Małgorzata Starczyńska
Jan Kochanowski University
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Featured researches published by Małgorzata Starczyńska.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | 2014
Zbigniew Śliwiński; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Ireneusz Kotela; Tomasz Kowalski; Karolina Kryś-Noszczyk; Danuta Lietz-Kijak; Edward Kijak; Marta Makara-Studzińska
ObjectivesRecently in Poland as a result of the high rate of aging population and high rates of morbidity, a growing demand for the physiotherapist profession is observed. The results of this study can be used to formulate principles for better organization of physiotherapist’s workplace in order to prevent occurrence of burnout. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of gender on satisfaction with life and burnout among active physiotherapists.Material and MethodsThe survey was anonymous and voluntary, and involved a group of 200 active physiotherapists working in health care units and educational centers in Po?land. The study group was selected randomly and incidentally. Each respondent received a demographic data sheet and a set of self-rating questionnaires (Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Burnout Scale Inventory).ResultsBurnout among men decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one’s work and occupation, friends, relatives and acquaintances, sexuality, and increased due to greater satisfaction with one’s housing status. Burnout among women decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one’s health, free time and friends, relatives and acquaintances, and increased due to work at a setting other than a health care unit or educational center. Statistical analysis failed to reveal any significant differences with regard to the BSI domains and with regard to the overall burnout index as well as with regard to the assessment of satisfaction with life between female and male physiotherapists.ConclusionsSatisfaction with children, marriage and partnership, with one’s work and occupation, interactions with friends, relatives and acquaintances and sexuality may contribute to reduction of burnout among men. Women who are satisfied with their children, family, health, free time and contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances are less prone to burnout. Weak financial situation among women and deficiency of free time among men can induce burnout. Improving staff happiness may contribute to decreasing burnout.
Medical Science Monitor | 2014
Grzegorz Mańko; Dariusz Kruczkowski; Tomasz Niźnikowski; Jacek Perliński; Marzena Chantsoulis; Joanna Pokorska; Beata Łukaszewska; Artur Ziółkowski; Marek Graczyk; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Jarosław Jaszczur-Nowicki
Background The aim of the research was an evaluation of 2 training programs covering the same standard physical activity in the initial stage (warm-up) and the main (motor exercises) as well as a separate end part in Program A of stretching and in Programme B of vibration training designed to improve the level of body balance. Material/Methods We tested 40 randomly chosen students of the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, subsequently divided into two 20-person groups: C (average age 21.3±1.2), and E (average age 21.8±1.1). The training of body balance was conducted for 8 weeks: we used in Group C Program A and in group E Program B. The evaluation of body balance was done 3 times: at the beginning, at midway point, and at the end of the experiment. The stabilographic tests with posture-graphical method and the task of 1-leg balance standing with eyes closed was used. Results It was found that in the first examination both groups did not significantly differ in terms of the tested parameters of balance. During the training process we obtained increased time of maintaining balance on 1 leg. This difference was significant between tests 1 and 2 both for Group C (p=0.0002) and for E (p=0.0034), while between the tests 2 and 3 in Group E (p=0.0213) only. Conclusions The training Program B is more effective to maintain balance on 1 leg when compared to Program A.
Polish Hyperbaric Research | 2015
Magdalena Jaworska; Tomasz Tuzim; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk; Agnieszka Pedrycz
Abstract Cerebral stroke is one of the most important issues for modern medicine. Despite the fact that numerous activities have been undertaken for the purpose of raising awareness and significance of prevention, this condition still remains one of the main reasons behind disability. The objective of the work was to assess the effects of the type of therapy, age and period from the incident occurrence, on the progress of rehabilitation of imbalance and body stability observed in a group of researched patients, on the basis of results obtained according to the Berg Balance Scale, tandem balance test, Kwolek’s loading symmetry index and Timed Up and Go test. The test group comprised of 55 post-stroke patients. The group consisted of 29 women (52.73%) and 26 men (47.27%). The average age of the subjects was 61.02 years (age range between 33-85 years). A number of the patients were subjected to rehabilitation with the use of classic kinesitherapy, whereas the remaining group underwent rehabilitation based on the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation method (PNF).
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | 2015
Anna Chrapusta; Maria Pąchalska; Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Juri D. Kropotov
BACKGROUND The aim of our research was an evaluation of the effectiveness of neurofeedback in reducing the symptoms of Post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD), which had developed as a result of a high-voltage electric burn to the head. Quantitative EEG (QEEG) and Event related potentials (ERPs) were utilised in the evaluation. CASE STUDY A 21-year-old patient, experienced 4(th) degree burns to his head as a result of a high-voltage electric burn. The patient was repeatedly operated on and despite the severity of the injuries was to recover. However the patient complained of flashbacks, difficulties with sleeping as well as an inability to continue work in his given profession. Specialist tests were to show the presence within him of PTSD. As a result of which the patient was provided with neurofeedback therapy. The effectiveness of this therapy in the reduction (eradication) of the symptoms of PTSD were evaluated through the utilisation of qantitative eeg (Qeeg) and event related potentials (ERPs). RESULTS It was found that in the first examination that ERPs display the most significant deviations from the reference in the two components: (1) the one component is generated within the cingulate cortex. The pattern of its deviation from the norms is similar to that found in a group of OCD patients. In contrast to healthy subjects the component repeats itself twice; (2) the second component is generated in the medial prefrontal cortex. Its pattern (neuromarker) is similar to that found in PTSD patients. There is a delay in the late part of the component, which probably reflects the flashbacks. In the second examination, after neurofeedback training, the ERPs were similar to the norm. The patient returned to work. CONCLUSIONS Chronic PTSD developed within the patient as a result of a high-voltage electric burn. The application of a method of therapy (neurofeedback) resulted in the withdrawal of the syndrome symptoms. ERPs in a GO/NOGO task can be used to plan neurofeedback and in the assessment of functional brain changes induced by neurotherapeutic programmes. Funds Collection: Private sources.
Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja | 2013
Zbigniew Śliwiński; Ewa Frączek; Małgorzata Starczyńska
BACKGROUND The present paper aims to demonstrate that physiotherapy in orthopaedic and trauma departments is part and parcel of a comprehensive treatment plan. MATERIAL AND METHODS Hospital records of 66 patients treated in three orthopaedic trauma departments in 2011 were analysed. Basing on the requirements of the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia--NFZ), reports were generated on the number of physiotherapy procedures provided. RESULTS The mean age of the patients was 70.26 (SD=12.08) years. Sixty-two of them (93.94%) had undergone hip replacement and the remaining 4 (6.06%) had undergone knee replacement procedures. The patients spent a mean of 13 days in hospital (SD=3.66, range 9-30 days). The following physiotherapy procedures were applied: mobilisation in 48 subjects (72.73%), seating in 47 (71.21%), gait training in 48 (72.73%), exercises of the affected leg in 46 (69.70%), upper limb exercises in 38 (57.58%) and breathing exercises in 28 (42.42%). According to the NFZ regulations, the maximum number of patients per one physiotherapist in an orthopaedic department is 10, which requirement was met in only one of the three hospitals involved. CONCLUSIONS 1. Arthroplasty procedures along with long bone fracture fixation are the most common causes of hospitalisation in orthopaedic trauma departments. 2. The departments involved in this study do not provide pre-operative rehabilitation. Physiotherapy begins at 3 days post surgery. 3. Most of the departments involved do not comply with the NFZs requirement regarding the therapist-to-patient ratio.
Polish Journal of Physiotherapy | 2012
Marta Makara-Studzińska; Karolina Kryś-Noszczyk; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Wojciech Kiebzak; Zbigniew Śliwiński
STRESZ CZE NIE Wstep. Ter min wy pa le nia za wo do we go okre śla psy chicz ne i emo cjo nal ne wy czer pa nie, szcze gol nie w efek cie dlu go ter mi no we go dzia la nia stre su. Ba da nia wska zu ją, ze wy pa le nie za wo do we jest ści śle zwią za ne z za wo dem le ka rza, fi zjo te ra peu ty, pie le gniar ki, psy cho lo ga, pra cow ni ka so cjal ne go. Wśrod ko biet zja wi sko wy pa le nia ma ni fe stu je sie wy czer pa niem emo cjo nal nym. Celem pra cy bylo zba da nie po zio mu za do wo le nia z zy cia, sa tys fak cji za wo do wej ko biet pra cu ją cych w za wo dzie fi zjo te ra peu ty ze szcze gol nym uwzgled nie niem wy ste po wa nia zja wi ska wy pa le nia za wo do we go. Ma te rial i me to dy. W ba da niach wy szcze gol nio no gru pe ba da ną 30 fi zjo te ra peu tek oraz 30 oso bo wą gru pe kon tro l ną, do kto rej za li czo no 30 far ma ceu tek. Za sto so wa no kwe stio na riusz za do wo le nia z zy cia oraz ska le wy pa le nia sil. Ana li ze sta ty stycz ną opar to na śred nich aryt me tycz nych, od chy le niach stan dar do wych i istot no ści ro znic po mie dzy śred ni mi dla po szcze gol nych grup za wo do wych. Istot no ści ro znic ozna czo no te stem t-Stu den ta. Wy ni ki. Da ne wska zu ją, ze glo bal ny wy nik za do wo le nia z zy cia w gru pie fi zjo te ra peu tek i w gru pie kon tro l nej istot nie ro zni cu je obie ba da ne gru py. Wnio ski. Za ob ser wo wa no ist nie nie sil ne go chro nicz ne go zme cze nia wśrod fi zjo te ra peu tek, co wy ma ga pod je cia na tych mia sto wych dzia lan pro fi lak tycz nych.
Polish Hyperbaric Research | 2013
Małgorzata Machaj; Jacek Lorkowski; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Agnieszka Pedrycz; Ireneusz Kotela
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | 2014
Zbigniew Śliwiński; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Ireneusz Kotela; Tomasz Kowalski; Karolina Kryś-Noszczyk; Danuta Lietz-Kijak; Edward Kijak; Marta Makara-Studzińska
Polish annals of medicine | 2012
Justyna Karwacińska; Wojciech Kiebzak; Beata Stepanek-Finda; Ireneusz M. Kowalski; Halina Protasiewicz-Fałdowska; Robert Trybulski; Małgorzata Starczyńska
Polish annals of medicine | 2013
Marta Makara-Studzińska; Karolina Kryś-Noszczyk; Małgorzata Starczyńska; Aleksander Sieroń; Zbigniew Śliwiński