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Psycho-oncology | 1999

Hypometabolism in the limbic system of cancer patients observed by positron emission tomography.

Manabu Tashiro; Kazuo Kubota; Masatoshi Itoh; Takashi Yoshioka; Masayuki Yoshida; Yoichi Nakagawa; Daniel Bereczki; Hidetada Sasaki

Brain images obtained by a positron emission tomography with 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose from 19 pretreatment cancer patients with variable cancers except brain cancers were compared with those from 17 inpatients with benign diseases. Relative reduction in regional cerebral metabolism of glucose was found mainly in the limbic structures including the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex, lateral frontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, thalamus, hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus, insulae, and basal ganglia. The regional metabolism tended to be low in the patients who had severe pains which required opiates and morphines, and tended to be preserved in the patients who were already disclosed of their malignancy based on previous studies such as biopsy. Our findings would support that psychological deficits in cancer patients are associated with abnormalities in regional brain metabolism in the limbic system. Copyright

Medical Science Monitor | 2001

Depressive state and regional cerebral activity in cancer patients - A preliminary study

Manabu Tashiro; Freimut D. Juengling; Michael Reinhardt; Michael Mix; Hiroaki Kumano; Kazuo Kubota; Masatoshi Itoh; Hidetada Sasaki; Egbert U. Nitzsche; Ernst Moser

Medical Science Monitor | 2003

High social desirability and prefrontal cortical activity in cancer patients: A preliminary study

Manabu Tashiro; Freimut D. Juengling; Ernst Moser; Michael Reinhardt; Kazuo Kubota; Kazuhiko Yanai; Hidetada Sasaki; Egbert U. Nitzsche; Hiroaki Kumano; Masatoshi Itoh

Medical Science Monitor | 2001

Regional cerebral glucose metabolism of patients with malignant diseases in different clinical phases.

Manabu Tashiro; Kazuo Kubota; Masatoshi Itoh; Nakagawa Y; Kamada M; Takahashi Y; Yoshioka T; Masud M; Hidetada Sasaki

The Lancet | 2000

Psychological response and survival in breast cancer.

Manabu Tashiro; Freimut D. Juengling; Michael Reinhardt; Ernst Moser; Egbert U. Nitzsche

The Japanese journal of nuclear medicine | 2001

[Clinical PET activities in European and Asia-Oceanian countries].

Manabu Tashiro; Kazuo Kubota; Ito M; Fujimoto T; Yamaguchi K; Hidetada Sasaki; Ernst Moser

The Japanese journal of nuclear medicine | 1999

A report on clinical PET activities in Germany

Manabu Tashiro; Kazuo Kubota; Masatoshi Itoh; Hidetada Sasaki; Ernst Moser

Archive | 2015

workloads using positron emission tomography glucose uptake during pedaling exercise at different Evaluation of individual skeletal muscle activity by

Toshihiko Fujimoto; Hiroomi Sensui; Shoichi Watanuki; K. Ishii; Hiroaki Takekura; Manabu Tashiro; Masatoshi Itoh; Mohammad Mehedi Masud; François Aubert; Rolf Gruetter; Lucia Mazzolai; Vladimir Mlynarik; Maxime Pellegrin; Carole Poitry; Kirsi A. Virtanen; Jarna C. Hannukainen; Kari K. Kalliokoski; Jari-Joonas Eskelinen; Ilkka Heinonen; Virva Saunavaara; Anna Kirjavainen

Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts | 2012

[11C]BF-227 PET study in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies

Nobuyuki Okamura; Katsutoshi Furukawa; Manabu Tashiro; Shozo Furumoto; Ryuichi Harada; Hiroyuki Arai; Ren Iwata; Yukitsuka Kudo; Kazuhiko Yanai

Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts | 2012

Voxel-based analyses of amyloid PET using BF-227. Differences in results of 3D-SSP and SPM-based methods

Akira Arai; Tomohiro Kaneta; Nobuyuki Okamura; Manabu Tashiro; Ren Iwata; Hiroshi Fukuda; Shoki Takahashi; Kazuhiko Yanai; Yukitsuka Kudo; Hiroyuki Arai


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Ernst Moser

University of Freiburg

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