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SAGE Open | 2016

A Complex View of Industry 4.0

Vasja Roblek; Maja Meško; Alojz Krapež

This article is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 and consequently the Internet-connected technologies for the creation of value added for organizations and society. The contribution of the article is mainly conceptual. With the development of the Internet, the Internet of things that is central to the new industrial revolution has led to “Industry 4.0.” The aim of this article is to synthesize the known theory and practices of Industry 4.0, and to investigate the changes that will result from Industry 4.0 and with the development of the Internet of things.

Kybernetes | 2013

The impact of social media to value added in knowledge-based industries

Vasja Roblek; Mirjana Pejić Bach; Maja Meško; Andrej Bertoncelj

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the significance of Web 2.0 and social media for organizational development and adaptation to an ever‐changing business environment and its successful managing. A model is proposed based on the concepts of innovative economy, knowledge management and social media for value creation in knowledge‐based industries.Design/methodology/approach – The paper examines critical factors that influence the role of social media in organizational change and value creation in knowledge‐based industries.Findings – The paper contributes to discussion about the increasingly important role of social media in the value added chain in knowledge‐based industries.Research limitations/implications – Social media are still an emerging phenomenon and further studies are required to investigate these relationships over a longer period of time.Practical implications – The topic is relevant for designing corporate strategies in knowledge‐based companies becoming a part of global n...

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics | 2015

Lower back pain and absenteeism among professional public transport drivers

Friderika Kresal; Vasja Roblek; Andrej Jerman; Maja Meško

Drivers in public transport are subjected to lower back pain. The reason for the pain is associated with the characteristics of the physical position imposed on the worker while performing the job. Lower back pain is the main cause of absenteeism among drivers. The present study includes 145 public transport drivers employed as professional drivers for an average of 14.14 years. Analysis of the data obtained in the study includes the basic descriptive statistics, χ2 test and multiple regression analysis. Analysis of the incidence of lower back pain showed that the majority of our sample population suffered from pain in the lower back. We found that there are no statistically significant differences between the groups formed by the length of service as a professional driver and incidence of lower back pain; we were also interested in whether or not the risk factors of lower back pain affects the absenteeism of city bus drivers. Analysis of the data has shown that the risk factors of pain in the lower part of the spine do affect the absenteeism of city bus drivers.

Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2010

Occupational stress among slovene managers with respect to their participation in recreational sport activities

Maja Meško; Mateja Videmšek; Damir Karpljuk; Zlatka Meško Štok; Iztok Podbregar

Occupational stress among slovene managers with respect to their participation in recreational sport activities Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the level of stress that managers experience at workplace, and to determine possible differences between the selected independent variables, including gender, age and participation in recreational sports, and the level of occupational stress experienced. Methods: We studied a sample of 85 managers from randomly selected Slovene companies. The data obtained were processed by the SPSS computer programme and analysed by the following statistical methods: descriptive statistics and frequency distribution for variables; t-test to examine the statistical signifcance of differences between the genders concerning the experience of stress symptoms; and ANOVA to examine statistical signifcance of differences between age groups and physical activity of groups in terms of stress symptoms. All our statistically significant conclusions were drawn at a 95% confidence interval. Results: The participants assessed their work-related stress as moderate. There were no statistically significant differences in their experiencing of occupational stress with respect to the selected socio-demographic variables, i.e. gender and age. However, the participating managers differed significantly in two variables, i.e. participation in recreational sports activities and experience of occupational stress. The lowest level of stress was experienced by managers practicing recreational sports at least three times a week, and the highest in those not engaged in any recreational sports activities. Conclusion: Managers who often experience stress need to adopt healthier, more physically active, lifestyles. Stres Na Delovnem Mestu Pri Slovenskih Managerjih Glede Na Udeležbo Pri Športnih Dejavnostih Namen: Ugotavljali smo stopnjo stresa, ki ga managerji doživljajo pri svojem delu, identificirali stresorje, ki delujejo na delovnem mestu managerja, ter ugotavljali morebitne razlike med izbranimi neodvisnimi spremenljivkami (spol, starost, udeležba pri športnih dejavnosti) in doživljanjem stresa pri managerjih, povezanega z delom. Metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 85 managerjev naključno izbranih slovenskih podjetij. Podatki so bili obdelani s pomočjo statističnega programom SPSS za Windows. Uporabljene so bile naslednje statistične metode obdelave podatkov: deskriptivna statistika ter frekvenčna porazdelitev za spremenljivke, t-test in enosmerna analiza variance za preverjanje statistične pomembnosti razlik med izbranimi neodvisnimi spremenljivkami in doživljanjem z delom povezanega stresa. Vse statistično značilne zaključke smo sprejemali pri 5-ostotnem tveganju. Rezultati: Managerji, udeleženi v raziskavo, v povprečju ocenjujejo svoje delo kot zmerno stresno. Prav tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v doživljanju z delom povezanega stresa glede na izbrane socio-demografske spremenljivke - spol in starost. Statistično pomembne razlike se pojavljajo pri doživljanju z delom povezanega stresa ter udeležbo pri športnih dejavnostih. Najnižja stopnja stresa se pojavlja pri managerjih, ki se ukvarjajo s športno dejavnostjo najmanj trikrat tedensko, najvišja stopnja stresa pa se pojavlja pri tistih managerjih, ki se s športno dejavnostjo ne ukvarjajo. Zaključek: Pri managerjih, ki pogosto doživljajo stres, je potreben bistven premik k bolj zdravemu življenjskemu slogu, ki vključuje več gibanja.

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business | 2009

The advantage of the EFQM excellence model in business management and leadership

Zlatka Meško Štok; Maja Meško; Mirko Markič

Recently, more and more enterprises recognise the importance of the quality of products and services and business excellence. By gaining new markets and new customers in the world market, the enterprises meet numerous challenges, confrontations, new legislation and technology. Taking into account the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model, our research defines the endeavours of the enterprises that strive for better structure, behaviour and communication paths to reach the final customers, with emphasis on improved quality, higher competitiveness and customer satisfaction. In our research, we compare the enterprises holding a business excellence certificate with those that do not hold it. We establish that they differ in some characteristics of their management, which are defined by nine criteria. For years, several Slovene enterprises have been successfully selling their products to the industrially developed countries in Europe and to the USA. They are the first to develop and achieve high growth in their enterprises and, in turn, their own business excellence.

Safety Engineering | 2012


Maja Meško; Jera Zajec; Zlatka Meško-Štok; Mirko Markič

The aim of this study is to identify experiencing stress level at work, the stress symptoms frequency among Slovene managers, and to establish gender differences in terms of the intensity of experiencing stress symptoms. 85 middle level managers from Slovene companies of random choice participated in this study. The obtained data have been processed with SPSS 16.0 and the descriptive statistics, using frequency distribution and t-test data processing statistic methods to analyze them. The results of the study have shown that there are gender differences in terms of all the above mentioned factors, namely a statistically higher level of stress in women. In terms of stress symptoms occurrence, there are gender differences in some stress symptoms as well as in the intensity of experiencing stress symptoms.

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management | 2009

The process of leadership, innovation and decision making through the influence of values

Zlatka Meško Štok; Mirko Markič; Maja Meško

Slovene enterprises involved in the process of ownership transformation represent an important management challenge to organisations and their management concepts. The enterprise business strategy considers various business resources, the existing enterprises culture and values, the changes in the distribution of work and informational structure. To achieve good results in enterprise management as well as good economic results, knowing the elements of organisational culture is of utmost importance. Values form an integral part of organisational culture and they influence the management of an enterprise. This study aims at establishing whether there are differences in the values held by managers or executives and those held by other employees; moreover, it aims at establishing whether there are differences in values among enterprises, considering their sphere of activity and their size. For the enterprise to be able to act innovatively and not to cling to its old habits and customs, it is necessary that all the workers in the enterprise and above all its management (top, middle and lower) act innovatively, using the knowledge and considering the values of the internal and external environment of the enterprise. We performed enquiries in 150 enterprises in the Republic of Slovenia in the central region of Slovenia. These inquiries showed that the values of managers and those of other employees represented a significant contribution to a successful transition.

Organizacija | 2017

Psychosocial factors in the development of low back pain among professional drivers

Friderika Kresal; Tine Bertoncel; Maja Meško

Abstract Background and purpose: Professional drivers as a group are exposed to high risk of developing low back pain due to ergonomic factors and work conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the low back pain occurs among Slovene professional drivers as a result of the development of various psychosocial factors. Methodology: The study involved 275 respondents (professional bus drivers, car/van drivers, international truck/lorry drivers, and ambulance car drivers). Hypotheses were tested using multivariate statistical method (regression analysis) and analysis of variance. Data were collected by structured questionnaire comprised of three parts: socio-demographic data, basic psychosocial factors causing low back pain, and incidence, duration and severity of low back pain as a result of psychosocial risk factors, was implemented. Results: The results of quantitative survey suggest that low back pain is mostly caused by lifting and carrying heavy loads, inadequate working conditions, poor physical fitness, regular nights out, shift work, and stress. Only the impact of gender on low back pain distress among professional drivers was confirmed, predominantly among bus drivers and lorry drivers on international routes. Low back pain occurrence was less common, albeit not statistically significant, among professional drivers of vans and passenger cars. Conclusion: Our study suggests that psychosocial factors are also important cause for the development of low back pain among professional drivers and can limit the quality of their social and professional lives.



Ivan Erenda; Maja Meško; Boris Bukovec

A high level of dynamics in automotive industry requires a high level of skillsfrom its managers to deal with the surprising and unexpected new challenges.According to the testimony of scientific evidence through the use of intuition and intime limited resources, decision-making can improve the time needed to solve them,as well as improve the quality of decisions. The main purpose of the study is toidentify possible correlation between level of emotional intelligence and intuitivedecision-making among top and middle-level managers in Slovenian automotiveindustry. The study included 150 managers in Slovenian automotive industry. Thedata was collected by using two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was used inorder to determine emotional intelligence (SSEIT questionnaire) and the secondquestionnaire was used to identify decision-making style (GDMS questionnaire)among researched managers. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS forWindows 17.0, which showed high correlation between level of emotionalintelligence and intuitive decision-making style among top and middle-level managersin Slovenian automotive industry.

Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2014

Analysis of Injuries Among Children in Kindergartens During Physical Activities

Mateja Videmšek; Jože Štihec; Damir Karpljuk; Maja Meško; Jera Gregorc; Naja Videmšek

Abstract Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the opinions of educators about the occurrence of injuries in children of different ages during organized and non-organized physical activities in kindergarten. Methods. Our sample included 322 teachers from 53 kindergartens in Slovenia. We calculated the frequencies and performed a chi-square test. Results. Most of the children have organized physical activity in kindergarten 1 to 2 times per week; for children in the first age group, it usually lasts for 20 minutes or less; for children in the second age group, it lasts for 20 to 30 minutes. Most physical activities take place in the playroom, where the majority of injuries also occur. Injuries most frequently occur when running and jumping and less frequently during other physical activities. During free play, children are often injured in the outer court between 9 and 12 a.m. Boys are more often injured than girls. Educators indicate unforeseen situations as the most common cause of injury. The most common injuries are bumps on the head, especially in younger children, who stay at home for a few days as a result of these injuries. Parents of younger children are not as satisfied with the actions of educators when injuries occur as parents of older preschool children. Educators rehabilitate the children’s injuries themselves and inform parents about it. Only one third of the educators make a record of injuries, and half of them only when a serious injury has occurred. Conclusions. The analysis results showed statistically significant differences between children of different ages according to the cause of injury, time of injury, the place where the child was injured during organized physical activity, type of activity at the time of injury, injured part of the body, and parental satisfaction with the action of the educator. Based on the results, we proposed some actions to reduce injuries in preschool children in kindergarten. Izvleček Izhodišča. Namen raziskave je bil analizirati mnenja vzgojiteljev o nastanku poškodbe pri organiziranih in neorganiziranih gibalnih dejavnostih otrok v vrtcih glede na starost otrok. Metode. Podatki so bili pridobljeni z anketiranjem 322 vzgojiteljev iz 53 vrtcev v Sloveniji. Izračunane so bile frekvence in izveden hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati. Večina otrok ima v vrtcu organizirane gibalne dejavnosti od 1-krat do 2-krat tedensko; pri otrocih prvega starostnega obdobja trajajo večinoma 20 minut in manj, v drugem starostnem obdobju pa od 20 do 30 minut. Dejavnosti potekajo največkrat v igralnici, v kateri se tudi poškoduje največ otrok. Poškodbe nastanejo najpogosteje pri teku in skokih, manj pri drugih gibalnih dejavnostih. Med prosto igro pa se otroci največkrat poškodujejo na zunanjem igrišču, in to med 9. in 12. uro. Večkrat se poškodujejo dečki kot deklice. Vzgojitelji kot najpogostejši vzrok za poškodbo navajajo nepredvidene situacije, najpogostejše poškodbe pa so udarci, in sicer v glavo, zlasti pri najmlajših otrocih, ki zaradi tega nekaj dni ostanejo doma. Starši najmlajših otrok so tudi manj zadovoljni z ukrepanjem vzgojitelja. Vzgojitelji največkrat sami sanirajo poškodbo in obvestijo starše. Le tretjina vzgojiteljev vedno naredi zapisnik o poškodbi, več kot polovica le pri hujših poškodbah. Zaključki. Analiza je pokazala statistično značilne razlike med različnimi starostnimi skupinami otrok glede vzrokov poškodb, časa nastanka poškodb, prostora, v katerem se otrok poškoduje med organizirano gibalno dejavnostjo, vrste dejavnosti med poškodbami, dela poškodovanega telesa in zadovoljstva staršev z ukrepanjem vzgojitelja ob poškodbi. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov so predlagani ukrepi za zmanjševanje poškodb pri predšolskih otrocih v vrtcu.


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Vasja Roblek

University of Primorska

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