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Featured researches published by Małgorzata Karwowska.

Meat Science | 2014

Use of acid whey and mustard seed to replace nitrites during cooked sausage production.

Karolina M. Wójciak; Małgorzata Karwowska; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

The aim was to determine the effects of sea salt, acid whey, native and autoclaved mustard seed on the physico-chemical properties, especially colour formation, microbial stability and sensory evaluation of non-nitrite cooked sausage during chilling storage. The cooked pork sausages were divided into 4 groups (group I--control sausages with curing salt (2.8%) and water (5%) added; group II--sausages with sea salt (2.8%) and acid whey (5%) added; group III--sausages with sea salt (2.8%), acid whey (5%) and mustard seed (1%) added; group IV--sausages with sea salt (2.8%), acid whey (5%) and autoclaved mustard seed (1%) added). Instrumental colour (L*, a*, b*), oxygenation index (ΔR), 650/570 nm ratio, heme iron, pH value and water activity (aw) were determined 1 day after production and after 10, 20 and 30 days of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Sensory analysis was conducted immediately after production (day 1). Microbial analysis (lactic acid bacteria, total viable count, Clostridium spp.) was determinated at the end of storage (30 days). The autoclaved mustard with acid whey can be used at 1.0% (w/w) of model cooked sausages with beneficial effect on physico-chemical and sensory qualities of no-nitrite sausage. This product can be stored at refrigeration temperature for up to 30 days, in vacuum, with good acceptability. The colour, visual appearance and overall quality of samples with autoclaved mustard seed and acid whey were similar to the control with curing agent.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2015

The influence of acid whey and mustard seed on lipid oxidation of organic fermented sausage without nitrite

Małgorzata Karwowska; Karolina M. Wójciak; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

BACKGROUND The influence of the addition of mustard seed and acid whey on the stability of nitrite-free organic fermented sausage during 90 days of vacuum storage was investigated by measuring primary and secondary products of lipid oxidation, changes in fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity, as well as water activity. RESULTS The native and autoclaved mustard seed with acid whey can be used in the composition of organic fermented sausage without nitrite with beneficial effect on pH, water activity, antioxidant capacity and oxidation stability during vacuum storage. The use of the combination of acid whey and mustard seed resulted in an effective decrease in pH of organic fermented sausage during fermentation. The inclusion of mustard seed to the sausage with acid whey significantly increased the capacity of stuffing to capture the radical cation ABTS. During the whole storage period the TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values of salted sausage samples with the addition of acid whey with combination of mustard seed were similar to the control sample with curing agent. CONCLUSION In general, results suggest that mustard seed with combination of acid whey can be successfully applied to protect organic fermented sausages without nitrite from lipid oxidation.

Meat Science | 2010

Effect of protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate of alfalfa supplementation on physico-chemical properties of turkey breast and thigh muscles during ageing

Małgorzata Karwowska; Joanna Stadnik; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski; Eugeniusz R. Grela

The objective was to evaluate the effects of a dietary protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate of alfalfa to turkey diets (at 15 and 30 g kg(-1) feed) on the physico-chemical properties of breast and thigh muscles during ageing. The experiment involved 120 turkeys (Big-6 type) allotted to 3 groups (group I-control group; group II--with 1.5% supplementation of the protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate; group III--with 3% supplementation of the protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate). Measurements of pH, water holding capacity, color, oxymyoglobin content, TBARS and oxidation-reduction potential showed that the addition of protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate of alfalfa to a turkey diet did not cause deterioration of breast and thigh meat quality. In addition, changes in color, oxymyoglobin content, TBARS and oxidation-reduction potential values suggested that the inclusion of the concentrate to turkey diets acts as an antioxidant in the raw meat.

Scientia Agricola | 2015

Fatty acid profile, color and lipid oxidation of organic fermented sausage during chilling storage as influenced by acid whey and probiotic strains addition

Karolina M. Wójciak; Małgorzata Karwowska; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

Organic fermented sausages typically spoil during long-term storage due to oxidative rancidity. The application of natural antioxidants to meat stuffing is a major practice intended to inhibit the oxidation process and color changes. This study aimed to assess the effect of two unusual starter cultures: three probiotic strains (Lactobacillus casei LOCK 0900, Lactobacillus casei LOCK 0908 and Lactobacillus paracasei LOCK 0919) and lactic acid bacteria from acid whey on model fermented sausage type products focusing on oxidative stability by measuring instrumental color (L*, a*, b* values), conjugated dienes (CD), TBARS immediately after 21 days of ripening (0) and after 90 and 180 days of refrigerated storage (4 oC). Determination of fatty acid composition, in meat product was performed after ripening and after 180 days of storage. At the end of the storage period, the salted sausages were characterized by the same content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) compared to cured samples. The addition of acid whey and a mixture of probiotic strains to nitrite-free sausage formulation was barely able to protect lipids against oxidation in comparison to nitrite during vacuum storage. Surprisingly, the use of acid whey has an influence on the desired red-pinkish color of organic fermented sausage after ripening and after 180 days of storage period.

Annals of Animal Science | 2011

Effect of genetically modified feeds on physico-chemical properties of pork

Joanna Stadnik; Małgorzata Karwowska; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski; Małgorzata Świątkiewicz; Krzysztof Kwiatek

Effect of Genetically Modified Feeds on Physico-Chemical Properties of Pork The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of genetically modified (GM), insect-resistant Bt maize (MON810) and the meal made of glyphosate-tolerant soybean (Roundup Ready MON40-3-2) used as the dietary components for pigs on the physico-chemical properties of meat. Forty-eight fatteners derived from Polish Landrace x Polish Large White sows mated to a Duroc x Pietrain boar were used. All animals received isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets containing or not containing the genetically modified components. The design of the experiment was as follows: group I (control) - non-modified soybean meal and maize; group II - GM soybean meal and non-modified maize; group III - non-modified soybean meal and GM maize; group IV - GM soybean meal and GM maize. The examination of the pH values of loin and neck muscles indicated no statistically significant differences between pigs fed diets containing non-transgenic or transgenic feeds. No statistical differences were observed for water holding capacity (WHC) within dietary treatments. The introduction of transgenic maize and soybean meal into pig diets did not significantly affect the a* colour parameter of loin as well as neck muscles. The use of transgenic maize or soybean meal did not cause significant changes in the L* colour value of loin. Results obtained for neck muscles were more differentiated, possibly due to the natural heterogeneity of this primal cut. Pigs which had consumed the transgenic diet exhibited slightly decreased lipid stability of loin, as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The decrease was statistically significant only in the case of muscles from group II. The addition of feeds derived from genetically modified crops into pig diets did not significantly affect the stability of neck muscle lipids; however, TBARS values of these muscles were twice those of loin muscles. Wpływ pasz modyfikowanych genetycznie na właściwości fizykochemiczne wieprzowiny Celem pracy była ocena wpływu ziarna genetycznie modyfikowanej, odpornej na insekty kukurydzy Bt (MON810) oraz poekstrakcyjnej śruty otrzymanej z soi odpornej na glifosat (Roundup Ready MON40-3-2), jako składników diety świń, na fizykochemiczne właściwości mięsa. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano 48 tuczników pochodzących od loch (pbz x wbp) pokrytych knurem (Du x Pi). Wszystkie zwierzęta otrzymywały mieszanki paszowe o zbliżonej zawartości składników pokarmowych i energii metabolicznej, różniące się obecnością lub brakiem komponentów genetycznie modyfikowanych, według następującego schematu: grupa I (kontrolna) - śruta sojowa niemodyfikowana i kukurydza niemodyfikowana, grupa II - śruta sojowa GM i kukurydza niemodyfikowana, grupa III - niemodyfikowana śruta sojowa i kukurydza GM, grupa IV - śruta sojowa GM i kukurydza GM. Ocena wartości pH schabu i mięśni karkówki nie wykazała istotnych różnic pomiędzy próbami pochodzącymi od zwierząt żywionych paszą zawierającą lub nie surowce genetycznie modyfikowane. Odnotowano brak statystycznie istotnych różnic wodochłonności (WHC) prób w obrębie badanych grup żywieniowych. Włączenie modyfikowanej genetycznie kukurydzy i soi do diety świń nie wpłynęło istotnie na wartość parametru a* barwy, zarówno schabu, jak i mięśni karkówki. Użycie modyfikowanej genetycznie kukurydzy i soi nie spowodowało istotnych zmian wartości parametru L* schabu. W przypadku mięśni karkówki wartości tego parametru były bardziej zróżnicowane, czego przyczyną mogła być naturalna niejednorodność tego elementu. Świnie żywione paszą z udziałem komponentów modyfikowanych genetycznie charakteryzowały się nieco niższą stabilnością lipidów zawartych w schabie, lecz różnice te zostały statystycznie potwierdzone jedynie w przypadku grupy II. Udział w paszy surowców modyfikowanych genetycznie nie wpłynął na stabilność tłuszczu mięśni karkówki, aczkolwiek wartości TBARS dla tych mięśni były dwukrotnie wyższe w stosunku do mięśni schabu.

Annals of Animal Science | 2015

The Effect of Varying Distances from the Wind Turbine on Meat Quality of Growing-Finishing Pigs

Małgorzata Karwowska; Jan Mikołajczak; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski; Sylwester Borowski

Abstract This study was conducted to assess the effect of rearing pigs at three different distances from a wind turbine (50, 500 and 1000 m) on the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of loin and neck muscles. The experiment was carried out on 30 growing-finishing pigs, derived from Polish Landrace × Polish Large White sows mated to a Duroc × Pietrain boar. The results obtained during the noise measurement showed that the highest level of noise in the audible and infrasound range was recorded 50 m from the wind turbine. Rearing pigs in close proximity to the wind turbine (50 m) resulted in decreased muscle pH, total heme pigments and heme iron as well as reduced content of C18:3n-3 fatty acid in the loin muscle. Loins of pigs reared 50 m from the wind turbine were characterized by significantly lower iron content (6.7 ppm g-1) compared to the loins of pigs reared 500 and 1000 m from the wind turbine (10.0-10.5 ppm g-1). The concentration of α-linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) in loin and neck muscles decreased as the distance from the wind turbine increased. Avoiding noise-induced stress is important not only for maintaining meat quality but also for improving animal welfare.

Annals of Animal Science | 2014

Effect of Noise Generated by the Wind Turbine on the Quality of Goose Muscles and Abdominal Fat

Małgorzata Karwowska; Jan Mikołajczak; Sylwester Borowski; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski; Joanna Marć-Pieńkowska; Waldemar Budziński

Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the physicochemical properties of breast and thigh muscles and fatty acid composition of abdominal fat of geese reared at a distance of 50 metres from the wind turbine compared to those reared 460 metres from the wind turbine. The study was carried out on 40 Kołuda White® geese (Anser anser f. domestica) divided into two groups: Treatment 1 - reared at a distance of 50 metres and Treatment 2 - reared at a distance of 460 metres from the wind turbine (Vestas V90 wind turbine). The muscles were analysed for pH, thermal loss, shear force, TBARS values and colour parameters (L* a* b*). The fatty acids composition of abdominal fat was also analysed. The results of the present study suggest that noise generated by the wind turbine affected the quality of muscles and the fatty acid profile of abdominal fat of geese. The results showed that the muscles of geese reared at a distance of 50 metres from the wind turbine were characterized by higher pH and TBARS values compared to those reared at a longer distance from the wind turbine. The significantly lower content of C 18:3 n-3 fatty acid in abdominal fat was observed for geese reared 50 metres from the wind turbine. Further studies should be undertaken to establish the safe distance of a wind turbine from livestock buildings

Annals of Animal Science | 2017

The effect of corn or beet pulp silage supplemented diet on production parameters, oxidative stability of muscles and fatty acid composition of abdominal fat in geese

Małgorzata Karwowska; Małgorzata Grabowicz; Joanna Stadnik; Piotr Szterk; Zenon Bernacki; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the production parameters of White Koluda® geese fed with a corn or beet pulp silage supplemented diet. The oxidative stability of breast and thigh muscles during frozen storage and the fatty acid composition of abdominal fat were also investigated. Measurements were carried out on a total of 42 geese of the White Koluda® W31 strain that were divided into three experimental groups: group I (control) - basal diet, group II - basal diet with corn silage addition, group III - basal diet with pressed beet pulp silage addition. Diets containing ad libitum maize silage or sugar beet pulp silage supplemented with a limited amount of commercial diets, significantly reduced BW (about 9%) and ADG (about 27%) of birds compared to the control group in the 14th week of rearing. Feeding corn or sugar beet pulp silage to geese did not affect pH values, heme iron content, colour parameters but decreased lipid oxidation values in muscles 3 days after slaughter. The abdominal fat of geese fed with the pressed beet pulp silage supplemented diet was characterized by a significantly higher content of myristic and linoleic acid and a lower content of oleic acid. In conclusion, feeding geese with limited amount of commercial mixtures supplemented with maize or sugar beet pulp silages may be recommended primarily for increasing financial efficiency in White Koluda® geese farms but also for improving the quality of goose carcasses, due to their low fat and high quality of meat.

Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2016

Effect of acid whey and freeze-dried cranberries on lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of nitrite-/nitrate-free fermented sausage made from deer meat

Małgorzata Karwowska; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

Objective This study evaluated the effect of acid whey and freeze-dried cranberries on the physicochemical characteristics, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of nitrite-free fermented sausage made from deer meat and pork fat. Antioxidant interactions between acid whey and cranberry compounds were also explored. Methods Four formulations of fermented venison sausage were prepared: F1 (control), F2 (with 5% liquid acid whey), F3 (with 0.06% of freeze-dried cranberries), and F4 (with 5% liquid acid whey and 0.06% of freeze-dried cranberries). Each sample was analyzed for pH, water activity (aw), heme iron content, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value and conjugated dienes at the end of the manufacturing process and at 30 and 90 days of refrigerated storage. Fatty acid composition was measured once at the end of the manufacturing process. Results At the end of ripening, all samples presented statistically different values for a pH range of 4.47 to pH 4.59. The sum of the unsaturated fatty acids was higher, while the conjugated diene and the TBARS values were lower in sausages with freeze-dried cranberries as compared to the control sausage. The highest content of heme iron (21.52 mg/kg) at day 90 was found in the sausage formulation with the addition of freeze-dried cranberries, which suggests that the addition of cranberries stabilized the porphyrin ring of the heme molecule during storage and thereby reduced the release of iron. The use of liquid acid whey in combination with cranberries appears to not be justified in view of the oxidative stability of the obtained products. Conclusion The results suggest that the application of freeze-dried cranberries can lower the intensity of oxidative changes during the storage of nitrite-free fermented sausage made from deer meat.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2014

Comparative studies on lipid oxidation of organic model sausage without nitrite produced with the addition of native or autoclaved mustard seed and acid whey

Małgorzata Karwowska; Karolina M. Wójciak; Zbigniew J. Dolatowski


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Zbigniew J. Dolatowski

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Karolina M. Wójciak

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Joanna Stadnik

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Jan Mikołajczak

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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Sylwester Borowski

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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Anna Kononiuk

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Eugeniusz R. Grela

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Joanna Marć-Pieńkowska

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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Justyna Libera

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

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Waldemar Budziński

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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