
Virchows Archiv | 2005

Classification of types of intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas: a consensus study

Toru Furukawa; Günter Klöppel; N. Volkan Adsay; Jorge Albores-Saavedra; Noriyoshi Fukushima; Akira Horii; Ralph H. Hruban; Yo Kato; David S. Klimstra; Daniel S. Longnecker; Jutta Lüttges; G. Johan A. Offerhaus; Michio Shimizu; Makoto Sunamura; Arief A. Suriawinata; Kyoichi Takaori; Suguru Yonezawa

Now that more than two decades have passed since the first reports of intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs), it has become clear that IPMN consists of a spectrum of neoplasms with both morphological and immunohistochemical variations. At a meeting of international experts on pancreatic precursor lesions held in 2003, it was agreed that a consensus classification of IPMN subtypes should be established to enable a more detailed analysis of the clinicopathological significance of the variations. Based on our experience and on information from the literature, we selected representative histological examples of IPMNs and defined a consensus nomenclature and criteria for classifying variants as distinctive IPMN subtypes including gastric type, intestinal type, pancreatobiliary type, and oncocytic type. These definitions can be used for further analyses of the clinicopathological significance of the variations of IPMN.

Pancreas | 2004

Pancreatic Cancer Registry in Japan: 20 years of experience.

Seiki Matsuno; Shinichi Egawa; Shoji Fukuyama; Fuyuhiko Motoi; Makoto Sunamura; Shuji Isaji; Toshihide Imaizumi; Shuichi Okada; Hiroyuki Kato; Kouichi Suda; Akimasa Nakao; Takehisa Hiraoka; Ryo Hosotani; Kazunori Takeda

Abstract: The prognosis of pancreatic cancer is defined by the histology and extent of disease. Preoperative histologic diagnosis and diagnostic imaging are fundamentals in managing the disease, but it is not rare to find unexpected peritoneal dissemination or liver metastasis at the time of operation. The overall resectability rate of pancreatic cancer is 40% in Japan. Resecting the portal vein and peripancreatic plexus were performed on 40% of the patients who underwent pancreatectomy for invasive cancer in the head of the pancreas. Long-term survival was only found in patients who underwent pancreatectomy. Radical lymph node dissection, or combined resection of the large vessels, did not seem to improve survival further than the standard resection. Multidisciplinary treatments combined with surgery were performed, and various effects of postoperative chemotherapy after pancreatectomy, intraoperative- and postoperative-radiation therapy, or postoperative chemotherapy for unresectable tumor, were shown. Development of unconventional therapies and refinement of the conventional therapy should be promoted on a randomized prospective trial basis. To promote this effort, which requires the international comparisons and cooperation, JPS developed a computerized JPS registration system downloadable from the JPS website (

Pancreas | 2004

Cystic neoplasm of the pancreas: a Japanese multiinstitutional study of intraductal papillary mucinous tumor and mucinous cystic tumor.

Yutaka Suzuki; Yutaka Atomi; Masanori Sugiyama; Shuji Isaji; Kazuo Inui; Wataru Kimura; Makoto Sunamura; Toru Furukawa; Akio Yanagisawa; Jo Ariyama; Tadahiro Takada; Hidenobu Watanabe; Koichi Suda

Abstract: The Japan Pancreas Society performed a multiinstitutional, retrospective study of 1379 cases of intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) and 179 cases of mucinous cystic tumor (MCT) of the pancreas. Clinicopathologic features and postoperative long-term outcomes were investigated. IPMT were most frequently found in men and in the head of the pancreas. In contrast, all patients with MCT were women. Ovarian-type stroma were found in only 42.2% of the MCT cases. Prognostic indicators of malignant IPMT included advanced age, positive symptoms, abundant mucous secretion, presence of large nodules and/or large cysts, remarkable dilatation of the main pancreatic duct, and main duct- or combined-type IPMT. Advanced age, positive symptoms, and presence of large nodules and/or large cysts were predictive of malignant MCT. The 5-year survival rate of IPMT patients was 98%–100% in adenoma to noninvasive carcinoma cases, 89% in minimally invasive carcinoma cases, and 57.7% in invasive carcinoma cases. The 5-year survival rate of MCT patients was 100% in adenoma to minimally invasive carcinoma cases and 37.5% in invasive carcinoma cases. In conclusion, IPMT and MCT show distinct clinicopathologic and prognostic differences. The results from this study may contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of IPMT and MCT.

Cancer Research | 2005

RNA interference targeting aurora kinase A suppresses tumor growth and enhances the taxane chemosensitivity in human pancreatic cancer cells

Tatsuo Hata; Toru Furukawa; Makoto Sunamura; Shinichi Egawa; Fuyuhiko Motoi; Noriyuki Ohmura; Tomotoshi Marumoto; Hideyuki Saya; Akira Horii

AURKA/STK15/BTAK, the gene encoding Aurora A kinase that is involved in the regulation of centrosomes and segregation of chromosomes, is frequently amplified and overexpressed in various kinds of human cancers, including pancreatic cancer. To address its possibility as a therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer, we employed the RNA interference technique to knockdown AURKA expression and analyzed its phenotypes. We found that the specific knockdown of AURKA in cultured pancreatic cancer cells strongly suppressed in vitro cell growth and in vivo tumorigenicity. The knockdown induced the accumulation of cells in the G(2)-M phase and eventual apoptosis. Furthermore, we observed a synergistic enhancement of the cytotoxicity of taxanes, a group of chemotherapeutic agents impairing G(2)-M transition, by the RNA interference-mediated knockdown of AURKA. These results indicate that inhibition of AURKA expression can result in potent antitumor activity and chemosensitizing activity to taxanes in human pancreatic cancer.

American Journal of Pathology | 2003

Potential Tumor Suppressive Pathway Involving DUSP6/MKP-3 in Pancreatic Cancer

Toru Furukawa; Makoto Sunamura; Fuyuhiko Motoi; Seiki Matsuno; Akira Horii

We previously found frequent loss of heterozygosity at 12q21 and 12q22-q23.1 in primary pancreatic cancers, and the DUSP6/MKP-3 gene residing in this region at 12q22 lost its expression in the great majority of pancreatic cancer cell lines. The DUSP6/MKP-3 protein is a dual-specificity phosphatase that dephosphorylates the active form of ERK, making a feedback loop to control ERK activity. Gain-of-function mutations of KRAS2 occur in the great majority of pancreatic cancer cells, and loss of expression of DUSP6/MKP-3 may synergistically promote constitutive activation of ERK and uncontrolled cell growth. To study loss of the feedback pathway and its impact on pancreatic cancer cell growth, we first investigated the expression of DUSP6/MKP-3 in primary pancreatic cancer tissues immunohistochemically; we found up-regulation in mildly as well as severely dysplastic/in situ carcinoma cells and down-regulation in invasive carcinoma, especially in the poorly differentiated type. Adenovirus-mediated reintroduction of DUSP6/MKP-3 into cultured pancreatic cancer cells induced strong expression of recombinant DUSP6/MKP-3 and reduction of phosphorylated ERK in a dose-dependent manner based on the multiplicity of infection and resulted in suppression of cell growth. Moreover, analyses by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry revealed that the exogenous expression of DUSP6/MKP-3 induced apoptosis. These results show that DUSP6 exerts apparent tumor-suppressive effects in vitro and suggest that DUSP6 is a strong candidate tumor suppressor gene at 12q22 locus.

Angiogenesis | 2003

Heme oxygenase-1 accelerates tumor angiogenesis of human pancreatic cancer

Makoto Sunamura; Dan G. Duda; Maivel H. Ghattas; Lucian Lozonschi; Fuyuhiko Motoi; Junichiro Yamauchi; Seiki Matsuno; Shigeki Shibahara; Nader G. Abraham

Angiogenesis is necessary for the continued growth of solid tumors, invasion and metastasis. Several studies clearly showed that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) plays an important role in angiogenesis. In this study, we used the vital microscope system, transparent skinfold model, lung colonization model and transduced pancreatic cancer cell line (Panc-1)/human heme oxygenase-1 (hHO-1) cells, to precisely analyze, for the first time, the effect of hHO-1 gene on tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. Our results revealed that HO-1 stimulates angiogenesis of pancreatic carcinoma in severe combined immune deficient mice. Overexpression of human hHO-1 after its retroviral transfer into Panc-1 cells did not interfere with tumor growth in vitro. While in vivo the development of tumors was accelerated upon transfection with hHO-1. On the other hand, inhibition of heme oxygenase (HO) activity by stannous mesoporphyrin was able transiently to delay tumor growth in a dose dependent manner. Tumor angiogenesis was markedly increased in Panc-1/hHO-1 compared to mock transfected and wild type. Lectin staining and Ki-67 proliferation index confirmed these results. In addition hHO-1 stimulated in vitro tumor angiogenesis and increased endothelial cell survival. In a lung colonization model, overexpression of hHO-1 increased the occurrence of metastasis, while inhibition of HO activity by stannous mesoporphyrin completely inhibited the occurrence of metastasis. In conclusion, overexpression of HO-1 genes potentiates pancreatic cancer aggressiveness, by increasing tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis and that the inhibition of the HO system may be of useful benefit for the future treatment of the disease.

American Journal of Surgery | 1996

Continuous regional arterial infusion of protease inhibitor and antibiotics in acute necrotizing pancreatitis

Kazunori Takeda; Seiki Matsuno; Makoto Sunamura; Yoichiro Kakugawa

PURPOSE This study was conducted to determine whether continuous regional arterial infusion (CRAI) of the protease inhibitor, nafamostat mesylate, in acute necrotizing pancreatitis, would reduce mortality. In addition, the effectiveness of CRAI of the antibiotic imipenem in combination with nafamostat was investigated for its effect in preventing secondary infection of the pancreatic necrotic tissue. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty- three patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis were divided into three groups: Group I, 16 patients who were referred >8 days after disease onset, received intravenous nafamostat and antibiotics; Group II, 22 patients referred within 7 days, received nafamostat via CRAI, and antibiotics intravenously; Group III, 15 patients referred within 7 days, received both nafamostat and imipenem via CRAI. RESULTS The mortality rates in Group II (13.6%) and group III (6.7%) were significantly reduced, as compared with that in group I (43.8%). The incidence of infection of pancreatic necrosis in group III (0%) was significantly lower than those in group I (50%) and in group II (22.8%). CONCLUSION CRAI of nafamostat and imipenem in acute necrotizing pancreatitis was effective in reducing mortality and preventing the development of pancreatic infection.

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1997

Frequent gain of copy number on the long arm of chromosome 20 in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Shinichi Fukushige; Frederic M. Waldman; Mitsuhiro Kimura; Tadayoshi Abe; Toru Furukawa; Makoto Sunamura; Masao Kobari; Akira Horii

We have used comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to survey genomic regions with aberrant copy numbers of DNA sequences in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. In 12 cell lines and 6 primary tumors from 18 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinomas, highly frequent losses (>60%) were observed on chromosome arms 6q, 9p, and 18q and the Y chromosome. Moderately frequent losses (40–60%) were observed on chromosome arms 3p, 4q, 8p, and 21q. Interestingly, these samples showed extremely high frequencies of increases in copy numbers of DNA sequences on the long arm of chromosome 20 (15/18, 83%). We further analyzed five cell lines by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes on chromosome 20 to define the increase in copy number more accurately, and we found that 20q was increased to between 5 and 8 copies per cell. These results suggest the existence of an oncogene or oncogenes on 20q that play a role in the development and/or the progression of pancreatic carcinogenesis. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 19:161–169, 1997.

Clinical Cancer Research | 2005

Intrinsic Chemoresistance to Gemcitabine Is Associated with Decreased Expression of BNIP3 in Pancreatic Cancer

Masanori Akada; Tatjana Crnogorac-Jurcevic; Samuel Lattimore; Patrick Mahon; Rita Lopes; Makoto Sunamura; Seiki Matsuno; Nicholas R. Lemoine

Purpose: Although chemotherapy with gemcitabine is a common mode of treatment of pancreatic cancer, 75% of patients do not benefit from this therapy. It is likely that the sensitivity of cancer cells to gemcitabine is determined by a number of different factors. Experimental Design: To identify genes that might contribute to resistance to gemcitabine, 15 pancreatic cancer cell lines were subjected to gemcitabine treatment. Simultaneously, gene expression profiling using a cDNA microarray to identify genes responsible for gemcitabine sensitivity was performed. Results: The pancreatic cancer cell lines could be classified into three groups: a gemcitabine “sensitive,” an “intermediate sensitive,” and a “resistant” group. Microarray analysis identified 71 genes that show differential expression between gemcitabine-sensitive and -resistant cell lines including 27 genes relatively overexpressed in sensitive cell lines whereas 44 genes are relatively overexpressed in resistant cell lines. Among these genes, 7 genes are potentially involved in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway. In addition to this major signaling pathway, Bcl2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein interacting protein (BNIP3), a Bcl-2 family proapoptotic protein, was identified as being expressed at lower levels in drug-resistant pancreatic cancer cell lines. In an analysis of 21 pancreatic cancer tissue specimens, more than 90% showed down-regulated expression of BNIP3. When expression of BNIP3 was suppressed using small interfering RNA, gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity in vitro was much reduced. Conclusions: These results suggest that BNIP3 and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway may play an important role in the poor response to gemcitabine treatment in pancreatic cancer patients.

Modern Pathology | 2005

Distinct progression pathways involving the dysfunction of DUSP6/MKP-3 in pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas

Toru Furukawa; Rumi Fujisaki; Yoshitaro Yoshida; Naomi Kanai; Makoto Sunamura; Tadayoshi Abe; Kazunori Takeda; Seiki Matsuno; Akira Horii

DUSP6/MKP-3 is identified as a candidate tumor suppressor gene for pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to elucidate the roles of DUSP6 in the pancreatic carcinogenesis through the pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and/or intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms, both of which are considered to be precursor lesions of invasive carcinoma of the pancreas, by comparing with involvements of other major tumor suppressive pathways. Expressions of DUSP6, CDKN2A, TP53, and SMAD4 were investigated by immunohistochemistry in a total of 206 lesions of dysplastic ductal precursors and carcinomas retrieved from 52 pancreata with invasive ductal carcinomas and 51 of those with intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms. The intensity of staining was evaluated in lesions at different atypical grades and statistically compared among them. Mutations of KRAS2 were analyzed by methods of the allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization and nucleotide sequencing. In pancreata with invasive ductal carcinomas, expressions of DUSP6 were abrogated exclusively in the invasive carcinoma cells in contrast to its fairly preserved expressions in pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia. In pancreata with intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms, abrogated expressions of DUSP6 were observed in a relatively small fraction of intraductal adenoma/borderlines and intraductal carcinomas. Most of the intraductal adenoma/borderline lesions with abrogation of DUSP6 harbored mutations of KRAS2. None of the molecules was associated with each other in any grade of lesions. Morphological variations of papillae of the intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms were evaluated and analyzed for their associations with abrogations of the molecules, which resulted in finding of no significant associations. Our results suggest that the abrogation of DUSP6 is associated exclusively with progression from pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia to the invasive ductal carcinoma while it is potentially associated with initiation of intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms with mutated KRAS2, which is independent of other major tumor suppressive pathways in both types of neoplasms.

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