all times. At 20 weeks, some GFAP immunoreactive processes were seen inside the graft, apparently coming from the host retina. At 25 weeks, faintly stained Müller cells intrinsic to the graft were observed, indicating a gliosis within the graft. Graft Müller cells were first seen to express CRALBP immunoreactivity at 19-20 weeks and, at 25 weeks, intense immunoreactivity was seen in the transplant, mostly in regions near the host. In the transplants only the Müller cells were stained, whereas both Müller and retinal pigment epithelium cells were CRALBP immunoreactive in the host retina. The development of human embryonic retinal transplants appears to parallel approximately normal in utero development. Transplant cones, rods and Müller cells all express their cell-specific proteins. The photoreceptors develop both inner and outer segments and contain several essential proteins for processing light. The transplants can reach a degree of maturity comparable to newborn retina.