Mamoru Haruna
Ritsumeikan University
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Featured researches published by Mamoru Haruna.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 2005
Mamoru Haruna; Hiroki Nakajima
In recent years, in the local city suburban part in our country, it is hard to perform urbanization in an agricultural zone in order. Especially in the local city near a metropolis, with change of the land use by urbanization, the land that was farmland conventionally turns into the idle land, fallow land, unused land for low interest, which is accelerating reduction of an agrarian society. Formerly, to this problem, as part of agricultural structure improvement projects, we advanced local farmhouse participation type large-scale agricultural park development work, and have proceeded research about the city development for the agricultural area where from young to aged people can take part in the planning and its urbanization. On the other hand, in the problem of wastes processing system development of the target local city, the kitchen garbage has been taken up as a cause of reducing a processing efficiency. In this research, we decided to perform verification study of plan and system theory to compound development of the kitchen garbage processing facilities in the local public entity which puts both development plan subject side by side in an agricultural park in addition to city development of the country area ignited by the large-scale agricultural park development which follows the same flow as usual as research treated complexly. In addition, in planned examination of the kitchen garb age processing system complexly put together, a large-scale agricultural park and kitchen garbage processing facilities are considered that fixing complexly is desirable as an effective policy of agricultural promotion and the point reservation for compost facilities, system theory planned analysis for the most rational planned decision is conducted using a compound development plan model, and it has been verified efficiently.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 2004
Mamoru Haruna; Yoshifumi Nakaoka; Tatsuya Kume; Yuta Shimizu
Recently, at the former sites of abandoned river along the Kusatsu river drainage canal enterprise in Kusatsu and Ritto city region, Shiga Prefecture, the construction of facilities related to road is under consideration. Then, in Kusatsu city, part of former sites of abandoned river other than facilities related to road will be bought from Shiga Prefecture for the promotion. The development of the former sites will influence the future of the city greatly. The planned construction is expected to be efficient, so the more effective plan for this project is in great need.Then, in this research, the synthetic examination from multi-aspect and multi-side viewp oint was carried out for the purpose of the possibility of practical and rational plan raised about the former site required by urban facilities construction problems. In that case, to determine the kinds arrangement, construction implementation periods of the urban facilities which is assumed to be constructed at former sites of abandoned river, the optimization model was built up. So, with the connection of the optimization model of development and financial simulation model, it is feasible to analyze the influence effect from financial and social aspects about the construction plan. And effective and efficient plan proposal was concluded.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 2003
Junzo Tachibana; Mamoru Haruna
Recently, worldwide researches and activities on the resource preservation, such as the global environment, are active all the more. In Japan there exist the problems such as the difficulties in securing the final disposal place, the diversification of wastes and the reduction of revenue source in local cities. So the demand of rational and efficient waste management system is increasing in Japan.In this paper we developed the planning model of residents agreement of building the waste management facilities as a tool of creating the information to support a desirable planning of waste management system in the regions. And we developed the planning model to calculate the rate of burden expense of waste management system. Then we examined model analysis on actual level through case study at Kusatsu-City, Moriyama-City, Ritto-Cho, Yasu-Cho and Chuzu-Cho.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 2000
Michiko Banba; Osamu Kojo; Yuichiro Hikihara; Mamoru Haruna
Recently, local cities are required to respond to the changes of the society, such as, urbanization, verification of needs and the increase of service industry. These problems occur due to the differences of population and economy among cities. On the other hand, peoples needs for leisure activities are still active in spite of the deflation. In consideration of these situations, local cities located near large cities have the potential to provide the place to satisfy peoples needs for leisure activities by utilizing the advantage of accessibility, abundant natural and historical resources. Thus, the development of local cities, such as, the increase of inhabitation and revitalization of local economy, is considered to be achieved by the construction of leisure facilities and development of urban functions to renovate the living environment. In this study, development plan of new city core district utilizing the dead space is suggested, and the planning model is formulated to evaluate the development project. Also, this model is applied to Kusatsu-city, Shiga to be analyzed empirically.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 1999
Mamoru Haruna; Susumu Namerikawa; Takeo Ito
In this paper, it is aimed to develop a new algorithm for obtaining optimal solution of PERT/MANPOWER problem effectively. In this study new type model formulation and its algorithm to solve it have been established from the different viewpoint of existing method through the transforming to optimal resource allocation problem on cut-network which is structured based on the analysis of topological characteristics of construction project network. The new algorithm can reduce computational quantity of DP calculation on cut-network based on its theoretical study and lower bound concept of branch & bound method.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 1998
Mamoru Haruna; Mikio Takebayashi; Koichiro Yamada; Susumu Namerikawa; Takahiro Miyahara; Takayuki Okumura
In this paper an integrateds tudy is discusseda iming to developt he methodology utilizing simulation system analysis based on the newly developedm athematical model analysis of multi-project planning and scheduling problem in the largescale regional development of localcity, where systematic methodology is for evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of the multi-project plan obtained by the simulation system analysis is also discussed from the social, economical and administrativev iewpoints.The methodology developed through above study is applied to the actual large-scale comprehensive regional development at Maihara-choin Shiga-prefectur, e a nd it is confirmedth at the methodologyd eveloped. in thiss tudy works well to obtain reasonable and desirable multi-project planning and scheduling
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 1997
Mamoru Haruna; Susumu Namerikawa; Yoshio Sakurai
In this study, it is aimed to develop a new type mathematical model to obtain optimal planning and scheduling with the minimum project cost for construction project and a new type network planning and scheduling model for solving optimal resource allocation problem through determining total amount allocated to construction project is developed as follows: At first stage an optimal scheduling problem with the minimum idle cost consumed by operations of construction resources is formulated through the topological analysis based on the theory of graph and network structure. After formulating scheduling model a mathematical model formulation and an algorithm to solve it effectively is established from the different viewpoint from existing PERT-type network planning scheduling method based on the analysis of topological characteristics of construction project network. At the second stage the scheduling model formulated above is transformed to equivalent optimization model formulated utilizing the cut set structure and the route set structure, and an effective algorithm is developed adopting DP procedure in which the algorithm is established as optimal resources allocation problem in cut-network which is transformed topologically from original project network.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 1997
Mamoru Haruna; Daigo Tamai; Toshiyuki Kawakami
In this study multiprojecting planning method is studied from the planning and managemental viewpoint as follows: A cooperating planning problem between multiple land development project through cooperation is supply and demand relation considering balance of soil among multiple projects is studied and the cooperating concept is formulated as mutiprojecting concept between multiprojects form the viewpoint of construction project management for multiple land development of integrated urban development.After formulating multiprojecting concept, it is examined that the effect of introduction of multiprojecting planning method through experimental computer simulation of multiprojecting planning in case study at Maihara urban development.
Journal of Construction Management, JSCE | 1994
Mamoru Haruna; Takuya Dakie; Hiroki Miyoshi; Katsuichi Himeno
集 客 性,採 算性 の考慮 を含 めた事 業経 営 の 問題 は 、(地 方)都 市再 開発 プ ロジ ェ ク トの構 想 立案 にあ た り、大 変 重要 な位 置 を 占め る と考 え る。 この 問題 は 、再 開発 事 業 構 想 計画 案策 定 作業 上 、計 画 内容や 事 業手 法 との関 わ りあ い も強 く、プ ロジ ェ ク ト実 施 主 体 ・事業 手 法や 資 金調 達 等 、多様 ・多 層 的検 討 を必要 とす る複雑 か つ 困難 な もの で あ る。 しか し、 この よ うな検討 を 充分 にお こな わず 、計 画案 の 初期 条 件 の設 定 を誤 っ た場合 、 開発 後 の経 営努 力 に よ るプ ロジ ェ ク トの収 支 を改 善す る余 地 は か な り限定 され る と考 え られ る。 そ こで本研 究 では 、事 業採 算性,再 開発 効 果(経 済 ・経 営的), プ ロジェ ク トの整備 戦 略,の3視 点 に着 目 し、 これ らの先 取 り的 検討 をお こない 、構 想 計 画案 を評価 す るこ とで 、 よ り手 も ど りが少 な く実 現性 の 高 い計 画案 策 定 のた めの 方法 論 の構 築 を試 み た もの で ある。対 象 地 に は、近 年 開発 計 画 が多 く見 られ 、かつ 、 都 市 部 に比 べ 、 開発 を成 功 に導 く要 因 の内 、 「集 客 性 」 が特 に大 きな ウェイ トを 占め る と考 え られ る地方都 市 を 取 り上 げた。
Studies in Regional Science | 2007
Xuepeng Qian; Mamoru Haruna