
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems | 1988

Logic design verification via test generation

Magdy S. Abadir; Jack Ferguson; Tom E. Kirkland

A method for logic design verification is introduced in which a gate-level implementation of a circuit is compared with a functional-level specification. In this method, test patterns that were developed to detect single stuck-line faults in the gate-level implementation are used instead to compare the gate-level implementation with the functional-level specification. In the presence of certain hypothesized design errors, such a test set will produce responses in the implementation that disagree with the responses in the specification. It is shown that the class of design errors that can be detected in this way is very large. >

international conference on computer aided design | 2005

Post-verification debugging of hierarchical designs

Moayad Fahim Ali; Sean Safarpour; Andreas G. Veneris; Magdy S. Abadir; Rolf Drechsler

As VLSI designs grow in complexity and size, errors become more frequent and difficult to track. Recent developments have automated most of the verification tasks but debugging still remains a resource-intensive, manually conducted procedure. This paper bridges this gap as it develops robust automated debugging methodologies that complement verification processes. Unlike prior debugging techniques, the proposed one exploits the hierarchical nature of modern designs to improve the performance and quality of debugging. It also formulates the problem in terms of Quantified Boolean Formula Satisfiability to obtain dramatic reduction in memory requirements, which allows for debugging of large designs. Extensive experiments conducted on industrial and benchmark designs confirm the efficiency and practicality of the proposed approach.

international test conference | 2004

On correlating structural tests with functional tests for speed binning of high performance design

Jing Zeng; Magdy S. Abadir; G. Vandling; Li-C. Wang; A. Kolhatkar; Jacob A. Abraham

The use of functional vectors has been an industry standard for speed binning purposes of high performance ICs. This practice can be prohibitively expensive as the ICs become faster and more complex. In comparison, structural patterns can target performance related faults in a more systematic manner. To make structural testing an effective alternative to functional testing for speed binning, structural patterns need to correlate with functional test frequencies closely. We investigate the correlation between functional test frequency and that of various types of structural patterns on MPC7455, a Motorola processor executing to the PowerPC/spl trade/ instruction set architecture.

design automation conference | 1997

Formal verification of content addressable memories using symbolic trajectory evaluation

Manish Pandey; Richard Raimi; Randal E. Bryant; Magdy S. Abadir

In this paper we report on new techniques for verifying contentaddressable memories (CAMs), and demonstrate that these techniqueswork well for large industrial designs. It was shown in [Formal verification of PowerPC(TM) arrays using symbolic trajectory evaluation], that theformal verification technique of symbolic trajectory evaluation (STE)could be used successfully on memory arrays. We have extended thatwork to verify what are perhaps the most combinatorially difficultclass of memory arrays, CAMs. We use new Boolean encodings toverify CAMs, and show that these techniques scale well, in that spacerequirements increase linearly, or sub-linearly, with the various CAMsize parameters.In this paper, we describe the verification of two CAMs froma recentPowerPC¿ microprocessor design, a Block Address Translation unit(BAT), and a Branch Target Address Cache unit (BTAC). The BATis a complex CAM, with variable length bit masks. The BTAC is a64-entry, 64-bits per entry, fully associative CAM and is part of thespeculative instruction fetch mechanism of the microprocessor. Webelieve that ours is the first work on formally verifying CAMs, and webelieve our techniques make it feasible to efficiently verify the varietyof CAMs found on modern processors.

design automation conference | 1992

Automatic test knowledge extraction from VHDL (ATKET)

Praveen Vishakantaiah; Jacob A. Abraham; Magdy S. Abadir

The authors describe ATKET (automatic test knowledge extraction tool), which synthesizes test knowledge using structural and behavioral information available in the very high-speed IC description language (VHDL) description of a design. A VHDL analyzer produces an intermediate representation of the information contained in a VHDL design. ATKET interfaces to this intermediate representation to access structural and behavioral information in the design and stores it in suitable data structures. A convenient representation called the module operation tree (MOT) is used to capture the behavior of modules in the design. Information stored in the MOT along with structural information describing connections between modules in the design is used to generate test knowledge. Results obtained from ATKET for a circuit which was difficult to test are presented.<<ETX>>

international symposium on circuits and systems | 2004

Fault equivalence and diagnostic test generation using ATPG

Andreas G. Veneris; Robert Chang; Magdy S. Abadir; Mandana Amiri

Fault equivalence is an essential concept in digital design with significance in fault diagnosis, diagnostic test generation, testability analysis and logic synthesis. In this paper, an efficient algorithm to check whether two faults are equivalent is presented. If they are not equivalent, the algorithm returns a test vector that distinguishes them. The proposed approach is complete since for every pair of faults it either proves equivalence or it returns a distinguishing vector. This is performed with a simple hardware construction and a sequence of simulation/ATPG-based steps. Experiments on benchmark circuits demonstrate the competitiveness of the proposed method.

IEEE Design & Test of Computers | 2007

A Survey of Hybrid Techniques for Functional Verification

Jayanta Bhadra; Magdy S. Abadir; Li-C. Wang; Sandip Ray

This article surveys recent advances in hybrid approaches for functional verification. These approaches combine multiple verification techniques so that they complement one another, resulting in superior verification effectiveness.

design automation conference | 1998

Automatic generation of assertions for formal verification of PowerPC/sup TM /microprocessor arrays using symbolic trajectory evaluation

Li-C. Wang; Magdy S. Abadir; Nari Krishnamurthy

For verifying complex sequen tialbloc ks such as microprocessor embedded arrays, the formal method of symbolic trajectory ev aluation (STE) has achieved great success in the past [[3], [5], [6]]. P ast STE methodology for arrays requires manual creation of “assertions” to which both the RTL view and the actual design should be equivalent. In this paper, w e describe a novel method to automate the assertion creation process which improves the efficiency and the quality of array verification. Encouraging results on recent P owerPC arrays will be presented.

design automation conference | 2007

Design-silicon timing correlation: a data mining perspective

Li-C. Wang; Pouria Bastani; Magdy S. Abadir

In the post-silicon stage, timing information can be extracted from two sources: (1) on-chip monitors and (2) delay testing. In the past, delay test data has been overlooked in the correlation study. In this paper, we take path delay testing as an example to illustrate how test data can be incorporated in the overall design-silicon correlation effort. We describe a path-based methodology that correlates measured path delays from the good chips, to the path delays predicted by timing analysis. We discuss how statistical data mining can be employed for extracting information and show experimental results to demonstrate the potential of the proposed methodology.

IEEE Transactions on Computers | 1997

Indexed BDDs: algorithmic advances in techniques to represent and verify Boolean functions

Jawahar Jain; James R. Bitner; Magdy S. Abadir; Jacob A. Abraham; Donald S. Fussell

A new Boolean function representation scheme, the Indexed Binary Decision Diagram (IBDD), is proposed to provide a compact representation for functions whose Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) representation is intractably large. We explain properties of IBDDs and present algorithms for constructing IBDDs from a given circuit. Practical and effective algorithms for satisfiability testing and equivalence checking of IBDDs, as well as their implementation results, are also presented. The results show that many functions, such as multipliers and the hidden-weighted-bit function, whose analysis is intractable using OBDDs, can be efficiently accomplished using IBDDs. We report efficient verification of Booth multipliers, as well as a practical strategy for polynomial time verification of some classes of unsigned array multipliers.

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