Małgorzata Anna Basińska
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
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Featured researches published by Małgorzata Anna Basińska.
international journal of endocrinology and metabolism | 2012
Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Anna Andruszkiewicz
Background Adaptation to a chronic somatic disease depends on a variety of factors, including belief in health locus of control. Objectives Correlation between health locus of control and illness acceptance in patients with Graves-Basedow and Hashimoto diseases as well as correlation between health locus of control, illness acceptance, sex, and age. Patients and Methods Three methods were applied: Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale by K.A. Wallston, B.S. Wallston and R. DeVellis; the Acceptance of Illness Scale by B.J. Felton, T.A. Revenson, and G.A. Hinrichsena; and a personal questionnaire. Two groups were subject to the research: 68 patients with Graves-Basedow disease and 54 patients with Hashimoto disease. Results Patients with Graves-Basedow disease, women above all, have their health locus of control in other persons (P = 0,001) and are less inclined to accept their illness (P = 0,005) when compared to patients with Hashimoto disease. A statistically significant correlation occurred between the age of patients and external (i.e., in other persons) health locus of control. Conclusions Beliefs in health locus of control and type of illness in female patient group are predictors of illness acceptance (P = 0,0009).
Postepy Dermatologii I Alergologii | 2013
Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Agnieszka Woźniewicz
Introduction Type D personality is the last distinguished specific type of personality that is characterised by two dimensions: a tendency for feeling negative emotions – depression, anxiety, anger or hostility, and a tendency for withdrawal from the society. The latest research shows the significant role played by type D personality in the aetiology and course of a variety of diseases. Aim The article discusses the problem of the occurrence of type D personality in the group of patients suffering from psoriasis. Diversities in the clinical condition of psoriasis patients due to increasing type D personality traits are specified. Material and methods Ninety psoriasis patients and 86 healthy subjects participated in the research. In the research questionnaires, the scale for assessing increasing psoriasis complaints and the DS-14 scale to assess type D personality were applied. Results Research results made it possible to corroborate more frequent occurrence of type D personality among psoriasis patients. Moreover, it was found that with increasing negative affectivity – one of type D personality components – complaints increase as far as the clinical condition of psoriasis patients is concerned. Conclusions Monitoring of psychological well-being of psoriasis patients, especially within type D personality, seems to be a vital element, irrespective of purely medical treatment.
Postepy Dermatologii I Alergologii | 2013
Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Marta Drozdowska
Introduction Research reports confirm the existence of a relation between emotional intelligence and various aspects of human functioning. It protects psychical and physical health of an individual, helps to adapt to new conditions and, consequently, contributes to the increase in life quality expressed in satisfaction with life. Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease, may negatively influence the psychical state of a patient and his or her social functioning, which leads to the decrease in satisfaction with life. Aim This research aimed at determining the relation between emotional intelligence and satisfaction with life in a group of patients with psoriasis. Material and methods The research group consisted of 81 people with psoriasis (40 men and 41 women) with the average age of 41.22 (SD = 14.18). The research tools used included the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire INTE, Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), personal questionnaire and PASI scale. Results There is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and satisfaction with life in the group of patients with psoriasis. Especially factor I – using emotions in thinking and operating – positively correlates with satisfaction with life. Conclusions Emotional intelligence together with the percentage of body area taken by pathological changes are the indicators of satisfaction with life in patients with psoriasis.
Clinical Interventions in Aging | 2017
Anna Andruszkiewicz; Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Mirosława Felsmann; Mariola Banaszkiewicz; Alicja Marzec; Kornelia Kędziora-Kornatowska
Background Given the rising population of the elderly in modern societies, the concern for their good functioning poses a challenge for the 21st century medicine and social services. Senior citizens are at an increased risk of developing chronic conditions, which in turn increase discomfort associated with physiological processes of aging. Sensations of pain have a particular influence on the mentioned discomfort, and pain is prevalent among older people. Therefore, from the perspective of an elderly person and senior care, it is crucial to identify determinants of effective coping with chronic pain. Objectives The aim of the research was to assess the relationship between a sense of coherence (SOC) and pain-coping strategies in chronically ill seniors. A total number of 188 individuals were included in the study, of whom 117 were female subjects and 71 were male subjects, with a mean age of 68.38 (standard deviation [SD] =6.35) years in the studied group. Subjects were sampled based on a diagnosis of a chronic medical illness with chronic pain as one of the major symptoms. Methods The Polish adaptation of the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29) to assess an SOC, the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) to assess pain-coping strategies, and the visual analog scale (VAS) to assess pain intensity were used in the study. Results and conclusion The mean score of respondents’ SOC was 133.44 (SD =24.35). Among most common pain-coping strategies used by the respondents were prayer and hope, and the declaration of coping with pain while redefining pain was the least often used coping strategy in the studied group. Individuals with stronger SOC were less prone to catastrophizing and more often declared that they were coping with and could control and reduce pain.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | 2017
Elżbieta Napora; Anna Andruszkiewicz; Małgorzata Anna Basińska
OBJECTIVES The purpose of the study has been to describe functioning of single and mothers in relationships (married or in informal relationships) at work and verify if the declared degree of work satisfaction differentiates types of behavior at work and stress coping strategies in both groups of mothers. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was conducted on equal samples of single mothers (N = 186) and mothers from 2-parent families (N = 186) using Latack Coping Scale that measures work-related stress coping strategies, the AVEM (Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster - Work-Related Behavior and Experience Pattern) questionnaire, and a survey. It showed similarity between the studied groups in terms of the measured variables. RESULTS There were considerable differences between single and married mothers in terms of support seeking strategies. The interaction of work satisfaction and the type of motherhood significantly differentiates (p = 0.03) the avoidance strategy of resignation. CONCLUSIONS That strategy of resignation was more frequently used by single mothers with lower work satisfaction, who were distinctly different from those whose work satisfaction was higher, and from the mothers in relationships (married or in informal relationships) (regardless of the level of their work satisfaction). Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(1):55-69.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2016
Anna Andruszkiewicz; Małgorzata Anna Basińska
Wstep. W ciągu ostatnich lat edukacja terapeutyczna pacjenta stala sie istotnym elementem w leczeniu chorob przewleklych, gdyz skutecznośc tego procesu zalezy miedzy innymi od uwzglednienia potrzeb pacjenta, jego oczekiwan i dotychczasowych doświadczen związanych z chorobą. Celem publikacji byla prezentacja skali do badania oczekiwan od edukacji terapeutycznej osob chorych. Ponadto sprawdzono, czy oczekiwania pacjentow ulegają zroznicowaniu w zalezności od plci, wieku, wyksztalcenia i miejsca zamieszkania. Material i metody. Przebadano 503 osoby przewlekle chore leczone ambulatoryjnie, 301 kobiet i 202 mezczyzn. Średni wiek badanych wynosil 52,06 (SD = 14,30) lata. Wiekszośc badanych pacjentow pozostawala pod opieką poradni specjalistycznej (n = 294; 62,55%). Średni czas chorowania wynosil M = 9,12 lat (SD = 8,53). Zastosowano autorską Skale Oczekiwan od Edukacji Terapeutycznej OE-15, Liste Oczekiwan Pacjenta PRF i metryczke. Wyniki. Wykonane analizy pozwalają stwierdzic, ze skala do badania Oczekiwan od Edukacji Terapeutycznej OE-15 jest skalą rzetelną i trafną. Wiek i plec roznicują oczekiwania od edukacji w grupie pacjentow przewlekle chorych. Wnioski. Skala do badania oczekiwan moze znaleźc zastosowanie w procesie edukacji terapeutycznej pacjentow. Pozwala na ocene ich oczekiwan w zakresie: informacji o chorobie i jej leczeniu, wyjaśnienia wplywu choroby na sfery zycia oraz informacji koniecznych pacjentowi do podjecia dzialan profilaktyki trzeciorzedowej związanej z chorobą.
Psychologia Rozwojowa | 2014
Izabela Grzankowska; Małgorzata Anna Basińska
Family birth order position and psychological representation of the children assessed by Draw-a-Family Test One of the ways of presenting children’s experiences connected with their family environment is projection in drawing. The aim of this research has been to identify differences in children’s psychological profi les according to their position in the family birth order. Children, including 179 girls (54%) and 151 boys (46%), have been surveyed using the Test of Projection Drawing, modifi ed by Maria Braun-Galkowska, with the topic “Family”. Only 295 drawings have been analyzed, excluding drawings of middle children and twins. The results show differences, conditioned by the family birth order and by the child’s sex, in the children’s psychological profi les in some aspects of personality.
Polish Journal of Applied Psychology | 2014
Agnieszka Woźniewicz; Joanna Kalinowska; Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Bogdan Pietrulewicz
Abstract Taking care of a paraplegic may contribute to the caregiver’s fatigue. Sixty family caregivers participated in our study, out of which 30 provided care for paraplegics in hospital, and 30 for paraplegics at home. The Orientation to Life Qestionnaire (SOC-29) was used to measure individual sense of coherence, The Life Orientation Test - Revised for dispositional optimism, The Polish Resiliency Assessment Scale for resiliency, and The Daily Life Fatigue Questionnaire for daily life fatigue. In order to collect data about caregivers an individual examination was applied. People with higher personal resource levels such as sense of coherence, optimism and resiliency are characterized by less severe daily life fatigue. Streszczenie Sprawowanie opieki nad osobą z paraplegią może przyczyniać się do zmęczenia jej opiekuna. Badaniem objęto 60 opiekunów osób z paraplegią, w tym 30 opiekunów osób przebywających w szpitalu i 30 opiekunów osób przebywających w domu. Do pomiaru indywidualnego poczucia koherencji zastosowano Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej SOC-29, dyspozycyjnego optymizmu - Test Orientacji Życiowej LOT-R, prężności - Skalę Pomiaru Prężności SPP-25 i nasilenia zmęczenia życiem codziennym Kwestionariusz Zmęczenia Życiem Codziennym KZZC. W celu zebrania danych o opiekunach zastosowano ankietę osobową. Osoby z wyższym poziomem zasobów osobistych takich jak: poczucie koherencji, optymizm i prężność charakteryzują się mniejszym nasileniem zmęczenia życiem codziennym.
Przegląd Dermatologiczny/Dermatology Review | 2013
Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Arleta Kasprzak
Health Psychology Report | 2013
Arleta Kasprzak; Małgorzata Anna Basińska; Paulina Lewandowska