Manfred Rimpler
Hochschule Hannover
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Featured researches published by Manfred Rimpler.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1996
J. Steinert; Hosni Khalaf; Manfred Rimpler
Abstract A high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described which allows the separation of thirteen naturally occuring naphthoquinones and anthraquinones as well as a pyranonaphthalene derivative on a reversed-phase column. The separation was achieved under isocratic and gradient conditions. The compounds are known as constituents of the heartwood of Tabebuia avellanedae (Bignoniaceae). Their chromatographic behaviour is compared to that of furanonaphthoquinones known from the inner bark of T. avellanedae.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1995
Jürgen Steinert; Hosni Khalaf; Manfred Rimpler
Abstract A HPLC method for the separation of some naturally occurring naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-diones and related compounds on a RP column is reported. These compounds were determined in aqueous and various non-aqueous extracts of the inner bark of Tabebuia avellanedae (Bignoniaceae). 8-Hydroxy-2-hydroxyethyl-naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione, 2-hydroxyethyl-naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione and 2,3-dihyldro- 2-(1-methylethenyl-)naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione were predominating in all extracts investigated. Lapachol could not be detected in aqueous extracts known as “lapacho tea”.
Analytica Chimica Acta | 1996
J. Steinert; Hosni Khalaf; Wolfgang Keese; Manfred Rimpler
Abstract Thioureas formed by addition of primary and secondary amines to the non-fluorescent 5-isothiocyanato- l ,3-dioxo-2- p -tolyl-2,3-dihydro-1 H -benz[de]isoquinoline were oxidized to the corresponding stable and highly fluorescent thiazoles with large Stokes shifts. The structure of the thiazoles was deduced. Liquid Chromatographic separation of the thiazoles in both normal phase (NP) and reversed phase (RP) systems was achieved. Fluorescence detection limits ranged from 2 to 8 f mol in the RP and NP systems. The fluorescence properties (maximal wavelengths and intensities) of the thiazoles are dependent on the solvent. An application to the determination of 2-phenylethylamine in cocoa powder is given.
Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler | 1985
Wolfgang Keese; Hosni Khalaf; Dagmar Grambow; Günter Grundke; Manfred Rimpler
2-Chloro-1-methylpyridinium iodide is a coupling reagent for peptide synthesis. By its use different peptides were synthesized with protected di- and trifunctional amino acids. While urethan-protected amino acids react free of racemization, the fragment condensation needs N-Hydroxysuccinimide, as shown by the Young test.
Tetrahedron Letters | 1979
Klaus Friedel; G. Jonissek; Armin Bauer; Manfred Rimpler
Abstract Die Synthese der partiell geschutzten Gln 7 -Analoga zweier bakteriostatisch wirkender Nonapeptide aus dem Abwehrsekret der Euroaischen Unke, die in der Primarstruktur groβe Ahnlichkeit mit Bombinin aufweisen, wird beschrieben.
ChemInform | 1969
Manfred Rimpler; A. Schöberl
Ordnungszust~Lnden inne rha lb der Sch ich ten au f t r e t en u n d diese n u r in Scha t t enbe re i chen des A b d r u c k s [2, 3] oder an S c h a t t e n g r e n z e n [4] nachzuwei sen sind, zeigt sich im LysoIezi thin i nne rha lb yon Sch ich tebenen h~uf ig u n d regelm~il3ig aul3erhalb der Scha t t enbe re i che eine l ineare O r d n u n g (Fig. 1). Sie k o m m t d u t c h eine s t l ibchenoder r6hrenfSrmige Phase m i t radia ler A n o r d n u n g der Lysolezi thin-Molekfl le zus tande . Die ane inande r l iegenden s t a b f 6 r m i g e n S t r u k t u r e n ergeben ein aus re i chend t iefes Relief ft~r die Dar s t e l lung m i t der P l a t i n I ( o h l e b e d a m p f u n g , wobei sowohl die Abb i ldung yon S tu fen m i t Scha t t enwur f , als auch Dekora t ionse f fek te eine Rolle spielen. re ichende B e d i n g u n g ffir ihre W i r k s a m k e i t zu sein. I n d iesem Z u s a m m e n h a n g schien es yon Interesse , den Einflul3 der Kettenl~inge yon Nucleins~iuren auf die I n t e r f e r o n I n d u k t i o n zu un t e r suchen . Ve rwende t w u r d e n Misehungen yon Oligocytidyls~iure (Oligo C) mi t Po ly I u n d Oligoinosinsaure (Oligo I) m i t Po ly C u n d yon Oligo C mi t Oligo I. t )ber die Da r s t e l l ung der Oligonucleot ide d u t c h vors icht ige Hydro ly se yon Po lynuc leo t iden mi t N a O H u n d DEAE-Cel lu loseChromatograph ic , den h y p o e h r o m e n Ef fek t der Mischungen u n d den S c h m e l z p u n k t der gebi lde ten Doppe l s td inge wird an andere r Stelle be r ieh te t [6]. Fi~r die I n t e r f e r o n I n d u k i i o n w u r d e n M~use-Per i tonealzel len in Eag le -Medium bet 26 °C n a c h 30 min Vor inkuba t ion 24 h in Gegenwar t des jeweil igen I n d u k t o r s inkubier t . Die In te r fe ron-Ti te r w u r d e n in L-Ze l lku l tu ren nach Z.u.gabe der ent sp r echend ve rd i inn t en I n t e r f e r o n L 6 s u n g (Ube r s t and der Peri tonealzel len) a n h a n d des e y t o p a t h o g e n e n Ef fek t s des EMC-Virus (100 TCD 50) b e s t i m m t [71.
Synthesis | 1987
Günter Grundke; Wolfgang Keese; Manfred Rimpler
European Journal of Organic Chemistry | 1986
Paul H. Gross; Manfred Rimpler
Chemische Berichte | 1985
Günter Grundke; Wolfgang Keese; Manfred Rimpler
Electrophoresis | 1994
Ulf Neumann; Hosni Khalaf; Manfred Rimpler