
Epilepsia | 2004

Gamma knife surgery in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: a prospective multicenter study.

Jean Régis; Marc Rey; Fabrice Bartolomei; Vilibald Vladyka; Roman Liscak; O. Schröttner; Gerhard Pendl

Summary:  Purpose: This article is the first prospective documentation of the efficacy and safety of gamma knife surgery (GKS) in the treatment of drug‐resistant epilepsies of mesial temporal lobe origin.

Anesthesiology | 2007

Differential dynamic of action on cortical and subcortical structures of anesthetic agents during induction of anesthesia.

Lionel Velly; Marc Rey; Nicolas Bruder; François A. Gouvitsos; Tatiana Witjas; Jean Régis; Jean Claude Peragut; François Gouin

Background: Dynamic action of anesthetic agents was compared at cortical and subcortical levels during induction of anesthesia. Unconsciousness involved the cortical brain but suppression of movement in response to noxious stimuli was mediated through subcortical structures. Methods: Twenty-five patients with Parkinson disease, previously implanted with a deep-brain stimulation electrode, were enrolled during the implantation of the definitive pulse generator. During induction of anesthesia with propofol (n = 13) or sevoflurane (n = 12) alone, cortical (EEG) and subcortical (ESCoG) electrogenesis were obtained, respectively, from a frontal montage (F3–C3) and through the deep-brain electrode (p0–p3). In EEG and ESCoG spectral analysis, spectral edge (90%) frequency, median power frequency, and nonlinear analysis dimensional activation calculations were determined. Results: Sevoflurane and propofol decreased EEG and ESCoG activity in a dose-related fashion. EEG values decreased dramatically at loss of consciousness, whereas there was little change in ESCoG values. Quantitative parameters derived from EEG but not from ESCoG were able to predict consciousness versus unconsciousness. Conversely, quantitative parameters derived from ESCoG but not from EEG were able to predict movement in response to laryngoscopy. Conclusion: These data suggest that in humans, unconsciousness mainly involves the cortical brain, but that suppression of movement in response to noxious stimuli is mediated through the effect of anesthetic agents on subcortical structures.

Epilepsia | 1999

Gamma Knife Surgery for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Jean Régis; Fabrice Bartolomei; Marc Rey; Pierre Genton; Franck Semah; Jean-Louis Gastaut; Patrick Chauvel; Jean-Claude Peragut

Summary: Purpose: Gamma knife radiosurgery (GK) allows precise and complete destruction of chosen target structures containing healthy and/or pathologic cells, without significant concomitant or late radiation damage to adjacent tissues. All the well‐documented radiosurgery of epilepsy cases are epilepsies associated with tumors or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Results prompted the idea to test radiosurgery as a new way of treating epilepsy without space‐occupying lesions.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

Thalamic deactivation at sleep onset precedes that of the cerebral cortex in humans

Michel Magnin; Marc Rey; Hélène Bastuji; Philippe Guillemant; François Mauguière; Luis Garcia-Larrea

Thalamic and cortical activities are assumed to be time-locked throughout all vigilance states. Using simultaneous intracortical and intrathalamic recordings, we demonstrate here that the thalamic deactivation occurring at sleep onset most often precedes that of the cortex by several minutes, whereas reactivation of both structures during awakening is synchronized. Delays between thalamus and cortex deactivations can vary from one subject to another when a similar cortical region is considered. In addition, heterogeneity in activity levels throughout the cortical mantle is larger than previously thought during the descent into sleep. Thus, asynchronous thalamo-cortical deactivation while falling asleep probably explains the production of hypnagogic hallucinations by a still-activated cortex and the common self-overestimation of the time needed to fall asleep.

Neurology | 2008

Long-term efficacy of gamma knife radiosurgery in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

Fabrice Bartolomei; Motohiro Hayashi; Manabu Tamura; Marc Rey; C. Fischer; Patrick Chauvel; Jean Régis

Background: Gamma knife (GK) radiosurgery has been proposed as an alternative to classic microsurgery in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Short-term follow-up studies have reported encouraging results, but long-term efficacy is not known. Objective: To report the efficacy and tolerance of GK radiosurgery in MTLE after a follow-up > 5 years. Methods: Patients with a follow-up > 5 years presenting with MTLE and treated with a marginal dose of 24 Gy were included in the study. Results: Fifteen patients were included. Eight were treated on the left side, and 7 were treated on the right. The mean follow-up was 8 years (range 6–10 years). At the last follow-up, 9 of 16 patients (60%) were considered seizure free (Engel Class I) (4/16 in Class IA, 5/16 in Class IB). Seizure cessation occurred with a mean delay of 12 months (± 3) after GK radiosurgery, often preceded by a period of increasing aura or seizure occurrence (6/15 patients). The mean delay of appearance of the first neuroradiologic changes was 12 months (± 4). Nine patients (60%) experienced mild headache and were placed on corticosteroid treatment for a short period. All patients who were initially seizure free experienced a relapse of isolated aura (10/15, 66%) or complex partial seizures (10/15, 66%) during antiepileptic drug tapering. Restoration of treatment resulted in good control of seizures. Conclusion: Gamma knife radiosurgery is an effective and safe treatment for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Results are maintained over time with no additional side effects. Long-term results compare well with those of conventional surgery.

Journal of Neurosurgery | 2000

Gamma knife surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.

Jean Régis; Fabrice Bartolomei; Marc Rey; Motohiro Hayashi; Patrick Chauvel; Jean-Claude Peragut

The purpose of this paper was to note a potential source of error in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Magnetic resonance images were acquired for stereotactic planning for GKS of a vestibular schwannoma in a female patient. The images were acquired using three-dimensional sequence, which has been shown to produce minimal distortion effects. The images were transferred to the planning workstation, but the coronal images were rejected. By examination of the raw data and reconstruction of sagittal images through the localizer side plate, it was clearly seen that the image of the square localizer system was grossly distorted. The patient was returned to the MR imager for further studies and a metal clasp on her brassiere was identified as the cause of the distortion.A-60-year-old man with medically intractable left-sided maxillary division trigeminal neuralgia had severe cardiac disease, was dependent on an internal defibrillator and could not undergo magnetic resonance imaging. The patient was successfully treated using computerized tomography (CT) cisternography and gamma knife radiosurgery. The patient was pain free 2 months after GKS. Contrast cisternography with CT scanning is an excellent alternative imaging modality for the treatment of patients with intractable trigeminal neuralgia who are unable to undergo MR imaging.The authors describe acute deterioration in facial and acoustic neuropathies following radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas. In May 1995, a 26-year-old man, who had no evidence of neurofibromatosis Type 2, was treated with gamma knife radiosurgery (GKS; maximum dose 20 Gy and margin dose 14 Gy) for a right-sided intracanalicular acoustic tumor. Two days after the treatment, he developed headache, vomiting, right-sided facial weakness, tinnitus, and right hearing loss. There was a deterioration of facial nerve function and hearing function from pretreatment values. The facial function worsened from House-Brackmann Grade 1 to 3. Hearing deteriorated from Grade 1 to 5. Magnetic resonance (MR) images, obtained at the same time revealed an obvious decrease in contrast enhancement of the tumor without any change in tumor size or peritumoral edema. Facial nerve function improved gradually and increased to House-Brackmann Grade 2 by 8 months post-GKS. The tumor has been unchanged in size for 5 years, and facial nerve function has also been maintained at Grade 2 with unchanged deafness. This is the first detailed report of immediate facial neuropathy after GKS for acoustic neuroma and MR imaging revealing early possibly toxic changes. Potential explanations for this phenomenon are presented.In clinical follow-up studies after radiosurgery, imaging modalities such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are used. Accurate determination of the residual lesion volume is necessary for realistic assessment of the effects of treatment. Usually, the diameters rather than the volume of the lesion are measured. To determine the lesion volume without using stereotactically defined images, the software program VOLUMESERIES has been developed. VOLUMESERIES is a personal computer-based image analysis tool. Acquired DICOM CT scans and MR image series can be visualized. The region of interest is contoured with the help of the mouse, and then the system calculates the volume of the contoured region and the total volume is given in cubic centimeters. The defined volume is also displayed in reconstructed sagittal and coronal slices. In addition, distance measurements can be performed to measure tumor extent. The accuracy of VOLUMESERIES was checked against stereotactically defined images in the Leksell GammaPlan treatment planning program. A discrepancy in target volumes of approximately 8% was observed between the two methods. This discrepancy is of lesser interest because the method is used to determine the course of the target volume over time, rather than the absolute volume. Moreover, it could be shown that the method was more sensitive than the tumor diameter measurements currently in use. VOLUMESERIES appears to be a valuable tool for assessing residual lesion volume on follow-up images after gamma knife radiosurgery while avoiding the need for stereotactic definition.This study was conducted to evaluate the geometric distortion of angiographic images created from a commonly used digital x-ray imaging system and the performance of a commercially available distortion-correction computer program. A 12 x 12 x 12-cm wood phantom was constructed. Lead shots, 2 mm in diameter, were attached to the surfaces of the phantom. The phantom was then placed inside the angiographic localizer. Cut films (frontal and lateral analog films) of the phantom were obtained. The films were analyzed using GammaPlan target series 4.12. The same procedure was repeated with a digital x-ray imaging system equipped with a computer program to correct the geometric distortion. The distortion of the two sets of digital images was evaluated using the coordinates of the lead shots from the cut films as references. The coordinates of all lead shots obtained from digital images and corrected by the computer program coincided within 0.5 mm of those obtained from cut films. The average difference is 0.28 mm with a standard deviation of 0.01 mm. On the other hand, the coordinates obtained from digital images with and without correction can differ by as much as 3.4 mm. The average difference is 1.53 mm, with a standard deviation of 0.67 mm. The investigated computer program can reduce the geometric distortion of digital images from a commonly used x-ray imaging system to less than 0.5 mm. Therefore, they are suitable for the localization of arteriovenous malformations and other vascular targets in gamma knife radiosurgery.

Nature Communications | 2017

Coordination of cortical and thalamic activity during non-REM sleep in humans

Rachel A. Mak-McCully; Matthieu Rolland; Anna Sargsyan; Chris Gonzalez; Michel Magnin; Patrick Chauvel; Marc Rey; Hélène Bastuji; Eric Halgren

Every night, the human brain produces thousands of downstates and spindles during non-REM sleep. Previous studies indicate that spindles originate thalamically and downstates cortically, loosely grouping spindle occurrence. However, the mechanisms whereby the thalamus and cortex interact in generating these sleep phenomena remain poorly understood. Using bipolar depth recordings, we report here a sequence wherein: (1) convergent cortical downstates lead thalamic downstates; (2) thalamic downstates hyperpolarize thalamic cells, thus triggering spindles; and (3) thalamic spindles are focally projected back to cortex, arriving during the down-to-upstate transition when the cortex replays memories. Thalamic intrinsic currents, therefore, may not be continuously available during non-REM sleep, permitting the cortex to control thalamic spindling by inducing downstates. This archetypical cortico-thalamo-cortical sequence could provide the global physiological context for memory consolidation during non-REM sleep.

PLOS Computational Biology | 2014

Synchronization of isolated downstates (K-complexes) may be caused by cortically-induced disruption of thalamic spindling.

Rachel A. Mak-McCully; Stephen R. Deiss; Burke Q. Rosen; Ki-Young Jung; Terrence J. Sejnowski; Hélène Bastuji; Marc Rey; Sydney S. Cash; Maxim Bazhenov; Eric Halgren

Sleep spindles and K-complexes (KCs) define stage 2 NREM sleep (N2) in humans. We recently showed that KCs are isolated downstates characterized by widespread cortical silence. We demonstrate here that KCs can be quasi-synchronous across scalp EEG and across much of the cortex using electrocorticography (ECOG) and localized transcortical recordings (bipolar SEEG). We examine the mechanism of synchronous KC production by creating the first conductance based thalamocortical network model of N2 sleep to generate both spontaneous spindles and KCs. Spontaneous KCs are only observed when the model includes diffuse projections from restricted prefrontal areas to the thalamic reticular nucleus (RE), consistent with recent anatomical findings in rhesus monkeys. Modeled KCs begin with a spontaneous focal depolarization of the prefrontal neurons, followed by depolarization of the RE. Surprisingly, the RE depolarization leads to decreased firing due to disrupted spindling, which in turn is due to depolarization-induced inactivation of the low-threshold Ca2+ current (IT). Further, although the RE inhibits thalamocortical (TC) neurons, decreased RE firing causes decreased TC cell firing, again because of disrupted spindling. The resulting abrupt removal of excitatory input to cortical pyramidal neurons then leads to the downstate. Empirically, KCs may also be evoked by sensory stimuli while maintaining sleep. We reproduce this phenomenon in the model by depolarization of either the RE or the widely-projecting prefrontal neurons. Again, disruption of thalamic spindling plays a key role. Higher levels of RE stimulation also cause downstates, but by directly inhibiting the TC neurons. SEEG recordings from the thalamus and cortex in a single patient demonstrated the model prediction that thalamic spindling significantly decreases before KC onset. In conclusion, we show empirically that KCs can be widespread quasi-synchronous cortical downstates, and demonstrate with the first model of stage 2 NREM sleep a possible mechanism whereby this widespread synchrony may arise.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2018

Theta bursts precede, and spindles follow, cortical and thalamic downstates in human NREM sleep

Christopher Gonzalez; Rachel Mak-McCully; Burke Q. Rosen; Sydney S. Cash; Patrick Chauvel; Hélène Bastuji; Marc Rey; Eric Halgren

Since their discovery, slow oscillations have been observed to group spindles during non-REM sleep. Previous studies assert that the slow-oscillation downstate (DS) is preceded by slow spindles (10–12 Hz) and followed by fast spindles (12–16 Hz). Here, using both direct transcortical recordings in patients with intractable epilepsy (n = 10, 8 female), as well as scalp EEG recordings from a healthy cohort (n = 3, 1 female), we find in multiple cortical areas that both slow and fast spindles follow the DS. Although discrete oscillations do precede DSs, they are theta bursts (TBs) centered at 5–8 Hz. TBs were more pronounced for DSs in NREM stage 2 (N2) sleep compared with N3. TB with similar properties occur in the thalamus, but unlike spindles they have no clear temporal relationship with cortical TB. These differences in corticothalamic dynamics, as well as differences between spindles and theta in coupling high-frequency content, are consistent with NREM theta having separate generative mechanisms from spindles. The final inhibitory cycle of the TB coincides with the DS peak, suggesting that in N2, TB may help trigger the DS. Since the transition to N1 is marked by the appearance of theta, and the transition to N2 by the appearance of DS and thus spindles, a role of TB in triggering DS could help explain the sequence of electrophysiological events characterizing sleep. Finally, the coordinated appearance of spindles and DSs are implicated in memory consolidation processes, and the current findings redefine their temporal coupling with theta during NREM sleep. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Sleep is characterized by large slow waves which modulate brain activity. Prominent among these are downstates (DSs), periods of a few tenths of a second when most cells stop firing, and spindles, oscillations at ∼12 times a second lasting for ∼a second. In this study, we provide the first detailed description of another kind of sleep wave: theta bursts (TBs), a brief oscillation at ∼six cycles per second. We show, recording during natural sleep directly from the human cortex and thalamus, as well as on the scalp, that TBs precede, and spindles follow DSs. TBs may help trigger DSs in some circumstances, and could organize cortical and thalamic activity so that memories can be consolidated during sleep.

bioRxiv | 2017

The Generation and Propagation of the Human Alpha Rhythm

Milan Halgren; Orrin Devinsky; Werner K. Doyle; Hélène Bastuji; Marc Rey; Rachel Mak-McCully; Patrick Chauvel; István Ulbert; Dániel Fabó; Lucia Wittner; Gary Heit; Emad N. Eskandar; Arnold J. Mandell; Sydney S. Cash

The alpha rhythm (7-13 Hz) is the longest studied brain oscillation and has been theorized to play a key role in cognition. Still, substantial uncertainty remains over its physiology. In this study, we used micro and macro electrodes in patients undergoing surgery for epilepsy to measure the intracortical and thalamic generators of the human alpha rhythm. We first found that alpha propagates from higher-order anterosuperior cortex towards the lower-order occipital poles, consistent with alpha effecting top-down processing. This cortical alpha drives thalamic alpha, reversing prevailing theories of a thalamic alpha pacemaker. Finally, alpha is dominated by currents and firing in supragranular cortex, contravening the popular conception of alpha as an infragranular rhythm. Together, these results demonstrate that the alpha rhythm reflects short-range supragranular feedback which propagates from higher-order to lower order cortex and cortex to thalamus. These physiological insights explain how alpha could mediate feedback throughout the thalamocortical system.

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